
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Blunder Over Michigan

Please watch this space for exclusive updates about the Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) “Blunder Over Michigan”, the largest waste of taxpayer dollars in Michigan history!

MDOT Clown Patrol – Site Updates

Many thanks to great volunteers & contributors MDOT Clown Patrol is fully funded & staffed thru December 31, 2029. This is truly a marathon NOT a sprint!

NOTE: “Table of Contents” quick links tool to aid navigation/browsing, when scrolling note “Up Arrow” in lower right hand corner to quickly return back to top.

There is so much new information coming, reorganizing, updating & adding links etc. it’s almost impossible to keep up! Please check back often!

MDOT Clown Patrol YouTube Channel

Please SEE new MDOT Clown Patrol YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@MDOTClownPatrol. Literally hundreds more videos on the way . . .

State, National & International Sister Sites, Organizations & Coalitions Update

A prominent Sister site + associated YouTube channel, with many more to come, please check back often, thank you for your patience:

  • Close 1D2 – Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport | Families for a Better Community
  • @close 1D2 – YouTube.

A few prime examples from Michigan Department of Transportation Owned Canton Plymouth Michigan (1d2) “Extreme Toxic Noise Pollution” AKA “Disturbing the Peace” & “Public Nuisance” including Aerial Intimidation, Bullying, Harassment and Stalking AKA Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) from these Community Pariah and more:

BTW: these YouTube video examples were included in Official Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requested Public complaints & feedback. Unfortunately the FAA has NOT responded at any level to ANY requested complaints & feedback from the Public whatsoever!

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) “Frat House” Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) videos:

  • Ford Eagles flying club DLFH (html) (7:34m).  MDOT appointed Assistant Airport Managers & Boot Lickers.
  • Dawn Patrol flying club DLFH (html) (6:39m). MDOT Pals, Fanboys, Cronies & Boot Lickers.
  • N761TE DLFH (html) (1:08m). Draegerweb Aviation LLC (html). Very Skillful DLFH originating from MDOT Owned Luxury Airpark catering to approximately 15 palatial homes!
  • N110PF DLFH (html) (1:02m). The University Of Detroit flying club Inc (html).
  • Civil Air Patrol (CAP) GLR MI183 DLFH AKA Swivel Chair Patrol AKA Civil Air Pariah Part-1 (html) (1:04m).
  • Civil Air Patrol (CAP) GLR MI183 DLFH AKA Swivel Chair Patrol AKA Civil Air Pariah Part-2 (html) (1:58m).
  • Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Gang DLFH (N813CP N934CP N966CP N976CP N992CP) AKA Swivel Chair Patrol AKA Civil Air Pariah Part-3 (html) (2:32m).
  • Rotorcraft Helicopter DLFH (html) (11:49m).
  • Take Off DLFH (html) (6:49m).
  • Landing DLFH (html) (4:01m).
  • Misc DLFH (html) (2:55m).
  • Top 20 DLFH (html) (2:39m).
  • Literally Hundreds more DLFH evidence videos to come, many just 50ft over homes!

50 Years of 1d2 MDOT Bullying, Deception & Lies (and Crashes)!

Additionally, please see detailed information regarding the long history of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Bullying, Deception & Outright Lies:

NEW: 1d2 Public Safety Threat Crashing Flying Junk Piles (FJPs) (html) (8:38m) – Youtube | @MDOTClownPatrol.

NOBODY wants FATAL Crashes or ANY HELICOPTER crashes into Canton Township densely populated Neighborhoods or any of the many Nearby P-CCS Schools.

Canton Township Michigan Densely Populated Neighborhoods have Over 2700 People per square mile. There are 25 Nearby Plymouth-Canton Community or P-CCS Schools consisting of: 14 elementary schools, 5 middle schools, “4 High schools and 2 Early learning center schools, with Over 16,300 students.

It should be quite obvious Helicopter Flying Junk Piles (FJPs) are very dangerous aerial assets and do not belong in Canton Township Michigan densely populated neighborhoods near homes And Plymouth Canton Community P-CCS Schools. Industrial aviation facilities are available literally just minutes away at Willow Run YIP airport!

It’s time to CLOSE the Michigan Department of Transportation Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Airstrip, to STOP  the Largest Waste of Taxpayer Dollars in Michigan History Starting with 1d2 “Frat House / Playpen”, and PROTECT Canton Township Taxpayers literally Sick & Tired of 50 continuous years of Zero Safety, Toxic Noise, Toxic People, Toxic Pollution and Wasted Tax Dollars for ELITE PRIVILEGED handful of Community Pariah from other communities! See supporting Newspaper (remember those?) refs, History (partial) and New Flying Junk Pile (FJP) Crashes dropping like flies.

  • MDOT owned Plymouth Canton Mettetal 1d2 frat house crashes History Newspapers (pdf)
  • MDOT owned Plymouth Canton Mettetal 1d2 frat house crashes History (pdf)
  • MDOT owned Plymouth Canton Mettetal 1d2 frat house crashes New (pdf)

See Previous discussions here:

  • Part 1: 1d2 “Frat House” – 50 Years of MDOT Bullying, Deception & Lies (html) (35:50m)
  • Part 2: 1d2 “Frat House” – 50 Years of MDOT Bullying, Deception & Lies) (html)(28:40m)

Local, County, State, Federal Authorities: No Protection, No Relief, No Environmental Justice & No Public Mention Anywhere

Canton Township Michigan, Plymouth Township Michigan, Wayne County Michigan, the State of Michigan or ANY Federal Authorities cannot or won’t even make ANY public comment about the completely “Out of Control” Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) “Frat House” ignoring radio announcements, no ADS-B, completely ignoring basic FAA safety procedures!

  • P-CCS Hulsing Elementary School 8055 Fleet St., Canton, MI  48187 (Directly across the street, ~200 meters, ~270 steps from 1d2 Mettetal run-up area Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) poisoning!)
  • Plymouth Christian Academy, 43065 Joy Rd, Canton, MI 48187 (Directly across the street, ~200 meters,  ~248 steps from 1d2 Mettetal run-up area Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) poisoning!)
  • P-CCS East Middle School 1042 South Mill St., Plymouth, MI  48170 (Just down the street, ~950 meters, ~1230 steps from 1d2 Mettetal Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) poisoning!).

Less than 600 elementary schools in the entire USA are 500 meters or less from airstrip 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel AKA AVGAS with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) usage and Extreme Toxic Noise Pollution. Repeated attempts to notify local authorities have been met with ZERO response, ZERO public comment, ZERO anything. Here are three most current attempts.

  • 03-17-2024 email to: Canton Township Michigan Supervisor Anne Marie Graham-Hudak, Canton Township Board of Trustees, Canton Township Planning Commission (pdf)
  • 03-24-2024 email to: Plymouth-Canton Community Schools (P-CCS) Superintendent of Schools Dr. Monica Merritt, P-CCS Board of Education, P-CCS Parent Council (pdf)
  • 04-02-2024 email to: Plymouth Township Michigan Supervisor Kurt Heise, Plymouth Township Board of Trustees, Plymouth Township Planning and Zoning Department (pdf)

News Flash • Canton Recognized once again for Environmental Leadership (html) 05-21-2024. What does that even mean exactly? Leadership leading to what & where & for who? Environmental excellence crock of exaggerations & imaginary seals, medals or certifications for what? None of this intangible nonsense ‘protects’ anything tangible including anyone or anything!

Nobody in Canton Township Michigan really seems to care? All “Environmental” bluster & talk! Why isn’t anyone protecting children in their schools? Why isn’t anyone protecting surrounding densely populated neighborhoods? What’s wrong with this picture? Seems like ALL authorities are waiting for yet another 1d2 related aircraft crash to draw attention to this ludicrous MDOT owned Elite Hobby Sport Recreation Social Entertainment Venue/Playpen? There is ZERO protection from constant repeated aerial intimidation, bullying, harassment, and stalking 24 x 7 x 365!

Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist 2024 Annual Fathers Days Pancake Breakfast Fly-In “Fund Raising” Debacle Sunday June 16, 2024 from 7am – 11am ET Rain or Shine

Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist 2024 Annual Fathers Days Pancake Breakfast Fly-In (pdf) “Fund Raising” Debacle Sunday June 16, 2024 from 7am – 11am ET Rain or Shine at Michigan Department of Transportation owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Personal Hobby Sport Recreational Social Entertainment Venue: Elite Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Deep State Event, Elite Special, Privileged Preferential use of State of Michigan Web Site for advertising, State of Michigan Property, Facilities & Resources for Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist “Fund Raising” at Michigan Taxpayer expense. None of this is generally available to General Michigan taxpayers at any cost!

Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 113 Father’s Day Fly-in June 16, 2024 7:00-11:00am ET Rain or Shine: The Real Community Pariah. NOTE: there are so many more pariah not listed here that fly all the way across the state or live in Bellville, Livonia, Northville, Novi, Whitmore Lake, Milford, Waterford, Howell, West Bloomfield, Tecumseh, Ann Arbor, etc. e.g.  communities not even remotely connected to Canton Township Michigan and have absolutely “No Vested Interest in the Community, Neighborhoods or Schools”. They come to “Camp Out” at MDOT owned 1d2 Play Pen and “Protest Their Right to Fly”.

  • Flying Junk Piles (FJPs) that have nothing to do with anything just like old car clubs & cars e.g. Ford Pintos or GM Corvairs.
  • Outsiders with no vested interest in the community, neighborhoods or schools!
  • Handful of Local Community Pariah that demand their personal convenience outweigh Public Health, Safety & Welfare.

Like “flies on poop”, they just show up out nowhere. Untraceable leaving no visible path from their originating location, truly a terrorist’s dream! A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) nightmare. It’s possible to fly anywhere you want without leaving any trace of where you came from or where you end up! Here is a partial list (some literally untraceable) from available ADS-B and FlightAware data regarding the latest Special Interest & industry Lobbyists Fly-In Debacle:

Additional Video Information:

  • EAA 113 Fathers Day Fly-In Fund Raising Debacle (Playlist)
  • Typical MDOT owned 1d2 Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment DLFH COMBINED (video) (4:37m)
  • MDOT Clown Patrol Bullying Lies & 1d2 Frat House Full episode (video) (59:30m)
  • MDOT Clown Patrol Bullying Lies & 1d2 Frat House Part 1 (video) (35:50m)
  • MDOT Clown Patrol Bullying Lies & 1d2 Frat House Part 2 (video) (28:40m)

Canton Observer | February 17, 2000| SEE: “Airport no blessing”

An ageless Editorial Public Opinion [full original (pdf) 38mb, SEE: “Airport no blessing”] from 25 years ago echoes the same garbage that’s still happening today! Except the Extreme Toxic Noise Pollution “disturbing the peace” & “public nuisance” including aerial intimidation, bullying, harassment and stalking AKA Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) attacks are steadily increasing in number and frequency. Emboldened with impunity disregarding FAA Safety procedures e.g. No Radio announcement, No Callsign & No ADS-B period. The FAA FSDO has been notified and is consulting on “formal complaints & actions” to hold those responsible accountable for their creepy, dangerous & despicable actions.

“What a wonderful article on Mettetal Airport! (Observer, Jan .30) Wonderful for whom? While there are some who are happy with the outcome of the purchase of Mettetal Airport by the State of Michigan. I’m sure the residents of northeastern Canton are anything but pleased.

I have lived near Hanford and Lilley for 25 years and had no objection to the state purchasing Mettetal Airport; as it was here before I was and I had no problem with the planes.

After the last Six years, however, I wish it (the airport) had gone away. The amount of air traffic coming over my house is becoming intolerable. Having your house buzzed by these planes is not particularly enjoyable. Many of these planes come spitting and sputtering so close to the top of your house, you wonder if they are going to crash on the roof.

Fly-In pancake breakfasts may be fun for those flying in and out, but is not for those of us who have to listen to planes landing or taking off over our houses every one-two minutes, hour after hour, after hour, after hour. Etc. I am sick and tired of the noise. It makes me incredibly angry.

If the activity level hadn’t increased so dramatically, I still would not have any objection to the airport. Little did I realize that when the state bought the airport, air traffic would triple in five years time. Now, there are plans for adding additional hangars; which, of course, means more takeoffs and landings.

How much more? There needs to be some limit put on the activity in and out of that airport. Wasn’t this considered when the state purchased the airport? Didn’t our wonderful Canton Board of Trustees, who are so concerned over “quality of life” in Canton, address this issue? If not, maybe it’s time that they did.

After all. Northeast Canton is still part of Canton and “quality of life” is just important here as it is west of Canton Center Road.

Mary Jane Schoeneman, Canton”

Sadly, absolutely NOTHING at 1d2 has changed in 25 years and it appears NOBODY is willing to do ANYTHING to protect ANYONE or ANYTHING!

End of Updates

Many thanks to A2 Hosting an Ann Arbor, Michigan company with excellent support staff & great performance!

Question: How can you tell when the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is Lying?
Answer: When their mouth or their propellers are moving.

The four pillars of aviation impacted communities:
Politics. Money. Lobbyists. Special Interests.
It’s not rocket science . . .

MDOT Clown Patrol – Mission Statement & Goals

The primary MDOT Clown Patrol mission:

“Promote and protect the Health, Safety and Welfare of vulnerable populations from Toxic Aviation Impacts.”

The primary goal:

  • CLOSE Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned & operated 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Hobby, Sport, Recreational, Social Entertainment Venue airstrip to protect the Health, Safety and Welfare of pregnant women, babies, school children and elderly from Toxic Aviation Impacts.

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned & operated property location & addresses are:

Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport (1D2)
Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal AP
Mettetal Airport
8550 N Lilley Road
8512 N Lilley Road Canton, MI 48187
Phone: tel:734-459-0012

The secondary goal:

  • EXPOSE Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) subterfuge: actions, inactions (acquiesce), “willful neglect”, professional negligence & malpractice, deception, misleading disinformation, withheld, obscured and even hidden information, ploys to mark public info ‘confidential’, outright lies, intimidation, harassment, lack of oversight, direction, transparency & accountability, abuse of power, malfeasance, multiple conflicts of interest at many levels, phony fraudulent budgets, phony email, phone numbers and web site addresses, purposely vague useless non-sequitur public statements, definitions, commitments and agreements. This includes THE largest waste of taxpayer money in the history of Michigan!

Let’s NOT forget: “willful neglect” means conscious, intentional failure or reckless indifference to an obligation to comply with any governmental or administrative duty & responsibility to protect ALL Michigan citizens Health, Safety and Welfare including individual bodily integrity protected by the United States Constitution.

From a distance it’s easy to see and expose MDOT behavior and actions for what they are. These are certainly NOT isolated incidents but premeditated calculated & predictable modus operandi over long periods of time, years in fact! MDOT acts on and takes advantage of political cycles over years to beat down any resistance with the hope and likelihood that people forget what MDOT previously stated, agreed or committed to. The twisted MDOT intentions never seem to change, period.

NOTE: this site has nothing to do with controversial politics, political statements, threats or intentional harm, misinformation, disinformation, unsupported unfounded or disproven conspiracy theories or extremist ideologies. Rather this site is based on proven verifiable technological, scientific and medical evidence, data & facts with direct links (URLs) to appropriate and reputable Subject Matter Expert (SME) information, data, knowledge and expertise so people can decide for themselves.

Canton Township, Plymouth Township and the city of Plymouth are truly great places to live, work, shop, raise a family, attend school and play. These vibrant diverse communities certainly do NOT deserve the continued abuse from the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC) and their Cronies plus family & friends, and the many Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists amongst all of them. BTW: this inclusive group is commonly referred to as the “Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Clown Patrol” on this site.

It should also be noted that MDOT has become a “Retirement Home” for many (current and past) Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists, especially individuals relating to MDOT or Michigan Aeronautical Commission (MAC) activities, cronies, families or friends or have successfully “burrowed in” MDOT or Michigan County Airport payrolls for a taxpayer provided lifetime of protection, immunity and impunity.

The problem with “burrowing in” is that it diminishes trust in the merit system. Even when appointees are highly qualified, few observers trust that the appointment or hiring process was fair. Michigan citizens need to know that their government is not utilizing people based on their politics, conflicts of interest, Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist agendas, special abilities or lack thereof to take advantage of public funding abusing taxpayer money.

The MDOT Clown Patrol has been collectively running rough shod over surrounding communities for way over 30 Years and counting. Over the years senior MDOT officials have systematically influenced & undermined regulations & legislation blatantly & consistently ignored taxpayer protections & wishes and even laugh, boast and brag about it on Special Interests & Industry Lobbyist web sites as badges of honor.

P-CCS Schools thank MAC + MDOT Stooges
for Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)

In aviation impacted communities across the United States and around the globe many citizens see the majority of airstrips as “Aviation Liabilities” and “Public Nuisances” rather than an “Aviation Assets”. Most are NOT real airports with ANY generally redeeming value to surrounding communities.

There is truly a proven need for the small percentage of real airports that actually provide real demonstrable transportation needs, real jobs and real tax revenues, many others are simply self-perpetuating hobby, sport, recreational entertainment social venues that enable increased non-essential aircraft, including helicopter take-offs, landings, accidents & crashes, coupled with “disturbing the peace” and “public nuisance” revenge fly-bys intended to harass and intimidate leading to unnecessary:

  • Adverse Health, Safety and Welfare impacts
  • Environmental impacts of toxic pollution & noise pollution
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Reduced Community desirability & property valuation
  • Wasted taxpayer money

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is the negation of the principles and commitments that protect us all, it is everyone’s business and in their own best interest to expose & stop MDOT immediately for future generations.

It’s way past time for the State of Michigan to “Fix the damn MDOT!”

Executive Summary

Here is brief outline of the Key Facts & Takeaways used to justify the Primary Goal of “Closing MDOT Owned 1d2 airstrip” stated above:

  • MDOT 1d2 Expansion increases = 100+% increase of aircraft hangars
  • 100+% increase of aircraft = increased 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) usage
  • increased 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) usage = Increased Toxic Lead  PM2.5
  • Increased Toxic Lead PM2.5 = Increased Blood Lead Level (BLL), children living within 2 kilometers (1.24 miles) of airports in Michigan have “odds that a child’s [blood lead levels] will eclipse CDC thresholds for concern increases dose-responsively in proximity to airports” linked by time and spatially referenced Blood Lead Level (BLL) data from 1,043,391 Michigan children to 448 airports in Michigan. More precisely, the likelihood of a child’s BLL exceeding 5 μg/dL for a standard deviation in Piston Engine Aircraft (PEA) traffic is higher for children residing <2km relative to children residing >2km from an airport.
  • Increased BLL = 47% increase of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Plymouth Canton Community School System (PCCS) students
  • NOTE: see EPA PM2.5 comparison (image).

MDOT Exploits Loopholes & ‘Plays’ the System: Hiding Behind Outdated Regulations While Hiding Behind NO Regulations at All

  • Leaded aviation fuel is NOT regulated (EPA, FAA, OSHA, DoD, etc.)
  • Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) in aviation fuel is NOT regulated
  • Legacy Lead Testing
    • BLL – outdated, inadequate (No SoM mandatory testing)
    • Soil – outdated, inadequate
    • Air – outdated, inadequate
    • Water – std testing / accuracy to PPB in “potable” water system with plumbing, NOT required elsewhere
  • Outdated Legacy Lead Testing Levels within limits (CYA legal) now known to be toxic, damaging

Additional Facts and Takeaways

  • TEL + EDB = known Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) (same as PFAS chemical family, etc.) ignored by MDOT
  • Large amount of emerging  medical & technical reports & knowledge regarding impact & testing for complex chemical compounds (mixtures) including TEL + EDB + PFAS family + others ignored by MDOT.
  • Myth: Simply “replacing” TEL & EDB with other untested patented proprietary chemical compounds does NOT automatically reduce toxic aviation impacts for schools, densely populated neighborhoods and vulnerable populations. Additionally, who cleans up and pays for the current TEL + EDB mess before running off to solve all long term societal aviation impacts with the next phony “shiny new” chemical mess?

Nobody should underplay the danger of lead poisoning from leaded aviation fuel which can degrade public trust. Overplaying the danger can focus attention on the wrong things.

To date there has been absolutely ZERO substantive public statement(s) from any responsible party or parties(s) at the Local, County, State of Michigan or Federal level regarding any MDOT Toxic Aviation Impacts anywhere in the State of Michigan. The MDOT Policy to protect the Health, Safety and Welfare of anyone in Michigan is clear.

Short of zero “legal” responsibility & zero accountability, MDOT lacks any “moral” or “ethical” fiber, fortitude or integrity and has failed miserably to exercise ANY due care and attention for vulnerable populations while continuing to openly and publicly acquiesce. MDOT silence is complicity, and the roar of MDOT “silence” is truly deafening and pathetic!

When it comes to Negative Aviation Impacts, MDOT doesn’t see anything, say anything or hear anything, period.

Simply put, the focus should be on prevention, removal, and remediation at the source of Toxic Aviation Impacts on communities and densely populated neighborhoods, schools and rehabilitation & assisted living facilities. The facts are backed up and supported by a voluminous amount of SME technological, scientific and medical evidence.

To eliminate Toxic Aviation Impacts at the source it’s finally time to Close MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” airstrip. This will protect  PCCS Schools, vulnerable populations & densely populated neighborhoods and  eliminating duplicate facilities saving Taxpayer Money. This is easily accomplished by  moving these non-essential activities to existing and more appropriate Aviation Facilities including: Ann Arbor (html) Airport (KARB), Oakland County (html) International Airport (KPTK), Oakland County (html) Troy Airport (KVLL), Oakland County (html) Southwest Airport (KY47), Willow Run Airport (KYIP).

2022 – 2023 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Endangerment Finding, Regulatory Control & Phase-out Process

NOTE: SEE TAB “EPA Aviation Lead” for more details.

  • Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel Calls on EPA to Strengthen Protections Against Childhood Lead Poisoning (html) 03-21-2022 | MI AG. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel joined a coalition of 19 state Attorneys General including the AGs of New York, California, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin in calling on the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to strengthen protections against lead poisoning. In the comments, the coalition credits the EPA’s Draft Lead Strategy for identifying government-led approaches to increasing public health protections, addressing legacy lead contamination for communities with the greatest exposures, and promoting environmental justice. However, the coalition’s comments identify numerous other measures necessary to strengthen the Strategy by aggressively targeting hazards posed by lead in paint, drinking water, soils, aviation fuel, air, food, and through occupational and take-home exposures.
  • EPA committed January 12, 2022 to Leaded Aviation Fuel Endangerment Finding for 2022 with review & comment period, with 2023 implementation with other Federal Agencies including the FAA. The EPA Endangerment Finding is the first step required for regulation of Leaded Aviation Fuel.
  • The latest request to EPA to “review and evaluate” whether emissions from piston-engine aircraft operating on leaded fuel — the largest source of atmospheric lead pollution — endanger public health and welfare was initiated in response to petitions EPA received in August 2021. An updated petition, October 2021, was filed by Earthjustice (html) on behalf of Alaska Community Action on Toxics (html), Center for Environmental Health (html), County of Santa Clara, California (html), Friends of the Earth (html), Town of Middleton, Wisconsin (html), Montgomery-Gibbs Environmental Coalition (html), and Oregon Aviation Watch (html).
  • The EPA Endangerment Finding regarding lead emissions from GA aircraft was initiated in 2006 and stalled (artificially) by Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists. In 2012 EPA said it planned to issue an endangerment finding in 2015 and did not. EPA committed to making this endangerment finding by 2023. Over 5 million people, including more than 363,000 children under the age of 5, live near airports where piston-engine aircraft operate, and over 160,000 children attend schools near these airports according to EPA. Every day of delay means more people are needlessly harmed by lead emissions from aircraft.
  • FAA announces Eliminate Aviation Gasoline Lead Emissions (EAGLE) initiative on February 23, 2022 that seeks to eliminate leaded avgas, BUT would allow its use until the end of 2030. This represents the official FAA response with related Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist continued “Greenwashing” spin on toxic aviation impacts. This is a similar marketing tactic to calling “Aviation Fuel” as Avgas, sounds pretty innocent right? Truth is Aviation Fuel isn’t chemically much like automobile gasoline at all!
Waiting until 2030 translates into TOO many more years of Toxic Aviation Impacts

If MDOT Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Hobby, Sport, Recreational Social Entertainment Venue is NOT Closed Down, waiting until 2030 to eliminate Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) and Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) translates into many more unnecessary years of Toxic Aviation Impacts on PCCS Schools, vulnerable populations & densely populated neighborhoods for absolutely NO REASON other than the convenience of a miniscule group of Elite Privileged Entitled Hostile Threatening Volatile Flying Evil Clowns, Weekend Warriors & Extremists including MDOT & their Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist cronies, family & friends. SEE: “EPA Lead” PAGE for more details.

June 2022 Quartz Special Report with Support from the Pulitzer Center Regarding 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) and Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning

New data, research, facts, information & knowledge emerges almost daily, it’s almost impossible to keep up with truly troubling information regarding 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) and Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning. Why is this taking so long and why isn’t anyone doing anything, even discussing or mentioning this topic in Michigan? Such a tragic waste with simple solutions! First a couple of recent related updates:

  • Bioaccumulation of lead (Pb) and its effects on human (html) (pdf) August 2022 : A review – ScienceDirect. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hazadv.2022.100094. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances,Volume 7, August 2022. Details the health effects in humans due to long-term exposure to lead. Lead poisoning affects most organs in both children and adults. Preventing exposure to lead is the primary therapy. Keeping in mind that once lead enters the body, it cannot be totally removed.
  • Are air pollution particles capable of damaging the brain? (html) 06-27-2022 | Medical News Today. PM 0.1 particles are believed to be the most hazardous to human health since they are so infinitesimal they can evade the body’s defenses, internal barriers against intrusive foreign matter, and even the immune system’s sentinel cells. It appears that some of the metal ions are particularly bad.
  • Passage of exogeneous fine particles from the lung into the brain in humans and animals (html) (pdf) 06-22-2022 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). https://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2117083119.
  • Inhaled Pollutants Go Directly From Lungs to Brain: Study (html) 06-22-2022| Health News | US News. Once these particles reach the brain, they stay there longer than in other main metabolic organs, Lynch and her colleagues said. The team noted that recent evidence has shown a strong link between high levels of air pollution and marked neuroinflammation, Alzheimer’s-like changes and cognitive problems in older people and even in children.
  • Inhaled toxic particles take direct route from lungs to brain (html)  06-20-2022 – study – University of Birmingham. The data suggests that up to eight times the number of fine particles may reach the brain by travelling, via the bloodstream, from the lungs than pass directly via the nose – adding new evidence on the relationship between air pollution and detrimental effects of such particles on the brain.
  • Inhaled Toxic Particles Take Direct Route from Lungs to Brain (html) 06-20-2022 – Neuroscience News. The study (html) was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
  • Cardiovascular Mortality and Leaded Aviation Fuel [100LL AKA Avgas]: Evidence from Piston-Engine Air Traffic in North Carolina (html) (pdf) 04-22-2022| International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) Special Issue Effect of Air Pollution Exposure on Children and Elderly’s Health and Neurological Functions. Leaded fuel used by piston-engine aircraft is the largest source of airborne lead emissions in the United States. We found higher rates of cardiovascular mortality within a few kilometers downwind of single- and multi-runway airports. We also found significantly higher cardiovascular mortality rates within a few kilometers and downwind of single-runway airports in years with more piston-engine air traffic. These results suggest that (i) reducing lead emissions from aviation could yield health benefits for adults, and (ii) more refined data are needed to obtain more precise estimates of these benefits.
  • Half of US population exposed to adverse lead levels in early childhood (html) 03-07-2022 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS).
  • How air pollution threatens brain health (html) (pdf) 06-23-2020 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) of the United States of America. Cory-Slechta’s research has largely focused on lead and mercury, neurotoxic metals that are abundant in air pollution. “Ultrafine particles are like little Trojan horses,” she says.
  • Myths & Realities of Leaded Aviation Fuel (pdf) September 2016. Prepared by Center for Environmental Health (CEH) for Friends of the Earth (FoE).

Special report regarding Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) Quartz | Pulitzer Center

  • Toxic FuelQuartz.  06-16-2022 – A special report regarding Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel. Automobiles in the US haven’t run on leaded gasoline for decades. Why is it taking so long to get the lead out of fuel for small airplanes? With support from the Pulitzer Center (home), Quartz investigated the forces that have kept leaded aviation gasoline in use, exposing a new generation of Americans to a toxic substance known to irreparably harm brain development in children.
  • Do you live near enough to a small airport to have lead exposure? (html). Families need to know that living within 13 blocks of a small airport will likely result in an elevation of their child’s blood lead level. Just as a disclosure about lead paint in homes is required upon the sale of a home, Michigan needs mandatory disclosure to families living in homes and apartments, attending Schools or Day Care Centers or public areas or buildings near small airports.
  • Leaded airplane fuel is poisoning a new generation of American children (html). Dr. Sammy Zahran turned to Michigan to analyze lead levels in 1 million children living around Michigan civil aviation airports. Not only did the levels of lead in children’s blood rise in proximity to airports, they tracked the monthly peaks and valleys of air trafficIt was as close a link to avgas and lead exposure as scientists had ever found! Yet the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has thus far failed to even acknowledge let alone mention results published back in 2014!
  • Living with the risk of childhood lead exposure: A day in the life (html).
  • 50 years of research shows there is no safe level of childhood lead exposure (html).
  • Quartz built a searchable library of maps (html) showing the areas surrounding 95 of the top lead-emitting airports in the US. This searchable library includes Michigan Oakland County International Airport (KPTK). Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning from 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) is the Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) and their Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Cronies best kept secrets! Then comes the Michigan MDOT PFAS debacle of course, but that’s a whole other story and set of lies! What exactly do these MDOT clowns do anyway besides cover everything up and incinerate taxpayer money at will? MDOT is truly a menace to all Michigan residents Health, Safety, Welfare & Financial Wellbeing.
  • Quartz Special Report also here: Leaded Airplane Fuel Is Poisoning a new Generation of American Children (html) 07-16-2022 | Pulitzer Center
  • NOTE: see EPA PM2.5 comparison (image).

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) – Historical Perspective – 1d2 Expansion Deception, Lies & Bullying

This section discusses several media articles, including the original MDOT discussions captured by media outlets that provide background information and highlight MDOT airstrip expansions that have violated original understanding & agreement and betrayed the public trust in multiple ways over the last 47 years. BTW: there are many more references & further details discussed below.

Let’s be clear, and in no uncertain terms has the community at large EVER needed or wanted the MDOT State owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Hobby Sport Recreational Entertainment Venue Airstrip purchase to ever take place. The MDOT purchase was forced on local communities with no way out, pushed by former MAC members, one that lives in Plymouth, with their political connections! It’s plain & simple, this is common knowledge!

These are NOT isolated incidents but premeditated, calculated & predictable MDOT modus operandi! This is what MDOT + Special Interest + Industry Lobbyist Clowns do. Say one thing, and do another over many years hoping everyone will forget or eventually give up in frustration. Death by a thousand cuts.

There is NO community protection from the MDOT Clown Patrol provided by ANYONE! This includes the State of Michigan, Wayne County, Canton Township, any surrounding communities, or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)!

To put things into perspective here is a very brief summary of the 1d2 timeline starting back in 1975 (OMG!) almost 50 years ago. It might be interesting to know that many in the community were around then and remember the MDOT 1d2 Carnival Side-show Events vividly! This is where the term “MDOT Clown Patrol” originated as it was quite a public spectacle, actually a “sham” Political Circus on full public display.

There is mountain of common knowledge & well known public record available described below. MDOT has been dishing out the same crap for such a looong time. When you step back and look at the “big picture” it’s pretty easy to see & expose the pattern of MDOT deception & acquiescence.

Look at what MDOT does, NOT what MDOT says.

Here are the several brief media summaries (10 are newspapers, remember those?) highlighting MDOT and their continued “Failure to Communicate” with anyone ever about anything:

Plymouth Observer & Eccentric | May 19, 1975

Plymouth Observer & Eccentric | May 19, 1975 | [full original (pdf) 172mb, small highlighted excerpt (pdf) 1.6mb].

Airport Opposition Grows. I just don’t believe the airport should be expanded. It will mean bigger planes landing there, more air traffic. It will increase noise. and increase the hazard of crashes”

We don’t know the effect of Mettetal on the Plymouth-Canton area. No doubt it is responsible for noise and homeowner discomfort, problems that would be aggravated should the airport be expanded.

Expansion of the airport seems assured if the facility is purchased by Canton. The financial feasibility study most recently completed by R. Dixon Speas and Associates says the airport fails to meet federal standards to receive federal assistance. Without federal assistance, cost of the air-port would virtually double and the township would be unable to purchase it.

Atchley, like other concerned home-owners commented “I don’t see why they can’t use Willow Run. Why don’t they get in their cars and drive over there. It’s only 40 minutes away.” [Don’t forget this is back in 1975! BTW: Willow Run (YIP) airport is only ~7 miles away, a few minutes by car on Michigan Avenue.]

Canton Observer | January 28, 1991

Canton Observer | January 28, 1991 | [full original (pdf) 76mb, small highlighted excerpt (pdf) 2.7mb]

Trustees move to block airport purchase. Canton joined a citizens group, Plymouth Concerned Citizens, in a request for an injunction against the airport purchase, charging that state law requires that the host community, Canton, approve the purchase. “It’s not an accident we’re meeting in an emergency session at 12 p.m. (noon on Friday),” Canton Supervisor Tom Yack said adding that he believed actions were taken last week to speed up the purchase process before an injunction could be granted.

It is apparent that the driving motivation behind this effort has NOT been what is in the best interests of the greater community and its residents . . . “

Yack said he doesn’t believe public funds should be used to buy the airport, because only a SMALL group of people use it.

However, Kirchgatter presented a letter Friday from the Michigan Department of Transportation that said there are NO plans for expansion. Clerk Loren Bennett said at the special meeting that he DIDN’T trust the validity of that letter.

Canton residents would be subjected to noise pollution and OTHER environmental problems.

Plymouth Observer | January 31, 1991

Plymouth Observer | January 31, 1991 | [full original (pdf) 129mb, small highlighted excerpt (pdf) 2.2mb]

Airport JOA foes launch recall campaign. “Our recalling them is to make them realize we can’t afford city commissioners who disregard the residents of the city,” said Bill McAnnich, Plymouth Concerned Citizens member.

Canton Trustees reject a committee’s recommendation for public ownership. They argued that the land is zoned industrial and should be developed as such.

I am referring to his [Vos] smug statement that those who object to the noise of Mettetal Airport should not have moved here in the first place or should consider moving to another locality.

City didn’t know facts about airport. The degree of ground contamination from 50 years of operation.

Mettetal a land grab. Read that as “tax dollars” folks. If Mettetal can’t operate profitably as a private airport, what makes elected officials think it can make a profit as a government entity? The word “might” is a very flimsy justification for the expenditure of tax dollars already spread thin on other special interests.

Commission vote was arrogant. To the editor; What a sad day it is for the wonderful city of Plymouth and its residents when a powerful airport lobbying effort which includes people from as far away as [INSERT MANY OTHER COMMUNITY NAMES] Bloomfield township can influence our commission to disregard the feelings of the residents of our fair city.

A reporter who observed the meeting later told me that in all of years reporting he had NEVER seen a board or commission so arrogantly disregard the wishes of its constituency.

Canton Observer | February 4, 1991

Canton Observer | February 4, 1991 | [full original (pdf) 72mb, small highlighted excerpt (pdf) 6.4mb]

Mettetal ‘not important’ to county. The feud between the supervisors in Canton and Plymouth townships over Mettetal Airport isn’t worth putting future joint projects at risk, according to Mike Duggan, deputy Wayne County executive. The airport, at Lilley and Joy roads in Canton, is classified a “Reliever Airport” for Metropolitan Airport, but the county doesn’t place a lot of emphasis on that roll. “As far as we’re concerned it doesn’t make a difference,” Duggan said. “As a matter of air traffic, it is not important to the county.”

“It’s not a county issue. If this issue is tearing apart people, that airport isn’t worth it “

NOTE: Designating 1d2 as “Reliever Airport” was a clever MDOT maneuver to dupe taxpayers and garner undue FAA funding and therefore protection. “Reliever Airport” capability has never been needed or required, especially from tiny 1d2 airstrip close to many other more appropriate real airports. Just for comparison, Oakland County International Airport (PTK) is also designated as General Aviation Reliever Airport with 120k takeoffs & landings yearly, 554 aircraft of which 150 are  corporate aircraft, several FBOs, training and sales operations with a 6520 foot runway with full Air Traffic Control (ATC) services including Advisory Radar. NOTE: Oakland County International Airport (PTK) is one of the top 100 Lead Producing Airports (pdf) in the United States.

For more details SEE: AIP Handbook (html)| Change 1 to FAA Order 5100.38D, Airport Improvement Program Handbook (pdf), 26 February 2019 – Appendix A. Definitions of Terms Used in this Handbook (html) – Office of Airports (html). Appendix A: Technical Analyses of General Aviation Airports: A National Asset (pdf) (May 2012). Reliever airports (268) are high activity general aviation airports that provide general aviation with alternatives to congested hubs (where their presence might cause additional delay).

Petitions for vote on Mettetal rejected.” The omission of the names of the persons or organization sponsoring the circulation of the petition requires me to reject the petition,” she wrote. Eckler said the action is an attempt to thwart the group’s efforts. “They’re looking for ways to stop us from letting the people vote,” Eckler said. He questioned why it took since Dec. 22, when the petitions were filed, to find the error. Warren Dusbiber, another Plymouth Concerned Citizens member, said the city’s action is an intentional roadblock.

Canton in way of JOA for Mettetal. There are NO plans to expand Mettetal Airport This can be easily confirmed with the Michigan Bureau of Aeronautics and the FAA.

Canton Observer | December 6, 1993

Canton Observer | December 6, 1993 | [full original (pdf) 55mb, small highlighted excerpt (pdf) 3.0mb]

Runway project may cause stir. A plan to move a runway at Canton’s Mettetal Airport could cause a controversy. Some say the spirit of an agreement between the state and township would be violated by the action. The agreement was designed to protect interests of residents.

While discussing the wish list, board vice chairman Mark Merlanti of Canton said ANY type of expansion would have to be spelled out, including how changes would affect the airport’s operations. “There will be some strong concerns on how the operation will be changed,” he said.

Stankov reminded Coller that the community “was sold” on the state purchase based on assurances the airport would NOT be expanded. “It was just a point I needed to make,” he added.

The spirit was broken by seeing those things today,” Stankov said, based on provisions of the agreement.

Coller admitted moving runway south 300 feet would allow for larger airplanes.

Pilots asked to try quieter approach. [Noise abatement has been a continual issue that is still totally ignored in 2022 and used as a weapon of intimidation and harassment!]

Canton Observer | April 14, 1994

Canton Observer | April 14, 1994| [full original (pdf) 88mb, small highlighted excerpt (pdf) 2mb]

Mettetal concerns.

Let’s take a long, last look at Mettetal Airport. Has anyone seen a profit and loss statement regarding the operation of Mettetal Airport?

The reason is the airport has been operating at a loss under private ownership and to continue in operation, it had to be purchased with public money. Almost $5 million from the FAA Trust Fund — or 10 percent of every plane ticket. To stay in operation no one has been told how much taxpayer money will be needed.

Is there a need for Mettetal? Does an alternative exist that has the capacity that could provide the service that Mettetal does?

Yes, the Willow Run Airport manager has stated that “there is more than enough capacity at Willow Run to house and provide a runway for all of the small airplanes at Mettetal.”

Let’s look at a few criteria as to whether or not we want to own Mettetal Airport:

  • Safety — the 2,000 foot runway was declared “unsafe” by the FAA in 1964 and nothing has changed.
  • Liability — if there was to be a plane crash or accident at Mettetal the taxpayers of of Plymouth and Canton Township would have to foot the bill.
  • Noise — just listen and you can hear for yourself. Ask any resident of Romulus about whether or not the noise and vibrations from Metro Airport have caused any structural damage to the houses in Romulus.
  • Contamination — why have we not heard anything about the removal of five underground storage tanks that were leaking and left contaminated soil at Mettetal Airport within the last three years.
  • Expansionany expansion is prohibited by the Joint Operating Agreement between the state and the citizens of Canton Township. Everyone knows that the state has already purchased land on the north and south side of Joy Road. This expansion will allow for jets to land and take off. Providing for small jet traffic is the only way for Mettetal to make any money.
  • Taxes – the airport now encompasses 84.9 acres. The industrially-zoned $1.2 million in property taxes in 1990. Public ownership of Mettetal has resulted in all of that property being tax-exempt and a loss of over $1.2 million.

Supervisor Tom Yack, of Canton Township, stated that, “The only reason Mettetal Airport was being purchased was to tie – up land that was prime for light – industrial development and therefore would also eliminate competition for Metro-West in Plymouth Township.”

Thus, we have a political pay-back by politicians, including Gov. Engler to Bob DeMattia, who is a financial investor in a local Plymouth newspaper. The Crier.

Kathleen Scott, Plymouth

Canton Observer | January 30, 2000

Canton Observer | January 30, 2000 | [full original (pdf) 26mb, small highlighted excerpt (pdf) 2.5mb]

Airport activity takes off with changes.  The bureau which is a division of Michigan’s Department of Transportation, has completed more than 50 projects at Mettetal since taking over.

A 14-unit “T-hangar”, which cost $450,000, was also installed. Mettetal currently has 126 hangars. Coller said more will added as funding allows. “I’d like to see more new hangars,” added Fixed Base Operator Doug Kitze. “We have a waiting list of 200 plus.” “Many of our first lessons are in the air” he commented. “If you can drive to the airport, you can fly a plane.” [NOTE: all expansion done using taxpayer money to “prop” up a Private Commercial Interest coupled with Special Interests and Industry Lobbyists with MDOT protection hidden from taxpayer view!]

The board consists of four state-appointed representatives, two Canton residents and one from Plymouth Township. Merlanti said the board is a “procedural animal” that has no binding authority. [In other words it’s basically useless. People in the community eventually gave up as nothing ever changed. Now people roll their eyes at any mention of Mettetal, you know “you can’t fight city hall (MDOT), right”?]

Mettetal’s activity level could go even higher in years to come, while no plans are on the board, Coller said the possibility of adding a restaurant to the airport exists. [If there are NO plans why is there ANY possibility of a RESTAURANT? More MDOT mumbo-jumbo double-talk and continual lies.]

Canton Observer | February 17, 2000

Canton Observer | February 17, 2000| [full original (pdf) 38mb, small highlighted excerpt (pdf) 2.3mb]

Airport no blessing.

What a wonderful article on Mettetal Airport! (Observer, Jan .30) Wonderful for whom? While there are some who are happy with the outcome of the purchase of Mettetal Airport by the State of Michigan. I’m sure the residents of northeastern Canton are anything but pleased.

I have lived near Hanford and Lilley for 25 years and had no objection to the state purchasing Mettetal Airport; as it was here before I was and I had no problem with the planes.

After the last Six years, however, I wish it (the airport) had gone away. The amount of air traffic coming over my house is becoming intolerable. Having your house buzzed by these planes is not particularly enjoyable. Many of these planes come spitting and sputtering so close to the top of your house, you wonder if they are going to crash on the roof.

Fly-In pancake breakfasts may be fun for those flying in and out, but is not for those of us who have to listen to planes landing or taking off over our houses every one-two minutes, hour after hour, after hour, after hour. Etc. I am sick and tired of the noise. It makes me incredibly angry.

If the activity level hadn’t increased so dramatically, I still would not have any objection to the airport. Little did I realize that when the state bought the airport, air traffic would triple in five years time. Now, there are plans for adding additional hangars; which, of course, means more takeoffs and landings.

How much more? There needs to be some limit put on the activity in and out of that airport. Wasn’t this considered when the state purchased the airport? Didn’t our wonderful Canton Board of Trustees, who are so concerned over “quality of life” in Canton, address this issue? If not, maybe it’s time that they did.

After all. Northeast Canton is still part of Canton and “quality of life” is just important here as it is west of Canton Center Road.

Mary Jane Schoenema Canton

Canton Observer | April 5, 2001

Canton Observer | April 5, 2001 | [full original (pdf) 16mb, small highlighted excerpt (pdf) 1mb]

Residents miffed over runway shift

More than 100 Canton and Plymouth Township residents packed the Canton Township Board of Trustees meeting room Tuesday to protest a 240-foot runway shift at the state-owned Mettetal Airport.

“If you put down one square inch of pavement, that’s an expansion,” said Plymouth Township resident Bob Zaetta, former spokesperson for the Concerned Citizens grassroots group who opposed the 1993 state purchase of the airport.

Noel said the runway does not currently meet FAA safety zone standards, and shifting the runway is one way to bring the runway into compliance. While the proposal was brought up because of pilot concerns, he added compliance is linked to future FAA funding for capital improvements.

“We were told that this airport was safe and that this airport was in total compliance with all state and federal standards,” he said. “I think we were misled.”

The majority of the meeting’s attendees were Coves of Canton condominium residents, who said the shift would effect their safety and “quality of life”. 102 homeowners had signed a petition in opposition to the shift, and 146 had sent letters expressing concerns.

“The state and Canton Township ought to find another location altogether,” Herriman said, prompting applause from the audience.

He said he opposes the changes because it’s a waste of tax money. “There was approximately $7 million paid for this airport with yours and my tax dollars,” Stankov said, “There’s been a lot of money pumped into what is essentially a hobby airport.”

Further, Stankov said the state has designated Canton as a “non-densely populated area,” which enables the particularly noisy Ultra Light aircraft to use the airport.

Canton Observer | April 26, 2001

Canton Observer | April 26, 2001 | [full original (pdf) 20mb, small highlighted excerpt (pdf) 1mb]

Airport runway shift shot down

Township officials have told the state [MDOT] to take its Mettetal runway shift and shove it in the wake of news that state officials knew the airport was out of compliance with federal guidelines when it was purchased in 1994.

The Canton Township Board of Trustees grounded plans to shift the Mettetal Airport runway when it unanimously voted down the action Tuesday.

At the heart of the denial to shift the runway 240 feet to the south was the balance between pilot and Joy Road motorist safety – and the concerns expressed by Coves of Canton condominium residents.

Also weighing heavily in the vote was the board’s hostility about falsehoods reported to them when the state bought the airport in 1994.

The big lie [BTW: MDOT copyrighted the term “The Big Lie ⓒ” many years ago]

“The FAA and MDOT, people who are supposed to look after our safety and welfare … intentionally lied to the people who are involved,” said Trustee Melissa McLaughlin. “They lied about FAA standards they are now trying to enforce.”

The Michigan Department of Transportation [MDOT] Bureau of Aeronautics and the Airport Advisory Board brought the proposal to the board earlier this year, stating new FAA standards would require a shift.

Noel said the proposal is a shift, not an expansion, and the pavement at the north of the runway could be torn up or left in place to provide a paved buffer between the runway and the road.

By contract, the 2,500-foot runway cannot be modified without a resolution from Canton and the state.

However, the board recently learned when the state bought the airport in 1994, the FAA standards requiring longer safety zones at the end the runway were already in place and had been since 1989. The board alleged the Bureau [of Aeronautics AKA MDOT] lied in order to push through the state purchase of the airport.

McLaughlin quoted a 1990 memo from Wendell Proudfoot, manager with the Bureau of Aeronautics, to Peter Serini, manager with the FAA. Proudfoot stated, “Once we have a public sponsor serving the 120 or so aircraft at this facility, we will then evaluate steps, required to make the airport meet standards.”

Safety standards

Township Supervisor Tom Yack said the resolution to deny the request suggested the state seek a more appropriate and safer location for an airport.

“We would defend ourselves, naturally. The entity that really has to worry about this is MDOT,” Yack said. “They [MDOT] only have deceived us and lied.”

Former U.S. Navy aviator Greg Pappas of Plymouth suggested if MDOT and FAA are “really interested in making the airport safer. … They should either restrict the airport to only those aircraft that can easily take off and land with 2,200 feet of runway or close the airport.”

Aviation Pros | Canton Township: “We would prefer not to have the airport in Canton, period.” | March 2005

Mich. Dept. of Transportation to Hand Over Romeo Airport to County (html) 03-21-2005 | Aviation Pros. Canton Township Clerk Terry Bennett, who serves on the advisory board for Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport, said that while that airport [1d2] is in better financial shape than many, “We would prefer not to have the airport [1d2] in Canton, period.” If the state wants out of the airport business, there’s probably a reason for it” she added. NOTE: There has been NO action or even mention from MDOT regarding ANY of the four absurd MDOT Owned & Operated Airports in decades, period. Appears to be an MDOT ‘theme’ emerging, right? Say one thing and do other things, actually, its clear MDOT does whatever they want and answer to no one for decades.

Summary of Expansions that happened with No MDOT Plans for Expansions

Reported hangar usage in 01-30-2000 was reported as 126, so it’s not clear exactly how many aircraft there are in 2022. What is clear is that 1d2 aircraft capacity expansion has doubled. This represents ~100% expansion in hangar space.

Hangars were added close to Lilley Road, so the view from Lilley road obscured the addition of additional hangars that have been constructed. Very basic sneaky MDOT tactic to camouflage expansion of hangar space without the general public noticing anything unusual.

All of these capital improvements and the many items on the previously mentioned “wish list” kinda seem like “expansion” to most rational taxpayers.

Capital Improvements that are NOT Expansion

In 1993 the runway was 2,105 x 45 feet. In 2022 FAA lists runway dimensions as 2,302 x 75 feet. Somehow the runway has been mysteriously extended over time by 197 feet. I guess this IS spontaneous or accidental expansion?

This was no accident, but done to accommodate cronies with heavy twin engine aircraft to REALLY punish the community.  Heavy twin engine aircraft should have NEVER been allowed to land at this minimal airstrip over densely populated neighborhoods near schools. Heavy twin engine aircraft are loud enough to drown out an outdoor conversation on take-off, 99.95% of Aviation SMEs also seem to agree with these views. Basically, everyone seems to agree except MDOT and cronies that own heavy twin engine aircraft.

2,105 x 45 = 94,725 sq feet expansion to 2,302 x 75 = 172,650 sq ft.

This represents  an 82.3% expansion in runaway square footage!

To summarize MDOT expansions that occurred without ANY MDOT plans for expansions:

  • 60% runway width expansion (30 feet) from 45 to 75 feet
  • 9.4% runway length expansion (197 feet) from 2,105 to 2,302 feet
  • 82.3% expansion (79,925 sq feet) of runway surface area from 94,725 to 172,650 sq feet
  • 20,000 gallon fuel farm expansion added! [Must be needed for NO anticipated expansion in aircraft traffic?]
  • Who can forget the dedicated 1d2 expansion RADAR dome installed after a costly deadly mid-air Collison that rained bodies & luggage on densely populated neighborhoods? Taxpayers have absolutely NO idea how much astronomical RADAR costs were back then! Of course all airstrips have custom RADAR domes, right? It was finally removed after it fell into embarrassing disuse and became an MDOT eye$ore. Another MDOT laughing stock move echoed in surrounding communities for literally years.
  • New lighting system expansion including Precision Approach Path Indicator Lights
  • Hangar space expansion 100% = doubled
    • 14 unit T-hangar expansion $450,000
    • 14 unit T-hangar expansion $450,000
    • 14 unit T-hangar expansion $450,000
    • 7 unit Box-hangar expansion $225,000.00
    • Hidden hangar expansion costs exceeding $1.575 million dollars (year 2000 costs)!
    • 3 x 14 unit T-hangars and a 7 unit Box-hangar unit have been added over time for a total of 49 additional units, that can and do hold more than a single aircraft
    • The total number of aircraft doesn’t include the Main Hangar that can hold 6+ more aircraft, and the Special Interest + Industry Lobbyist “Tennant” hangar that can hold 4+ more aircraft.
  • Additionally, it’s NOT clear who pays or paid for the longtime MDOT Special Interest + Industry Lobbyist “Tenant” Commercial Grade Hangar expansion, property improvements and on-going social events with weekend man power support, state reimbursed cell phones, etc. It’s quite obvious to everyone in surrounding neighborhoods & communities of Special and Preferential treatment with NO clear separation of MDOT duties, very disturbing indeed.
  • 100% aircraft expansion from the “original” 52 units adding 49 additional new units + 4+ Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist “Tennant” Commercial Grade Hangar aircraft + Main Hangar 6+ aircraft = capacity for hundreds of aircraft in 2022. NOTE: The actual aircraft expansion total count could still be higher as modern T-Hangars can house more than one aircraft here and do! The actual total number of aircraft is hidden and closely guarded by MDOT!
  • Initial cost somewhere between $5 million and $7 million taxpayer dollars, nobody really knows
  • MDOT bought more additional  parcels that increase land from ~64 acres to ~84.9 acres for larger aircraft expansion, nobody really knows
  • Ongoing Yearly Loss of ~$1.2 million zoned ”Light Industrial” stable tax base revenue
  • The costs to Michigan taxpayers is absolutely astounding, the LARGEST waste of taxpayer money in the history of Michigan!
Finally Gone. Taxpayers only paid for 20 years of NON-USE!

In late 2020 the runway was reconstructed and all paved areas completely resurfaced, including the parking lot. Runway is in now “excellent” condition, the highest rating, a rarity for a small airstrip, but NOT one with the “right” MDOT connections. The 1d2 runway reconstruction was completed quicker with higher priority than any MDOT road work performed anywhere else in the State of Michigan, roughly two weeks total for several fully equipped paving crews. Surrounding communities get pot holes filled, the MDOT “Frat House” gets fully equipped paving crews.

It is clear that MDOT has “Dug in Their Heels”, “Doubled Down” and is in this for the long run at Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip all at the expense of the surrounding communities. MDOT has wasted millions of taxpayer dollars propping up their own MDOT “Frat House” airstrip and will continue to do so!

Expansion that is NOT an Expansion?

NOTE: how close Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip is to several assisted living and rehabilitation facilities and two schools in the image. The third school, out of view, is just slightly North.

  • Hulsing Elementary School 8055 Fleet St., Canton, MI  48187 (Directly across the street, ~200 meters, ~270 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!)
  • Plymouth Christian Academy, 43065 Joy Rd, Canton, MI 48187 (Directly across the street, ~190 meters,  ~248 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!)
  • East Middle School 1042 South Mill St., Plymouth, MI  48170 (Just down the street, ~950 meters, ~1230 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!).

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Clown Patrol Bureaucratic Machine, Political Cycles and Personnel Change

MDOT counts on political cycles and personnel change over time, wearing down any community resistance via continual persistence as politicians’ cycle in & out. Additionally, MDOT has learned, practiced and honed their expertise on how to dish out low flying harassment, intimidation and discrimination. This is MDOT typical toolbox & modus operandi practiced across the State of Michigan.

MDOT bureaucrats, the lifetime or career civil servants enter the bureaucracy through a variety of ways. Their rise to prominence (visibility, power, control) is measured over longer periods of time, obviously multiples of the 2 or 4 year ‘political election cycles’.  This prominence is exploited in unison with certain election term limits for other elected officials & lawmakers. MDOT doesn’t fear anyone or anything. Bureaucratic influence grows over time as they learn how to play or game the system to ignore or even bully politicians, lawmakers and the general public. Some would call this “Head in the Sand” syndrome, others would say acquiesce, professional negligence or dereliction of duty among other phrases.

The process of getting work done in a bureaucratic system is cumbersome and the set of rules and regulations often are given greater importance than the end result. Since they are non-elected government officials, the only way political competition can affect their performance is through the influence exerted by ‘current’ or ‘useful’ politicians. MDOT bureaucrats exploit the ability of the politicians to provide incentives to the bureaucrats while they are in power. Note: exploitation occurs without regard to political affiliation. However, politician-bureaucrat political alignment can and do provide benefits such as compensation, travel, access to resources and other perks, some non-tangible such as immunity or impunity, e.g. plausible deniability blamed on politicians that will be or are no longer around.

In the absence of normal competition or profit motive, the particular constraints of MDOT bureaucracy with regards to transparency has lead MDOT to making information ‘secret’ or ‘not easily’ accessible to the general public or even elected officials or lawmakers.

MODT keeps a ‘very low profile’, only speaks when forced to, otherwise they submerge themselves (“run silent”) waiting to pop their head up in the next ‘political budget cycle’ with the incoming “Freshmen Class” of elected Lawmakers. And, of course by the time incoming “Freshman Class” of elected officials & lawmakers reach a basic level of competence, it’s time for re-election or quickly finding the ‘revolving exit door’ all while the MDOT bureaucrats laugh, ignore and give the middle finger for whining on their exit! MDOT openly laughs at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for their lack of any leverage to do anything as well.

Additionally, it’s evident that there is whole new generation of Elite Privileged Entitled Hostile Threatening Volatile Flying Evil Clowns, Weekend Warriors & Extremists that are enabled, encouraged and emboldened by MDOT + Special Interest + Industry Lobbyist cronyism! These contemporary creeps think that this is their NEW “battle ground” and that nobody has ever experienced MDOT problems before, whether from past or present community pariah as a whole at this crappy little MDOT 1d2 airstrip. Truly sad, disturbing pathetic little people, 47 years ago and carrying on their tradition to today!

50 years, since 1975, of MDOT deception, lying, community abuse and a complete waste of taxpayer money, enough is enough. In fact, all Michigan citizens & taxpayers should see that MDOT phony budgets and spending are one of the largest wastes of taxpayer money in the history of Michigan.

Other parts of this web site detail some of the massive waste and abuse of public funding money including COVID Relief funds used for weekend overtime to cut grass and replace mulch, paying the groundskeeper to work on & repair aircraft, MDOT 4 Star “business meetings” on Mackinac Island, over a half dozen vehicles including multiple pick-up trucks, can’t keep track but seems like 4 to 6, professional $250k CAT Front End Loaders, High-End Exclusive Pro Golf Course air-conditioned grooming lawn-mower, custom fencing, free internet & coffee, electricity bill for non-State of Michigan owned holiday decorations, the list goes on ad nauseum.

The above brief timeline is just a small sampling of the long local history of MDOT 1d2 Expansion Deception, Lies & Bullying that continue to this day.

Anyone can search or browse past issues of the Canton Observer (html) | Canton Public Library . There are over 400 results if you search “mettetal”.

Anyone can search or browse the Plymouth District Library (html) Newspaper Archives (html). There are over 1300 results if you search “mettetal”.

Again, it’s way past time for the State of Michigan to finally “fix the damn MDOT!”

Health Dangers of 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) & Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Never Communicated to ANYONE in the State of Michigan

Sad & disappointing that the Michigan Department of Transportation (MODT) or Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHSS) does NOT warn or even mention dangers  of “100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas)” or “Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)”: Lead Exposure – Children | MDHHS | State of Michigan (SoM). No warning or mention anywhere else on the State of Michigan web site. MDHHS data was used for the first study that showed correlation of over 1 Million (> 1,000,000) child BLLs are directly related to “100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas)” and “Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)” at 448 Michigan airports. NOTE: MDOT has absolutely ZERO sense of urgency at all.

We certainly don’t want to interfere or interrupt any Summer of 2022 vacation or travel plans in any way, shape or form to protect vulnerable populations would we? At a minimum the “Health Dangers of Leaded Aviation Fuel 100LL (Avgas) & Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)” have never been communicated by anyone in the State of Michigan, a crying shame for all damaged children across the State of Michigan for sure.

Do You Know How Much Lead It Takes to Poison a Child?

Do You Know How Much Lead it Takes to Poison a Child?

How much is too much lead for a child? It only takes a speck of lead dust the size of a grain of salt to poison a child! Lead exposure poses a special risk to young children because they absorb lead into their systems more easily than adults do.

Lead FAQs (html) | Lead (html) | CDC (html).

Is there any safe level of lead for a child? No safe blood lead level in children has been identified. Children are especially at risk from lead because of their small size and developing brains. Lead exposure can affect nearly every system in the body. Even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to negatively affect a child’s intelligence, ability to pay attention, and academic achievement. Removing all sources of lead exposure is important before a child is harmed.

  • Millions of American kids are going untested for lead poisoning (html) 06-09-2016 | Reuters.
    • NOTE: Michigan does not require universal testing for lead exposure.
  • Exposing the hidden hazards of lead poisoning across America | A Reuters Series.
    • Lead’s Hidden Toll (html).
    • Unsafe at Any Level (html).
  • 2 million children in the US have lead poisoning. We’re only treating half of them (html) 04-27-2017 | Vox. Several states are doing an abysmal job of testing at-risk children for lead poisoning.

CDC Updates Blood Lead Reference Value for Children (html) 10-28-2021 | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC. No level of lead is safe, lead exposure at all levels is harmful to children and can be detrimental to their long-term health. No safe BLL in children has been identified and even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to affect learning and academic achievement, and some effects may even be permanent.

  • Blood Lead Levels in Children (html) | Lead (html) | CDC (html).
  • Prevention of Childhood Lead Toxicity (html)  (pdf) | Pediatrics (html) | American Academy of Pediatrics (html).
  • Mi Lead Safe – Mi Lead Safe (html) | State of Michigan. Sadly does not mention contaminated air from Leaded 100LL Aviation fuel (Avgas) anywhere!

Lead is 10 X Deadlier than Secondhand Smoke

Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) is the unrecognized “Secondhand Smoke” of this decade. NOTE: Lead is 10 X more deadly!

  • Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke (html) | American Lung Association (html). Secondhand smoke is a serious health hazard causing more than 41,000 deaths per year.
  • Over 400,000 U.S. deaths per year caused by lead exposure (html) | Medical News Today (html).
  • Low-level lead exposure and mortality in US adults: a population-based cohort study (html) (pdf) March 12, 2018 – The Lancet Public Health (html).
  • Lead (html) | American Lung Association (html).
  • NOTE: see EPA PM2.5 comparison (image).

The American Lung Association “State of the Air” 2022 – State of Michigan Status

The American Lung Association “State of the Air” 2022 report finds that despite decades of progress on cleaning up sources of air pollution, more than 40% of Americans—over 137 million people—are living in places with failing grades for unhealthy levels of particle pollution or ozone. This is 2.1 million more people breathing unhealthy air compared to last year’s report. Nearly 9 million more people were impacted by daily spikes in deadly particle pollution than reported last year. In the three years covered by this report, Americans experienced more days of “very unhealthy” and “hazardous” air quality than ever before in the two-decade history of “State of the Air.”

State of the Air (SOTA) 2022 | American Lung Association. Search by ZIP Code or State:

  • Key Findings (html) | State of the Air | American Lung Association.
  • Air Quality Facts (html) | State of the Air | American Lung Association.
    • Millions of people are especially vulnerable to the effects of air pollution, including children, older adults and people with lung diseases such as asthma.
    • Particles in air pollution can be smaller than 1/30th the diameter of a human hair. When you inhale them, they are small enough to get past the body’s natural defenses.
  • Populations at Risk (html)| State of the Air | American Lung Association.
    • People of color—Some 72 million people of color live in counties that received at least one failing grade for ozone and/or particle pollution. Over 14 million people of color live in counties that received failing grades on all three measures, including nearly 10 million Hispanics.
    • Children and older adults—Some 31 million children under age 18 and nearly 21 million adults age 65 and over live in counties that received an F for at least one pollutant. Almost 4.7 million children and 2.8 million seniors live in counties failing all three measures.
    • Pregnancy—Adverse impacts from air pollution have been shown both for those who are pregnant as well as for the developing fetus. More than 1.5 million pregnancies were recorded in 2020 in counties that received at least one F for particle pollution. Of those, 210,000 are in counties that received failing grades for all three measures.
    • Exposure to air pollution during pregnancy can cause problems including higher infant mortality, lower birth weight, impaired lung development and early changes in immune development, studies show.
  • Year-Round Particle Pollution (html) | State of the Air | American Lung Association.
    • Detroit-Warren-Ann Arbor MI #16 in top 25 Cities Most Polluted by Annual Particulate Matter (PM).
  • Michigan (html) | State of the Air | American Lung Association.
    • Wayne and Wastenaw County Summaries. Oakland County is home to Oakland County International Airport (KPTK) in Waterford Township Michigan adjacent to the City of Pontiac Michigan (pdf) which is a “Top 100 Most Lead Emitting” airports in the entire United States. SEE: Groups Ask EPA to Regulate Lead Pollution Around Nation’s Airports (html) (pdf) | Earthjustice.
  • Healthy Air Campaign (html) | American Lung Association. Imagine a future where every child has clean, safe air to breathe.

Particulate Matter PM2.5 = Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) = Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and More

Particulate Matter (PM) Basics | US EPA. Particulate matter contains microscopic solids or liquid droplets that are so small that they can be inhaled and cause serious health problems. Some particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter can get deep into your lungs and some may even get into your bloodstream. Of these, particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, also known as fine particles or PM2.5, pose the greatest risk to health. Others are so small they can only be detected using an electron microscope.

Particle Pollution (html) | American Lung Association (html). Ever look at dirty aircraft exhaust pipes? The dirty, smoky part of that stream of exhaust is made of particle pollution. Overwhelming evidence shows that particle pollution—like that coming from that exhaust fumes—can kill. Particle pollution can increase the risk of heart disease, lung cancer, asthma attacks and can interfere with the growth and work of the lungs. Ultrafine particles smaller than 0.1 micron in diameter are small enough to pass through the lung tissue into the blood stream, circulating like the oxygen molecules themselves.

Anyone who lives where particle pollution levels are high is at risk. Recent research has confirmed that long-term exposure to particle pollution also kills, even in areas, that currently meet official limits, or standards, for year-round particle pollution. Particulate pollution is killing older Americans, even at legal levels (html) 01-27-2022 | Ars Technica. Small reductions in PM2.5 pollution could save over 140,000 lives.

Short-Term Exposure Can Be Deadly even when levels of short-term particle pollution remained well below the current national standards. People at the greatest risk from particle pollution exposure include: Infants, children and teens. The high risk group also includes other vulnerable populations as well.

Direct Identification of Trace Metals in Fine and Ultrafine Particles in the Detroit Urban Atmosphere (html) 03-17-2004 | Environmental Science & Technology (html). Most of the trace element particles detected in this study were within a range of 0.01−1.0 μm in size, which has the longest atmospheric residence time (∼100 days) which is the average time spent by a molecule in the atmosphere after it leaves a source and before it encounters a sink. An atmospheric ‘sink’ is any process that removes a molecule chemically or physically. This study is cited by at least 102 other publications.

Children inhale more air per pound of body weight and spend more time outdoors than adults

Inhalable Particulate Matter and Health (PM2.5 and PM10) (html) | California Air Resources Board (html). Who is at the Greatest Risk from Exposure to Particulate Matter? Research points to older adults with chronic heart or lung disease, children and asthmatics as the groups most likely to experience adverse health effects with exposure to PM10 and PM2.5. Also, children and infants are susceptible to harm from inhaling pollutants such as PM because they inhale more air per pound of body weight than do adults – they breathe faster, spend more time outdoors and have smaller body sizes. In addition, children’s immature immune systems may cause them to be more susceptible to PM than healthy adults.

Health Effects Institute. 2020. State of Global Air 2020 (pdf). Special Report. Boston, MA:Health Effects Institute. ISSN 2578-6873 © 2020 Health Effects Institute. Exposure to such pollution, the most deadly of which scientists call PM2.5, was the 4th leading risk factor for early death worldwide in 2019. The State of Global Air (html) is a collaboration between the Health Effects Institute (html) and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (html) Global Burden of Disease Project (html).

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that average annual readings of small and hazardous airborne particles known as PM2.5 should be no more than 5 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) after realistically adjusting guidelines in 2021, recognizing that even low concentrations caused significant health risks.

WHO global air quality guidelines: particulate matter (‎PM2.5 and PM10)‎ (html) (full pdf) (summary pdf) 2021. What these guidelines do not address.  These guidelines do not include recommendations about pollutant mixtures or the combined effects of pollutant exposures. In everyday life, people are exposed to a mixture of air pollutants that varies in space and time. WHO acknowledges the need to develop comprehensive models to quantify the effects of multiple exposures on human health. However, as the main body of evidence on air quality and health still focuses on the impact of single markers of ambient air pollution on the risk of adverse health outcomes, the current guidelines provide recommendations for each air pollutant individually. Achievement of the Air Quality Guidelines (AQG) levels for all these pollutants is necessary to minimize the health risk of the exposure. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) can penetrate through the lungs and further enter the body through the blood stream, affecting all major organs.

Exposure to Chemical Mixtures During Pregnancy Alters Brain Development (html) 02-17-2022 – Neuroscience News. With their novel approach, the scientists show that up to 54 percent of pregnant women were exposed to experimentally defined levels of concern. Humans are rarely exposed to just one of these chemicals at a time; because they are so prevalent in the environment – contaminating our air, water and food – daily life regularly exposes us to mixtures of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs). Since risk assessments for these chemicals are often based on exposure to individual compounds only, little is known about the adverse health impacts of EDC mixtures – particularly the long-term developmental consequences of prenatal exposure – even at modest concentrations.

From Cohorts to molecules: Adverse impacts of endocrine disrupting mixtures (html) (PubMed) 02-18-2022 | Science | American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Earlier version: (html) (pdf) Posted October 23, 2017| bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/206664. NOTE: Chemical regulation is, however, entirely based on the risk assessment of individual compounds, leaving the real-life impact of chemical mixtures unexamined and unregulated.

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Ignores On-Going Preventable 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) Toxicity Tragedy with NO Known Safe Lead Levels Across the Entire State of Michigan

Electron microscopic characterization of exhaust particles containing lead Dibromide beads expelled from aircraft burning leaded gasoline (html) (pdf) September 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2020.05.026ScienceDirect. Jack D.Griffith, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center (html), Departments of Microbiology and Immunology (html) (html), and Biochemistry and Biophysics (html), School of Medicine (html) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), Chapel Hill, NC, 27955, USA. Lead dibromide particles from aircraft exhaust are much smaller than from motor vehicle exhaust. Lead dibromide particles from aircraft exhaust may be highly toxic to the lungs. Of significant concern, the smaller aircraft particles could penetrate mucosal barriers in the lung and be readily taken up by epithelial cells. NOTE: see EPA PM2.5 comparison (image).

Identifying sensitive windows of airborne lead exposure associated with behavioral outcomes at age 12 (html) April 2021 |. Environmental Epidemiology. Official Journal of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEEPI). Exposure to very low concentrations of airborne lead during childhood is associated with poor behavioral outcomes. Sensitive windows of exposure to airborne lead are identified in mid- and late childhood for increased anxiety and atypicality scores and sensitive windows for increased aggression and attention problems immediately following birth. Observed associations between exposure to airborne lead concentrations and poor behavioral outcomes at concentrations 10 times lower than the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) (Wikipedia) (NAAQS Table) set by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). NOTE: see EPA PM2.5 comparison (image).

Lead still poisons thousands of Midwestern kids (html) 05-02-2022 : Shots – Health News : NPR. Known to be toxic for a century, lead still poisons thousands of Midwestern kids. Lead-poisoned children may have trouble with language processing, memory, attention and impulsivity, said Dr. Justina Yohannan, a licensed psychologist based in Atlanta. Many require special education services in school. Now in sixth grade, Pascoe’s son has been diagnosed with autism and ADHD.

A concerted effort by industry [multiple] staved off regulations. There are stories that “just break your heart” showing how flawed regulation was, Lanphear said, and how “irresponsible” the industry was. Researchers estimated last month that just over half of Americans alive today were exposed to high lead levels as children, especially those born between 1951 and 1980. On average, lead cost those people 2.6 IQ points.

It is common knowledge and well known that airborne lead concentrations that are 10 times lower than the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are permanently damaging & harmful. NOTE: see EPA PM2.5 comparison (image).

The situation is the same in the Aerospace & Aviation industry & related ecosystem witnessed by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) on-going coverup of over 1M children BLLs close to 448 airports using 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) in Michigan. 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) toxicity is still one of the “Best Kept MDOT Secrets” in the State of Michigan. MDOT appears to have zero interest or even motivation in changing the status quo, it’s NOT their problem, nothing has changed, business as usual exposing vulnerable populations to known airborne lead concentrations that are damaging & harmful.

NOTE: Michigan Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) | Air Quality Division | Air Emissions | Compliance | State Implementation Plan and Attainment (html): See “Information by Pollutant” for sketchy details on “Lead (PB)” and “Particulate Matter (PM2.5, PM10)” In Michigan. It appears EGLE is using ancient outdated limits (micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3)) from 2006 or even 2012 EPA regulations and data from 2007 thru 2010. It’s hard to cut thru the mumbo-jumbo to tell what’s really going on with protecting Michigan Citizens and especially vulnerable populations without directly or exactly stating what specification, version and date is used for reference to protect babies, school children, pregnant women and elderly.

It’s the LITTLE THINGS. Little Things Really DO Matter When Considering Toxic Negative Aviation Impacts on the Developing Brain

It’s the LITTLE THINGS. Their first step, first word, first birthday. Ensure a future of the little things that bring so much joy – Please make sure your child is tested for LEAD at ages 1 and 2 anywhere near an airport in Michigan!

NOTE: These excellent brief minutes long summary videos should be ‘required’ viewing for ANYONE concerned about pregnant women, babies and school children. This includes parents, policy makers, law makers, teachers, scientists, researchers, etc. Anyone that lives near any airport in Michigan!

Video-1: Little Things Matter: The Impact of Toxins on the Developing Brain (html) 7:01m – YouTube. We’ve been studying the impact of toxins on children for the past 30 years and reached the inescapable conclusion: little things matter. We’ve discovered that extremely low levels of toxins can impact brain development. We have also discovered that subtle shifts in the intellectual abilities of individual children have a big impact on the number of children in a population that are challenged or gifted. Steps should be taken to reduce children’s exposure to toxins or suspected toxins.

Video-2: The Impact of Toxins on the Developing Brain (html) 4:17m : Video 2 on Vimeo. Shifting the curve. Using a nationally representative study of US children, this video illustrates how subtle shifts in ADHD symptoms from childhood lead exposure result in a large increase in the percent of U.S. children who have ADHD. SEE: Supporting report, metrics: The Impact of Toxins on the Developing Brain (html) | Annual Review of Public Health | Annual Reviews.

Video-3: Crime of the Century: The Failure to Prevent the Lead Pandemic (html) (8:31m) – YouTube. Over the past century, the largest mass poisoning in human history – a corporate collusion to extract immense profit from the sale of the toxic metal lead – cast a shadow over the planet, leaving in its wake, death, disease and crime.

These incredible videos depict and describe the exact phenomenon that occurred when the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) & Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC) Clown Patrol aggressively expanded Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airstrip that uses 100L Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) in densely populated neighborhoods surrounded by schools: HomeTownLife.com, part of the USAToday Network,  reports an “Alarming increase in autistic students creates ongoing challenges for school districts”, the PlymouthCanton Community Schools (PCCS) are facing a staggering 47% increase in the number of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) students enrolled in its district since 2010. PCCS employs approximately 150 Special Education staff members and a large group of para-professionals, and the costs to taxpayers are spiraling completely out of control. Here are more related technical details:

  • Dr. Bruce Lanphear (html) – Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) – Simon Fraser University (SFU).
  • Dr. Bruce Lanphear (html) – ‪Google Scholar.
  • Little Things Matter: The Impact of Toxic Chemicals on Brain Development (html) 02-27-2022 (1:05:04) – Dr. Bruce Lanphear, – YouTube. Dr. Lanphear, whose research was instrumental in showing that there is no apparent threshold or safe level of lead exposure, was the primary author of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) policy statement on childhood lead poisoning, “Prevention of Childhood Lead Toxicity.” His talk will include discussion on pesticides, air pollution, lead and other chemicals.
  • CHE Webinar: Environmental Contributors to CVD: Emerging Research on Heavy Metals and Air Pollution (html) 09-25-2018 (58:13) – YouTube. Lead. An Overlooked Cause of Coronary Heart Disease. Summarizes the results of a new study on the number of deaths attributable to lead exposure in the US and the potential contribution of the reduction in lead exposure to the decline in coronary artery disease over the past 50 years. For more details SEE: Environmental Contributors to Cardiovascular Disease: Emerging Research on Heavy Metals and Air Pollution (html) — The Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE).
  • Little Things Matter: The Impact of Toxins on Preterm Birth (html) 02-04-2016 (4:02m) on Vimeo. Babies who are born preterm — which is 3 or more weeks before their due date — are more likely to die in the first year of life or develop heart disease, diabetes or have trouble learning. Every year about 15 million babies are born too soon. Preterm birth, which is a key barometer for the health of a population, can be due to infection, poor nutrition, or having twins or triplets, but these only account for about one-third of babies born preterm. This video is about how widespread exposure of pregnant women to toxic chemicals [Lead] that can “tip the scales” and increase the number of babies born too soon. More research needs to be done regarding miscarriages or problem pregnancies that do not result in successful deliveries.
  • Little Things Matter (home) – Unleashing the Power of Prevention.
  • The Impact of Toxic Chemicals on the Developing Brain (html) – Little Things Matter. The impact of toxic chemicals is usually subtle for an individual child, but it can be substantial at the population level. Low-level exposures to toxic chemicals — such as lead, tobacco, pesticides and flame retardants – are implicated in preterm birth, intellectual deficits and behavioural problems. Yet, too little has been done to protect children from these ubiquitous, but insidious toxic chemicals.
  • Crime of the Century: The Lead Pandemic (html) – Little Things Matter. Over the last century the planet has experienced the largest mass contamination in history, a pandemic of lead poisoning. Brought on by the deception and negligence of a corporate collusion to extract immense profit from the sale of a known, harmful material, the subsequent waste has cast a toxic shadow over the earth, leaving in its wake death, disease and crime.
  • NOTE: see EPA PM2.5 comparison (image).

Chemical Threats to Child Brain Development

Includes Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) a globally banned pesticide both in 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas)
  • More detailed information about how toxins impact child brain development with supportive documentation for both videos here: The Impact of Toxins on the Developing Brain (html) (pdf) 03-2015 | Annual Review of Public Health.  https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-031912-114413.  The optimal strategy to prevent the development of brain-based disorders is to identify and restrict or ban the use of potential toxins before they are marketed or discharged into the environment. Unfortunately, industries are allowed to market a product until it is repeatedly shown to be toxic in both human and laboratory studies. Once a toxin is disseminated in the environment, it requires a Herculean effort to disentangle its effects from other prevalent and modifiable risk factors for brain-based disorders.
  • Child and Family Research Institute (BCCHR), BC Children’s Hospital (BCCH), University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, British Columbia V5A 1S6, Canada.
  • Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), Simon Fraser University (SFU), Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 3V4, Canada
  • No Brainer (pdf). The impact of chemicals on children’s brain development: a cause for concern and a need for action. NOTE: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) of concern include both Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) and Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) a globally banned Pesticide that are added in equal amounts to 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas).
  • NOTE: see EPA PM2.5 comparison (image).

MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” All in One, One Stop Shop: Toxic Contaminants, Public Nuisance, Disturbing the Peace, Noise, Harassment & Intimidation Plus More

Multiple facets of livability, such as transportation, education, and affordable housing, work together to create a great community. When it comes to quality of life, some elements are more important than others. This is especially true when it comes to community needs and what matters most to residents as a whole. Additionally, communities also face growth issues & problems along the way and can include:

  • Public & Private Nuisance, Disturbing the Peace
  • Health, Safety and Welfare negative impacts
  • Environmental Concerns such as noxious odors, release of toxic contaminants & air pollutants
  • Increased traffic, noise, accidents, urban sprawl, overpopulation
  • Liquor control & alcohol serving establishments (bars, liquor stores) are NOT desired or allowed near or across the street from schools, churches, day care centers etc.
  • Undesirable, unsavory or illegal activities

All of these Community Growth Problems lead to diminished quality of life, lower property values and further inhibit & cripple the ability to attract and retain residents and skilled workers to create a vibrant and growing community. Following are some simple basic examples of how communities create protections for their citizens.

Ann Arbor Michigan residents fed up with ‘deafening’ M-14 highway noise (html) 08-17-2022 (subscriber) – mlive.com. Cars and trucks travel along the M-14 highway next to Wines Elementary School. Compare this to Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned “Frat House” Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Airstrip vengeful harassment, intimidation, “public nuisance” and “disturbing the peace”, SEE PAGE: “Hall of Shame” for some real examples!

Protecting Health, Safety and Welfare: Ordinances – Smoking, Dogs, Chickens, Poultry and Farm Animals

It’s common sense and goes without saying, but it should be noted that you can’t smoke on Canton or Plymouth Golf Courses or in the majority of public places including restaurants, bars and public gathering spaces. You also can’t raise horses or livestock, raise chickens or other fowl due to local health ordinances protecting specific zoned areas including residential areas which includes schools. You also can’t have too many dogs or other pets.

  • Canton Township Michigan
    • Backyard chickens in metro Detroit: Cities that allow, ban them (html) 11-14-2018 | Detroit Free Press. Canton allows with restrictions, Plymouth does not.
    • Ordinance Enforcement Unit (html) | Canton Township, MI – Official Website.
    • Canton Township: Ordinance Enforcement Overview (pdf)
    • Canton Township Michigan Ordinances
    • Dog-Park-License-2022 (pdf) | Canton Township Michigan. Animal Control Ordinance for Canton Township limits the number of dogs per household to three (3) animals on premise, unless a person has two acres of property and meets the requirements for a private or commercial kennel. Dog Fancier Permit (Fee $75) will allow up to five (5) dogs, contingent upon securing permit, site inspection, and fee payment. Additionally, a separate “Dog Park” registration is required for up to three (3) dogs.
    • New Canton Township ordinance bans smoking at parks, golf courses (html) 01-03-2020 | Hometown Life.
    • Canton prohibits smoking at all parks, recreation facilities (html) 01-06-2020 – Plymouth Voice.
    • Smoke-Free Parks and Leisure Services Facilities (html) 01-01-2020 | Canton Township, MI – Official Website. Canton Township Park Ordinance Section 50-2 prohibits smoking in all Canton Parks, as well as the following Canton Leisure Services properties including: Canton Sports Center; Summit on the Park; and The Village Theater at Cherry Hill.
  • Plymouth Township Michigan
    • Township of Plymouth, Michigan: Charter & Code of Ordinances (html).
    • Parks and Recreation (html) | Plymouth Township. NOTE: Dogs are not allowed at Plymouth Township Parks.
  • City of Plymouth Michigan
    • Code of Ordinances (html) – City of Plymouth, MI.
    • City of Plymouth Michigan Code of Ordinances
    • City of Plymouth Michigan – Recreation Department, Plymouth Cultural Center Rental Packet (pdf) . Section 9. The Cultural Center is a non-smoking building. No smoking is allowed in any part of the building. No smoking in the alleyway located off of Farmer street.

Protecting Citizens from Backyard Poultry Chickens, Ducks, is Serious Business. Protecting Vulnerable Populations Including Pregnant Women, Babies, School Children and Elderly from 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) NOT So Much! MDOT NEVER Mentions Negative Aviation Impacts Anywhere EVER!

  • The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that public health officials in multiple states are investigating outbreaks of salmonella infections linked to backyard poultry — just as City Council across the country mull bills that would allow residents to keep multiple hens on their properties.
  • One dead in 38-state backyard poultry outbreak (html) 06-11-2022 | Food Safety News. An outbreak of Salmonella infections traced to backyard poultry flocks has sickened 219 people, resulting in 27 hospitalizations and one death, according to an update from the CDC.
  • CDC: Backyard Chickens, Ducks, Poultry Linked To Salmonella Outbreak, 27 Hospitalized, One Dead (html) 06-11-2022 | Forbes.
  • New Salmonella Outbreak Tied to Backyard Chickens, Ducks (html) 06-10-2022 | American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). Over 200 people nationwide have been infected by contact with poultry and eggs.
  • Backyard Poultry | Healthy Pets, Healthy People (html) | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Following are examples of activities communities try to control successfully in most cases, but in some cases, unfortunately it’s not possible to protect anyone.

NOT Protecting Health, Safety and Welfare: No Ordinances or Protection from MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” from Anyone

What do childcare centers, a traffic round about, hookah lounges, a high school driveway, marijuana, a strip club, a party store, a gas station, a dry cleaner, a towing service and a toxic noxious landfill have in common with Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Hobby, Sport, Recreational, Social Entertainment Venue airstrip? Are there any common threads below?

  • Canton Township Michigan
    • Canton Center Road Replacement Expected to Begin in Early April (html) 03-30-2022 | Plymouth, MI Patch. Residents have repeatedly cited Canton Center Road between Warren and Ford roads as one of the worst roads in Wayne County.
    • Residents say marijuana odor from house is overwhelming (html) 03-22-2022 | WXYZ Detroit.
    • Canton neighbors outraged neighbor’s pot-growing operation continues (html) 03-21-2022 | Hometown Life.
    • Plymouth-Canton parents want change after hate-filled school incidents (html) 04-26-2022 | Hometown Life.
  • Farmington Hills Michigan
    • Farmington Hills may tighten hookah lounge laws following crime (html) 04-01-2022 | Hometown Life. Hookah lounges may see more restrictions in Farmington Hills after chronic crime issues. Chronic crime issues at five of the six hookah lounges that have operated in Farmington Hills in recent years has officials considering further restrictions on smoking lounge establishments.
  • Northville Township Michigan Development
    • Childcare center looks to open second location in Northville Township (html) 03-29-2022 | Hometown Life. But not everyone around the proposed center is happy about it. There are multiple concerns, including issues with the school being at a higher elevation and looking down on private homes, as well as the potential for their private road to be used as a cut-through for people leaving the school not wanting to deal with traffic. “It’s a tough one for me because accidents happen there all the time,” Commissioner Mindy Herrmann said. “To add a little bit more to it and to have little kids in the car is a struggle for me.” The public hearing was reminiscent of a similar proposal heard several weeks ago before the Novi planning commission. A childcare center was proposed in a former golf clubhouse on 14 Mile that saw many of the residential neighbors speak out against the proposal. That daycare plan was ultimately recommended for denial by the city’s planning commission and turned down by the city council.
    • Northville residents share their thoughts on Downs development (html) 03-21-2022 | Hometown Life. “They’re basically the same thing,” Long claimed, “except they shuffled the deck a little bit. I am not against development of the Downs site; I’m against harmful development of the site.” Others added “Along with the increased number of (the development’s residents’) vehicles, there are going to be more garbage trucks, more construction traffic, more buses,” Rice said. “It’s going to take this quaint, beautiful small town and make it look like some other cities in this area that have blown up.”
    • Northville Planning Commission meeting ends with angry exchange (html) 02-04-2022 | Hometown Life.
    • Northville Downs developer earns planned unit development approval (html) 10-04-2021 | Hometown Life
  • Northville Township Michigan Landfill
    • Deal reached in lawsuit to resolve issues at Arbor Hills Landfill in Salem Township (html) 03-11-2022 | Click On Detroit.
    • Northville Township sues landfill alleging odors, release of contaminants (html) 11-10-2021| Detroit News.
    • State sues Northville-area landfill, alleges health, safety violations (html) 10-23-2021 | Detroit News.
  • Novi Michigan Road Development
    • 9 Mile and Taft Road roundabout in Novi stalls after years of planning (html) 03-25-2022 | Hometown Life. “I think it’s misguided and I am not in favor of proceeding,” Gatt said but that he believed the one proposed at the 9 Mile and Taft intersection “will look and be out of place and doesn’t belong there.” Others voiced disapproval for the project, with each respectively calling roundabouts “confusing” and “a solution looking for a problem.”
    • Novi residents voice concerns over Beck Road plans (html) 01-02-2022 | C&G Newspapers.
  • Novi Michigan Childcare Center Development
    • Residents speak out against proposed childcare center in Novi (html) 01-28-2022 | Hometown Life.
  • Novi Michigan Pollution
    • Residents want answers after beloved Novi lake turns orange (html) 03-30-2022 | WXYZ Detroit. “I just don’t trust them anymore.” An EGLE spokesman says the amounts of 4.1 parts per trillion (ppt) are well below the state water quality criteria of 12 ppt. But the geologist the neighbors are consulting with says it could be a sign of a broader problem. “My question is where is the source of the PFAS contamination? And does it get higher somewhere else,” said geologist Mike Wilczynski.
  • Novi Michigan Catholic Central Driveway
    • Catholic Central revises plans for new driveway for the school (html) 12-20-2021 | Hometown Life.
    • Neighbors  speak out against proposed driveway at Catholic Central (html) 10-15-2021| HomeTown Life.
  • Ypsilanti Michigan Strip Club (City | Township)
    • Ypsilanti v. Déjà Vu: A timeline of the city’s dueling legal battles with downtown strip club (html) 02-05-2022 | mlive.com
    • ‘Save the Vu’: Employees of Ypsilanti strip club protest outside city hall (html) 10-19-2021| mlive.com.
    • Ypsilanti strip club plans protest amid ongoing legal battles with city (html) 10-16-2021 | mlive.com.
    • Lawsuit claims Ypsilanti purposefully delaying Deja Vu strip club from rebuilding after fire (html) 05-20-2021 | mlive.com
  • Flint Michigan Party Store
    • Flint could tag party store as a public nuisance after more than 100 calls to police in less than a year (html)  09-29-2021 | mlive.com.
    • Flint liquor store could be branded a nuisance next week (html)  09-24-2021 | mlive.com.
  • Macomb Township Michigan Gas Station
    • Residents oppose Macomb Township gas station planned for Hall Road (html) 11-22-2021 | NewsBreak. Traffic, noise, trash collection, lights and declining property values are among concerns raised by Macomb Township residents against a proposed gas station on Hall Road and Gratiot Avenue.
    • Residents oppose Macomb Township gas station planned for Hall Road (html) 10-21-2021 | Macomb Daily. Neighborhood residents express concerns about traffic, noise.
    • Gas station, retail area planned near Hall and Gratiot (html) 09-23-2021 | C&G News.
  • Macomb Township Michigan Meijer
    • Residents speak out against proposed Meijer store development in Macomb Township (html) 09-21-2021 | Click On Detroit.
    • Meijer, residents express varying views on development in Macomb Township (html) 07-28-2021 | C&G News.
  • Ann Arbor Michigan
    • Ann Arbor officials view MDOT as obstacle to safer streets (html)  01-12-2022 | mlive.com.
    • $2.4M demolition and cleanup of polluted Ann Arbor dry cleaner site underway (html)  01-10-2022 | mlive.com.
  • Livonia Michigan
    • Livonia council moves toward cleaning roadways, sustainable policies (html) 04-26-2022 | Hometown Life.
    • Restaurant, entertainment venue proposed for northeast Livonia denied (html) 04-19-2022 | Hometown Life. The Livonia Planning Commission recommended denial of the project, saying the issues of parking and other concerns were too great to overcome on the landlocked site. “I understand your dream and I understand you have experience, but this is a very bad location and a very bad venue,” Planning Commissioner Carol Smiley said. “You don’t have anywhere to go.”  The waiver use and proposal to grant a liquor license at the site was unanimously turned down by the commission.
    • Narrow vote moves proposed Wonderland Village apartments forward (html) 03-31-2022 | Hometown Life. Rezoning of Wonderland Village for apartments moves forward; residents speak out against it. This particular property has been undeveloped for 15 years and its been undeveloped for a reason, probably multiple reasons.
    • Environmental concerns lead tow yard proposal to fail in Livonia (html) 01-21-2022 | Hometown Life.
  • Plymouth Township Michigan
    • Plymouth Township plans to spend $2.8 million in federal ARPA funds (html) 03-24-2022 | Hometown Life. When it comes to splitting up Plymouth Township’s $2.83 million piece of the federal American Rescue Plan Act pie, Supervisor Kurt Heise recommends cutting it into six slices, much to the dismay of at least two residents who spoke during a March 8 public hearing on the topic. Many think funding needs to be allocated to their pothole-infested neighborhoods. Heise stated “Wayne County is supposed to be taking care of our roads. If we gave the county $2.8 million and said spend this on a designated project, they wouldn’t mind that at all because they would take at least 10% of it right off the top for administrative overhead. It’s going to take tens of millions of dollars to fix our roads.” So instead Heise will spend it on frivolous mis-guided Golf Course Repairs amongst other projects with seemingly good intent but minor impact.
    • New year promises to be robust for development in Plymouth Township (html) 01-19-2022 | Hometown Life. Heise concluded by revealing that the Michigan Department of Transportation has plans to resurface Ann Arbor Road from Napier to Canton Center roads in 2022, while improving traffic signals and adding left-hand turn signals at the intersection of Beck and Ann Arbor roads. Heise said he learned the first week of January that the township can spend the $2.8 million COVID-19 relief funding it will receive from the federal government on any project that is considered a government service. [It appears that “essential” government services include “Golf Course Repairs” mentioned above]
    • Plymouth Township Elks lodge sold to developer; property’s future uncertain. Residents poised for problem with new neighbors (html) 11-09-2021 | Plymouth Voice
    • Plymouth Township residents say 373-unit development too much for area (html) 10-25-2021 | Hometown Life.
    • Plymouth Township residents adamantly oppose developer’s rezoning bid (html) 05-04-2021 | Hometown Life.
    • Plymouth Elks Lodge property sold (html) 04-19-2021 | Hometown Life.
    • Petition · Say NO to High Density Planned Urban Development for Ann Arbor Rd @Elks Lodge Property!  (html) | Change.org
  • Pittsfield Township Michigan
    • Pittsfield Township returns $1M grant for new pathway south of Ann Arbor (html) 04-02-2022 – mlive.com. The City of Ann Arbor owns both sides of the State Road near Ellsworth Road, where the airport is, and securing passage through there would have to go through the city, state officials and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), upping time and money involved, she added. With the airport (ARB) exploring a potential runway expansion, the plans could be further mired in complications, township Supervisor Mandy Grewal said at the Jan. 26 working session where officials heard several options on how to proceed.
    • ‘We were not involved’: Planned subdivision near Ann Arbor delayed for resident input (html) 04-01-2022 – mlive.com. An important question held things up: Did the neighbors know?
  • Lyon Township Michigan
    • Five most expensive homes for sale in South Lyon share a neighborhood (html) 03-28-2022 | Hometown Life. The 5 most expensive homes for sale in, around South Lyon are hidden in one elite neighborhood.
    • Housing development proposed for Coyote Golf Club in Lyon Township (html) 03-22-2022 | Hometown Life. 201 acres. In this new plan, the highest density (4.77 units per acre) part of the project, the townhomes, would be placed to the north, abutting the Walbridge industrial property. Next would be the 110 single family homes (1.56 units per acre) on 70 feet-by-135 feet lots, and the plan finally has 90 single family homes with larger lot sizes of 90-by-150 (1.01 unit per acre) closer to 12 Mile Road.
  • Birch Run Township Michigan
    • Township trustee flips off audience at contentious meeting about Michigan marijuana ordinance (html) 03-25-2022 – mlive.com.
  • A Chick-fil-A in California may be declared ‘a public nuisance,’ city council plans vote (html) 03-18-2022 | Fox News.

Question: Are there any commonalities with Community Growth Problems & MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”?

Answer: Yes. Community Growth Problems and MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” both cause problems that NOBODY wants in their communities! However, the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” is a “One Stop Shop” that embodies most of the Community Growth Problems above plus more.

It’s practically impossible to compare any of these Community Growing Pains to expansion and growth of MDOT owned and operated Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Hobby, Sport, Recreational, Social Entertainment Venue “Frat House” containing dozens and dozens of aircraft on 63 acres in the middle of densely populated neighborhoods close to many schools!

This amounts to roughly a density of 4 aircraft per acre. NOTE: you can have a larger number of aircraft per acre than the number of dogs allowed above! The 2017 Canton population was ~93,000 with a density of 2583.3 people per square mile. (2583.3 / 640 acres = 4 people per acre). BTW: Canton Township Michigan population recently surpassed Livonia Michigan.

Are There Differences Between Community Growth Problems & MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”?

All or at least most “general public” groups believe they have a “right” to do what they’re doing, whether everyone agrees or not, and there is certainly no right or wrong but left to communities to figure things out equitably. The MDOT “Frat House” uses MDOT protection, immunity and impunity which allows them to further their misconduct or bad behavior, malfeasance and wrongdoing.

This translates to specific purposeful, intentional, knowingly, deliberately to obstruct, conceal, cover-up, tamper, dupe, acquiesce deceit / deceive, trick / trickery, with malice furthering:

  • Revenge, Retaliation
  • Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying
  • Disturbing the Peace, Public & Private Nuisance

Creating Negative Community Outcomes:

  • Adverse Health, Safety and Welfare impacts
  • Environmental impacts of toxic pollution & noise pollution
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Reduced Community desirability & property valuation
  • Wasted taxpayer money

Additionally, Canton Township, Plymouth Township, the City of Plymouth and surrounding communities have been complaining about MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” created Negative Aviation Impacts for decades. There is no official record of any complaints ever retained or officially acknowledged by the State of Michigan or the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT).

Politics. Money. Lobbyists. Special Interests. It’s not rocket science . . .

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) provides protection for Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists enabled by allowing phony email addresses, phony telephone numbers coupled with lack of official procedures & processes to review, resolve, and then retain an audit trail of complaints over decades. MDOT also appoints Special Interests or Industry Lobbyists as Assistant Airstrip Managers as a “Kangaroo Court” tribunal. It’s quite well known, Landlords never evict or even discipline themselves.

Community growth always presents the dilemma of risks, obstacles, and negative outcomes. However, the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Elite Privileged Entitled Increasingly Hostile Threatening Volatile Flying Evil Clowns, Weekend Warriors & Extremist are active participants directly & actively working against the good of the community with continued violation of “Bodily Integrity” protected by US Federal Constitution and State of Michigan Constitution protections of Health, Safety & Wellness.

MDOT has shown a blatant disregard for Negative Aviation Impacts that have been a continual nuisance and a clear significant threat to the health of nearby residents of our community for years.

Summary of MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Negative Aviation Impacts on Communities

NOTE: When it comes to Toxic Contaminants, Public Nuisance, Disturbing the Peace, Noise, Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying there are more regulations, ordinances and laws to control smoking & second-hand smoke, dogs, cats and poultry than Toxic MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Negative Aviation Impacts right next to our densely populated neighborhoods, schools, and elderly assisted living and rehabilitation facilities. There are absolutely no community protections from MDOT, NONE, ZIP, ZERO, ZILCH, NADA.

There is absolutely nothing taxpayers can do to eliminate MDOT owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Hobby, Sport, Recreational, Social Entertainment Venue airstrip “All-in-One” Negative Aviation Impacts. And there is no way to address the Michigan Department of Transportations (MDOT) continued:

  • Gross negligence
  • Dereliction of duty, their purposeful or accidental failure to perform an obligation without a valid excuse, especially an obligation attached to his or her job.

You can sum up decades of frustration with MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” compared to a quote from “Neighbors  speak out against proposed driveway at Catholic Central” (html) 10-15-2021| Hometown Life. Not to diminish their importance, please remember we’re comparing a “driveway” to MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” enabled Negative Aviation Impacts from dozens and dozens of aircraft:

“But at the end of the day, everybody at [Catholic Central] gets to go home to their own houses and live in their own cities. We live there. We will always be there.”

The Literally Millions of Taxpayer Dollars Wasted on MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Continues!

Odds are that the community would take many “driveways” over the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” anytime as the Literally Million$ of Taxpayer Dollar$ Are Wa$ted Propping Up MDOT 1d2 “Frat Hou$e continues!

It should be abundantly clear, NONE of these people care about local schools, densely populated neighborhoods & vulnerable populations and are perfectly OK continuing Toxic Negative Aviation Impacts without a care in the world. MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Park & fly IS absurdly convenient and saves time & money for all of them.

Communities DON’T want childcare centers, a traffic round about, hookah lounges, a high school driveway, marijuana, a strip club, a party store, a gas station, a dry cleaner, a towing service and a toxic noxious landfill in their own communities.

The local community are NOT the NIMBYs “Not In My Backyard” at all, the local community already has MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” IN our backyards and are sick & tired of 50 years of this toxic MDOT Clown Patrol nonsense!

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is the negation of the principles and commitments that protect us all, it is everyone’s business and in their own best interest to expose & stop MDOT immediately for future generations.

MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”: Not Neighbors or Friends, but Elite Privileged Entitled Hostile Threatening Volatile Flying Evil Clowns, Weekend Warriors & Extremists including MDOT & their Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Cronies, Family & Friends

MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”: Not Neighbors or Friends, but Elite Privileged Entitled Hostile Threatening Volatile Flying Evil Clowns, Weekend Warriors & Extremists including MDOT & their Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist cronies, family & friends that have Personal Agendas that completely disregard Community Agendas. Local Violence is Increasing and Does Appear to be a Frequent Method of Conflict Resolution:

  • Ypsilanti man murdered on Facebook live, mom says shooter was angry over son’s online comments (html) 06-20-2022 | FOX2 Detroit. 46-year-old man shot, killed in Ypsilanti Township, police say (html) 06-28-2022 | Click on Detroit.
  • Traffic fight may have caused fatal shooting on Haggerty Road in Canton (html) 06-10-2022 | Home Town Life. A 37-year-old Belleville man died Friday from a shooting and possible traffic fight along Haggerty Road in Canton Township. Police found the Belleville man with multiple gunshot wounds.
  • Plymouth man arrested Friday afternoon following standoff with police (html) 06-10-2022 | Home Town Life. The man threatened to use a shotgun and ArmaLite rifle in an email addressed to a Junction Street business owner and the city manager.

Most People Want to Protect Vulnerable Populations Including Babies, Children, Pregnant Women and Elderly Right? NOT Everyone It Seems!

Two key examples, and believe it or not there are many more where these came from, there is no shortage of creeps in this world.

The first example is from outside the local community, remote, that is located away from where the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” is located, but within “flying” or “striking” distance as noted by the author.

Community Outsider Itinerant Operations (Remote) Elite Privileged Entitled Hostile Threatening Volatile Flying Evil Clown, Weekend Warrior or Extremist

The email seems to speak for itself:

Jeffrey XXXXXX jb67XXXXXX @ gmail.com (Royal Oak, 1978 Cessna 152)
Jeffrey XXXXXX
To: matt
Subject: Volunteer time to Close1d2

Dear whoever. It appears you haven’t the guts to show your faces, whoever you are. 1d2 has been there since the 1950s. If you don’t like it move. A very small amount of lead in the air which
Will not hurt anyone has nothing to do with flint water. So I will get all my friends to fly into id2.
I will fly in there next Saturday and do touch and goes and make noise. You filthy commies
From Ann Arbor will not shut down aviation. Go suck Bernice’s ass. Id2 has a pilot club,I will join.
You will not win .
Sent from my iPad

The second example seems to be an outspoken local Community Resident.

Local Community Resident Elite Privileged Entitled Hostile Threatening Volatile Flying Evil Clown, Weekend Warrior or Extremist

The second example also seems to speak for itself:

Alex appears to be a Community Resident, no one is actually sure, has personal use of large flying club aircraft, perhaps a disgruntled third string co-pilot or backup pilot, working for an almost defunct freight company, seems to have several certs: check airman, ATP, CFI, MEI, CFII, including a Professional Evil Clown license, also a Certified increasingly violent threatening Extremist permit. What is clear is that Alex went out of his way to deliver a plain simple ominous message while donating a full $1.00 in United States currency:

“Go Fuck Yourself.”

It’s not clear exactly what displeased him, protecting vulnerable populations maybe? Real issues never seem to matter to community pariah.  BTW: Alex’s $1.00 donation helped to exceed the goal to fund this site thru 2027, thank you Alex! His parents, family and flying club must be so proud of his donation along with his violent threatening ominous childish temper!

How Can Anyone Explain Hostile Threatening Volatile Behavior?

The whole world has been stressed out the by the pandemic isolated from doing the simple basic everyday things of a normal life.

The pandemic isn’t the reason at all and has nothing to do with anything at MDOT Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Hobby, Sport, Recreational, Social Entertainment Venue airstrip which has always been like this going back almost 50 years. This is typical behavior and how Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists handle things when anyone in Society brings up Negative Aviation Impacts.  It is all about Convenience, Saving Commercial Business Time & Money, and Saving Personal Time & Money at the expense of surrounding communities, period. It’s all about Politics. Money. Lobbyists. Special Interests. It’s NOT rocket science. . .

Additionally, Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists are further emboldened by Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) ownership & protection, immunity & impunity, almost like an MDOT cult.

MDOT + MAC = M-Anon Shaman, follow M, Where We Fly One, We Fly All #WWFOWFA

MDOT + MAC = M-Anon Shaman, follow M, Where We Fly One, We Fly All #WWFOWFA

What Are the Community of Subject Matter Experts (SME) Saying Including Pilots, Students, Instructors and Aviation Professionals?

Learning to fly at uncontrolled airport, short runway (SE Michigan) (html) : flying. Here is brief summary:

  • Learning at an uncontrolled field offers you a lot more patterns per hour and, ultimately, per dollar. Pattern count is what you care about at this stage in your path.
  • You’ll actually save a little bit of money learning at an uncontrolled airport.
  • But it’s night and day cost wise vs a busy controlled field.
  • The advantages of a small airport is most of your Hobbs [flight] time will be in the air. You’ll taxi and sit very little compared to a larger airport. Some airports will take 3-5 tenths just to get to the active. Ultimately you should solo and get your PPL in much fewer hours, saving quite a bit of money.
  • I can’t tell you how many hours were wasted holding short, waiting (often in line) for take-off clearance.
  • At the small airport I was able to waste less time on the ground (read more hours in the air and less total time).
  • I also prefer uncontrolled airports because I can just taxi to the runway and go.
  • That said I now spend a bulk of my time flying into and out of uncontrolled airports because it is almost always WAY cheaper to fly into them vs. controlled airports.
  • This will save a LOT of money and time off your PPL.
  • The untowered airport is nice because you can get a lot of patterns done.
  • Not just in idling while you wait for clearance and ground to process you, but in it taking so many more flights overall because the environment is overwhelming and because occasionally entire lessons just turn into complete wastes because ATC fucks you over.

Aside from the scenario above, the same is true for wealthy Helicopter or SRT-22s owners that can drive a few minutes from their personal residence, park the car, walk up and take off immediately. This includes Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists including Commercial & Business entities that utilize the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” for personal or financial gain all at taxpayer’s Financial, Health, Safety and Welfare expense. A highly coveted, enviable and high value capability in densely populated neighborhoods near so many schools with full immunity & impunity provided by MDOT. This walk-up park-n-fly capability even forms the basis for “bragging rights” in aviation circles and is defended & guarded with militant extremist type ferocity all while laughing & giving taxpayers the middle finger for ‘whining’.

Additionally, the same is true for the busy overworked volunteer local Civil Air Patrol (CAP) AKA Swivel Chair Patrol that can’t be bothered and need instant access after their “real jobs” to take off immediately and fly in “revenge” circles over and over. The historically troubled and Infamous Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Community Pariah get their own page to highlight their “top secret” Department of Homeland Security (DHS) essential National Security related missions that require a local HQ at MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” to conceal their “mission critical” activities from the world at large. What a joke, another massive waste of taxpayer money down the drain! Surely there are many good people that volunteer at Civil Air Patrol (CAP), just don’t look at MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” for any.

See Google Reviews for MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”

Do a Google Search (html), scroll down, on the “right hand side” select “View all Google reviews”. BTW: Microsoft Bing Search (html) does not have “reviews” but is included here for completeness.

Here are some of the creepy Community Pariah reviews:

Please ignore the 1-star reviews.  That guy is either really bored or has mental problems.  He’s well known among the pilots. Been flying out of here for years and got my pilot’s license from the flight school located here.  The runway’s a bit short for anything bigger than a single-engine, but there’s a nice, familiar and relaxed atmosphere around the airport.  Very laid back and informal with minimal government BS.


Please ignore the 2 (same guy) reviews with one star. He’s been upset with the airport’s existence since he showed up in this town. The airport was here first. Get a life dude. Next you should try to shut down metro airport because their jets pour thousands of gallons of kerosene into the air on an hourly basis.

Seems like a tag team conversation between typical “Beavis & Butt-Head” clueless wannabes. Both are nostalgic legends in their own minds, Beavis appears to use a VANS RV-10 – Van’s Aircraft Total Performance RV Kit Planes (html) (pdf) (wikipedia) EAB, Butt-Head is pivotal mission critical large flying club corporate officer that leverages large flying club assets all on his own. Here is the untranslated exchange as seen above:

Beavis: Heh, heh, heh…
Butt-Head: Uh-huh-huh, uh-huh-huh…

It’s interesting, give somebody a couple simple basic certificates that require absolutely no more skill than operating an automobile and they instantly render & dispense advice on what entire communities and their citizens should do even if nobody has asked or cares what they say including:

  • Mental Health & Psychological Health Evaluation
  • Public Health, Safety and Welfare Policy
  • Real Estate Guidance
  • Environmental Consultants
  • Social Commentary, Feedback & Google Review Expertise
  • Community Concierges at large so communities know what they should be doing
  • Legal Guidance & Interpretation Regarding Precedence & Standing of Local, State & Federal Laws, Statutes and Regulations

Two clowns desperately in search of carnival! After seeing Beavis & Butthead’s openly hostile “narcissistic tantrum” guess we can add a “Professional Narcissist“ certification to both of their resumes.

Michigan population in 2021 was estimated over ten million or about 10,077,331. Over 69.7% of Michigan Citizens or over seven million (7,026,650) have drivers licenses. Only 0.16% of all Michigan Citizens have FAA approved pilot certificates.

See Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Licenses & Certificates (html) and U.S. Civil Airmen Statistics (html). BTW: Michigan has just barely over sixteen thousand (16,153) that have FAA certificates including students, private, commercial, airline transport (ATP), miscellaneous, flight instructor (CFI), this also included over six thousand (6,000) remote (drone) pilots which is anybody that simply owns a drone and has to register it, more statistical marketing fakery to bloat up the overall pilot numbers.

Of the 329.5 million US citizens 69.3% or 228.2 are licensed automobile drivers, and 684,207 have pilot certificates or only 0.21% of US Citizens have FAA approved pilot certificates. Again, this includes bloated overall numbers.

Sadly, the bizarre power of a few hostile bozos have outweighed the good of the many for over fifty years of course enabled, supported, endorsed and protected by MDOT. So who’s in control here? Should communities ignore Negative Aviation Impacts and the threats to the Health, Safety and Welfare of entire communities? Should people relocate as community pariah suggest? Should communities allow a miniscule group of hostile elite bozos provide for their own local ‘air superiority’ over schools & densely populated neighborhoods? No, not even close. No cigar. Time to fix the damn MDOT first, then fix Public Health Policies to eliminate Tetraethyl Lead once and for all.

A few additional final comments regarding “Beavis & Butt-Head”:

  • Nobody in the surrounding communities really care what “hostile threatening increasingly violent pilots” think or are aware of. It’s truly a case of mind over matter, nobody really minds because “hostile threatening increasingly violent pilots” don’t really matter! These two clowns are well known among the surrounding communities, everyone knows who they are.
  • “Very laid back and informal with minimal government BS” = “do whatever we want whenever we want hiding behind MDOT” this basically amounts to “No Rules or Governance” at all. Nobody, including the State of Michigan, Local Municipalities, local County Authorities and Federal Authorities including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) cannot control these clowns, it’s been the same for almost 50 years and counting.
  • Nobody “just showed up in this town”. Many of us have been over 50 years and this is  “Our Hometown” clown boy, pretty clear he must have an amateur hockey closed head injury or something else is going on at work.
  • The same old tired worn out “Special Interest” & “Industry Lobbyist” childish fifth grade “what was here first” retort implies that some crappy little Hobby, Sport, Recreational, Social Entertainment Venue airstrip used by a handful of flying evil rodeo clowns predates, has seniority, tenure, community “standing” or overrides identified Public Health, Safety and Welfare threat(s) is absolute garbage and has absolutely nothing to do with Public Policy at all! Nobody buys into this ignorant crap or ever has! If we listened to Beavis & Butt-head we’d better repeal any smoking and automobile seat belt safety laws right away based on their demonstrated SME expertise & calculated legal precedent opinion!
  • Both disgruntled Clown boys obviously aren’t aware of any worldwide Industry or International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) sustainability efforts at all. Something that that truly clueless hostile increasingly threatening and violent boneheads & community pariah would care about.
  • SEE PAGE “Hall of Shame” for their Special Award!

Here are a few out of many, common knowledge, well known efforts in the Aviation, Aerospace & Defense Community, that most anyone with an iota of expertise or involvement are certainly aware of:

  • The Global Aviation Community, including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), is focused of reducing Negative Aviation Impacts by prioritizing efforts to limit or reduce the number and impact of:
    • People affected by significant aircraft noise
    • Aviation emissions on local air quality
    • Aviation greenhouse gas emissions on the global climate
  • Global Coalition for Sustainable Aviation (html).
  • Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF).
  • Innovation Driving Sustainable Aviation (pdf) International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) – First Edition – November 2021.
  • Aviation and Environment. Destination Green. The Next Chapter. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Environmental Report (pdf), 2019.
  • On Board. A Sustainable Future. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Environmental Report (pdf), 2016.

NOTE: the major coalitions and organizations includes most if not all US companies and organizations of any Aviation, Aerospace or Defense importance or relevance.

Boo Hoo, Someone is Watching Us and Reporting Our Bad Vindictive Vengeful Behavior, Wrongdoing, Misconduct and Malfeasance to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Woe is Me!

Pampered, spoiled, protected & enabled by MDOT provided complete immunity & impunity doing whatever they want for so long, after recording, logging and sending Negative Aviation Impact complaints to the local Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Michigan Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO) in Bellville Michigan, which btw is at Willow Run Airport (KYIP). The FAA FSDO announced an FAA sponsored Safety Class, which is the FAA way of surfacing community issues & problems, email reminders were sent out to the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”. Roughly ~200 pilots attended.

After the special “Safety Class” there was a very brief pause / quiet time, then normal “business as usual” resumed almost immediately just as it has done for the last 50 years. It is very ironic, and if it wasn’t so pathetic it would almost be laughable, that feedback provided during the FAA Safety Training Class by the resident Community Pariah “felt threatened” and provided alarming dire urgent feedback & comments to the FAA FSDO that:

“. . .several attendees expressed their concern to the FAA that the actions being taken by the concerned individual(s), e.g. the painstaking efforts of people that are recording the N numbers and keeping a log, that they may take more drastic measures creating a deep concern of their own safety and well-being.”

General Aviation (GA) Karen

Imagine that, “concerned individual(s)” recording N numbers, keeping a log per FAA instructions regarding “how to file a complaint”, oh my! Truly a sad clown show, a pathetic bunch of buffoons and blowhards and Community Pariah! BTW: some MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” clowns use very small unreadable N numbers, the absolute smallest allowed by law, on their aircraft to evade detection & reporting. However, everyone knows that all “concerned individual(s)” have to do is open a web browser, go to FlightAware web site to see all MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” activity including almost all arrivals, departures etc. It doesn’t take any more drastic measures than that! Excuse me officer I’d like to report a group of “concerned individual(s)” taking painstaking efforts to look at a web site, oh my goodness what will we do?

SEE: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Guide to Low Flying Aircraft (pdf). How to gather information and report Low Flying Aircraft to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Even the FAA, local and non-local, have stated “off the record”, that this is by far the most arrogant, hostile group, this includes MDOT employees, their selected third-party contractors, Special Interests and Industry Lobbyists, and the rest of the MDOT Clown Patrol, that the FAA has encountered anywhere! The local FAA FSDO is literally helpless to exert any control at the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” AKA Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip other than conduct an optional “Safety Class” that literally everyone in the MDOT Clown Patrol openly mocks and laughs at. Unfortunately, anyone should feel sorry for the FAA, they have a tough job here and are commonly referred to as the “F—ing Feds” by MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” evil clowns.

It is quite clear the State of Michigan, Local, County, and Federal Authorities including the FAA lack any control or “jurisdiction” as the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” is self-owned and operated the MDOT Clown Patrol that give everyone including the FAA the big “middle finger”.

SEE: PAGE “Hall of Shame” for more details.

SEE: PAGE “Civil Air Patrol (CAP) AKA Swivel Chair Patrol” for more details regarding CAP emboldened by DHS secret mission critical tasks that nobody knows about except them.

It should be abundantly clear, NONE of these people care about local schools, densely populated neighborhoods & vulnerable populations and are perfectly OK continuing Toxic Negative Aviation Impacts without a care in the world. MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Park & fly IS absurdly convenient and saves time & money for all of them.

Communities DON’T want childcare centers, a traffic round about, hookah lounges, a high school driveway, marijuana, a strip club, a party store, a gas station, a dry cleaner, a towing service and a toxic noxious landfill in their own communities.

The local community are NOT the NIMBYs “Not In My Backyard” at all, the local community already has MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” IN our backyards and are sick & tired of 50 years of this toxic MDOT Clown Patrol nonsense!

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is the negation of the principles and commitments that protect us all, it is everyone’s business and in their own best interest to expose and stop MDOT immediately for future generations.

The Four Pillars of Negative Aviation Impacted Communities: Politics. Money. Lobbyists. Special Interests. It’s Not Rocket Science, Really

After Michigan senator takes $30k from landfills, recycling legislation rots (html) 04-19-2022 – mlive.com. Bipartisan legislation that would modernize Michigan solid waste management to boost recycling and composting has languished for nearly a year. The Michigan Chamber of Commerce and the Michigan Chemistry Council say they want to see the bill packages move this year. “That’s unethical. That’s wrong,” said Rep. William Sowerby from Clinton Township. “I’ve got over three decades in elected office and I have stood back and watched the disgusting amount of money thrown by people in the [waste] industry at elected officials for wining and dining, sports tickets and large campaign contributions over the years,” Sowerby said. “It’s very obvious and the public is tired of it.”

Politics. Money. Lobbyists. Special Interests. It’s NOT rocket science. . .

Lobbying: How the Wealthy and Business Get Their Way (html) | Second Rate Democracy (html). Environmental groups have roughly 300 lobbyists. But just five business groups who routinely oppose environmental legislation (energy, construction, agri-business, automobiles, and the chemical industry, etc.) are able to field almost 4,000 lobbyists, and there are many more! The average citizen exerts little or no influence on federal government policy. The ‘Interests’ (Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists) whose opinions DO make a difference are the wealthier powerful ones. Policymaking is dominated by powerful business organizations and a small number of affluent Americans, period.

Typical Michigan Political Intrigue: Gravel, Asphalt, Concrete and Other Products Used in MDOT Road Construction Under Fire. What Could Possibly Be the Hidden Motivation or Impetus?

  • Money, gravel pit, Israel part of tale in 13th Congressional District (html) 07-24-2022 | Detroit Free Press. I feel like this column should start “Dateline: Bizarro World,” but I’m really just writing from the newly drawn 13th Congressional District about the millions of dollars being spent to spin our heads. This week’s peek behind the political curtain originated with a tip that one of the candidates was being supported by a millionaire with ulterior motives involving a deep, dark plan to mine Metamora.
  • Outside groups spend millions to sway U.S. House race centered on Detroit (html) 07-22-2022 | Detroit News. Yet another sad example of out of state billionaire interference in local races, spending millions to peddle lies and distortions and pushing a pro-corporate agenda.

The Company has been trying for about 20 years to convince officials in Metamora Michigan to allow them to start a massive gravel mine near a Superfund site, Metamora Treasurer Scott Benscoter told me. He said the company, which deals in asphalt, concrete and other products used in road construction, took the fight to court. So far, Benscoter said, the township has prevailed.

Victor Dzenowagis, president of The Metamora | Land Preservation Alliance (html), said an effort to give the state control over whether to allow mining in Michigan communities died in the final days of Republican Gov. Rick Snyder’s administration.

One question that should concern all of us: “What is the agenda of the people giving that money — and what are the expectations of the people who will receive those dollars? What about the continual lies, distortions and pro-corporate agenda. What about taxpayers and vulnerable populations? Sound familiar?

  • The Metamora | Land Preservation Alliance. Help Preserve Metamora’s Rural Charm. Citizen action is the only solution to fighting Levy and Boy Scouts from industrializing a large chunk of our countryside and creating a heavy truck route in our village.
  • Metamora Land Preservation Alliance (html) | Facebook.
  • METAMORA LANDFILL Metamora Michigan (html) (html) | Superfund Site Profile | Superfund Site Information | US EPA.
  • Metamora Landfill Superfund Site (Metamora, Lapeer County) (html) | PFAS Sites and Areas of Interest > Investigations and Sites >  Home PFAS Sites and Areas of Interest > Michigan.gov.

Michigan Communities Lack Basic Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Road Safety & Maintenance Measures

It’s no secret to anyone in Michigan that Michigan Communities Lack Basic Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Road Safety & Maintenance Measures, especially in Canton Township Michigan, home of the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”, that is the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Hobby, Sport, Recreational, Social Entertainment Venue airstrip for Elite Privileged Entitled Increasingly Hostile Threatening Volatile Flying Evil Clowns, Weekend Warriors & Extremists.

How Bad are Michigan Roads? Michigan Roads are So Bad That . . .

How do Michigan roads rank in US? Libertarian group crunches numbers (html) 11-21-2021| Detroit News | Opinion.

  • The state ranked 34th nationally in highway performance and cost-effectiveness in 2021, dropping 10 spots in the libertarian think tank’s Annual Highway Report compared to the 2020 report, and landing in the bottom 10 states in several measured categories.
  • Michigan was one of only four states, including New Mexico, Ohio and South Carolina, to decline in the rankings by 10 spots or more in the same time period, compared with the 2020 report, which looked at 2018 and 2019.
  • Michigan ranks in the bottom 10 nationally in five of the report’s 13 metrics. The state ranks in the bottom 10 in three of the four pavement categories, traffic congestion, and structurally deficient bridges.

Reason Foundation (html).

  • 26th Annual (2021) Highway Report: Ranking each state’s highway conditions and cost-effectiveness (html) (pdf) – Reason Foundation | 11-18-2021.
  • Michigan Ranks 34th in the Nation in Highway Performance and Cost-Effectiveness (html) (pdf) – Reason Foundation. This is a 10-spot decline from the previous report, where Michigan ranked 24th.
  • 25th Annual (2020) Highway Report (html) (pdf) – Reason Foundation.

Literally Million$ of Taxpayer Dollar$ Wa$ted Propping Up MDOT 1d2 “Frat Hou$e”

Literally Millions of Taxpayer Dollars Wasted Propping Up MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Hobby, Sport, Recreational, Social Entertainment Venue airstrip has replaced or redone all paved surfaces including parking lots and runway. MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” runway is now in “excellent” condition unusual for a miniscule insignificant airstrip, but not for one owned and operated by MDOT.

Communities across the State of Michigan cannot seem to “Fix the Damn Roads!” Canton Township Michigan can’t even get street signs or traffic lights to save school children’s lives let alone ‘Fix the Damn Roads’! The State of Michigan (SoM) needs to ‘Fix the Damn MDOT’ first!

So, how bad are roads in Michigan really? Here are some examples:

  • Ann Arbor woman injured stepping in pothole gets $24,500 in settlement (html) 08-16-2022 – mlive.com. Ann Arbor City Council voted unanimously Monday night, Aug. 15, to authorize the payout to resolve an injury claim brought against the city where a citizen suffered a fractured right ankle from stepping in a hole while walking.
  • Lyon Township (html) Michigan residents fix roads with special assessment district (html) 07-21-2022 | Hometown Life. A warning for residents of townships throughout Michigan: if you’re waiting for the [MDOT] cavalry to come to the rescue of your own deteriorating roads, you too might need to be your own heroes and open your wallets. Really? Is this how bad Roads & Infrastructure in Michigan have gotten? Apparently it is how bad infrastructure in Michigan has gotten, MDOT has left the building.
  • Major overhaul of Ford Road in Canton Township to start in 2024: Here’s the plan (html) 06-21-2022 | Click on Detroit.
  • Whitmer’s road repairs includes Plymouth Township (html) 06-06-2022 – Plymouth Voice. The sole Wayne County project on the Governor’s list is located in Plymouth Township and set to repair Ann Arbor Road between Canton Center and Napier Roads. There was no mention of the lagging Ford Road Corridor project in Canton. Nobody will be able to “Fix the Damn Roads” until someone can “Fix the Damn MDOT!
  • It’s pothole season again and here are some of the area’s biggest hits (html) 02-23-2022 | Hometown Life.
  • Whitmer signs $4.7 billion bipartisan infrastructure bill (html) 03-30-2022 | Detroit Free Press. “This plan will help us continue fixing the damn roads — and the dams and roads.” Most of the money is federal — about $3.1 billion coming from coronavirus relief funds and an additional $945.4 million from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passed by Congress. Taxpayers can only hope the $97.8 million allocated for airport improvements are applied to the very small percentage of truly proven real Michigan airports (19) that actually provide real demonstrable transportation needs, real jobs and real tax revenues and NOT continued MDOT “airstrip Frat House dominance pipe dreams”.
  • Canton Center Road Replacement Expected to Begin in Early April (html) 03-30-2022 | Plymouth, MI Patch. Residents have repeatedly cited Canton Center Road between Warren and Ford roads as one of the worst roads in Wayne County.
  • One mile stretch of tire-flattening Canton roadway to be totally replaced (html) 03-30-2022 | Hometown Life. One of the roughest roads in western Wayne County is on verge of total makeover. Canton Township will spend approximately $6 million to completely replace Wayne County-owned Canton Center from Ford to Warren roads.
  • “His big fear is that he will be like this forever” man suing Detroit for pothole claims severe brain injury (html) 03-28-2022 | WXYZ Detroit. $10M lawsuit against the city of Detroit. Detroit, Michigan. (WXYZ) — A 34-year-old software engineer says right now he cannot read, work or see clearly 6 months after he crashed an electric scooter into a pothole in Detroit. Justin Almeida is now suing the city for 10 million dollars.
  • Merriman, Warren roads among major projects in Westland this summer (html) 04-25-2022 | Hometown Life.
  • Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) – Tips for dealing with potholes (html). Be vigilant – extra vigilant. Stating the obvious, it’s best to avoid hitting potholes whenever possible. That’s easier to do if you’re driving cautiously, and not tailgating, so you have more time to see and react to any potholes you’re approaching.
  • Michigan Department of transportation (MDOT) – Potholes. Report a Pothole (html).
  • Wayne County pothole reimbursement program sets the bar high (html) 03-16-2022 | Hometown Life.
  • Extra-bad Michigan pothole season a product of early freeze-thaw cycle (html) 03-14-2022 | Lansing State Journal. Just more excuses, same happens in neighboring States too.
  • Governor Whitmer Signs Executive Directive to Speed Up Pothole Repairs (html) 03-02-2022 | gov.
  • Gretchen Whitmer: ‘Use all available resources’ to fix Michigan potholes (html) 03-02-2022 | Bridge Michigan. A recent study claimed Michigan has the nation’s third-worst potholes based on Google search statistics. The American Automobile Association estimates that U.S. drivers spend nearly $3 billion a year fixing damages caused by potholes.
  • Potholes place Michigan roads as the worst across the country, Twitter data shows (html) 03-02-2022 | WXYZ Detroit. It’s expected to get worse toward end of April, city of Detroit says.
  • It’s pothole season, and Michigan’s are among the nation’s worst, study finds (html) 02-28–2022 | Bridge Michigan. A 2019 study claimed Michigan’s lackluster roads cause $648 per year in damage per car.
  • Potholes will plague Michigan until roads are replaced (html) 02-26-2022 | Opinion | Detroit Free Press.
  • Pothole season underway in Michigan (html) 02-24-2022 — and repair crews can’t keep up | Detroit Free press. Metro Detroit mechanic: This pothole season is ‘one of the worst’ we’ve seen
  • Canton residents frustrated by giant potholes near Canton Center (html) 02-22-2022 | WXYZ Detroit.
  • Wayne County crews working extra hours on potholes (html) 02-22-2022 | WXYZ Detroit.
  • Pothole season in Michigan: Tips on how to avoid and report potholes (html) 02-21-2022 – mlive.com. NOTE: the rubber ducky floating in the Michigan “Land of Lakes” pothole.
  • Eminent domain projects in Canton, Northville have residents worried (html) 01-13-2022 | Hometown Life. Why plans for road projects in Canton, Northville have residents, business owners worried.
  • Residents say these Canton Township intersections need upgrades (html) 12-21-2021 | Hometown Life. Speed limit signs, left-turn arrows top Canton drivers’ holiday wish list. [Pretty sad when residents must wish for traffic signs, lights, etc. for the holidays]
  • Significant safety upgrade coming to dangerous Canton intersection (html) 12-08-2021 | Hometown Life. Long-demanded traffic light coming to treacherous Canton Township intersection.
  • Lack of crosswalk near Canton high schools a dangerous concern (html) 09-21-2021 | Hometown Life. Parents want dangerous student walker areas near Plymouth-Canton high schools fixed.
  • Canton Township subdivision ravaged by chewed-up roadways (html) 08-04-2021 | Hometown Life. Crumbling condition of Canton subdivision streets ‘an embarrassment’ for residents.
  • Canton road problems lead to town hall discussion (html) 04-09-2021 | Hometown Life. Here’s why streets like Canton Center Road are deteriorating so fast.
  • Horrendous Canton Township road cannot be fixed (html) 03-04-2021 | Hometown Life. Canton Center Road is a serial killer for tires, rims, suspensions.
  • Canton Township reveals 2021 road project targets (html) 01-15-2021 | Hometown Life. Canton Township tries to cure ‘concrete cancer’ as it maps out 2021 road repairs.
  • Canton Township dangerous intersection close to getting light (html) 08-20-2020 | Hometown Life. New traffic light at treacherous Canton intersection expected to decrease accidents.
  • NOTE: This is really OLD news, no surprises here! Here are metro Detroit’s biggest, deepest potholes and worst roads (html) 03-16-2018 | Detroit Free Press. With an average pothole drop of 5 inches, Wayne County is home to the deepest potholes we came across in the tri-county area. Wayne also ranked second in pothole length, with a mean of 36.4 inches. Oakland County was the champion for longest average pothole, with a mean of 52.33 inches. The country placed second in depth of potholes, with an average of 4.33 inches.

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is the negation of the principles and commitments that protect us all, it is everyone’s business and in their own best interest to expose and stop MDOT immediately for future generations.

So How Elite, How Privileged and How Entitled are Canton Township Michigan MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Community Pariah?

Modest-income buyers being priced out of new-vehicle market (html) 04-14-2022 | AP News. A widening disparity between the richest buyers and everyone else. The most affluent buyers keep plunking down big money for new vehicles, including the least fuel-efficient among them — trucks, SUVS, large sedans. As for the rest of America, millions are feeling increasingly priced out of the new-vehicle market. They are competing instead for a shrunken supply of used autos, especially smaller, less expensive ones that consume less fuel.

Certainly seems to be a trend with high inflation across the nation: Even the new car market is increasingly out of reach for the average person: Luxury car buyers pay more than ever as prices and loan costs rise (html) 07-05-2022 | CNBC. Luxury car buyers shell out more than ever with ‘car payments that look more like mortgage payments. Tight new car inventory brings boost in business for mechanics (html) 03-26-2022 | Detroit Free Press. Wealthier people are the ones buying new vehicles, data shows. Sticker shock has people holding onto cars longer, spending thousands on updates.

The new personal aircraft market has been getting even worse for some time now: The High Cost Of New General Aviation Aircraft May Be Pricing Pilots Out Of The Market (html) 04-28-2021 | Forbes. But, of course this doesn’t affect the elite privileged entitled wealthier people. According to Plane & Pilot magazine, the price of a new Cessna 172 was $12,500 in 1970, in 2022 a Cessna 172S is almost $420,000+. Even a slightly used 1970s vintage Cessna 172 sells for around $120,000. Personal Aviation is no longer a common everyday citizens part-time personal hobby even with great “starter” planes like the Cessna Skyhawk.

Cessna 172 Skyhawk Cost To Own & Operate (html) 04-22-2022 | SkyTough. A Cessna 172 Skyhawk costs around $40,000 – $50,000 used or $400,000 to buy new. Besides the price, fixed costs total about $800 to $5,000 per year for insurance, hangar fees, and regular maintenance. Variable costs, like fuel and engine overhauls, cost roughly $50 to $60 per hour of flight time. So even if you don’t manage to get the time to take even one flight during a year, or you put in 1,000 hours of flight time, these costs will stay roughly the same.

However, total cost of ownership (TCO) including the high initial cost doesn’t seem to be a barrier to anyone at the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” which has so many Elite Privileged Entitled owners of custom painted Blue & Maize Robinson Helicopters, Professional Staudacher Stunt planes, heavy twin engine Beechcraft, and too many Cirrus SR-22Ts to count. SR22T Cirrus Aircraft (html) (pdf)| Discover the Power. Depending on numerous factors, the average price for a pre-owned CESSNA Corvalis 350 is roughly $295,000.00.

“She said, ‘it’s no that much, it’s less than it costs my Dad to re-fuel his plane'”

Some 1d2 T-Hangars are “Couples Hangar” with “His & Hers” aircraft parked side by side. Some hangars outfitted with living room furniture and art work or even stolen MDOT traffic signs, while many hangars have : Jet-skis, Wave Runners, high-end motorcycles & other exotic collector’s automobiles, e.g. vintage Corvettes, etc. This is surely the stuff “Michigan Aviation Living Legends” are made of. ‘Strutting’ and ‘showing off’ at local ‘aviation’ entertainment events, parties and social gatherings aka “pancake breakfasts” which are very popular way to give surrounding communities the big “middle finger”. Quite a stunning MDOT owned & operated Hobby Sport Recreational Social Entertainment Venue for the ones that can afford it and get away with anything hiding behind MDOT.

Status Quo for the Wealthy in Michigan: Michigan Exclusion – Still a Top-Heavy World of Haves and Haves-Nots

Glory Days: In Michigan, Nostalgia for A Romanticized Past Outstrips the Reality of An Economic Rebirth (html) 08-28-2022 – POLITICO. Jobs are back, wages are up, but for a cross-section of America’s political bellwether state, distrust and dissatisfaction still reign supreme. Talk to residents and it’s much of the same old depressing story, exemplified by the “Old School” Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT).

Economic anxiety is rife, according to conversations with dozens of Michigan residents. Union workers are taking second and third jobs to make ends meet. Auto factories keep stopping over chip shortages, leaving workers to file for unemployment. Retirees often choose between food and medicine after receiving pension cuts. And everywhere, people express a deep frustration that the jobs on offer today don’t offer the same pay, benefits and community cohesion that they remember from Michigan’s industrial heyday.

Some 69 million American households now cancelling vacations, driving less and cutting grocery bills (html) 09-07-2022 | Daily Mail Online. The Great American Squeeze: 69 million households are now canceling vacations, driving less and cutting grocery bills as inflation hits home, pollsters reveal. 56 percent of Americans now say inflation is causing them financial hardship. A worrying 12 percent said they were experiencing ‘severe hardship’ as their standard of living tanked. Cash-strapped Americans are cutting back on gas and groceries. Others are working overtime, finding second jobs or even delaying medical procedures.

The experience for many is still exclusion: a top-heavy world of haves and haves-nots. “It sounds like the middle class is getting phased out. There’s gonna be rich and poor, no middle class.” This is exemplified by MDOT enabling & coddling Special Interest, Industry Lobbyists, friends & cronies multiple aircraft ownership, not just one or two, many have individually owned, investments or interests in entire aircraft collections, complete with preferential treatment on many levels.

This is a perfect example of tax payer dollars allocated by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) for frivolous expenditures on a “Regular Basis” essentially giving everyone in Michigan the “Big Middle Finger”. Just look at MDOT owned 1d2 Canton Plymouth Mettetal airstrip “Frat House” that literally caters to wealthy clientele with multiple aircraft or even collections of aircraft and has been going on for decades. This is only one MDOT example, there are many other unbelievable MDOT examples that follow, please read on.

Lifestyles of the MDOT Sponsored Rich & Famous: Typical MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Patrons or “Flyerati”

Aside from the several typical creepy hostile threatening “run of the mill” flying clubs replete with tantrum prone paranoid  narcissists described elsewhere on this site there are the Elite Privileged, Entitled, Enlightened “Flyerati”. NOTE: there are way too many high-end Cirrus aircraft to list here. Here are a few examples, a mere sampling of the 1d2 MDOT “Frat House”, a typical cross section, however it seems that most own multiple aircraft:

  • N99068 – Canton MI, 1946 AIR PRODUCTS F-1 Aircoupe, & N15NF – 1969 Cessna 172K, ACME FLYING CLUB LLC-LARA.
  • N957CSRobinson Helicopter Company | R44 IITime machine LLC-LARA, average used price ~$465k. Ownership and Operating Costs (html) | ROBINSON R44 Raven II | Aircraft Cost Calculator (ACC). Based on 450 annual owner-operated hours and $5.12-per-gallon fuel cost (already out of date), the ROBINSON R44 Raven II has total variable costs of $152,877.60, total fixed costs of $35,810.00, and an annual budget of $188,687.60. This breaks down to $419.31 per hour for a maximum of 3 passengers in the rotorcraft / helicopter. Robinson Helicopter Company: The Deadliest Helicopter Manufacturer in the World (html) 11-02-2020 | Cook County Aviation Accident Lawyers (TKKLaw).
  • N85393  – 1956 Aeronca 7AC, & N84769 1957 Aeronca 7AC
  • N6902T – VANS RV-7A (Van’s claimed that most builders can complete their RV-7 projects for between US $41,000 – $97,000. In 2016, Van’s estimated the completion cost at between US $55,500 and US $116,000.) & N6044L American AA-5 (~$50k).
  • N1861G – VANS RV-10 – Van’s Aircraft Total Performance RV Kit Planes (html) (pdf).(wikipediaEAB ~$250k. The Modern RV-10 (html) 09-30-2021 – KITPLANES.
  • N7341Y, N18AN co-owned, N99RL – many multiple aircraft owners at MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”. Convenient Park-n-fly, leave on a moments notice, N99RL Flight Tracking and History 28-May-2022 (1D2-89D) – FlightAware. Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 to Kelleys Island Land Fld (89D) for a quick lunch and back (image-1, image-2, image-3, image-4) whenever you feel like it, no waiting anywhere!
  • N2517x – Lancair Company LC42-550FG (Cessna Columbia 300) ~$200k.
  • N603SA – Staudacher S600 F Stunt Plane used $125k+.
  • N260YimageT-51D Mustang | Titan Aircraft. ($54,900 kit only, does not include engine, propeller, instruments, add another ~$100k+).
  • One can’t forget about the ‘Well to Do’ and their ‘Out of Place’ Twin Engine behemoths: N99MQPlacide Aircraft LLC-LARA, and N7010Y, which appears to be “Daddy’s” old plane, gotta sell a lot of used cars to buy a brand new one of these.
  • Some 1d2 ‘Frequent Flier Visitors’ own multiple aircraft: N160B, N237DJ, N407C, N4254A, N47HS, N5172B, N74898, N97162, N97185!
  • Everyone should feel sorry for wealthy aircraft owners, they have all kinds of problems everyday taxpayers don’t have to deal with: Tesla Drives Into $3.5M Jet While Using Summon Feature (html) 04-22-2022 | daily dot. Tesla Model Y & Cirrus Vision SF50 Jet Owner crashes Tesla Model Y into $3.5m Cirrus Vision SF50. Vision Jet (html) | The Next Evolution. VisionAir (html) – Cirrus Aircraft. Must be tough on them!
  • N324DK – Even the “Dawn Patrol Flying Club” Head Clown (if there is such a thing?) has multiple other aircraft (image-1, image-2) he can ‘command at will’ as Pinhead in Charge (PIC) : S-7S COURIER | ransdesigns. The Rans S-7S Courier: A Fun To Fly, Economical Light Sport Bush Plane (html) – Disciples of Flight.
  • N1602L – Plymouth MI, 1987 McDonnell Douglas Helicopter (google) 369E, now MD Helicopter (home) used from $650K to well over $1.5 million dollars.  SAXTON HELICOPTER LEASING LLC-LARA. UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) Bulletin G-KSWI 1986 McDonnell Douglas Helicopters Hughes 369E (pdf) destroyed from approximately 50 foot altitude, seriously injured 57 year old pilot.
  • N6668Q – 1983 Beech A36, yet another “Flying Junk Pile” (FJP), perfect for transient aviation ‘homeless’ people, foraging for sustenance image-1, don’t these people have somewhere they should be or someone that wonders where they are, or what they’re doing or even care? Truly pathetic, truly sad.

Most Michigan citizens, the everyday taxpayers, are worrying about repairing their cars & fixing the damn broken roads that broke their cars, inflation, food insecurity or gas prices. As gas prices rise daily, metro Detroit drivers start pinching pennies (html) 06-03-2022 | Detroit Free Press. Gas prices in metro Detroit topping $5 a gallon in many places, expected to go higher across Michigan as average prices soar: AAA Michigan Gas Price Averages (AAA-MI).

All while the elite “coddled” MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” few are worried about choosing their Cirrus SRT22 ‘option’ packages for classy comfortable quick get-aways to their secondary residence or cottage or just a quick spin for brief shopping or dinner visit at favorite restaurant in Northern Michigan (image) within a ~60 minute flight, here are the ‘options’ that require tough difficult, torturing & tiring choices to labor over:

  • Standard features $828k (pdf). CIRRUS EXECUTIVE $31,900, CIRRUS AWARENESS $30,900, CIRRUS ADVANTAGE $34,900, CERTIFIED FLIGHT INTO KNOWN ICE $59,900.
  • PREMIUM APPEARANCE $34,900, or additional $160,600 in options.
  • Or the Grandiose Cirrus SR22T GTS “Flagship” for $1,007,900.00. Additional Options AIR CONDITIONING $29,900, CIRRUS GLOBAL CONNECT $15,900, HARTZELL 4-BLADE, COMPOSITE PROPELLER $21,900, TANIS AVIONICS & ENGINE PRE-HEATER $2,490, everyone’s gotta have an engine pre-heater, right?
  • Optional Appearance packages: Xi COMPLETE $74,900, Xi EXTERIOR $44,900, Xi INTERIOR $49,900.

Again, it’s important to remember we’re talking about the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” a Personal, Hobby, Sport Recreational, Social Entertainment Venue operated and maintained for convenience of time & cost savings for State of Michigan Registered “Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Clubs”, Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists right in the middle of densely populated neighborhoods close to many schools!

Private Aircraft Including Helicopters Have Worse Fuel Utilization Than Larger Aircraft. It Doesn’t Really Matter, It’s All About Elite Privileged Wealthy Personal “Convenience” Anyway

Kourtney Kardashian & Travis Barker Fly Commercial Amid Carbon Footprint Concerns (html) 08-07-2022 | TMZ. Wealthy seeing what it’s like traveling like the masses and doing better by the environment. Relatives get flak for reportedly using a PJ [Private Jet] to go shopping less than 30 miles from home … just to dodge L.A. traffic! Sound familiar? Yes, again it’s all about personal “convenience”.

How Taylor Swift, Drake and celebrities with private jets affect the climate (html) 08-02-2022 – The Washington Post. Generally, smaller aircraft have worse fuel mileage than bigger planes, according to experts. A fully loaded 737 has about the same emissions per passenger mile as an efficient car like a Prius.  While larger commercial planes do require more fuel, they’re often carrying many more people and all the passengers on the flight share the trip’s overall fuel consumption. One main perk of flying private, though, is convenience. We live in a society where, among the very wealthy, convenience kind of trumps everything else, and we would all benefit from keeping the emphasis on convenience in perspective.

A 17-minute flight? The super-rich who have ‘absolute disregard for the planet’ (html) 07-21-2022 | Climate crisis | The Guardian. Many wealthy people make short hops using private aircraft rather than driving or using public transport. Many of these brief flights are to “park” an aircraft at a convenient or less expensive location. Private aircraft still emit more than 33m tons of greenhouse gases, more than the country of Denmark, and because they carry so few people they are five to 14 times more polluting than commercial planes, per passenger, and 50 times more polluting than trains, researchers have found.

John Kerry’s family private jet emitted over 300 metric tons of carbon since Biden took office (html) 07-19-2022 | Fox News. Special presidential envoy for climate John Kerry arrived in Berlin, Germany on Tuesday for the Petersberg Climate Dialogue. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry’s family jet has emitted over 300 metric tons of carbon dioxide since the Biden administration began, federal data shows. Kerry’s family jet, a Gulfstream GIV-SP, has made a total of 48 trips lasting more than 60 hours and emitted an estimated 715,886 pounds, or 325 metric tons, of carbon since President Biden was sworn into office, according to federal data obtained by Fox News Digital via FlightAware. The plane belongs to Flying Squirrel LLC., a charter company owned by Kerry’s wife Teresa Heinz-Kerry and in which Kerry reported owning a more than $1 million stake on his most recent financial disclosure.

Executive Paywatch 2022: CEO Pay Up, Worker Pay Down – American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)

The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is the largest federation of unions in the United States. It is made up of 56 national and international unions, together representing more than 12 million active and retired workers. The largest unions currently in the AFL–CIO are the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) with approximately 1.7 million members, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) with approximately 1.4 million members, and United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) with 1.2 million members.

Executive Paywatch 2022  (html) | AFL-CIO.

Greedflation. Corporate Profits: Up. CEO Pay: Up. Real Wages: Down. CEOs, not working people, are causing inflation. Runaway CEO pay is a symptom of greedflation — when companies increase prices to boost corporate profits and create windfall payouts for corporate CEOs.

CEO Pay Matters. The ratio of CEO-to-worker pay is important. A higher pay ratio could be a sign that companies suffer from a winner-take-all philosophy, where executives reap the lion’s share of compensation. A lower pay ratio could indicate the companies that are dedicated to creating high-wage jobs and investing in their employees for the company’s long-term health.

  • CEOs of S&P 500 companies received, on average, $18.3 million in total compensation.
  • $2.8 Million. The amount the average S&P 500 CEO’s pay grew over the previous year.
  • CEO pay rose 18.2%, faster than the U.S. inflation rate of 7.1%.
  • 324 Times More. The average S&P 500 CEO made in 2021 compared to what the median employee received.

Workers Pay, NOT So Important:

  • In contrast, U.S. workers’ wages fell behind inflation, with worker wages rising only 4.7% in 2021.
  • Workers’ real wages actually fell 2.4% in 2021 after adjusting for inflation
  • Working people experienced a pay cut with every price increase while U.S. companies enjoyed record profits and CEO pay increased at an even faster rate.
  • The average S&P 500 company’s CEO-to-worker pay ratio was 324-to-1.

MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Flying Junk Piles (FJP) – Disasters Just Waiting to Happen Over Densely Populated Neighborhoods Surrounded by Schools!

Exclusive elite antique collectors’ items are for the passionate, dedicated and wealthy, but at what cost? The “Cost” in question is the “Cost” to the surrounding communities AND the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for wealthy passionate people that own these Flying Junk Piles (FJP)?

  • Pilot makes emergency landing on U.S. 23 in Green Oak Township (html) 06-04-2022 | Detroit Free Press. The 75-year old pilot was able land a 1946 airplane from Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip in the median miraculously & luckily without any major injury or deaths to others on the ground. Police said this was the second time the pilot had experienced engine failure in the plane. It was unclear when the first incident of engine failure occurred. NOTE: nobody warns or mentions these incidents to the general public! Notice how the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” airstrip name is conveniently left out, hmmmm, how convenient!
  • Plane makes emergency landing on U.S. 23 (html) 06-04-2022 – mlive.com. (subscription required).
  • Small plane lands on US-23 near Brighton on Saturday, police say (html) 06-04-2022 | Click On Detroit.
  • Pilot makes emergency landing on U.S. 23 in Green Oak Township (html) 06-04-2022 | Livingston Daily.
  • Small aircraft makes emergency landing on US-23 near Pinckney due to stalled engine (html) 06-04-2022 – NewsBreak. “Ironically enough, this is second time the engine has failed in that plane, so this is the second time he’s had to do this type of landing,” said Green Oak Township Police Chief Steven Kramer.
  • N85697 | Aeronca 7AC Champion | Private | Andrew Thompson | JetPhotos.

Engine failures and maintenance problems are NOT isolated incidents and happen frequently, more commonly than authorities or “Flying Junk Pile” owners will ever admit or even mention publicly especially with rapidly rising costs & rampant inflation:

  • I-TEAM discovers flight school’s aircraft may be long overdue for critical maintenance, following fatal crash (html) 06-01-2022 | TMJ4 WTMJ-TV.
    • “You don’t want to cheapen, defer or outright neglect maintenance to save a few dollars – because it could end up costing you your life. It’s not worth that risk.”
    • “When you think about a single engine airplane, your life is hanging on that one propeller and the function of that engine.”
    • There are many concerned about these airplanes up in the air above their homes and schools!
    • “I would not touch that airplane with a 10-foot pole,” Katz said of Perelman’s airplane. “I would not want to subject myself, my family, my passengers, the people whose heads and homes I’m flying over to any sort of undue risk.”
    • While engine maintenance can be costly, Katz says it’s imperative to keeping a safe plane.

Yet another reason why Society no longer sends kids to schools in technologically “Out of Date” GM Corvair and Ford Pinto, the “Junk Piles” (death traps) of their time! Additionally, preserving or propping up antique collectors’ items, facilities or airstrips are NOT taxpayer problems or burdens either.

Another waste of time not to mention a massive waste of taxpayer money caused by yet another Bone Head Clown with a Flying Junk Pile (FJP)!

Another prime example from the now infamous MDOT 1d2  Plymouth-Canton Mettetal “Frat House” and the  Flying Junk Piles (FJP) that reside there!

Learn to Fly at the Canton-Plymouth Mettetal MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Clown School, yeah right!

Why Does MDOT Own ANY Airports at ALL? MDOT “Aviation in Michigan” Scam Continues. Taxpayers Duped Paying for Hobby, Sport, Recreation Venues for State of Michigan Registered “Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Clubs”, Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists!

MDOT “Aviation in Michigan” Phony Budgets & false justifications ARE the largest waste of taxpayer money in the history of the State of Michigan! MDOT continues to dupe Taxpayers & Lawmakers alike!

Taxpayers & Lawmakers have been asking WHY Does MDOT own & operate airports for decades without any answers. MDOT provides the same excuse, delays & continual gibberish, double-talk and lies: “MDOT would rather not own any airports”. Remember:

Look at what MDOT does, NOT what MDOT says. Time to Fix the Damn MDOT!

  • Why Is Michigan in The Airport Business? (html) 07-08-2019 – Michigan Capitol Confidential. A provision directing MDOT to analyze the feasibility of unloading the airports, which are located in Canton, Houghton Lake, Linden and Romeo. The proposal was part of the broader, unresolved, discussion over how to bridge the gap between Michigan’s need for more road construction and repair funding and the means to pay for it.
  • State may help save City Airport (html) 05-13-2012 | Crain’s Detroit Business. Discusses the four MDOT owned & operated airstrip embarrassment. (subscription required).
  • Dept. of Transportation to Hand Over Romeo Airport to County (html) 03-21-2005 | Aviation Pros.

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) continues to spew more MDOT gibberish, double-talk & lies regarding ridiculous MDOT airport ownership. Propping up, preserving & owning airports is NOT a taxpayer problem and NEVER has been! Preserving for what? Special Interest + Industry Lobbyist Pet Projects, Events, Social Gatherings, Picnics and “Fly-Ins”? If Counties, Cities or Local municipalities do not want them it’s NOT MDOT’s job or Taxpayer’s duty to pay for this crap to “PRESERVE” read: rescue stray, abandoned, useless or forgotten airstrips that could not survive on their own with zero redeeming value to Taxpayers or Surrounding Communities.

  • NONE of these airstrips have anything to do with real transportation needs, real jobs or real taxes, real prosperity or the future of anything in the entire state of Michigan!
  • NONE of these airstrips have anything remotely to do with ‘Critical Infrastructure’ in any sense of the word.
  • There are ZERO, absolutely NO Mission Critical functions that any of these four airstrips serve for the taxpayers of Michigan, period.
  • ALL these airstrips could instantly disappear and not be missed by anyone except Special Interest + Industry Lobbyists that use them all while laughing & giving taxpayers the middle finger for ‘whining’.

Most Michigan citizens, that is the everyday taxpayers, are worrying about repairing their cars & fixing the broken roads that broke their cars, inflation, gas prices, food insecurity or maintaining their local Police Departments. The State of Michigan is heading in the wrong direction lead by the MDOT Clown Patrol’s massive waste of taxpayer money, one of the largest Boondoggle’s in the history of Michigan.  Time to fix the DAMN MDOT!

  • Facing budget shortfalls, Ypsilanti leaders mull cuts to police department (html) 05-26-2022 – mlive.com.
  • Michigan gas prices would drop 50 cents under Senate-approved summer tax cut (html) 05-26-2022 – mlive.com
  • Michigan lawmakers push gas tax pause for this summer (html) 05-26-2022 | Detroit Free Press.
  • Opinion: Damn infrastructure only fixable if we spend the damn money (html) 05-26-2022 | Detroit Free Press. Or fix the Damn MDOT!

MDOT Owned Romeo State Airport D98 & Ray Community Airport 57D

Another Taxpayer Funded “Money Pit Black Hole”, an “Un-needed Solution” Looking for a “Problem”, Michigan airport surveys users on growth (html) 12-12-2017 – AOPA. MDOT shops for anyone willing to “fog up a mirror” and “waste Taxpayer money” at the same time!

NOTE: Romeo State Airport-D98 – Google Maps. Romeo State Airport D98 & Ray Community Airport 57D are just 6 Miles (9.6km) apart! Why is MDOT competing with Ray Community Airport 57D for business? Just doesn’t make any common sense. Romeo State Airport D98 is less than a mile away, 4,893.88 ft (1.49 km), from Pine Valley Golf & Country Club (html) Best Golf Course Golf League Best Golf Outing North Macomb County Michigan (html). SEE: Romeo State Airport-D98 – Google Maps.

MDOT Owned Houghton Lake State airstrip 5Y2 & Roscommon County – Blodgett Memorial Airport HTL

NOTE: Houghton Heights – Houghton Lake State Airport 5Y2 airstrip is located directly across Houghton Lake from Roscommon County – Blodgett Memorial Airport HTL, a more appropriate airport, and are just 5.93 miles (9.54 km) apart. See houghton state airport – Google Maps. Houghton Lake State 5Y2 airstrip is directly adjacent to The Quest Golf Club (html) | Lake Golf Courses | Lake Public Golf. The Quest Golf Club was designed by PGA Tour Professional Ken Green. SEE: houghton state airport – Google Maps. You can’t even make this stuff up, really, time to fix the damn MDOT!

MDOT Owned Linden Price’s Airpark. This Example of MDOT Abuse of Power and Wasted Taxpayer Money is in a Class All by Itself!

Linden Price’s Airport 9G2, 9G2-MDOT, FAAGlobalAirAirNavAOPAFlightAware.

NOTE: Linden’s Price’s Airport is an “Airpark” which largely serves the needs of a special, privileged elite group of individuals who own homes with attached hangars, adjacent to the state-owned runway. Only 15 dwellings directly benefit from this airport, See Prices Airport (9G2) – Google Maps. Thank goodness it’s close to the Spring Meadows Country Club only 1.24 mi (1.98 km) for some real added value & ROI for Michigan Taxpayers! Home | Spring Meadows Country Club. Spring Meadows Country Club – Home | Facebook. BTW: Looks like a decent golf course if you’re into Elite Hobby, Sport, Recreational activities such as MDOT Sponsored & Funded Flying very close to Golf Country Clubs.

Let’s hope that MDOT at least get’s a ‘cut of the action’ or at least a minimal commercial Real-Estate Finders Fee to help defray the absurd waste of taxpayer money on a Michigan Airpark: Home – Horizon Lakes Airpark.

So what exactly is an MDOT Owned “Airpark”?

$10m homes with hangars and planes: the lavish lifestyle of America’s ‘fly-in’ residents (html) 08-03-2021 | The Telegraph (subscription required). Airparks, or fly-in communities, refer to areas predominantly in America where all or most of the residents own an airplane typically stored in a hangar attached to their home. There are reported to be over 630 residential airparks in the world; the first developed in California in 1946.

Wide Streets, Massive Garages: Meet the Neighborhoods Designed for Pilots and Small Planes (html) 01-05-2021 | The Drive. The only active real estate listing in the neighborhood is to the tune of $1.5 million—and yes, it has a glorious garage. That might seem expensive (and for the average person, it is), but these are pilots that we’re talking about. Yeah, no kidding, aviation pioneers & legends in their own mind!

Michigan currently has around 22 Airparks, including MDOT Owned Linden Price’s Airport 9G2, Brighton Airport 45G, etc. listed here.

MDOT Owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 MDOT “Frat House” airstrip

The next best thing to living in an exclusive “Airpark” is having a cheap inexpensive taxpayer funded airstrip right in your suburban neighborhood to reduce costs and travel time yet still provide convenient fast unfettered access to all of your aerial assets for quick drive-n-fly minutes from your local primary residence or home. It’s literally a local ‘dream come true’ for the lucky few! Not so much for the surrounding communities!

CANTON-PLYMOUTH-METTETAL 1d2 airstrip. FAAGlobalAirAirNavAOPAFlightAware, 1d2-MDOT. NOTE: Highlighted distance shown below to duplicate facilities that Taxpayers are ALSO paying for and are far more appropriate airports than an MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” airstrip in the middle of a densely populated neighborhoods surrounded by many schools:

The EPA National Analysis of the Populations Residing Near or Attending School Near U.S. Airports (pdf), Final Report, EPA-420-R-20-001, February 2020. Over 5 million people, including more than 363,000 children under the age of 5, live near airports where piston-engine aircraft operate (the country’s largest source of airborne lead emissions) and over 160,000 children attend schools near these airports according to EPA. Two nearby Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS) and a Private Academy are dangerously close:

  • Hulsing Elementary School 8055 Fleet St., Canton, MI  48187 (Directly across the street, ~200 meters, ~270 steps from MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” run-up (TEL hot spot) area!
  • Plymouth Christian Academy, 43065 Joy Rd, Canton, MI 48187 (Directly across the street, ~190 meters,  ~248 steps from MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” run-up (TEL hot spot) area!
  • East Middle School 1042 South Mill St., Plymouth, MI  48170 (Just down the street, ~950 meters, ~1230 steps from MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” run-up (TEL hot spot) area!

It is common knowledge and well known that airborne lead concentrations 10 times lower than the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are permanently damaging & harmful.

Every day of delay means more vulnerable populations are needlessly harmed by lead emissions in addition to the other Negative Community Outcomes created by Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip forced on local neighborhoods that continues unchecked for absolutely NO reason:

  • Adverse Health, Safety and Welfare impacts
  • Environmental impacts of toxic pollution & noise pollution
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Reduced Community desirability & property valuation
  • Wasted taxpayer money, in fact the largest single waste in the history of Michigan

It’s pretty clear that Canton Township Taxpayers (and surrounding communities) have NEVER wanted the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” PERIOD! March 21, 2005 – Canton Township Clerk Terry Bennett, who serves on the advisory board for Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport, said We would prefer not to have the airport in Canton, period. You can’t even try to make this stuff up, time to fix the damn MDOT!

Look at what MDOT does, NOT what MDOT says. Truly a bunch of Continual First-Class Liars! Time to Fix the Damn MDOT! If MDOT cannot be fixed, maybe it’s time to cut out MDOT as middleman, completely eliminate theses clowns and outsource to an objective third party that can do a superior job on behalf of Michigan Taxpayers while answering to Michigan Lawmakers! Truly a novel thought.

NOTE: MDOT goes to great lengths and takes careful deliberate aim over long periods of time to create elaborate lawmaker & taxpayer palatable illusions, tilt your your head to the right when viewing image above to see the real MDOT ‘track record’!

Question: What’s a 4-letter word for a polluting, regulation skirting, hostile, misleading, lying, arrogant, bullying organization in need of direction, oversight, transparency, accountability AND the largest waste of taxpayer money in Michigan history?
Answer: MDOT

One of Michigan’s Oldest, Park Township Michigan (HLM) Airport, Permanently Closed, Local Residents Unite, Cheer, Celebrate & Plan for Community Greenspace for Use by All!

Park Township (html), Michigan
Park Township Offices
52 – 152nd Avenue
Holland, Michigan 49424

Established in 1937, the airport has a rich history as one of Michigan’s earliest airports.  It has served as an airmail stop, passenger service, and as a military pilot training airport during WW II with pilots being housed in the community building on the current fairgrounds. It once was the premier business airport in Holland where many companies would base their corporate plane(s). Most corporate planes are now located at the West Michigan Regional Airport, which is way more appropriate needless to say. Way past time to enter this century and come back to reality instead of living in the past.

The Residents of Park Township got tired of dealing with Negative Aviation Impacts and voted to permanently close the runway March 13, 2020 and “shut Down” their recurring endless nightmare! The Historic Hanger remains. Local residents were completely sickened footing the bill for a miniscule number of elite privileged Flying Junk Pile collectors & enthusiasts for a property that had absolutely ZERO socially redeeming value for the rest community, it’s neighborhoods, schools, families and children, only providing Negative Aviation Impacts with large bills, upkeep, maintenance creating Negative Community Outcomes:

  • Adverse Health, Safety and Welfare Community impacts
  • Environmental impacts of toxic pollution & noise pollution including Public & Private Nuisance, Disturbing the Peace, release of toxic contaminants & air pollutants etc.
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Reduced Community desirability & property valuation
  • Wasted taxpayer money

Park Township Airport (html) – Wikipedia. The airport was used for general aviation, had no regularly scheduled commercial flights, popular with ultralight & model aircraft and was also home to the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 1242 Clown Troupe.

Future Vision: Former Airport Site. Park Township, Michigan. Residents of Park Township are invited to help determine the future of the Former Airport Site. The Township is undergoing a multi-phase process to ensure all voices are heard. Park Township, Michigan has presented three beautiful “green space” options for their community and all of its residents:

  • Option A : includes a regional-scale pickleball facility, soccer fields, a veteran’s memorial and aviation memory wall, a children’s playground, and a trailhead with a biking trail.
  • Option B : also includes the veteran memorial and aviation memory wall and trailhead. It also includes a splash pad, a larger playground, a smaller pickleball facility, and fewer soccer fields.
  • Option C : includes an aviation museum, a veteran’s memorial, community events center, and it leaves most of the site for a community garden and trails.

Canton Township, Plymouth Township and the City of Plymouth residents could all use more Community “Greenspace”. More information regarding “community input” and feedback:

  • Park Township seeks community input on former airport plans (html) 05-18-2022 | Fox 17 News.
  • Park Township asks for input on what to do with old airport (html) 05-16-2022 – YouTube. For more than 83 years, it served pilots of small planes and other aircraft near Holland. Now, Park Township officials want the public to help decide the future of the airport property. Whatever they decide, should make it free for the public to use. Costs proposals range from $3.3 million to $5.2 million dollars. Previously was home for Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Home | GLR-MI-135, but nobody is going to miss these clowns, they can go to a larger ‘real airport’ anyway, be safer for everyone involved.
  • Park Township asks for input on what to do with old airport (html) 05-16-2022 | WOODTV.com. For more than 83 years, it served pilots of small planes and other aircraft near Holland. Now, Park Township officials want the public to help decide the future of the airport property. The Park Township Airport on Ottawa Beach Road near 152nd Avenue closed in 2020. Township leaders have launched a campaign to find a new mission for the old airfield. “It’s a phenomenal asset. The board has made it clear that’s it’s going to remain a park,” Township Manager Howard Fink said.
  • Holland area residents asked how to develop site of former 83-year-old airport (html) 06-18-2021 – mlive.com.

More background information regarding the local community taking back control of their community:

  • Park Township Michigan Airport (html) – Google Search.
  • Park Township, Michigan Airport. If the people voted a millage down, the Park Township board said, the airport would be closed. The millage overwhelmingly failed, 3,581 votes to 4,612, by 1031 additional taxpayers.
  • One of Michigan’s oldest airports to close after voters reject millage (html) 03-11-2020 – mlive.com.One of Michigan’s oldest airports to close after voters reject millage (html) 03-11-2020 – mlive.com
  • One of Michigan’s Oldest Airports to Close After Voters Reject Millage (html) 03-12-2020 | Aviation Pros.
  • Looming airport closure leaves bitter taste for pilots (html) 06-13-2020 | Holland Sentinel.
  • Park Township Airport (html) 06-13-2020 | | grandhaventribune.com. Clown pilots and aviation enthusiasts, around 15, gathered at Park Township Airport for a final tearful fly-in Saturday, June 13, 2020. Most local residents cheered & applauded as they left for good!
  • Park Township Airport Historical Association (html) | Dedicated to Preserving Our History and Future.
  • Park Township Airport Historical Association – Home | Facebook.
  • Park Township Airport Historical Association (html) on Instagram • Photos and Videos.

Old out of date buildings look eerily similar to MDOT “Frat House” 1d2 Canton Plymouth Mettetal airstrip that MDOT has been trying to sneak updates by taxpayers for years. Hopefully Canton Township Michigan can Unite, Cheer, Celebrate & Plan for Community Greenspace for Use by All moving forward!

Other Michigan MDOT Related Airport Problems, Closures, Downsizing, Abandonment

  • Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport DTW
    • Detroit Airport’s Runway Approach Lights Keep Shutting Off (html) 05-06-2022 | Jalopnik. Where the heck is the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) or the Michigan Aeronautical Commission (MAC) when you need them, probably already partying at Mackinac Island, Traverse City or Harbor Springs! Nobody can figure out what all these self-nominated “Living Legends” & “Aviation Pioneers” actually do!
    • Minimum Standards for Commercial Aeronautical Services at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport DTW (pdf).
    • Detroit Airport’s runway approach lights continue to go out when they’re most needed (html) 05-06-2022 – Technical Ripon.
    • Jet crashes landing equipment Detroit airport icy runway (html) 02-18-2022 | Audacy.
    • DTW still using controversial landing system; new federal probe underway (html) 02-10-2022 | WXYZ Detroit.
    • Blocked ILS Signals Prompt Whistleblower Complaint (html) 08-24-2020 – Avweb. More likely someone found a pet project to which they directed funds. This has been a problem for more than ten years.
    • Whistleblower raises concerns over unsafe landing practices at Detroit Metro Airport (DTW), August 06, 2020 (html) | WXYZ Detroit. An air traffic controller at Detroit Metro Airport is blowing the whistle on what he calls a dangerous system used during landings at the airport.
    • DTW using controversial landing system once again, more air traffic controllers sounding alarm (html) 06-30-2021 | WXYZ Detroit.
    • Whistleblower charging unsafe landings at Metro gets eyes of Congress (html) 06-21-2020 | Detroit Free Press.
    • Runway Safety: It’s Everybody’s Business (pdf), Final Report July 2001, Reprint November 2002
  • Coleman A. Young International Airport
    • Detroit advances plan to close city airport runway, clear neighborhood (html) 08-05-2020 | Detroit News.
    • Detroit city airport plan would clear neighborhood, close runway (html) 08-20-2019 | Detroit News.
    • Old Detroit City Airport crumbles as city rejects offers of millions (html) 04-14-2018 | Detroit Free Press.
  • Park Township Airport. If the people voted a millage down, the Park Township board said, the airport would be closed. The millage overwhelmingly failed, 3,581 votes to 4,612, by 1031 additional taxpayers.
    • One of Michigan’s oldest airports to close after voters reject millage (html) 03-11-2020 – mlive.com
    • One of Michigan’s Oldest Airports to Close After Voters Reject Millage (html) 03-12-2020 | Aviation Pros.
    • Looming airport closure leaves bitter taste for pilots (html) 06-13-2020 | Holland Sentinel.
  • High cost, low use, Onaway airport to close (html) 02-15-2019 | News, Sports, Jobs – The Alpena News.
  • Gerald R. Ford International Airport
    • Homes on tainted wells near Michigan airport will get city water (html) 06-28-2021 – Great Lakes Now.
    • Homes on tainted wells near Grand Rapids airport will get city water (html) 06-28-2021 | Detroit News. Officials would like the airport to contribute to the $13 million cost of connecting the homes to the Grand Rapids water system.
  • PFAS detected in groundwater near Houghton County Airport (html) 02-14-2022 | Upper Michigan Source.
    • Houghton County Memorial Airport (CMX).
    • AirNav: KCMX – Houghton County Memorial Airport.
  • Only passenger carrier at Muskegon County Airport wants to end flights this summer (html) 03-16-2022 – mlive.com.
  • Delta ending flight from Sawyer International to Minneapolis, local groups react (html) 12-14-2021 | TV6 Upper Michigan Source.
  • Delta Ending Flights to Cities in Wyoming, Colorado, Michigan, and Nebraska (html) 12-13-2021 | Business Insider.
  • United Airlines pulls service from some Michigan airports (html) 11-12-2021 | Midland Daily News.
  • United Airlines to end flights in and out of Kalamazoo airport (html) (html) 10-04-2021 | WOODTV.com
  • ABANDONED MICHIGAN: Miller Airport, Reed City (html) 08-20-2018 | 99WFMK.
  • Kathryn’s Report: Where Southwest Airlines will end Michigan flights (html) 10-28-2015 | Kathyrn’s Report.
  • Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields: Michigan.
  • Frankfort airport wrestles with trees (Oh My!), Navigation easements (html) 05-19-2021 |Record Patriot.
  • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Decision to substantially reduce funding for Federal Contract Tower Program at City of Battle Creek W.K Kellogg Airport (pdf) 03-13-2013.
  • Airport explains decision to deny skydiving (html) 04-09-2015 | The Tecumseh Herald.
  • Cherry Capital Airport’s Environmental Commitment: PFAS (html) – Cherry Capital Airport TVC.

It really is time to Fix the Damn MDOT!

Airlines, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) & Most of All the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Still Screwing Americans, Especially Michigan Taxpayers

Airlines ignored their own pilot salary and compensation plans & training pipeline problems, and are now playing catch-up. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) wasted CARE Act dollars on unnecessary expenditures across the 80% of non-mission critical unnecessary airports that mainly serve as Hobby, Sport, Recreational Social Entertainment Venues for “Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Clubs” (Flying Clubs), Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists, spreading money way too thin, spending in all the wrong places, including NOT enough investment in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

National Airspace Air Traffic (AT) including FAA Air Traffic Services (ATS) / Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities (TRACON) and other mandatory expansions in Top US 20 airports that DO matter to ALL taxpayers.

Of the wasted over $250 million Federal CARES Act dollars allocated to Michigan, MDOT used money for weekend overtime to ‘cut the lawn’ and ‘install mulch’ at MDOT owned and Operated 1d2 “Frat House” Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip while propping up MDOT owned Luxury Airpark and other completely duplicate aviation facilities that are truly MDOT aviation liabilities and Taxpayer Nightmares. The wasted Federal CARES Act Tax Dollars across Michigan is absolutely astonishing & unbelievable! Hobby, Sport, Recreational Social Entertainment Venues for “Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Clubs” (Flying Clubs), Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists are NOT taxpayer issues at all!

  • Airlines, FAA Play Blame Game Over Cancellations (html) 06-26-2022 – Avweb.
  • Live Airline Flight Cancellations Info & Statistics (html) – FlightAware.
  • FlightAware MiseryMap (html). Live visualization of flight delays across the US.
  • Airlines, FAA spar over flight delays ahead of July Fourth weekend (html) 06-24-2022 | CNBC. Airlines and the FAA are pointing the finger at each other over a rising rate of flight cancellations and delays.
  • Airline trade group requests meeting with FAA to discuss air traffic controller staffing challenges (html) 06-27-2022 | Fox Business. Airlines for America represents major airlines including United, Delta, JetBlue and Southwest Airlines.
  • Airlines got $50 billion in pandemic relief — but are still screwing Americans (html) 06-26-2022 | NY Post.

COVID-19 Pandemic: Observations on the Ongoing Recovery of the Aviation Industry (html) GAO-22-104429, 10-21-2021| U.S. GAO. In response to reduced demand, airlines parked or retired a substantial portion of their aircraft fleet, which, in turn, reduced demand for aircraft maintenance services. Stakeholders also noted the importance of the over $100 billion in payroll support payments, loans, and other financial assistance provided through COVID-19 relief legislation. Stakeholders identified areas of concern for policymakers to consider, such as strengthening aviation workforce pipelines, as they determine how or whether to continue to assist the industry in evolving market conditions. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) & Industry screwed up and are still screwing taxpayers to the tune of billions of dollars. Highlights 1 page (pdf). Full report 93 pages (pdf). Accessible 107 pages (pdf).

Drones are Coming to a Town Near You. If You Think Tiny Little Drones are BAD NEWS, Try Living with Hostile REAL Airplanes & Helicopters Protected on MDOT Owned & Operated Property!

If you think little tiny drones are BAD NEWS, try living with REAL airplanes & helicopters filled with REAL elite wealthy violent hostile Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists extremists & weekend warriors defending “their” turf with protection, immunity & impunity from MDOT! Truly an MDOT nightmare, please read on for more details.

  • Aerotropolis Hosts Operation Miracle Mile – A Showcase of Medical Cargo Drone Delivery at Beaumont Taylor Hospital (html) 06-27-2022 – DBusiness Magazine.
  • Amazon wants to launch its drone deliveries program in this California town. Citizens have other ideas (html) 06-21-2022 | Fortune.
  • Amazon drones are coming to town. Some locals want to shoot them (html) 06-20-2022 | Detroit News.
  • We’re Bringing the Convenience of Drone Delivery to 4 Million U.S. Households in Partnership with DroneUp (html) 05-24-2022 | Walmart.
  • Brace Yourself: Drones Are Coming to a Community Near You (html) – The Michigan Community Association Law Blog. Privacy. Safety. Nuisance. While some drones can fit inside the palm of your hand, even small drones can substantially increase the noise pollution within a community. Some recreational drones can make an area up to 12 times louder than it is without a drone present (see here) – now add several recreational drones and commercial drones carrying heavy packages flying in a community at one time and you get an idea of just how loud even the most secluded community can become. Many community associations’ documents contain nuisance provisions, but community associations will also want to consider other ways to combat the noise of drones by regulating when and how many drones can operate in the community at any given time. What a great idea, why isn’t MDOT controlled, regulated or even monitored at all?
  • Abandoned Canton Airport Puts Drone in Its Place: on the Ground. OH Really? (html) 09-03-2021 | WKSU.
  • Safer Skies Through Education – FAA – FAASTeam – FAASafety.gov. U.S. Department of Transportation
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
  • B4UFLY App | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

PLEASE don’t forget about Hostile REAL Airplanes & Helicopters Protected on MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip on MDOT Owned & Operated Property! It’s impossible to compare a REAL MDOT nuisance with teeny tiny drones, but most would agree BOTH are truly public nuisances, MDOT is realistically 100 x times worse!

Major 2022 Web Site Updates Directly Supporting Two Critical Health, Safety & Welfare Topics Coming Soon

Topic #1: US House Committee on Oversight and Reform: Environment – Toxic Air: How 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel AKA Avgas with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Is Poisoning America’s Children

  • Toxic Air: How Leaded Aviation Fuel Is Poisoning America’s Children (html) 07-28-2022 | House Committee on Oversight and Reform. YouTube – Thursday, July 28, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. ET. The hearing is well worth listening to. It runs for 106-minutes, listening time is only 76-minutes, due to a 30-minute recess (starts at minute-24, skip ahead to minute-54) for a House Vote.
  • “Toxic Air: How Leaded Aviation Fuel Is Poisoning America’s Children” (html)| Congress.gov | Library of Congress SEE: Video of Proceedings, Witness Testimony, Supporting Documentation, etc.
  • “Toxic Air: How Leaded Aviation Fuel Is Poisoning America’s Children” (html) | Committee Repository | U.S. House of Representatives. SEE: memo – reference: Zahran, S., Iverson, T., McElmurry, S. P., and Weiler, S., The Effect of Leaded Aviation Gasoline on Blood Lead in Children, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, (2017) (online at https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/691686) Links time and spatially referenced blood lead data from over a million children to 448 nearby airports in Michigan.
  • The US House Committee expressed bipartisan shock at the scope of the problem and how hidden it has been from the public agenda.
  • US Representative Rashida Tlaib, who represents the 13th congressional district in Michigan, voiced concern that the nation is undergoing a lead crisis, with action needed to protect people from lead exposure. “When planes from these airports fly over our communities, they are crop-dusting our neighborhoods with lead-poisoned air,” Tlaib said.
  • 70 percent of all lead emissions, or over 450 tons, are emitted by Piston Engine Aircraft
  • 20,000 aviation facilities in the US use 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas), and within 1 kilometer of those facilities, there are over 16 million people, including 3 million children. Over 600 schools in the US are located within half a kilometer of such a site. This includes three Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS) within hundreds of feet of both “Run Up” areas at Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Airstrip in Canton Township Michigan.
  • The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) & Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MACClown Patrol aggressively expanded Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airstrip that uses 100L Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) in densely populated neighborhoods surrounded by schools: HomeTownLife.com, part of the USAToday Network,  reports an “Alarming increase in autistic students creates ongoing challenges for school districts”, the PlymouthCanton Community Schools (PCCS) are facing a staggering 47% increase in the number of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) students enrolled in its district since 2010. PCCS employs approximately 150 Special Education staff members and a large group of para-professionals, and the costs to taxpayers are spiraling completely out of control.

Topic #2: EPA Leaded Aviation Fuel 100LL AKA Avgas with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Endangerment Finding, Regulation & Outright Ban

  • EPA to Evaluate Whether Lead Emissions from Piston-Engine Aircraft Endanger Human Health and EPA to Evaluate Whether Lead Emissions from Piston-Engine Aircraft Endanger Human Health and Welfare (html) 01-12-2022 | US EPA plans to issue a proposal for public review and comment in 2022 and take final action in 2023. A Finalized EPA Endangerment Finding for Leaded Aviation Fuel will form the basis for regulatory control & phase-out of Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel AKA Avgas with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL).
  • Supporting Petitions and EPA Response Memorandums related to Lead Emissions from Aircraft (html) | US EPA.

Please Check Back Soon for This Major Web Site Update! Thank You for Your Patience!

  • Earthjustice praises Congressional oversight of lead in aviation fuel (html) 07-29-2022 | Earthjustice. Despite multiple attempts to compel participation, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notably declined to participate. We urge FAA and EPA to protect families and children by banning the use of leaded aviation fuel.
  • Oregon Aviation Watch – Home. Research, educate and advocate on behalf of the public interest and public welfare about aviation issues to enhance and protect the quality of life for Oregon residents by eliminating the adverse impacts of aviation activity.
  • C.A.G.E. – Citizens Against Gillespie’s Expansion. Citizens for a Friendly Airport filed a lawsuit against the County of San Diego due to a lack of transparency and deficient environmental studies to protect the residents of North County!

Extensive MDOT Aviation Related Lead Testing Started in October 2020

Extensive MDOT Related Lead Testing Started in October 2020. Extensive Lead Testing activity took place over a wide swath of both Canton Township & Plymouth Township starting in October 2020. It was hard to miss for many but was not mentioned, reported or uttered anywhere publicly that can be found. This includes any Local, County, State or Federal officials. Nobody even knows who conducted the testing or why.

What’s up with that? Where’s the results? Who did it and why? Who are “they”? Seems like nothing was found? What were “they” looking for? Inquiring minds want to know (html)! MDOT keeps saying Tetraethyl Lead is Harmless, No Threat to Public, Yeah Right! Same old boilerplate nonsense response that MDOT has copyrighted.

MDOT reported in 2019 “After a detailed analysis, the environmental review concluded that based on soil lead concentrations observed, there does not appear to be a health risk to site workers or the public under the current site use conditions.” MDOT did not release any specific details and seems to expect Michigan Taxpayers to take their “medical expertise” word for it, right?

After absorbing (laughing) the astonishing 2019 MDOT revelation Michigan Citizens discovered a 2014 prominent study using MDHSS & MDOT data released right in the middle of the “Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle”. A report that was formally refereed and published in 2017 that MDHHS & MDOT should have been aware of, and if they weren’t shame on them. But now it’s public and referenced everywhere as an important contributing report key to the very current 2022/2023 EPA Aviation Lead Emissions Endangerment finding activity. MDOT Clown Patrol SMEs are now recognized for infamous liars they are and have been for the last 50 years and counting.

It’s also important to remember that protecting the Health, Safety and Welfare of vulnerable populations including pregnant women, babies, school children and elderly isn’t just about outdated “lead sampling” of soil. Bore a couple holes. Bam! MDOT says everyone is safe right, no threat here, move along? What a completely outdated medieval MDOT conclusion, it’s absolutely insulting to say the least! Michigan taxpayers demand protection from the ongoing MDOT Clown Patrol pure stupidity!

This site suspended further posts in October 2020 as it did not really seem to matter what was said here, until someone, anyone can figure out what MDOT or whomever is going to say about the extensive MDOT Related Lead Testing. Surrounding Communities are still waiting for results, comments, press release, community guidance, anything at all while Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Hobby, Sport, Recreational, Social Entertainment Venue airstrip activities continue as if nothing has changed, including the increasingly childish intimidation & harassment style fly-bys. In retaliation / revenge MDOT has removed the Noise Abatement Procedure verbiage from the Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 description. Here is current MDOT guidance (pdf), here is original (pdf).

Sadly, but not surprisingly, everyone is still waiting on MDOT since October 2020 (Week #40) and counting . . .

October 2020 (Week #40) – Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip Still Open for “Business as Usual”  – Dumping Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) on PCCS Schools, Surrounding Communities, and Businesses

Breaking News Flash  – Canton Township, Michigan September 2020: Courageous, Dedicated & Skilled Michigan aviators but really wannabes (N99MQ) quell senior citizen revolt by severely startling wheelchair bound elderly 80 & 90 year old’s recovering at local retirement and rehabilitation homes, along with local neighborhood pregnant moms, families with school children, pushing strollers, walking their dogs with bizarre repeated aerial displays going round in little circles (html) all day long. Everyone is trembling, with laughter that is, after all this is quite an unseen before spectacle of macho air power & superiority! This strange toxic behavior is so predictable, laughable, basically a pathetic plea for attention, from somebody, anybody.

Surrounding communities are wondering how this weird malignant behavior is going to change community Health, Safety and Welfare concerns going forward. Is this really how Pure Michigan is going to attract necessary talent for Michigan to ever recover allowing Community Pariah & Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) based flying Rodeo Clowns free reign at MDOT owned & operated uncontrolled airstrips such as 1d2 and beyond?

Once informed with the true medical, scientific, and technological facts & information regarding Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) are exposed, NOBODY, including those in any technical community, such as librarians, teachers, engineers, mathematicians, geologists, biologists, police, firefighters, doctors, nurses, technicians, software developers, students, professors, and scientists, want to invest, live, raise a family, work, play, or shop anywhere near out of control MDOT and their Cronies uncontrolled systemic lead & chemical contamination and poisoning scattered across the entire State of Michigan.

NOTE: Astonishingly, both “run-up” areas at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip are as close as 190m to 950m from THREE schools & TWO  elderly assisted living & rehabilitation facilities!

Since contacting Local, County, and State officials Monday April 10, 2017 to Thursday October 1, 2020,  it has been:

  • 3 years, 5 months, 21 days
  • 41 months, 21 days
  • 181 weeks and 3 days
  • 1270 days
  • 30,480 hours
  • 1,828,800 minutes

Sometimes it’s difficult to really care about so many important individual issues when more than 1,000 Americans are dying every day, secret police are taking out their frustrations on suburban moms with rubber bullets, batons, teargas & pepper spray, U.S. economy plunged a record-shattering 32.9% annual rate, 19th straight week with more than 1 million people applied for jobless aid as layoffs keep rising while benefits expire, Detroit Automakers lose Billions, while Commercial Air travel not expected to recover until 2024. The catastrophic plunge in US GDP underscores unprecedented economic hit experts say will take years to fully recover from, and shows no signs of abating anytime soon while a record US budget deficit approaches 3 trillion dollars

But, it is comforting to local communities to know that the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned & operated Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip  is still open for “Business as Usual”, a great uninterrupted summer vacation for all the privileged few at the airstrip. It seems that “Fixing the Damn Roads” is not a real taxpayer priority having been continually delayed, now even further extended by MDOT!

Silly hangar parties, clubhouse coffee klatsch gossip gatherings, even barbecuing next to the runway! No Sense of Urgency, or care in the world, certainly not about OTHER people’s neighborhoods, schools or vulnerable populations e.g. babies, children, pregnant moms, etc.

BTW: Critical new Henry Ford Medical Center (html) construction seems to have been halted, nobody wants to invest, live, work, shop, play, or raise a family anywhere near MDOT Cronies armed with Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) & Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) dumped on everyone across the state.

Civil Air patrol (CAP) Clowns (Swivel Chair Patrol) Civil Air Patrol Inc, 105 S Hansell ST, Maxwell AFB Alabama 36112 (CAP) [Facebook] [Michigan Wing] (Satellite) [DOD Maxwell-Gunter AFB] [Facebook] have stepped up their hostile activity towards the community and surrounding neighborhoods and seem to endorse, condone, support, sponsor, and or otherwise approve of Lead Poisoning of vulnerable populations at nearby schools and the entire community for that matter. Community members witness repeated banned touch-n-gos and report blue mustang only car parked at CAP hangars, hostile loser, consistently bad management decisions, community cannot wait for Civil Air Clown Patrol (CAP) to leave and take their petty revenge games to an industrial airport where they belong, not in densely populated neighborhoods surrounded by schools!

CFI Flights  (94891) and other ‘Revenge Take Off and Landings’ continue from 7:30am until 9:30pm including many sad pathetic very specific local Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist ‘blow hards’ enabled, endorsed and supported by senior MAC & MDOT administration for sure. Never seen such an arrogant hostile bunch of wannabes that give responsible airmen and airwomen everywhere a bad name! Waste of oxygen and taxpayer money that’s for sure, they’re just embarrassing themselves and their respective communities on a continual basis. They wouldn’t do this in their own backyards (NIMBY), but they will do it in others backyards.

The real truth will ‘come out in the wash’ as they say (html) so everyone in the State of Michigan and across the country can see the true measure of MDOT & their Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Cronies a combined group of sad little pathetic people that the local communities are dealing with, you can’t even make this stuff up.

See new section: “Michigan is Broken” (html) for embarrassing details that all Michiganders should know about to protect their neighborhoods, families, and vulnerable populations such as pregnant women, babies, children, schools and families!

See news section “Hall of Shame” (html) used to illustrate what kind of Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2, MDOT and Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists clowns the local schools neighborhoods and families  are dealing with here.

Michigan is Broken: Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Malfeasance Continues Rampant Non-Essential Hobbyist, Sport, Recreational Airport Funding at Taxpayer Expense!

Currently there are 19 self-sustaining Commercial airports (html) supported by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) that benefit all Michigan taxpayers. This is great news and taxpayers will take all of the self-sustaining Commercial airports that keep society moving, growing sustainably, generating verifiable tax revenue & jobs. BTW: none of these airports need any help or intervention from MDOT to operate smoothly, just ask any of them! Most would prefer MDOT stay at ‘arms length’ as nobody can figure what they really do anyway besides doing the self-congratulatory ‘Living Legend’ strut very well.

However, Michigan really does not need more than one single, yes you read it correctly, one (1), a single Non-Commercial Non-Essential Hobby Sport, Recreational MDOT supported airport per Michigan county for a total of 83 Non-Essential Non-Commercial airports, bringing the Grand Total of ALL Michigan Airports to 19 Self-Supporting Commercial + 83 Non-Essential Non-Commercial Non-Self-Supporting Hobby, Sport, Recreational airports = 102 airports for the ENTIRE State of Michigan! Think about it, really, it just does NOT make any pragmatic sense and is completely indefensible without any real evidence and hard facts to have any more than 102 airports total.

There is no need for taxpayers to tolerate supporting more than 103 airports in the entire State of Michigan, period!

Even this is being overly generous as several Michigan counties do not have ANY registered aircraft at all! But alas, Michigan could say that the entire state could be connected via aviation, albeit in an out-of-date antiquated way where eVTOL or Future Vertical Lift (FVL) technology will render these antique Tetraethyl Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) based junkpiles and relic airstrips obsolete, totally useless for future innovation & technology growth as they are now today. In fact, when people realize the many negative aspects they feel ‘chased’ away from even being close-by due to Health, Safety & Welfare well-being reasons, from totally unsustainable Tetraethyl Lead & PFAS dumps.

MDOT currently contributes, sponsors, supports, funds, requests and/or provides grants or Federal taxpayer dollars on behalf of, manages, owns or continues to dabble & needlessly interfere in the operation of and waste taxpayers hard earned money, State & Federal, for hundreds of airports, the majority of which are Non-Commercial, Non Self-Sustaining, many just airstrips, additionally the vast majority cannot exist on their own without ‘protection & oversight’ from the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Clown Patrol, and are certainly NOT important or even relevant to ANY National or State Transportation Plan, real or imagined, and never have been.

Currently there are 210 Non-Commercial  airports (html) supported by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the vast majority provide absolutely NO verifiable benefit for Michigan taxpayers at ALL, ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA! They do not have anything to do with jobs or revenue at all.

Airports like Golf Courses are a wonderful thing for a very select few, and should be paid for by the people that use them, certainly NEVER paid for by Michigan taxpayers. This has NEVER been a taxpayer problem, MDOT has quietly, cleverly, almost secretly saddled Michigan taxpayers with the largest waste of taxpayer dollars in the history of Michigan. MDOT & MAC are after all are in reality ‘retirement homes’ for Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists, complete with multiple conflicts of interest.

Rapidly shrinking personal aviation demographics & severely reduced market demand are well known and common knowledge known by practically everyone in the Aerospace, Aviation & Defense industry for over a decade, yet MDOT has failed to adjust or even try to compensate budgets appropriately, recklessly continuing to waste tax payer dollars at the same woefully out of date levels of over a decade ago just because they can.

The financial aspects & implications of this continuous decades long downward spiral of Non-Commercial Non-Essential Hobby, Sport, Recreational aircraft owner & operator demographics as well as the Health, Safety and Welfare dangers of Tetraethyl Lead & PFAS are both common knowledge and are very well known in the Aviation, Aerospace, and Defense communities for well over a decade!

Supporting Non-Commercial Non-Essential airports or increasing the numbers of aircraft & helicopter owners or operators has NEVER been a taxpayer problem, however MDOT malfeasance, mismanagement, negligence, malpractice and abuse of power cleverly disguised Non-Commercial Non-Essential airports & their other related issues as taxpayer problems!

MDOT has ignored their ‘Duty to Intervene’ in terms of Health, Safety and Welfare as well as their fiduciary responsibility to taxpayers. One of the highest legal duties of one party to another, being a fiduciary, requires trust & being bound ethically to act in the other’s best interests, MDOT has blatantly shunned ethics altogether and continues to acquiesce betraying the public trust.

The whole group of clowns, that is the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), the Michigan Aeronautical Commission (MAC), and their Special Interest and Industry Lobbyist cronies, pals, and buffoons are truly a State of Michigan embarrassment and a National scandal & disgrace.

Time to remember that over 11,000 families lost their homes in the Edenville Dam area with yet another declared state of emergency, all while schools and roads crumble yet MDOT budgets continue to thrive, even expand and grow consuming scarce 2020 Federal CARES (html) (map) dollars! Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip received $30,000.00 Federal CARES act money and used it for weekend overtime to cut the lawn and install new landscaping mulch for MDOT advertised Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist parties!

The total number of aircraft in Michigan as shown by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Registry – Aircraft – State / County Inquiry (html), is less than 7,080 and shrinking quickly, which btw includes all hot air balloons (html) (html) (html) (pdf) (pdf) [Wikipedia] [Wikipedia]. Balloons are fully registered aircraft by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and are subject to regular airworthiness checks by authorized personnel. Balloon pilots need to have different levels of experience before they are allowed to progress to be commercial Balloon pilots, this is carefully controlled & monitored by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), as is anything else that appears in the sky, even some ‘aircraft’ that do NOT require any certificate, uh minimum ‘license’ or permit to operate, and these other ‘aircraft’ are barely ‘aircraft’ at all.

NOTE: the total number of FAA registrations in Michigan is way less than the number of families that lost their homes and livelihoods, over 11,000, while the extremely high costs to operate & maintain 210 Non-Commercial Non-Essential Michigan airports for the miniscule total number of Michigan aircraft are certainly not borne evenly, justly or even rationally.

To see just how totally outrageous MDOT is see the comparison that shows MDOT unrealistic budget ambitions are almost equal with the State of California (html), yet Michigan has one quarter, yes 25% of the requirements of California! It’s easy to see how MDOT funding is way out of control (html)! It is just sickening to see Michigan Schools & Infrastructure suffer at the expense of blatant MDOT malfeasance & abuse!

Time to FORCE Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) like the rest of the world with transparency, accountability, consequences for ethics violations, abusing & breaking rules and laws, while cleaning up the MDOT trail of Tetraethyl Lead & PFAS cover-ups, Poisoning & Contamination, and STOPPING the continuous waste & abuse of taxpayer time, effort & resources across the State of Michigan.

It’s way past time to cut taxpayer losses, consolidate & downsize MDOT spending, staffing, useless consulting budgets & fraudulent ambitions and align MDOT with real-world taxpayer realities. The time to #DefundMDOTClownPatrol is NOW!

The State of Michigan is Falling Apart at the Seams, So Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC), Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) & Michigan Association of Airport Executives (MAAE) Plan Five Day Party at Exclusive Mackinac Island, Michigan Four Star Luxury Resort!

The entire United States including the State of Michigan is Falling Apart at the Seams, especially our schools & infrastructure. Michigan airport employees are starting to suffer from COVID-19 impact as well.

  • Are layoffs coming to DTW? (html) | Fox2 Detroit.
  • DTW announces layoffs; number of employees affected not yet determined (html) | WXYZ.
  • Detroit airport announces layoffs (html) – mlive.com.
  • Layoffs, separations coming to Detroit Metro Airport due to financial hit from COVID-19 pandemic (html) | Click on Detroit.
  • Layoffs coming to DTW as airlines struggle to stay afloat travel reductions (html) | Fox2 Detroit.

What does MDOT, do they manipulate a vendor Boondoggle & plan it as an MDOT office party to “Party Like It’s 1999” as is their usual modus operandi.

The Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC) Meeting (pdf) Wednesday September 16, 2020 is at Mackinac Island, Michigan. The 2020 meeting will be in conjunction with the Michigan Association of Airport Executives (MAAE) Fall Conference on Mackinac Island, how convenient.The MAAE annual meeting is to help Assisting Airport Executives in Fulfilling Their Responsibilities to the Airports & Communities They Serve.

The MAAE Annual Fall Conference held in September of each year and provides an excellent opportunity for Airport Managers, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and State Office of Aeronautics Representatives (More MDOT Clowns along for yet another free-ride fancy office boondoggle), airport engineers, consultants and airport equipment and service providers to meet, exchange ideas and discuss problems and solutions facing Michigan airports.

The 2020 Annual MAAE Fall Conference, September 14-18, 2020 will be held at Mission Point (html). Truly, a First Class Award Winning hotel on the shores of Mackinac Island. Voted ‘Best Place to Stay in Michigan’ by Condé Nast Traveller (html). Mackinac Island, Michigan (html) (html) (html) (html) (html) (html) (PureMichigan). I guess all State departments of transportation stay at Four Star Luxury Resort Hotels for ‘business meetings’ right?

Gimme a break pullleeeze! Michigan is falling apart at the seams, however MDOT just got a quarter billion dollars, yes $256 million Federal CARES Act dollars, so it’s time to celebrate some more at taxpayers expense.

See Mackinac Island Michigan Mission Point Luxury Resort (Google map). I think we’d all like to have our ‘business meetings’ at this awesome place, right?

This is the typical bootlicker ‘business meeting’ complete with Sponsorships, Door Prizes, Lighthouse Tours and Golf Outings, where all the important MDOT business is conducted! Many say Mission Point is the best ‘alternative’ to the Mackinac Island Grand Hotel (html) [Wikipedia], if you can’t afford, or in this case if you can’t get away with it, e.g. ‘expense it’. Somehow, unbeknownst to anyone else, besides MDOT, Specials Interest & Industry Lobbyists groups or Highly Paid & Trusted Consultants this meeting must be a mandatory requirement for either the State of Michigan or a National transportation Plan or both!

When it comes to Consequences and Public Funding | General Aviation News (html), some in the industry call this the Kabuki dance — posturing between the airport consultants and the government’s gate-keepers, the people in a state’s division of aviation who dole out the funding. That consultants are very good at this dance can be seen at any given annual conference for a state airport association. The largest sponsors and exhibitors are invariably the consultants. It also comes as no surprise that there exists a revolving door between the bureaucrats who control who-gets-what and the management of leading consulting firms.

Wow, you can’t even make this stuff up . . .

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Dupes Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) & US Department of Transportation (US DOT) for More Than a Quarter Billion Dollars, $256 Million Dollars and Counting!

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) – funding airports like propping up zombie companies with zero accountability to taxpayers! Once you get the MDOT stink on you it’s almost impossible to get it off.

The United States will slowly recover but is in challenging financial trouble for the next decade or more. The report “An Update to the Economic Outlook: 2020 to 2030” (html) (pdf) by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) states their belief that the unemployment rate won’t recover for the next decade.America’s recovery from the pandemic recession could last well through the better part of the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office’s 10-year forecast published Thursday July 2, 2020. The CBO now forecasts the unemployment rate will remain above its pre-pandemic level until after 2030!

Noted US economist says a full US recovery is unlikely before 2022 — and warns of a stock-market correction before year-end (html) | Markets Insider. Most experts agree, it will take a long time for life to return to anything near normal.

Meanwhile real US gross domestic product, the broadest measure of the economy, will be an average 3.4% lower over the next decade than what was originally predicted in January. This means the U.S. economy will grow by over $7.9 trillion less than was originally expected. It will take until 2028 until GDP will grow in line with long-term trend growth again.

But wait, that’s not all: This recession could nearly quadruple the federal budget deficit this year, pushing it to a whopping $3.7 trillion, according to projections from April. MDOT fails to ‘get’ the memo everyone else got.

Lest we forget, 1.3 million more Americans file for unemployment benefits in July as states reverse reopening (html) | MSNBC | Stephanie Ruhle.

USDOT $10 Billion Dollar ‘Relief’ Package

U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao Announces $10 Billion in Relief for America’s Airports (html)| US Department of Transportation. “This $10 billion in emergency resources will help fund the continued operations of our nation’s airports during this crisis and save workers’ jobs,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao. The CARES Act also provides funds to increase the Federal share to 100 percent for grants awarded under the fiscal year 2020 appropriations for Airport Improvement Program (AIP) and Supplemental Discretionary grants.

Under normal circumstances, AIP grant recipients contribute a matching percentage of the project costs. Providing this additional funding and eliminating the local share will allow critical safety and capacity projects to continue as planned regardless of airport sponsors’ current financial circumstances. It appears MDOT believes that a long stay at a Four Star Luxury Resort Hotels for ‘business meetings’ is critical, while employees at  DTW lose their jobs.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao Announces $477 Million in Infrastructure Grants to 264 Airports in 44 States (html)| US Department of Transportation. This is the third allotment of the total $3.18 billion in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funding for airports across the United States. See the complete listing of grants (html).

This large amount of taxpayer dollars is in addition to the previous announcement that U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao Announces $477 Million in Infrastructure Grants to 264 Airports in 44 States (html) | US Department of Transportation.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) CARES Act

FAA 2020 CARES Act Grants – Airports (html). The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (H.R. 748, Public Law 116-136) (pdf), signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 27, 2020, includes $10 billion in funds to be awarded as economic relief to eligible U.S. airports affected by the prevention of, preparation for, and response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • FAA Map of CARES Funding (html).
  • CARES Act airport allocations – Central States (html) including Michigan – Google My Maps.

MDOT Bloated Phony Grants & More Wasted Tax Dollars

USDOT Announces Over $1 Billion in Grants to 439 Airports in 50 States (html).

“The 439 grants will ensure that airport sponsors can make the necessary improvements so their airports can operate in a safe and efficient manner for years to come,” said FAA Administrator Stephen M. Dickson.

Michigan airports awarded $256 million in coronavirus crisis aid (html)- mlive.com. The Federal Aviation Administration funding will support airports experiencing severe economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

$256-million dollars in grants will be distributed to help airports get through the crisis and prepare for when people resume normal air travel.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every business sector — big and small — across Michigan and these grants will provide much-needed resources to help airports across the state weather this public health crisis and be prepared when more people resume air travel,” said Governor Gretchen Whitmer in a written statement. “I want to thank our congressional leaders for securing this critical funding.”

You might think that 264 airports / 44 states = 4 airports per state? And you might also think that all of the airports accommodate normal air travel, right?

Or maybe you would think the median or average distribution of funding w/b each of 44 states would receive funding for 4 airports for a total of 264 airports. NO, Michigan had 90 airports or 22.5 times the National average for state that did receive funding! A quarter of a billion dollars, $256 Million dollars in addition to the already bloated many Millions of dollars of wasted budget, we can’t be sure where the money is wasted due to lack of visibility as to the true amount. First, nobody knows how much is being spent, and secondly nobody knows where it is being spent! Thirdly, the grants are based on out-of-date amateur estimates that no longer apply, clearly deceiving taxpayers along the way. Here’s some back of the envelope calculating:

$477m, 44 states, 264 airports
$477m / 264 = 1,806,818.18 US average airport payout
$256m / 90   = 2,844,444.44 MI average airport payout
MI 90 airports = 34% of total airport 264
MI $256m 53% of total grants $477m

44                264          100%   $477m            100%
MI               90            34%     $256m             53%

Of the 439 AIP Grants MDOT also received more additional funding:
AIP                     SUPPLEMENTAL     TOTAL
Michigan  $47,278,711        $9,366,667                 $56,645,378

Astonishing amounts of money! Just because MDOT ‘requested’ and ‘received’ money does NOT constitute an ‘endorsement’, ‘approval’ or any indication of ‘validity’ from US DOT or FAA at all, for what was requested! Using the 80/20 rule, generously,  for MDOT:

MDOT Commercial Airport requests – 80% might be valid, 20% probably phony?
MDOT Non-Commercial airstrip requests – 80% probably phony, 20% might be valid?

Nobody knows for sure, there is ZERO transparency in the MDOT Fiefdom [define], MDOT is basically an area over which someone exercises control [NOT taxpayers] as or in the manner of a [personally biased non-essential hobby, sport, recreational MDOT aviation] Feudal Lord. MDOT is propping up ‘Zombie Airstrips’ all over the State of Michigan.

Taking advantage of Taxpayer generosity is no longer an option at a time of shrinking budgets, especially at the expense of education, jobs & a sustainable future for all Michigan residents.

MDOT continues blatant malfeasance, abuse, malpractice, negligence with multiple conflicts of interest, using outdated exaggerated National Airspace System (NAS) inventory assets & stats:

  • MDOT continues to invest in outdated, unsustainable technology they and their friends, family, contractors, consultants, Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists are personally heavily over invested in equipment & facilities that have no verifiable ROI for generating revenue or jobs growth for Michigan taxpayers.
  • Many close-by alternate ‘real’ airports that highlight Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) is unneeded based on Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements and guidelines, however MDOT & MAC members DO live close by to ‘protect’ their turf.
  • MDOT supports 100’s of Non-Essential Non-Commercial Hobby, Sport, Recreational airstrips that are NOT taxpayer concerns.
  • Own, finance & operates airports for the wealthy (html) including Canton Plymouth Mettetal (html) (1d2), Linden’s Price’s Airport (html) (9G2) (html), how many others are? Even Michigan lawmakers can’t figure it out!
  • Ignore ‘Duty to Intervene’ in fiduciary responsibility to taxpayers Fraudulent non-verifiable biased amateur estimates, e.g. made by people that own & operate aircraft, based on obsolete decades old market size & demand that is common knowledge and well known in the industry.
  • Ignore ‘Duty to Intervene’ in terms of Health, Safety and Welfare of vulnerable populations
    • Conspire, acquiesce with other State of Michigan Departments, bureaucrats & politicians to actively coverup Leaded Aviation 100LL (Avgas) Tetraethyl Lead & PFAS contamination & poisoning referencing Blood Lead Level (BLL) data from 1,043,391 Michigan children to 448 nearby airports in Michigan (html), as well as a subset of airports with detailed data on the volume of piston-engine aircraft traffic.
    • Aggressive Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip expansion & growth directly correlates to 47% increase (html) in the number of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) students at Plymouth-Canton Community Schools (PCCS).
  • MDOT Retirement Home & Concierge service for Special Interests & industry Lobbyists creating one gigantic MDOT ‘conflict of interest’.
  • Abuse Federal, State & Local funding including CARES Act money with Four-Star Luxury Resort Hotel parties, weekend overtime for lawn cutting and installing landscaping mulch, paying & supplying equipment including cell phones, etc. to State compensated third party Contractors, Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists to work on their own aircraft and others, hosting, advertising & facilitating semi-private Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists parties on State owned property.
  • Ignore ‘Duty to Intervene’ Failed to notify Michigan Medical Systems & General Public of Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning dangers, Duped Henry Ford Medical System with Plymouth & Canton townships, exposing government failures at every level across multiple departments.
  • MDOT actively providing false contacts, web sites, addresses, emails & phone numbers owned by Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists NOT owned or operated by the State of Michigan. Actively supporting, facilitating, executing weekend Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists Activities, Events, etc.

MDOT Enabled by Problems at Every Level of State Government

Reports and references are available here:

  • US Department of Transportation (DOT)
  • Office of Inspector General (OIG)
  • DOT Employee Whistleblower Protection (html)
  • Report Fraud Hotline – Report Fraud, Waste & Abuse (html)

BTW: the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) appears to have more OIG reports than any other US Agency at (1336). There is also an unusually large number of Michigan aviation related reports (html).

January 28, 2020, Audit Initiated of FAA’s Oversight of the National Airspace System Inventory (html) (pdf). OIG initiating an audit of FAA’s oversight of its National Airspace System (NAS) inventory. The audit objective was to determine if FAA has effective oversight controls for managing the NAS inventory, including controls to appropriately account for excess, obsolete, or unserviceable items.

The results were disturbing. Recent reports from the Office of Inspector General (OIG) and an independent public accountant have found weaknesses in the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) internal controls for tracking inventory. In December 2019, OIG reported that the Agency’s Logistics Center does not have a detailed aging report for tracking its inventory supporting the National Airspace System (NAS), which might include items that are 30 or more years old. As such, OIG could not determine if FAA had overstated the inventory value, reported as $656 million in 2018. In addition, in a review of FAA’s financial statements for fiscal years 2018 and 2017, KPMG LLP found that the Agency’s controls were not designed and implemented to ensure the accuracy of inventory data.

April 20, 2020, Memorandum to the Secretary: Supporting DOT’s Efforts To Meet CARES Act Responsibilities (html) (pdf). Additionally, as the Department is aware, the volume of CARES Act funds and the speed with which they must be disbursed puts them at a higher risk for fraud, waste, and abuse. The volume of CARES Act funds and the speed with which they must be disbursed puts them at a higher risk for fraud, waste, and abuse.

June 17, 2020, Memorandum to the Secretary: Key Potential Risk Areas for the Department of Transportation in Overseeing CARES Act Requirements (html) (pdf). By maintaining focus on these risk areas early on and putting in place key internal controls, DOT can promote efficiencies; help ensure compliance; and better prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.

Congress Created Virus Aid, Then Reaped the Benefits | US News (html) | AP News (html).

Unfortunately, much of the CARES Act funding is bogus and hurts taxpayers with fraud, waste, and abuse. Besides the ridiculous MDOT funding levels based on phony decades old amateur stats, here are more examples:

Similar MDOT ‘Like Examples’ of CARES Act Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

Why Is Humboldt County’s $17M Windfall in CARES Act Funding for COVID Relief Going to the Airport, Of All Places? (html) | Lost Coast Outpost | Humboldt County News. If that sounds like a lot of money for our little regional airport, well, it is. The figure represents four times the airport’s annual operating expenses. All of which raises the question: Is the airport really where federal relief funds are most needed right now? Our local airport isn’t the only one to haul in an unexpectedly large sum. Regional airports across the country have received what Politico dubbed (html) “CARES Act Bonanzas,” with figures that left airport administrators and industry experts scratching their heads (html). ‘Windfall’: Funding formula allows some small airports to cash in big on stimulus money. Some facilities receive enough money to pay for decades of operations – others just a few months, many shouldn’t receive any taxpayer dollars at all.

Feds sending $108 million to Ohio airports as part of CARES Act (html) | Ohio | thecentersquare.com. The Buckeye State received less than half of that of Michigan, where 94 airports received a total of nearly $257 million.

Avoiding Improper Use of CARES Act Airport Grants (html) – Law360.

FAA takes back 80% of CARES Act funding for Merced Regional Airport (html) | YourCentralValley.com.

California City of Santa Monica might forgo airport grant to guarantee 2028 closure (html) | Santa Monica Daily Press.

Why some small airports got Cares Act bonanzas (html) – POLITICO.

Covid-19: GAO Can’t Solve the $2.7 Trillion Federal Aid Mystery (html) – Bloomberg. A lack of transparency and accountability means few know where federal money is landing, what impact it’s having and how the effort to battle the virus is going. Last week, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued the first comprehensive analysis (html) (pdf) of how trillions of dollars of taxpayer money is being spent to protect Americans, the economy and public services from the ravages of Covid-19. Its broad conclusions aren’t reassuring.

U.S. GAO – Airport Infrastructure: Information on Funding and Financing for Planned Projects (html) (pdf) (highlights pdf), Feb 13, 2020. “Inadequate funds” translates to “Taxpayer Dollars Wasted” with no ROI especially for Non-Commercial superfluous duplicate airstrips that generate no revenue or jobs, e.g. located within short distances of other airports that do generate revenue and jobs.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Transportation Research Board, Financing Airport Improvements (html) (pdf), 2019-3-15.

U.S. Airport Infrastructure Funding and Financing: Issues and Policy Options Pursuant to Section 122 of the 2018 Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act (html) (pdf), appendixes (pdf)| RAND. Smaller airports by definition have a smaller user base that offers fewer opportunities for raising revenue. These airports are therefore more reliant on federal grants than larger airports for paying the high fixed costs related to runways, taxiways, aprons, safety, and security. Taxpayers should NOT be paying for any of these Non-Essential Non-Commercial Hobby, Sport, Recreational airstrips and the associated high fixed cost necessities.

A ‘rare’ good example use of FAA funds: Final Environmental Assessment (pdf): Runway 14-32 Closure and Removal, Willow Run Airport (YIP), June 2014, Ypsilanti, MI. Prepared on behalf of: Wayne County Airport Authority  (WCAA) Wayne County (html), Michigan (html).

Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Financing Small Commercial-Service Airports: Federal Policies and Options (pdf), April 1999. Applies to Commercial, NOT Non-Essential Non-Commercial Hobby, Sport, Recreational airstrips that fall thru the cracks and leech taxpayer dollars on useless MDOT “Pork Barrel” projects.

Michigan State Airport System Plan (now called MASP) from 1990 (pdf). Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 wasn’t even on the radar so to speak. Report shows roughly 1 airport per county for counties with aircraft requirements including existing Very High Frequency (VHF) Omni-Directional Range (VOR) VORs requirements are probably pretty much still the same. MDOT aggressively expanded 1d2 because several MDOT & MAC members live close by, and otherwise is not strategic or required for any transportation plan at the State or National (Federal) level, and never has been.

State Aviation Journal (html) – might help to try to figure out what the MDOT Clown Patrol is thinking, but then again probably not?

It’s not even possible to make this stuff up, zero checks & balances, incredible largest waste of taxpayer money in the history of the State of Michigan that continues!

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Immune From All COVID-19 Limitations

In a matter of months, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has killed more than 112,000 Americans, cost more than 41 million people their jobs, based on initial jobless claim filings, and completely upended the longest economic expansion in U.S. history.

An unprecedented physical and financial toll over the very short term that led Congress to pass and the president to sign the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act into law more in under two months.

Now the State of Michigan, counties, and municipalities are deep in red ink, hemorrhaging money and the State of Michigan Department of Transportation continues to fund & operate Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip, a major source of Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning in densely populated neighborhoods closely surrounded by many schools abusing Local, State and Federal taxpayer money openly laughing.

Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS) facing massive state funding decrease (html) – Plymouth-Canton Community Schools (PCCS) leaders brace for potential devastating cuts to state funding. The severity of funding cuts was uncertain, however, estimates as high as $2,000 per student are possible while MDOT flaunts the abuse of Local, State and Federal dollars for weekend overtime to cut the lawn and add new landscaping mulch to facilitate, plan, execute and support Parties (Fly-Ins) for Wealthy Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists! This most certainly is MDOT malfeasance of the highest degree on display!

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) continues their decades old journey wading further and further into the private sector, and has not learned a thing continuing to support and subsidize un-needed non-essential Recreational, Sport, Hobby Airstrips across the State of Michigan. When the MDOT folly is revealed it will amount to the largest single waste of taxpayer money in the history of Michigan, millions and millions of taxpayer dollars with no provable benefits or ROI, only biased phony stats and fabricated testimonials made up using amateur estimates with multiple conflicts of interest. MDOT continues to condone, support, acquiesce, and even openly advocate and encourage sickening Michigan residents with Tetraethyl Lead from Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) damaging & destroying the Health, Safety & Welfare of vulnerable populations.

It’s all about Privilege, Wealth, and Connections judging by the number of Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Administration and Michigan Aeronautical Commission (MAC) officials that live close by protecting their ‘sponsored’ non-essential Hobby, Sport Recreational select ‘pet project’ airstrips of their choice across the State of Michigan. In the case of Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip, MDOT/MAC officials live very close minutes away in Dearborn, Canton, Plymouth Townships etc.

Nobody will miss any of these hostile clowns once they can no longer destroy the Health, Safety and Welfare of Canton and Plymouth Township Michigan. Taxpayers will realize they’ve been duped by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) for the last 20 years. It’s just a matter of time until all these turds (html) get flushed from our neighborhoods and communities, the sooner the better! Nationwide Flint Michigan is synonymous with Lead Poisoning and Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned & Operated Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 is synonymous with Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning!

Why is Michigan in The Airport Business? (html) – Michigan Capitol Confidential. Michigan Lawmakers have been asking questions but not finding answers. Nobody can get straight answers (from the Michigan Department of Transportation MDOT) about what the costs are and why taxpayers and the State of Michigan continue to be ripped off by MDOT malfeasance, negligence and malpractice.

With more than 200 airports in Michigan available for public use, which is way too many per capita btw, nobody in the State of Michigan is convinced that State ownership of any of these ridiculous airstrips is critical. Besides Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2, Linden’s Price’s Airport (9G2), largely serves the needs of a private group of people who own homes with attached hangars, adjacent to the state-owned runway. Non-essential Hobby, Sport, Recreational airstrips, a travesty and blatant abuse of taxpayer money the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) thinks they can continue to fund, operate, and hide.

James Hohman (html) [Facebook], director of fiscal policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy (html), said operating the airports without annual subsides is laudable, but “these are private purposes that can be provided by the private sector without the state needing to get involved.” Taxpayers demand investments in Schools & Infrastructure for the good of all, not continued special MDOT treatment for wealthy Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists across the State of Michigan. Favoritism, bias and multiple conflicts of interest appear to be the typical MDOT modus operandi and show a continuing pattern of negative MDOT behavior resulting in the largest waste of taxpayer dollars in the history of Michigan.

Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 openly ridicules and mocks the FAA including local Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO), laughs at FAA “Safety Classes” and boasts of FAA, aka “the Feds”, and their inability to enforce any rules as 1d2 locals are protected from Federal abuse or intervention at a State of Michigan Department of Transportation owned and operated airstrip. This includes not only MDOT clowns & bullies and their appointed third-party contractors, but also Special Interests, Industry Lobbyists plus family and friends. Helicopter Maintenance Repair Overhaul (MRO) [Wikipedia] [pdf] should have never be allowed to operate in densely populated neighborhoods surrounded by schools under any circumstances.

MDOT makes archaic public statements regarding misleading test findings, facts, statistics and conceals information related to Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation fuel (Avgas). Michigan taxpayers must be given accurate, complete and timely information to understand, respond to and limit the impact of Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation fuel (Avgas) and its devastating effect on Vulnerable populations across the State of Michigan.

MDOT continues to perpetrate the largest waste of taxpayer money over the last 25 years sickening local communities, defying logic, all common sense, financial, scientific, and medical facts, all with no end game in sight. It’s desperate times like these that make it clear to examine every line-item in any Michigan or MDOT budget for waste, abuse and mis-use of taxpayer funds at every airport & airstrip with any MDOT involvement across the entire State of Michigan.

MDOT has run rampant for too long prioritizing MDOT personal agendas at the expense of Public Education and the Health, Safety and Welfare of children, neighborhoods and families. The special interests and industry lobbyists that benefit from using these facilities must pay for them themselves, NOT Michigan taxpayers.

It’s also clear that air pollution, like that from 100LL Lead Aviation Fuel (Avgas) exacerbates Covid-19 (html)(html) (html)(html) – A recent study found that even small increases in fine particulate matter, known as PM2.5, have had an outsized effect in the US. An increase of just 1 microgram per cubic meter corresponded to a 15% increase in Covid-19 deaths (html) (pdf), according to the researchers at the Harvard University (html) T.H. Chan School of Public Health (html). Areas With More Air Pollution Do Have Had More Covid-19 Fatalities (html). COVID-19 PM2.5 Project (html) – Exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 mortality in the United States (Updated April 5, 2020). The latest on the coronavirus (html)  | News | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Is air pollution making the coronavirus pandemic even more deadly (html)?

Experts are predicting that the crisis (medical & financial) will persist for two more years – Covid-19 Pandemic Likely to Last Two Years, Report Says (html) – A report from University of Minnesota (UMinn) Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) –  COVID-19: The CIDRAP Viewpoint (pdf) predicts the coronavirus pandemic is likely to continue in waves that could last beyond 2022. Additionally, the Pandemic’s Long-Term Pain Is Just Becoming Clear to Markets. Investors Beware, Virus’s Long-Term Pain Just Becoming Clear (html). Study sees need for some social distancing into 2022 to curb coronavirus (html). Projecting the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 through the postpandemic period (html) (pdf) | American Association for the Advancement of Science. Analysis suggests states need to plan for second wave of COVID-19 (html).

It’s certainly way past due to shut down Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip to protect the Health, Safety and Welfare of surrounding communities and protect Michigan taxpayers hard earned money!

Henry Ford Health System Duped by Plymouth Township, Canton Township, & Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)!

The Henry Ford Health System is a comprehensive, integrated, non-profit health care organization in Metro Detroit. The corporate office is at One Ford Place, Detroit, Michigan 48202, and operates many other locations such as 2799 West Grand Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48202, Wayne County, Michigan, U.S. and has over 32,000 employees (2019), and includes 6,200 + nurses (2019).

An affiliation with Wayne State University Medical School (html) provides more than 400 medical students that train at the Henry Ford Hospital each academic year. One of the largest Health Systems in Michigan and one of the most highly rated in the county.

Wright L. Lassiter III (html) is the President and CEO of Henry Ford Health System, oversees the $7.5 billion health system comprised of six hospitals, a health plan and a wide range of ambulatory, retail, and related health services consisting of more than 250 locations and 32,000 employees.

Inconceivably Henry Ford Health has plans for a new Health center at former Plymouth Township Kmart at 40855 Ann Arbor Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170, and it’s not clear if senior management including Richard Chip Davis, PhD, EdM, Senior Vice President and Chief Executive Officer  (CEO), Henry Ford Health System South Market and Henry Ford Hospital, and Robert G. Riney, President, Healthcare Operations and Chief Operating Officer (COO) have been presented the real facts and really appreciate the magnitude of what’s going on? Whom would build a Medical facility practically right on top of a significant source of Lead Poisoning to children? What doctors and nurses would want to work there? And would anyone in the surrounding communities actually want to go there to get healthy? It would be great to hear the President and CEO Wright L. Lassiter III’s  opinion!

BTW: This is common knowledge and is well known in the aviation industry for almost a decade, and is well known by elected Michigan officials and MDOT bureaucrats, past and present, from the time of the Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle!

The MDOT Health, Safety, and Welfare threats also affect and influence other critical & important local businesses such as Art Van, Bosch, IKEA, Rivian, Webasto, Yazaki, and the list goes on . . .

University of Michigan Health System, Beaumont Health System, Trinity Health and All Other Michigan Health Systems Should be Notified of Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Lead Coverup!

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) continues to ignore, obscure, hide, and lie about the Effects of Leaded Aviation Fuel on Blood Lead Levels (BLLs) of Over 1 Million Children in Michigan (html), all while Plymouth-Canton Community Schools (PCCS) show a 47% increase in the number of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) students (html). MDOT actively implies, states, and maintains that there are safe levels of Lead!

The State of Michigan Constitution provides obligations to protect & warn taxpayers about the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Lead Coverup and related Health, Safety and Welfare effects including property damage. Shamefully Michigan Lawmakers and Departments, MDOT bureaucrats, County, and especially Local Plymouth Township and Canton Township Officials have done absolutely nothing to warn anyone at all.

Who can citizens and specifically our vulnerable populations count on for protection from Lead? The medical, scientific, and technological evidence is overwhelming and crystal clear. Lead is NOT acceptable for anyone at any level!

Health Systems across the State of Michigan should be alerted regarding any potential Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) related Lead exposure and poisoning to be on the lookout for Lead poisoning symptoms in children that they might not otherwise look for, suspect, recognize, or test for.

Four Prominent Michigan Health Systems:

  • University of Michigan Health System – Michigan Medicine – Excellence in Patient Care, Medical Education and Research. Michigan Medicine continues to deliver the Michigan Difference through cutting-edge research and premier patient care. According to U.S. News and World Report, we’re among the best in the nation in a broad range of adult and pediatric specialties. We’ve earned national recognition from other hospital-quality organizations, too.
    • University of Michigan | Michigan Medicine 1500 E Medical Center Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (html)
    • Michigan Medicine | University of Michigan 7300 Medical Science Building I — A Wing, 1301 Catherine St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5624 (html)
    • University of Michigan | CS Mott Children’s Hospital | Michigan Medicine 1540 E Hospital Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (html)
    • Canton Health Center | Michigan Medicine 1051 N. Canton Center Rd. Canton, MI 48187 (html)
    • Adult Medicine and Pediatrics Clinic at Canton Health Center | Michigan Medicine 1051 N. Canton Center Rd. Canton, MI 48187 (html)
    • General Medicine at Canton Health Center 1051 N. Canton Center Rd. Canton, MI 48187 | Michigan Medicine (html)
    • MLabs (Blood Draw Station) at Canton Health Center 1051 N. Canton Center Rd. Canton, MI 48187 | Michigan Medicine (html)
  • Beaumont Health System – Beaumont Health is Michigan’s largest health care system (based on inpatient admissions and net patient revenue) and provides patients with compassionate, extraordinary care, no matter where they live. With eight hospitals, 145 outpatient locations, nearly 5,000 physicians and more than 38,000 employees, Beaumont’s commitment to patient and family-centered care contributes to the health and well-being of residents throughout the community and beyond.
    • Beaumont Health | Determination Lives Here 44201 Dequindre Rd, Troy, MI 48085 (html)
    • Beaumont Professional & Medical Education, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine 586 Pioneer Dr, Rochester, MI 48309 (html)
    • Beaumont Medical Center – Canton | Beaumont Health 7300 N. Canton Center Rd. Canton, MI 48187 (html)
    • Beaumont Imaging Center – Canton | Beaumont Health 2050 N. Haggerty Rd., Suite 180, Canton, MI 48187 (html)
  • Henry Ford Health System – Henry Ford Health System is committed to improving the health and well-being of our diverse Michigan community and is comprised of hospitals, medical centers and one of the nation’s largest group practices, the Henry Ford Medical Group, which includes more than 1,200 physicians practicing in over 40 specialties. The System’s flagship, Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, is a Level 1 Trauma Center recognized for clinical excellence in cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, neurology and neurosurgery, orthopedics, sports medicine, multi-organ transplants and cancer treatment. With more than 30,000 employees, Henry Ford Health System is the fifth-largest employer in metro Detroit, and among the most diverse.
    • Henry Ford Health System | Henry Ford Health System – Detroit, MI One Ford Place, Detroit, Michigan (html)
    • Henry Ford Medical Center – Canton | Henry Ford Health System – Detroit, MI 6100 N Haggerty Rd, Canton,MI 48187 (html)
    • Henry Ford Medical Center – Plymouth | Henry Ford Health System – Detroit, MI 14300 N Beck Rd, Plymouth,MI 48170 (html)
    • HAP | Affordable Michigan Health Insurance | Michigan Health Insurance | HAP 2850 W. Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 (html)
  • Trinity Health – Livonia, Michigan (MI) –  Trinity Health (html) • 20555 Victor Parkway, Livonia, Michigan 48152 – Trinity Health is one of the largest multi-institutional Catholic health care delivery systems in the nation, serving diverse communities that include more than 30 million people across 22 states. Trinity Health includes 92 hospitals, as well as 106 continuing care locations that include PACE programs, senior living facilities, and home care and hospice services. Its continuing care programs provide nearly 2 million visits annually, with annual operating revenues of $19.3 billion and assets of $27 billion, the organization returns $1.2 billion to its communities annually in the form of charity care and other community benefit programs. Trinity Health employs about 129,000 colleagues, including 7,500 employed physicians and clinicians.
    • Saint Joseph Mercy Health System (html), A member of Trinity Health – Saint Joseph Mercy Health System is a health care organization serving seven counties in southeast Michigan including Livingston, Washtenaw, Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Jackson, and Lenawee. It includes 537-bed St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor, 443-bed St. Joseph Mercy Oakland in Pontiac, 304-bed St. Mary Mercy Livonia, 136-bed St. Joseph Mercy Livingston in Howell, and 133-bed St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea. Combined, the five hospitals are licensed for 1,553 beds, have five outpatient health centers, six urgent care facilities, more than 25 specialty centers; employ more than 15,300 individuals and have a medical staff of nearly 2,700 physicians.  St. Joe’s has annual operating revenues of about $2 billion and returns about $115 million to its communities annually through charity care and community benefit programs.
    • St Joseph Mercy Health Center Canton (html), 1600 S Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI 48188

Aggressive MDOT Airstrip Expansion Equals Plymouth Canton Community School System (PCCS) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Double-Digit Increase

The dramatic double-digit increase of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) enrolled in PCCS Schools (html) Directly Corresponds with aggressive expansion at Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip since 2010.

Out of control and costly to taxpayer expansion secretly, stealthily and almost unnoticed by the community doubled hangar foot print, which more than doubled aircraft including several twin engine aircraft that don’t belong there, several owners with multiple aircraft, many additional helicopters, which more than doubled yearly operations (take offs/landings), coupled with MDOT promoted and advertised Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist events including fly-in Boondoggles, Picnics & Pancake Breakfast Carnivals with expanded parking, free aircraft & helicopter rides, Swivel Chair (Swivel Chair Patrol) oops I mean Civil Air Patrol (CAP) meetings, events, outings, airplane and helicopter training classes still conducted in January 2020, etc.

Industrial Helicopter MROs should never be allowed embedded in any densely populated neighborhoods and are not allowed to anywhere else in the United States.  It’s all MDOT friends, family, third party contractors, Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists, one big happy incestuous family!

All of this MDOT sponsored activity embedded in densely populated neighborhoods extremely close to 3 local schools with thousands of children, with many more schools in the local vicinity with the singular goal to increase State & FAA funding on behalf of local cronies. Truly sad behavior from a once proud Michigan department and the so-called Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC), another complete joke! Is this the price taxpayers pay for phony MDOT progress, expansion & growth with astonishing and seemingly fraudulent budgets & fictional ROI.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – Reproducible Biomarker: Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) Tetraethyl Lead in Canton Township and Plymouth Township Neighborhoods, Schools and PCCS Students

Who poisoned Flint? No one held accountable after 4 years – mlive.com (html). Many understand what happened is shocking & criminal, but you have to make sure it’s the right people that are punished for this mess. However, equally important is testimony that revealed key facts regarding Lead Poisoning that should be very concerning to every Canton Township, Plymouth Township and Michigan parent.

A spokeswoman for Michigan Solicitor General Hammoud who declined to comment on the status of the solicitor general’s current investigation, mentioned that Hammoud herself said during the Shekter-Smith plea review that what happened in Flint was a crime.

“This court heard the testimony regarding lead and the impacts of lead poisoning, which can devastate health throughout a lifetime and may even alter DNA to affect future generations,” she said. “That’s what this crime is about.”

It seems that “Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) Tetraethyl Lead” is a reproducible, repeatable, demonstrable biomarker  [define], e.g. a measurable substance in an organism whose presence is indicative of some phenomenon such as disease, infection, or environmental exposure that is present in Canton Township and Plymouth Township Neighborhoods, Schools and PCCS Students. Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) Tetraethyl Lead has manifested itself and is repeating as shown in student enrollments in PCCS since 2010 in parallel with Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip expansion doubling since 2010.

Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS) students and families right to “bodily integrity” has been and is still being violated under the U.S. Constitution.

A serious concern echoed by Dr. Doug Ruden, Wayne State University (html) (html) (html) (GoogleScholar) (LinkedIn), who leads a team of scientists who test blood samples to study the way lead impacts people. His team found that babies are impacted by moms who were exposed to lead. “The way you think about it is: if a mother is pregnant with a baby, she’s also carrying the baby’s children too” Ruden says.“It’s like Russian nesting dolls.”

When Dr. Ruden was asked if he could send one message to Detroiters based on what you know about Lead, what would you say? “All kids under the age of 6 should be tested for Lead.” High Lead levels may not show symptoms for awhile, but once you know lead is a problem, you can take steps to address it.

  • See Lead Safe Home: Fact Sheet (pdf)
  • In partnership with:
    • Detroit – Wayne County Green & Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI)
    • Center for Urban Responses to Environmental Stressors (CURES) – Wayne State University (WSU)
    • Center for Urban Studies (html) :: Wayne State University (WSU)
  • Sponsored by:
    • The Kresge Foundation (html) | Expanding opportunities in America’s cities
    • CLEARCorps/Detroit (html)
    • Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice (html)
  • While Many Communities Openly Fight MDOT and Other Michigan Polluters
    • Michiganders find solidarity in fighting hazardous waste (html)
    • Sterling Heights seeks long-term sustainability (html) | macombdaily.com
    • Michigan Legislators unveil legislation to hold polluters accountable (html)

Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) – Officials Covering Up Lead Poisoning NOT Immune, and Are Accountable!

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) – Officials covering up Lead Poisoning are NOT immune and can and should be held accountable!

The SCOTUS Justices turned away two appeals by City, State and Local officials of a lower court ruling that allowed lawsuits to move forward. The lower court rejected a demand for immunity by the officials, finding that they violated the residents’ right to “bodily integrity” [define] under the U.S. Constitution.

The cases center on the Constitution’s 14th Amendment guarantee of due process under the law, which can protect people from government-induced harm to their personal security or health, a legal principle known as “bodily integrity.” However, calling the water crisis a “government-created environmental disaster” in a 2019 ruling, the 6th Circuit green-lighted the constitutional claims and rejected immunity for the officials. SCOTUS confirmed.

The lawsuit claims the officials failed to protect residents from a foreseeable risk of harm from exposure to Lead. Everyone except MDOT seems to know that Lead really is poison, really it is. The lawsuit and others like it claim that the public has a constitutional right to “bodily integrity” that was duly violated.

  • Supreme Court won’t take case prompted by Flint water crisis – Detroit News (html), January 21, 2020
  • Supreme Court won’t take case stemming from Flint water crisis – Detroit Free Press (html), January 21, 2020
  • Supreme Court won’t hear case related to Flint water crisis – mlive.com (html), Jan 21, 2020
  • Supreme Court lets Flint, Michigan residents sue over water contamination – Reuters (html), January 21, 2020
  • Supreme Court allows lawsuit against Flint city officials to advance | The Hill (html), 01/21/20
  • Attorney says Supreme Court decision on Flint water brings federal trial closer to reality – mlive.com (html), Jan 21, 2020
  • Supreme Court Allows Flint Water Lawsuits To Move Forward, Officials Not ‘Immune’ : NPR (html), January 21, 2020

Relevant SCOTUS and Sixth Circuit Court Lead Poisoning Legal Documents

  • SCOTUS Petition (pdf) Questions Presented:
    • Whether the 14th Amendment’s constitutional right to “bodily integrity” extends to encapsulate a right to be protected by state regulators from a foreseeable risk of harm from exposure to contaminants in public drinking water, or to be free from allegedly false statements by an agency spokesperson.
    • If so, whether such a bodily-integrity right was clearly established at the time the defendant officials were fulfilling their official duties.
    • Whether mere alleged mistakes and regulatory inaction by state regulators, or allegedly false statements by an agency spokesperson, are sufficiently “conscience shocking” to strip a government official of qualified immunity.
  • SCOTUS Motion for Stay docket to review Sixth Circuit Court Decision, Dated: June 7, 2019 (pdf)
  • United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (html) Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan at Ann Arbor. No. 5:16-cv-12412—Judith E. Levy, District Judge. Argued: June 6, 2018, Decided and Filed: January 4, 2019 (pdf)
  • Bodily Integrity 14th Amendment Claim Allowed by 6th Circuit Court (html) Friday, March 8, 2019 | The National Law Review (html)
  • Environmental Injustice/Racism in Flint, Michigan: An Analysis of the Bodily Integrity Claim in Mays v. Snyder as Compared to Other Environmental Justice Cases (pdf) Pace Environmental Law Review (html), Volume 35, Issue 1 Fall 2017, September 2017, Article 3

Approximately 25,000 people have sued over the Flint Lead Poisoning Crisis, in which a change in the source of the city’s water resulted in lead contamination. The lawsuit and others ‘like it’ are expected to go forward in lower courts. In principle Lead Poisoning from 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) is basically the same, the contaminants are not in water but in soil & air, and it’s some of the same evil clowns doing the same thing all over again. One major difference is that Officials have known of Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Lead (Avgas) Poisoning for almost a full decade!

MDOT Negligence, Malpractice & Sad Pathetic Recycled Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Excuses

MDOT Nefarious Actions, Dastardly & Repugnant Deeds:

  • MDOT Secretly Doubled 1d2 Airstrip activity
  • MDOT hid study of 1,000,000 (1M) Michigan Child BLLs linking Lead to Airports
  • Double-Digit ASD/ADHD Increase at PCCS Schools
  • MDOT response: “based on soil-lead concentrations observed, there does not appear to be a health risk to site workers or the public under the current site use conditions.”

A patently false bold-faced lie! MDOT is just a mouthpiece for Special Interests and Industry Lobbyists that much is clear. MDOT regurgitates the same old tired worn out, ‘nobody really believes this crap anyway’ Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist boilerplate mumbo-jumbo garbage. These MDOT clowns really think the public is stupid, and that vulnerable populations have no intrinsic value.

BTW: there are so many things wrong here, for starters MDOT Lead testing (if you can even call it that) was done in the completely wrong part of the year with very limited ops. Michigan just had the wettest water year in 119 years of records (html). Anyone could see samples taken in standing water, anyone within .5 km could see that MDOT hired teams armed with highly advanced precision fence post augers mounted on the back of old model rusty pickup trucks that were literally dripping mud & water! Just ask the third-party service that performed the MDOT’s highly technical sounding field work. This was not high-end certified laboratory work with people in white lab coats like in the movies, quite an amateur operation at best.

Additionally, Lead testing is NEVER a single isolated event by any stretch of the imagination as MDOT would have you believe! Besides MDOT has zero Lead testing history at this site, or in the local vicinity ever! In fact, MDOT does not track Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning at ANY airport in Michigan whatsoever! There is no public history or logs to show any MDOT sustainable activity regarding Lead Poisoning inventories performed or Lead evaluations anywhere in the entire State of Michigan period.

However, there is a very long and rich future schedule and documented history of MDOT sponsored & advertised Fly-in activities including picnics, parties, barbecues and other useless boondoggles. This includes more never-ending meaningless and totally bogus MAC meetings to wax philosophic about Non-existent Pilot Shortages and how it affects the overall aviation hobby, sport, recreation outlook with Special Interests, Industry Lobbyists and MDOT’s own MAC ‘Living Legends’ all while arguing about the next gourmet menu for future Fly-in Picnics & MAC coffee klatsch’s to celebrate their own highly touted but imagined and totally fictional contributions to the corpus of Aviation, Aerospace & Defense knowledge & industry market outlook in such places as Traverse City, truly pathetic!

This (typical Lead Poisoning coverup verbiage) is common knowledge and is well known in the aviation industry for almost a decade, literally nobody in the industry believes any of it for a second! What else is perfectly clear:

  • MDOT does not have medical, scientific, or technological qualifications to render such a public opinion, misleading, fraudulent, would be met with a cease & desist order in the real world, people would be fired immediately for implying and defending Lead is safe in any form/quantity/concentration.
  • MDOT does not provide data, evidence, or proof that Lead is NOT a health risk under ANY conditions or even stated conditions using descriptions specifically by Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists. Of course, these descriptions are worded by very skillful wordsmiths.
  • MDOT opinion is diametrically opposed to a voluminous amount of contradictory medical, scientific, and technological data, testing, measurements, substantial evidence and proof from many expert SME sources worldwide that Lead IS a known health risk at any concentration level or amount. Clearly PCCS kids have been sickened and damaged
  • MDOT clearly has multiple conflicts of interest

It appears that the Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle is just warming up! These same MDOT clowns and anyone that is complicit, colluded or conspired with MDOT will be held accountable for double digit increase of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at PCCS Schools! There is absolutely no excuse for a totally preventable disaster like this.

MDOT is Clearly Responsible, but Whom Else is Accountable as ‘Officials’?

The SCOTUS response to an appeal filed on behalf of City, State and Local officials and basically stated that anyone acting in an official capacity, an agency spokesperson [define], an agent [define] or representative cannot claim immunity to violating the PCCS students “bodily integrity”.

The term ‘official capacity’ could be construed to include those that provide MDOT Subject Matter Expert (SME) consulting, testing services, providing data, measurements, public statements or endorsements (implied or otherwise), verification or validation of safety, authenticity, operate or conduct business on behalf of MDOT, e.g. third-party contractor with titles such as Airport Manager (Mgrs), Assistant (Asst) Managers listed on official MDOT document ‘Airport Manager and Fixed Base Operators (FBO)’ list showing contact names and numbers in the Michigan Airport Directory (pdf) or Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 documents current (pdf) previous (pdf).

NOTE: phony non-State of Michigan Mettetal email address used to fool, confound and mislead the public for the last 20 years! The mettetalairport.com domain was originally owned by a Special Interest / Industry Lobbyist, MDOT never clarified when it was official and when it was transferred, the link to MDOT was added later when they were caught in the act, go figure! Additionally http://mettetal.com/ resolves to Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist (html), how convenient, sneaky and deceptive! MDOT has been aware and taken advantage of both of these overlooked little details meant to fool the public all along. MDOT has never clarified these details to this day.

Given that, the list of people and groups responsible for violating PCCS students “bodily integrity” gets really interesting, and could include past & present officials, elected or otherwise:

  • State of Michigan Elected Officials: Governor, Lt. Governor, MIAG, Senator (Canton pilot & aerospace engineer), Representative (Canton)
  • Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
    • Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC) (Plymouth)
    • Michigan Department of Transportation Administration (html) (Canton)
    • Agents or spokespersons, e.g. third-party contractors hired by MDOT to operate a State of Michigan owned airstrip on behalf of MDOT, and could include specific members of local flying clubs and/or Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists working as Assistant Managers listed on official MDOT contact information. Cell phone bills & other expenses submitted to MDOT via third-party contractor blanket contract, favors, labor & materials for special events, common keys and access to any equipment & tools including high-end front-end loader, tractors, trucks, etc. not available to the public will show direct MDOT connections and influence
  • Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS)
  • Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA) including Detroit Metro Airport (DTW) and Willow Run Airport (YIP) officials
  • Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE) previously called the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ)
  • Michigan State Police (MSP) (html) – after hours and weekend drop offs and pickups at private heliport, appeared to be MDOT or other State of Michigan employees, Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC), confidential logs will show details
  • Civil Air Patrol (CAP) (Swivel Chair Patrol) – local bullies, community morons & smart alecks [define], and military wannabes [define] special treatment, favors, etc.
  • Wayne County employees and Commissioner (Plymouth)
  • Canton Township Officials
  • Plymouth Township Officials
  • Basically, any person, organization, commercial entity, business concern, or operation that traded favors, received preferential treatment, incentives of any kind, etc. to increase growth, utilization, or colluded with MDOT at any airstrip to coverup Lead Poisoning, or violated PCCS students “bodily integrity”. Looks, feels, and sounds like a First Class Class Action suit [define] to many people

Again, must keep in mind, Lead Poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) is well known by many people and organizations listed above, and is considered common knowledge and is well known in the aerospace & aviation industry for over a decade!

Almost all of the above have multiple conflicts of interest with literally zero incentive to eliminated Lead Poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) whatsoever.

The four key questions going forward will be:

  • Who is considered an Official?
  • What did Officials know?
  • When did Officials know it?
  • What did Officials do?

None of them can claim ignorance, kids are damaged and sick and continue to be damaged and sickened due to their actions or inaction of some of the people listed above, and NONE of these people are IMMUNE to criminal prosecution or civil litigation!

How Do We Stop MDOT’s Leaded 100LL (Avgas) Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning Epidemic Against our Neighborhoods, Families, and Children!

When will people stop playing with the Health, Safety, and Welfare of our communities, neighborhoods, families and especially our children?

MDOT: let’s just keep doing what we’re doing, there is no proof that it’s us, so we’re ok!

MDOT: just stands back and keeps repeating “Where’s the proof?”, simply parroting Special Interests and Industry Lobbyists.

A true textbook example of negligence, malpractice, and abuse of power all the way from the ‘Living Legends’ at the top of the Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC) food chain, to the many bottom feeders, and petty bureaucratic MDOT administrators (html) protecting their turf and defending existing phony budgets & ROI squawking as quickly as they can spending money on anything before budgets expire and evaporate.

Perhaps the next logical step is to find someone that can stand up to MDOT, Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists to protect children. Vulnerable populations could use the help of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the ACLU of Michigan (html) (html) is needed now more than ever! Or perhaps a Global Law firm that specializes in fighting Poisoning and Chemical Contamination Bullies like MDOT with backing from employees with Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists connections & multiple conflicts of interest.

That help could come in the form of a Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Class Action Suit on behalf of PCCS Students? Vulnerable populations could really benefit from help with Environmental Counseling & Litigation (html) from a global law firm with the reach, influence and clout needed to take on MDOT and their Special Interests & Industry Lobbyist bully pals.

PFAS Update 2019: Emerging Contaminants – What’s New, and What’s Next? (pdf), April 24, 2019, by Stephanie R. Feingold (html) and Drew Cleary Jordan (html), © 2018 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP – global law firm (html). This report shows Modern Theories of Liability Being Pursued to include:

  • Violation of “bodily integrity”
  • Public Nuisance and Private Nuisance
  • Trespass
  • Negligence & Malpractice
  • Abnormally Dangerous/Ultra Hazardous Activities
  • Failure to Warn
  • Design Defect
  • Declaratory Judgment Actions (for, e.g., indemnity, remediation, studies)
  • On the horizon? – Fraud
    • State Statutory Consumer Protection Statutes & Other State Codified Analogs of Common Law Claims – Conspiracy
    • Infliction of Emotional Distress
  • Claims for both Property Damage and Personal Injury/Medical Monitoring
  • Aiding and abetting [define] – generally allows a court to pronounce someone guilty for aiding and abetting in a crime even if they are not the principal offender, perpetrator, or defendant.

The most likely high-level defendants in a class action lawsuit on behalf of PCCS Students whose “bodily integrity” was violated resulting in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) would be:

  • Elected officials: State, Wayne County, Canton Township, Plymouth Township (the usual suspects so far)
  • Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC) (Plymouth)
  • Top MDOT Administrators (Lansing, Canton Township)
  • Third Party Contractor hired by MDOT as 1d2 Manager and their sub-contracted Assistant Managers
  • Helicopter owners and many of their ‘way too cozy’ connections in ‘way too many’ State of Michigan Agencies
  • Any other commercial or business concern related to 1d2 that benefited or profited at the expense of the Health, Safety and Welfare of PCCS students

Of course, we can’t make any legal determination here. But maybe it’s time for these MDOT clowns and whomever enabled, acquiesced, colluded, conspired, helped or is complicit in any way with MDOT to ‘lawyer-up’ as they say, if they haven’t done so already!

Ok, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is Reckless & Negligent, Now What?

Most believe that Michigan has the money to fix roads, it’s just being used for personal MDOT purposes, preferences and direction for the benefit of the few, while the many must pay their own way.

Poll show: Michigan voters say the State has enough money to fix roads (html). Compare 2019 millage rates in Michigan (html) and it’s obvious that taxpayers are paying way too much for way too little in return with no visibility or accountability from MDOT whatsoever. This is MDOT’s huge ‘shell game’. Taxpayers are paying their share for the roads in their local communities all across Michigan while MDOT continues to waste massive amounts of money on ridiculous airstrips like Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 that benefit the few while destroying the Health, Safety and Welfare of the communities, neighborhoods, schools and vulnerable populations, e.g. the many.

MDOT is this huge lumbering behemoth who’s used to getting their own way, now with what appears to be openly fraudulent behavior that goes unpunished! The MDOT ‘stink’ seems to stick to everything they touch.

MDOT is so used to getting their own way, even with what appears to openly fraudulent behavior, all without any repercussions whatsoever! Negative headlines regarding Michigan Agency Officials & Spokesperson malpractice & negligence is getting more and more common:

  • Senator blasts MDOT’s handling study as ‘outright fraud’! Group wants audit of MDOT’s role in study, Lobbyist steered MDOT report (html) (html) (html)
  • A former Supervisor of the Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA)
    • Federal Authorities Lock up Detroit Metro Airport (DTW) boss James Warner for 25 years, feds say (html), January 22, 2020 – Detroit News
    • Detroit airport employee gets 10 years in prison for $6M kickback scheme (html) | Detroit Free Press
    • Ex-Detroit Metro official sentenced to 10 years for bribery (html) | Detroit News
  • ‘Despicable’: Internal Emails Reveal Contractor Knew About Lead Risks in Months Before City’s Public Confirmation (html) | Common Dreams News

MDOT & Lead Coverup Conspirators Conclusion: Prosecute, Litigate, Punish

The glaring fact is NONE, not a single one of these people involved with MDOT have publicly said one SINGLE word to investigate or protect vulnerable populations from Lead Poisoning, and in fact several went way out of their way to NOT mention it at all, completely ignoring any mention of Lead Poisoning hoping the problem would just go away.

Victims: hundreds of PCCS students for sure, perhaps thousands, and many more victims across Michigan that could have been prevented or minimized to some extent! Lead poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation fuel (Avgas) at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 is ridiculous, totally unnecessary and preventable.

We all know airstrip users should pay for their own airport & aircraft activities and pay again to clean up the Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) Tetraethyl Lead mess already there, and the mess they are knowingly & actively continuing to create. They cannot be allowed to continue shrugging their shoulders and laughing all the way, oh well we get a ‘pass’ this time as it’s not technically illegal!

What’s now called the ‘Flint Effect’, or hiding behind outdated laws, rules, and regulations, is really sick & selfish, MDOT just stands back and keeps repeating “Where’s the proof?” over and over again enabling the Child Lead Poisoning Epidemic to continue. MDOT has perfected what many are now calling the ‘MDOT Mettetal Effect’ or ‘MDOT Clown Effect’ both named in honor of MDOT. E.g. continuing to hide behind outdated laws, rules, and regulations for their own benefit knowing it’s evil.

Every person involved in this senseless violation of PCCS students “bodily integrity” should feel the wrath of communities, neighborhoods, families, and especially the parents of affected PCCS students and be met with:

  • Rigorous Robust Criminal Investigation & Prosecution
  • Vigorous Civil Litigation
  • Generous Punishment, to the maximum extent of the law!

The State of Michigan should be Embarrassed, humiliated, and ashamed of MDOT performance at this point – this is truly ethically devoid and morally bankrupt?

Next Steps: Who Cleans Up Lead After MDOT Negligence and Malpractice?

After taking care of yet another major MDOT Clown Patrol Brain Fart (and there are more to come) now is time to think about cleaning up the Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip. It’s pretty clear that NONE of these people will take responsibility for their legacy Lead Poisoning mess left behind for future generations to deal with. The problem is who is going to pay for  a new green space for already financially strapped surrounding communities stuck paying for their own roads?

Maybe this is where the shiny brand new & fully empowered Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE), previously called the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) comes in. Help could come from the EGLE Redevelopment Team (html).

The EGLE Brownfield Redevelopment Program – Brownfield properties are those in which the redevelopment or reuse of the property may be complicated by the presence or perception of contamination.  Revitalizing and redeveloping these properties protects the environment, reuses existing infrastructure, minimizes urban sprawl and creates economic opportunities.

The Remediation and Redevelopment Division provides financial and technical assistance including grants, loans, tax increment financing and free site assessments to facilitate the redevelopment of brownfield properties.

Contact 1-517-284-5113 or email at EGLE-Brownfields@Michigan.gov for more information and assistance. #mibrownfields (html).

There are many Michigan Resources & Respected Groups fighting toxic pollution and chemical contaminants such as Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning:

  • Michigan Environmental Council (MEC)
  • Sierra Club (National) (Michigan) (SE Michigan) (HuronValley)
  • US EPA Environmental Info for Michigan (html) | EPA in Michigan (html) | US EPA (html)
  • US EPA Contact EPA Region 5 Illinois, Indiana, Michigan (html), Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin | About EPA (html) | US EPA (html), US EPA Region 5, 77 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604, 800-621-8431 or 312-353-2000
  • Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), (EGLE – Air), EGLE – Environmental Assistance Center (html)
  • Watered Down Justice – Socio-demographics and Violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act
  • Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSU)
    • Lead – PEHSU (html) – LEAD RESOURCES
  • Detroit Sustainability Action Agenda  2019 (pdf)

New EPA Rules Directly Threaten Child Lead Poisoning Prevention Efforts

In the article by Professor Gabriel Filippelli, Ph.D. (html), Department of Earth Sciences (html), Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), Purdue School of Science (html), Director of the Center for Urban Health (html), [National Academy of Sciences] [TheConversation] [Wikipedia]:

  • EPA’s proposed ‘secret science’ rule directly threatens children’s health | The Conversation (html)
  • Column: EPA’s proposed ‘secret science’ rule directly threatens children’s health ⋆Michigan Advance (html)
  • EPA’s proposed “secret science” rule directly threatens children’s health | Salon.com (html)

the author agrees with the rest of the world that childhood Lead exposure is a public health hazard of epidemic proportions. The impacts from any Lead exposure are permanent and lifelong. It is absolutely critical to identify and eliminate sources of Lead exposure before Lead exposure symptoms are recognized, usually by that time children are already poisoned.

Lead poisoning symptoms don’t appear until blood lead levels are high, so reducing exposure is the only effective way to prevent permanent damage.

One challenge is that public health officials & researchers don’t have adequate environmental measurements for Lead sources. Only fine-scaled results revealed by human health data seems the best way to identify sources, and thus inform policies to protect children. Blood samples from pediatric health screenings can provide valuable data for public health research.

If the new Secret Science rule is adopted, EPA officials will have to pretend that this kind of research doesn’t exist, since the patient records that it draws on can’t be made public.

Many believe this will leave hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of children across the U.S. at risk of a lifetime of avoidable harm from lead poisoning and other types of pollution that researchers analyze using private medical data.

This appears to be how the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) operates now as they continue to acquiesce, ignoring public health concerns, issuing no warnings and conducting their business as usual.

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) encourages, endorses, and supports Special Interests and Industry Lobbyists to bring unwanted unnecessary pollution and disruption into communities, avoiding any disclosure of potentially harmful public Health, Environmental, Safety, and Welfare impacts of Hobby, Sport, Recreational activities using Leaded Aviation fuel 100LL (Avgas) with EDB, PFAS and other pollutants.

Due to new EPA rules and many other complications Legal experts say Flint water crisis trials could be delayed for years ⋆Michigan Advance (html), more to come on this.

Further reading see:

Lead Poisoning Update

It’s time to stop MDOT using Michigan Children’s Blood Lead Levels (BLLs) as sensors to detect their Tetraethyl Lead (TEL), Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), Ethylene Dibromide (EDB), and other Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals (EDC), toxins, poisons, and pollutants!

The Social Cost of Leaded Gasoline (Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel AKA Avgas): Evidence from Regulatory Exemptions

SocArXiv Papers | The social cost of leaded gasoline (Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel AKA Avgas): Evidence from regulatory exemptions (html) (pdf) 92 pages, submitted September 22, 2019, last edited: October 23, 2019. DOI 10.31235/osf.io/rdy6g

The social cost of leaded gasoline (Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel AKA Avgas): Evidence from regulatory exemptions | Semantic Scholar (html) (pdf)

Leaded gasoline is still widely used in the United States for aviation (Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel AKA Avgas)  and automotive racing. Exploiting regulatory exemptions and a novel quasi-experiment, we find that leaded gasoline increases ambient lead concentrations, elevated blood lead rates, and elderly mortality. The estimated effects indicate the social cost of a gram of lead added to gasoline is over $1,100.

Our results are the first causal estimates linking adult mortality to leaded gasoline (Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel AKA Avgas), highlight the historic value of banning on-road leaded gasoline, demonstrate the costs of continued regulatory exemptions, and provide policy-relevant cost estimates of lead emissions at the lowest ambient levels to date.

A Toxic Truth: Lead Exposure Problems Linger In Soil, Air

A study, by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, published in Economics & Human Biology (html) – Journal (html) – Elsevier (html), found adverse effects on the boys from exposure to lead even in counties with levels of lead concentration in topsoil that are considered low according to guidelines from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state agencies that address these issues.

“These findings strengthen our understanding of the adverse effects of lead exposure on children’s cognitive development,” says Edson Severnini, assistant professor of economics and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College, who was part of the study. “They are concerning because they suggest that lead may continue to impair cognition.”

“Our study provides new evidence of the damaging effect of lead on cognitive development, even in areas with low lead concentration,” notes Karen Clay, professor of economics and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College, who coauthored the study. “This indicates the need for further monitoring of soil in urban areas and suggests that the EPA should revise its standards for acceptable levels of lead in soil.”

  • A Toxic Truth: Lead Exposure Problems Linger In Soil, Air (html), Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) News, August 23, 2019
  • A toxic truth: lead exposure problems linger in soil, air (html) (pdf), phys.org, August 26, 2019
  • Higher lead in topsoil boosts probability of cognitive difficulties in five-year-old boys, (html), MedicalExpress, April 10, 2019
  • Lead exposure found to affect fertility rates (html) Medical Express, May 22, 2018
  • In Cities, Lead Exposure Is Lowering Fertility – CityLab (html), July 5, 2018
  • Pollution That Discriminates by Gender – WSJ, May 2, 2019 (html)
  • Toxic Truth: Lead and Fertility, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 24607, Issued in May 2018, Revised in June 2019, (acknowledgments) (html) (pdf) (cloud)

Professor Karen Clay (cv) (html) (html) (NBER)
Assistant Professor Edson Severnini (html) (html) (NBER)
Magarita Portnykh (html) (NBER)
Scott Barsotti (html)

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) (Heinz)
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

The Legacy Lead Deposition in Soils and Its Impact on Cognitive Function in Preschool-Aged Children in the United States

Economics & Human Biology | Vol 33, Pages 1-224 (May 2019) | ScienceDirect.com (Issue html) (article html) PubMed (html)

EconStor: The Legacy Lead Deposition in Soils and Its Impact on Cognitive Function in Preschool-Aged Children in the United States (html) (pdf), February 2019

The Legacy Lead Deposition in Soils and Its Impact on Cognitive Function in Preschool-Aged Children in the United States | IZA – Institute of Labor Economics (html) (pdf), February 2019

The legacy lead deposition in soils and its impact on cognitive function in preschool-aged children in the United States. | Semantic Scholar (html)

The Legacy Lead Deposition in Soils and Its Impact on Cognitive Function in Preschool-Aged Children in the United States by Karen Clay, Margarita Portnykh, Edson Severnini :: SSRN (html) (pdf), Posted: 9 Mar 2019

The Concurrent Decline of Soil Lead and Children’s Blood Lead in New Orleans

The concurrent decline of soil lead and children’s blood lead in New Orleans | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) (html) (pdf), October 29, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1906092116. Other researchers, however, have indicated that Pb contamination of soil from TEL (Tetraethyl Lead) is at least as important, if not more so, than lead-based paint as a source of children’s Pb exposure.

Study finds topsoil is key harbinger of lead exposure risks for children (html) – ScienceDaily, October 14, 2019

Study finds topsoil is key harbinger of lead exposure risks for children | Tulane News (html) (pdf), October 14, 2019

Howard W Mielke, PhD, Research Professor (html) | Medicine

Tulane University (TU)
School of Medicine (Medicine)
1430 Tulane Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70112

Lead’s Urban Legacy (html) -“Lead’s Urban Legacy” deals with lead, a pervasive environmental pollutant that alters the biological signals in the human nervous system. The adverse effects of lead on brain health and function have been known since the Roman Empire.

e.hormone (html) at Tulane University is part of the Environmental Signaling Network, a multifaceted program that aims to integrate the vast interdisciplinary signaling field by fostering communication and promoting scientific advancements. Environmental signaling encompasses the many ways plants and animals use chemical signals to communicate life-driving information, to respond to physical or biological stimuli, and to talk to each other.

Lead poisoning in the 21st century, Dr. Jerome Paulson, MD, Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FAAP)

Lead poisoning in the 21st century, Dr. Jerome Paulson, MD, Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FAAP) (html) (html) (html). Physicians who maintain their FAAP designation make an ongoing commitment to lifelong learning and advocacy for children.

Protecting Children from Environmental Dangers is not easy – when something in your environment makes your child sick, it can be hard to know where to turn.

Physicians, toxicologists, social workers and nurses are part of a national network that focuses on environmental health for children. They help families learn the causes of your child’s illness and achieve the best health outcome.

Lead exposure remains an urgent health problem that requires action, not just calls for more evidence!

Lead poisoning in the 21st century video (html) | Children’s National Health System (html) Dr. Jerome Paulson, MD, FAAP, Medical Director, Child Health Advocacy Institute (CHAI), shares his insights on the dangers of lead poisoning.

Aspects of Children’s Environmental Health (pdf) | National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), Dr. Jerome A. Paulson, MD, FAAP

  • Professor of Pediatrics & Public Health, George Washington University
  • Medical Director for National & Global Affairs, Director, Mid-Atlantic Center for Children’s Health & the Environment, Child Health Advocacy Institute, Children’s National Medical Center
  • Chairperson, Executive Committee of the Council on Environmental Health (html) (html) (pdf), American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Council on Environmental Health. Prevention of Childhood Lead Toxicity (html) (download pdf) (open pdf). Pediatrics. 2016;38(1):e20161493 | American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

Dr. Jerome Paulson (html) | Milken Institute School of Public Health | GW

George Washington University (GW)
2121 Eye Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052

Milken Institute School of Public Health (html)
Environmental and Occupational Health (html)
950 New Hampshire Ave. NW, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20052

About Us (html) | Mid-Atlantic Center for Children’s Health and the Environment (MACCHE) | School of Nursing and Health Studies (html) | Georgetown University (GU)

  • Jerome A Paulson, MD, FAAP, Medical Director, PEHSU East, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
  • Laura Anderko, PhD, RN
  • Maryann Mazer-Amirshahi, MD, PharmD, MPH, Toxicologist Consultant
  • Katie Huffling, RN, CNM, Reproductive Health Consultant
  • Lois Wessel, RN, Family Nurse Practioner (FNP), FNP Consultant
  • Stephanie M. Chalupka EdD, RN, PHCNS-BC, FAAOHN, Professor and Coordinator of the Master of Science in Nursing Program at Worcester State University, Visiting Scientist
  • Kelly Jones, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  • Emma Pennea, Center Manager

Home – Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units – PEHSU– Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSU), are a network of experts in reproductive and children’s environmental health. An interconnected system of specialists located throughout North America who respond to questions from public health professionals, clinicians, policy makers, and the public about the impacts of environmental factors on the health of children and reproductive-age adults. There is a total of 10 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units across the country with each region dedicated to children’s environmental health issues.

The Children’s Environmental Health (html) | Great Lakes Center (html) Region 5 | University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) – Is one of 10 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSUs) across the country dedicated to children’s environmental health issues.‌‌ Our primary area of focus is Region 5, which includes the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. A PEHSU has experts in pediatrics, toxicology, occupational and environmental medicine, reproductive health, and other specialties. PEHSUs are a source of medical information and advice on environmental exposures influence reproductive and children’s health and work with an array of people, such as parents, schools, and state agencies, to address children’s environmental health issues.

The Region 5 PEHSU published a spectacular guide book, Investigating Environmental Contamination: A Guide for Communities (pdf), June 2019, Great Lakes Center for Children’s Environmental Health University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health. The guide is for community members who are concerned about their environmental exposures in their neighborhood. It covers outdoor pollution in the air, soil, and water and offers resources specific for Region 5 states. It also includes a power mapping example to help community members advocate for change and take their environmental concerns to legislators. A printer-friendly version is also available.

  • Susan Kaplan, JD Research Assistant Professor (html)
  • Susan Buchanan, MD, MPH, Director, Great Lakes Center for Children’s Environmental Health Region 5 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (html) (html)
  • Emily Szwiec, MPH, Coordinator, Great Lakes Center for Children’s Environmental Health Region 5 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (html)

University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
Great Lakes Center (html)
School of Public Health
1603 W Taylor St, Chicago, Illinois 60612

Dr. Jerome “Jerry” Paulson – Professor Emeritus of Environmental & Occupational Health – The George Washington University- Milken Institute School of Public Health | LinkedIn (html)

Time to Step Up Efforts to Protect Children from Climate Change (html)

HealthyChildren.org (html) – From the American Academy of Pediatrics – The AAP Parenting Website

Home – Jerome A. Paulson MD, EnviroHealthDoctor (html)
1113 N Howard St.
Alexandria, VA 22304

The State of Public Health Lead Policies: Implications for Urban Health Inequities and Recommendations for Health Equity

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; 16(6):1064 – IJERPH | Free Full-Text | The State of Public Health Lead Policies: Implications for Urban Health Inequities and Recommendations for Health Equity (html) (pdf), Received: 21 February 2019 / Revised: 18 March 2019 / Accepted: 20 March 2019 / Published: 24 March 2019

The State of Public Health Lead Policies: Implications for Urban Health Inequities and Recommendations for Health Equity. – PubMed – NCBI (html)

The State of Public Health Lead Policies: Implications for Urban Health Inequities and Recommendations for Health Equity (html) (pdf)

Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children and Pregnant Women,  Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review & Recommendation Statement

Lead exposure remains an urgent health problem that requires action, not just calls for more evidence!

There are many proven best practices that involve taking action to prevent exposures, screening of high-risk children, and then referring families who have children with elevated blood lead levels to risk assessors and others who are trained and licensed to identify, quantify, and remediate exposure.

Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Childhood and Pregnancy: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force (html), April 16, 2019 | Guidelines | JAMA | JAMA Network, PubMed – NCBI (html) (html)

Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children and Pregnant Women: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement (html) (pdf), April 16, 2019 | Guidelines | JAMA | JAMA Network, PubMed – NCBI (html)

Final Recommendation Statement: Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children and Pregnant Women: Screening (html) – US Preventive Services Task Force

Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children and Pregnant Women: Recommendation Statement – U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (html) (pdf) – American Family Physician

Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Childhood and Pregnancy: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force (html) — Oregon Health & Science University

Lead screening update from the US Preventive Services Task Force (html) (pdf) – The Journal of Pediatrics (html), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpeds.2019.07.011

Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Childhood and Pregnancy: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force (html) | Semantic Scholar, Published in JAMA 2019, DOI:10.1001/jama.2019.1004

National Toxicology Program – Health Effects of Low-level Lead, June 13, 2012!

The National Toxicology Program (NTP), part of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, part of the National Institutes of Health – Health Effects of Low-level Lead (html), June 13, 2012!, Although reductions in lead exposure for the U.S. population have resulted in lower blood lead levels over time, epidemiological studies continue to provide evidence of health effects at lower and lower blood lead levels. The NTP Monograph on Health Effects of Low-level Lead (pdf) was developed to summarize the evidence for lead-associated health effects in children and adults at these low exposure levels. The evidence provides support for adverse health effects in both children and adults at blood lead levels below 10 μg/dL, and, for some effects, below 5 μg/dL.

The panel agreed with the draft NTP overall conclusions on cardiovascular, renal, and immune health effects associated with blood Pb levels <10 μg/dL. The panel recommended changing the draft summary conclusion for neurological effects in children and for reproductive effects in adult women from sufficient evidence of an association at blood Pb levels <10 ug/ dL to sufficient evidence of an association at blood Pb levels <5 ug/dL.

January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue : Journal of Public Health Management and Practice – Supplement 1, Lead Poisoning Prevention

January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue : Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (html)  – Social issues dedicated to Lead Poisoning. Here are several articles:

Lead Elimination for the 21st Century : Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (html), Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue – p S3-S4, PubMed – NCBI (html) – Now is the time to eliminate lead from children’s environments.

Over time, scientific evidence has accumulated and no safe level of lead for children has been identified. Why then has the elimination of lead hazards in the environment not been more of a priority for society as a whole? Lead poisoning is the longest-lasting childhood epidemic in the United States and has never been treated as one.

Using Medicaid Data to Improve Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Outcomes and Blood Lead Surveillance (html), Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue – p S51-S57, PubMed – NCBI (html)

Integrating Childhood and Adult Blood Lead Surveillance to Improve Identification and Intervention Efforts (html), Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue – p S98-S104, PubMed – NCBI (html) (pdf)

CDC’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Program: A Long-standing Responsibility and Commitment to Protect Children From Lead Exposure (html), Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue – p S5-S12, PubMed – NCBI (html) (html) (pdf)

Lead Poisoning Prevention: The Unfinished Agenda (html), Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue – p S1-S2, PubMed – NCBI (html) (pdf)

The Flint Water Crisis: A Coordinated Public Health Emergency Response and Recovery Initiative (html), Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue – p S84-S90, Perri Zeitz Ruckart, MPH, Adrienne S. Ettinger, ScD, MPH, MS, Mona Hanna-Attisha, MD, MPH, Nicole Jones, PhD, Stephanie I. Davis, MSPH, and Patrick N. Breysse, PhD, PubMed – NCBI (html) (pdf)

Noteworthy Lead Poisoning Related Books

Toxic Truth: A Scientist, a Doctor, and the Battle over Lead: Lydia Denworth (html): 9780807000328: Amazon.com: Books (html), Toxic Truth Site (html)

What the Eyes Don’t See: A Story of Crisis, Resistance, and Hope in an American City: Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha (html) [Wikipedia]: 9780399590832: Amazon.com: Books (html)

Miscellaneous Lead Poisoning Updates

  • Poisoned by their homes: how the US is failing children exposed to lead | US news | The Guardian (html) Wed 26 Jun 2019 – “We are currently doing things backwards [by] using children’s blood as detectors of environmental contamination,” said Dr Mona Hanna-Attisha, the pediatrician who famously uncovered elevated levels of lead in her pediatric patients and linked it to a new water source in Flint, Michigan. “The screening that needs to happen is in the environment before children are ever exposed.”
  • This Lead Is Killing Us: A History of Citizens Fighting Lead Poisoning in Their Communities (html) | U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM)
  • U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, (USDHHS), US Center for Disease Control (CDC) – Lead – CDC’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (html), part of National Center for Environmental Health, (NCEH), Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice (EHSP)
  • Exploring the long fight against lead poisoning in the United States (html) – The Washington Post, November 9, 2019
  • ‘Troubling’ audit reveals state failure to test millions of babies for toxic lead | CalMatters (html), January 7, 2020 – “Because we know that lead has such harmful effects on kids and the impacts last a lifetime, the state [California] has a responsibility to want to eliminate all exposures so kids are not exposed in the first place,” said Dr. Jill Johnston (html), assistant professor of preventive medicine in the Division of Environmental Health at the USC Keck School of Medicine (html)
  • Environmental Chemicals Are Stealing IQ Points from American Children and Costing Trillions to the Economy – Citizen Truth (html), January 18, 2020
  • The Pediatrician Who Woke America Up to the Lead Crisis | Discover Magazine (html) November 13, 2019. Crisis – Thanks to one man’s perseverance, we know even small doses of lead can permanently harm growing kids
  • Recent Increases in Air Pollution: Evidence and Implications for Mortality (html), National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 26381, Issued in October 2019
  • Get the Lead Out – Center for American Progress (html) January 17, 2019 – Lead poisoning is completely preventable. But, because lead has no smell, taste, or color, communities and public health officials have significant challenges finding and measuring the presence of the toxic metal. Lead Exposure Activity Detection (LEAD) Innovation Fund – to be managed by the National Science Foundation, would accelerate the development of next-generation approaches to lead detection and monitoring. Specifically, it would focus on approaches that are smarter and cheaper and that better meet benchmarks set by federal agencies such as the EPA and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • Lead Poisoning Prevention: The Unfinished Agenda (html) (pdf), 2019 January 25, J Public Health Manag Pract.
  • United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Urban Technical Note No. 4, January 2018 – Urban Soils in Agriculture – (pdf) Studies have found that 57 to 100 percent of the trace metals, e.g. Lead, found in storm-water are from atmospheric deposition
  • Lead (Pb) Bioaccessibility and Mobility Assessment of Urban Soils and Composts: Fingerprinting Sources and Refining Risks to Support Urban Agriculture – Sharp – 2017 – GeoHealth – Wiley Online Library (html) (pdf)
  • Case studies and evidence-based approaches to addressing urban soil lead contamination – ScienceDirect (html) (pdf), Applied GeochemistryVolume 83, August 2017, Pages 14-30
  • Report Highlights Effective State Strategies to Improve Lead Screening and Treatment in Children – The National Academy for State Health Policy (html), A Publication of the National Academy for State Health Policy, State Strategies to Improve Childhood Lead Screening and Treatment Services under Medicaid and CHIP (pdf), April 2018, National Academy For State Health Policy (NASHP)
  • Early lead exposure and outcomes in adulthood, IFAU – Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education(2017) (html) (pdf)
  • The Deadly Biology of Lead Exposure – Science in the News, Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (html), June 27, 2016
  • Linking Source and Effect: Resuspended Soil Lead, Air Lead, and Children’s Blood Lead Levels in Detroit, Michigan | Environmental Science & Technology (html) (sample statistics pdf), February 21, 2013, PubMed (html)
  • Lead Exposure and Lead Poisoning (html), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
  • Learn about Lead | Lead | US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (html)
  • American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) – Home4601 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 630 | Arlington, VA 22203. To Contact your local Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222, Help – PoisonHelp.org, Call 1-800-222-1222 or Get Help Online – Poison.org

Michigan Map Looks Like a Waterproof, Stain Resistant, Fireproof, Non-stick PFAS Mitten with a Secret Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Lining That MDOT Just Happened to ‘forget’ to Tell ‘anyone’ About! How Convenient!

Elevated levels of PFAS found in water in Miami, New York, Philadelphia, other major cities (html) – UPI.com– The latest EWG study tested for 30 different PFAS compounds, but there are currently 600 PFAS compounds currently being used by various industries. Most of these aren’t well studied, so their potential toxicities aren’t understood.

Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) (html) | US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – The FDA states there are nearly 5,000 types of PFAS, some of which have been more widely used and studied than others.

Michigan Map Looks Like a Waterproof, Stain Resistant, Fireproof, Non-stick PFAS Mitten with a Secret Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Lining

Part of the problem is that researchers working to study the safety of these compounds and their prevalence in the environment can’t keep up with their production by industrial sources, who are not required to report the development of new PFAS compounds and are reluctant to share trade secrets.

In Europe, PFAS compounds are banned — not so in the U.S. Previous testing has found extremely high levels of PFAS in water samples collected near U.S. Navy and Air Force bases.

Hmmmm, sounds familiar, surely MDOT knows something, like Grand Rapids Michigan airport (GRR) (KGRR) (html), MDOT will deny, hide, obfuscate, and won’t tell anyone for sure. Seems like a common repeating pattern of behavior?

“People tend not to care about cleaning up after there is an aviation accident,” Rediske said. “They’re just trying to put out the fire and save people’s lives.”

PFAS Contamination – Michigan’s Biggest Environmental Crisis in Decades (html), May 28th, 2019 – Michigan Green Consortium (MGC)

PFAS in Michigan: What we know and what we need (html) – Michigan Environmental Council (MEC)

Research on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) (html) | Safer Chemicals Research (html) | US EPA (EPA)

What About Exposure to Multiple Toxins Together: Tetraethyl Lead, PFAS, EDB?

PFAS Contamination of Drinking Water Far More Prevalent Than Previously Reported (html), EWG.org, Wednesday, January 22, 2020 – “The most significant factor, from a toxicology standpoint, is that certain ones stick to proteins in our blood,” Rediske said. “DDT and pesticides go in to our fat. Lead goes into our bones. Mercury goes into muscle. Because PFAS are carried around in our blood and aren’t discarded, they naturally concentrate over time. And they attach to the proteins that carry antibodies, cholesterol and hormones, that’s why you get so many different health effects caused by these compounds.”

The technical (real) answer is – even the SMEs do not know and can’t predict or isolate any particular health outcome(s). The marketing answer – MDOT is looking into it!

MDOT Continued Lead & PFAS Silence Threatens Recovery & Growth of Southeast Michigan

This MDOT silence not only threatens the recovery and growth of Southeast Michigan, it threatens the reputation of the entire State of Michigan on the national and international stage! What a needless pity caused by a handful of Lead loving clowns wagging the dog with no regard for the community or environmental sustainability!

Even while Ann Arbor was rated a top #3 tech hub in the nation, retaining and growing a tech hub in Southeast Michigan with so much competition worldwide should be a significant worry for Michigan business leaders at Michigan Business Aviation Association (MBAA), Ann Arbor SPARK, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG), Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC| MiPlace| PlanetM), Michigan Venture Capital Association (MVCA), American Center for Mobility (ACM), and Pure Michigan the Official Travel & Tourism Website for Michigan which is a ‘nice marketing’ view but sadly currently does NOT reflect the true environmental and sustainability status and record of the State of Michigan!

The Brookings institute released a report Monday December 9, 2019, The case for growth centers: How to spread tech innovation across America (html) (full report pdf) (Exec Summary pdf) (Press release pdf) (Appendices pdf) that basically states:

What’s happening: “Most notably, just five top innovation metros — Boston, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle and San Diego — accounted for more than 90% of the nation’s innovation-sector growth during the years 2005 and 2017,” per the report. NOTE: these cities have a proven record of sustainability and environmental responsibility.

The report goes to say that “That’s not to say other metro areas didn’t see some growth in this sector. Cities like Denver, Atlanta and Salt Lake City increased their share, but their gains were smaller than those in the top five. Most metros have stayed relatively flat or lost innovation-sector share.”

Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI or basically SE Michigan, lost a notable percentage of jobs, but potential for growth is there (USNews) (Reuters) (Wired) if MDOT ignorance and belligerence doesn’t destroy our chances.

Every person in Michigan should remember that Detroit is only 5 years out of bankruptcy. Tuesday December 10th marks the Detroit’s bankruptcy 5 year anniversary. While great strides have been made, can Detroit avoid another one? (FreePress) Can Michigan ever shed the Lead Poisoning and Bankruptcy mantle? Can Michigan survive an economic recession or even a downturn? (MMTC) (SaveMICity) (MetroTimes)

The chance that Michigan will have continued weak economic fundamentals is one of the highest in the nation. In fact, Michigan’s state coincident index’s growth rate was negative in July all but confirming that its economy is on shaky grounds (Lendingtree). As MDOT squanders taxpayer money for pet projects and politicians fight over the bureaucratic ‘pork barrel’ budgets it should come as no surprise Michigan still has a long recovery road ahead:

  • After 10 years of steady growth, Michigan’s economy faces headwinds (html) | Bridge Magazine
  • Outlooks continue to show slower growth ahead for Michigan, U.S. economies (html) | MiBiz
  • The Era of Fed Power Is Over. Prepare for a More Perilous Road Ahead (html) | WSJ

With the looming shortage and challenge of finding and retaining talent required for the next decade of Michigan growth (html), it’s clear that nobody wants to live, work, play, shop, or raise a family anywhere in Southeast Michigan with MDOT obscuring, hiding, accepting, encouraging, endorsing, sponsoring, and even directly misrepresenting and openly lying about known unsafe levels of Lead as safe which amounts to Lead Poisoning! This is common knowledge and is well known in the aviation industry for almost a decade.

MDOT has historically expended zero time, money or effort to truly address or even acknowledge Chemical contamination and Lead Poisoning. This is just the tip of the MDOT iceberg of chemical poisoning and contamination coverups that will affect Michigan’s future for years to come.

Michigan Residents Tired of the MDOT Tail Wagging the Dog and Demand Action

Taxpayers demand Michigan Lawmakers & Elected Officials remove all helicopters and airplanes from our Canton Township and Plymouth Township Michigan Neighborhoods, near our Schools, School Children & our Homes.

MDOT – the Michigan Department of Transportation has betrayed the public trust by promoting and protecting Special Interests & Industry Lobbyist agendas, wasting tax payer dollars, and withholding vital information regarding Health, Safety, and Welfare of vulnerable populations include pregnant women, babies, and school children.

MDOT, Special Interests, & Industry Lobbyists have misled, misrepresented, obscured, hidden, and outright lied to taxpayers about Public Health, Safety, & Welfare dangers from these helicopters and airplanes.

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) budget contains the largest single waste of taxpayer money in the history of Michigan all while Michigan students and schools are completely ignored and neglected.

  • Study: Michigan ranks last in school funding growth over 20 years (Crains)
  • Michigan ranked 44th nationally in higher education spending in 2019 (TheMichiganDaily)
  • Fewer students, tepid state funding roil Michigan public universities (BridgeMagazine)
  • States with the best (and worst) schools. Few state school systems report worse achievement metrics than Michigan.  (USAToday)
  • National Education Association (NEA) Rankings of the States 2018 and Estimates of School Statistics 2019, NEA Research April 2019 (PDF)

It is absolutely unconscionable, and embarrassing as residents that the State of Michigan has not made any public statement regarding Public Health, Safety, and Welfare regarding Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at Plymouth Canton School System (PCCS), nor has any other responsible authority for that matter!

Some Recent Lame MDOT Activity History

2019 Week 43 Monday October 21, 2019 thru Sunday October 27, 2019. Busy MDOT weekend with Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist event complete with helicopter & airplane rides in a carnival like event giving community pregnant women, babies, school children & neighborhoods the middle finger!

The PCCS School Season began long ago and planes and helicopters are still buzzing in and out indiscriminately. The third-party contractor hired by the State of Michigan allows the right people to enjoy their Labor Day vacations and summer & fall time off flying over PCCS Schools and Plymouth and Canton Township neighborhoods. Hangar A2 is one such privileged hangar renter that gets the nod-nod wink-wink and enjoys toxic time over our schools and community. That is after this very well to do person’s additional extra or spare green car stored in the hangar is moved out the way, what a scam and insult to parents and taxpayers!

It’s all about the money, connections, Special Interests and Industry Lobbyist friends, family, contractors and MDOT employees. What a complete joke! The State of Michigan can’t seem to control this toxic Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 mess either, and continues to cater to these vindictive & vengeful clowns while the Health, Safety, and Welfare of our most vulnerable populations continues to be ignored, go figure.

The State Owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 sneaky airplane and helicopter airstrip traffic continued for their summer and now fall vacations. Since there is NO “Closed” sign anywhere to be seen, for all intents and purposes 1d2 appears to be still “Open for Business” as usual, smugly and defiantly offering flying classes & training, helicopter & airplane rides, aviation rental storage units, and even boasting tours and class trip type visits for school age children. Wow, go figure!

Yes, the airstrip is still  “Open for business as usual”, flying classes still advertised, take-off & landing from 6:30am to 10:00pm, many less than 200 feet over dangerously close neighborhoods, homes, schools, and retirement, nursing & rehabilitation centers. Now a commercial entity that owns ~7 helicopters from Oakland/Troy Airport (VLL) is offering Helicopter rides & classes like a side show carnival, nobody seems to take this seriously at all.

This is easily shown in 3D radar data sets used in typical NTSB & FAA aircraft & helicopter accident & crash investigation & reconstruction, e.g. using data from FAA & USAF Joint Surveillance System (JSS) RADAR station at Geddes & Michigan avenue (4.76 mi, 7.65 km, 4.13 nmi from 1d2) used for DTW, YIP, and others. See J-62, Z-397, Canton, MI, ARSR-4, 42°16′36″N 083°28′27″W, EADS, AGL Great Lakes. Or FAA Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities (TRACON) Detroit LocID D21. The only people these morons at 1d2 are fooling is themselves!

The whole month of July – September was “open for business as usual” with the regular cast or morons including N1522VN17177,  N94891N99MQ, and N6902T. However, more troubling is N992CP Civil Air Patrol [CAP] and N513RS Yankee Air Museum [YAM] [YAM], both performing prohibited dangerous touch-n-go’s on a tiny airstrip directly over schools, homes, and the many local assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities! What a sad state of affairs, it’s people at companies and organizations like these that are the perfect example why “we can’t have nice things!

The Civil Air Patrol Inc, 105 S Hansell ST, Maxwell AFB Alabama 36112 (CAP) [Facebook] [Michigan Wing] (Satellite) [DOD Maxwell-Gunter AFB] [Facebook] seems to endorse, condone, support, sponsor, and or otherwise approve of Lead Poisoning of vulnerable populations like nearby school kids and the entire community with clowns like N992CP (Monday July 8, 2019 10:65am) at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip. CAP is a non-governmental non-profit organization that many believe has lost their respect along the way, e.g. many make comments like “Looking back, it didn’t really benefit in any way, and the grown up side is just a [pathetic] flight club for [arrogant] people that want to pretend they are/were military.” It’s no surprise Why CAP Members Are Leaving either, while there are some good people left, the local  groups seem to be stuck with some of the “bottom of the barrel” seen in their frequent lapses in management decisions and judgment. Quite disturbing, sad and very disappointing . . .

The Yankee Air Museum (YAM) obviously has some problems of their own, don’t think they need increased bad press with jerks like Red WACO Biplane N513RS on July 6, 2019 between 12:00 Noon and 12:30pm treating Canton Township neighborhoods  to an Oshkosh like thrill show, demonstrating reckless, careless, erratic, aerobatic flight maneuvers [AOPA] [FAA] [US GPO] [eCFR], swooping unnecessarily low over neighborhoods, extreme changes of altitude, speed, with obviously observable unsafe and dangerous flight characteristics, that easily appear on local FAA Air Traffic Control radar [ATC], over many homes, close PCCS schools, and assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities. The FAA [FAA] cannot seem to manage or control ANY of these out of control clowns, and neither can MDOT or even the State of Michigan!

These clowns really believe they are “above the law” and can do whatever they want whenever they want and continue to give the surrounding communities the big middle finger!

MDOT does not seem to care or can’t control anything at this airstrip. What a complete waste of taxpayer dollars. There is zero sense of urgency, Michigan residents deserve better!

Mission Statement

NOTE: The single mission of close1d2.org is to eliminate Lead Poisoning of children in PCCS Schools and Plymouth & Canton neighborhoods from 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) used at State of Michigan MDOT owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational – Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airport!

As part of our mission one goal is to Inform, Expose and Eliminate Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) Best Kept Secret: Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning (TEL) of Michigan children!

Kids are sick and damaged, and continue to be sickened and damaged! MDOT and their Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist cronies continue to profit & benefit from unfettered, unfair, and unjust access to State of Michigan resources, funding, visibility, advertising & endorsement express or implied on State of Michigan web sites, undue political leverage, preferences & favoritism, protection & pandering [define] to Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist agendas and goals, and other benefits & perks as well.

Lead poisoning of Children from Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) remains an urgent health problem that requires action, not just calls for more evidence from MDOT, Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists!

This site is NOT against Aerospace & Defense, love of country, or patriotism by any means. Lead Poisoning of children has nothing to do with any of these topics!  On the contrary, we salute the many fine Airmen & Airwomen protecting our country every single day! Some of the close1d2.org volunteers & contributors thrive in the excitement of the Aerospace & Defense Industry! Please see About page for further information.

National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week

  • US Center for Disease Control (CDC) – National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (html)
  • EPA Kicks Off National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week | U.S. EPA News Releases | US EPA (html)
  • National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week | Lead | US EPA (html)
  • National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week | National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) (html)
  • National Safety Council (NSC) Lead Poisoning Prevention – Lead Poisoning Is a Real and Present Danger (html)
  • World Health Organization (WHO) | International lead poisoning prevention week of action (html)
  • HUD.gov / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (html)
  • U.S. National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (NLPPW) (pdf) was October 21, 2018 thru October 27, 2018.
  • CDC | National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, October 25-31, 2020 (html).

Please, don’t forget to Tell MDOT to Stop Poisoning Children 100LL leaded aviation fuel (Avgas)!

  • Tell MDOT to STOP poisoning our children with 100LL leaded aviation fuel (Avgas) NOW!
  • Tell the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services  (MDHHS) Childhood Lead Exposure Elimination Commission (CLEEC) to STOP the MDOT Lead Poisoning of children NOW!
  • Tell Governor Whitmer to STOP MDOT from lead poisoning our children NOW!

MDOT Says Tetraethyl Lead is Harmless, No Threat to Public, Yeah Right!

April / May 2019 Update: Survey & Soil Boring Activities at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip and May 9, 2019 MDOT Response says Tetraethyl Lead is Harmless, No Threat to Public.

Throughout April / May 2019 what appears to be a full topographical survey and many precisely located soil borings were conducted at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip. Many in the community were hoping this was the start of environmental brownfield planning and development for a sustainable green space for the entire surrounding community. But tragically, that is NOT the case. Here is the reply from MDOT standing firmly and sadly behind antiquated FAA leaded aviation fuel rules: MDOT May 9, 2019 Response regarding decades old common knowledge and well known facts in the aviation and aerospace industry, and was totally expected from a subjective biased source. MDOT might be legally protected (CYA), but ethically and morally MDOT sure is lacking and in complete denial.

MDOT seems more concerned and focused on:

  • Making fraudulent and misleading statements defending Lead as Harmless, No Threat to Public
  • Defending phony budgets and astronomical economic impact & community ROI at Canton Plymouth Mettetal  1d2 as $16 Million Dollars yearly, divided by 12 months or $1.3 Million dollars per month! That’s $1,333,333.00 of THE most outrageous bunch of fictional garbage MDOT economic impacts ever inflicted on taxpayers thus far.
  • Defending cronies at specific local Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists. This site has never mentioned any Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists by name anywhere. As everyone knows many groups do some important work like the rest of community, but anybody’s ‘good work’ has nothing to do with Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning of children whatsoever.

The comments in MDOT response are all personal opinion & personal agenda and has nothing to do with Taxpayers whatsoever.

MDOT should act on the Community Health, Safety and Welfare issues instead of defending ridiculous opinions that have nothing to do with protecting most importantly children from MDOT inflicted Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning and MDOT ‘collateral damage’ to surrounding schools, communities, neighborhoods, families.

Elimination of Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning is important for local Canton & Plymouth, Southeast Michigan, and State of Michigan families, neighborhoods, and schools, but also has positive Health, Safety, & Welfare impacts for vulnerable populations across the entire United States.

Many in the aviation, airspace & defense industries strongly disagree with decades old FAA & EPA rules (and MDOT hiding behind them) and related Federal gridlock to change specifications that everyone in aviation and aerospace industries knows are inaccurate and woefully out of date with respect to Health, Safety, and Welfare of nearby vulnerable populations. Many medical, governmental, professional, and technical facts and opinions to the contrary are presented here regarding 100LL leaded aviation fuel (Avgas) which is a serious problem for anyone near it, period. MDOT please do your best to join the 21stcentury with respect to 100LL lead aviation fuel (Avgas) exposure, especially with regards to the three very close schools!

“All of the EPA [FAA] lead standards are grossly inadequate and need to be updated to respect the science of ‘no safe level’ of lead exposure [CDC]. Only then will we as a nation [State] be able to fully protect the potential of our children from this preventable neurotoxin.”

Every effort will made to get the MDOT Lead Testing results and the defined tolerances for human exposure, including those used for vulnerable populations such as children, that were used for measurement and comparison. See MDOT Toxic Emissions Inventory at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 for details.

However, the independent testing was done by what appears to be the closest approved / contracted, and a respected engineering company just doing their job for MDOT:

The C&S Companies [LinkedIn][Facebook] [Twitter] – Quality Engineering, Architectural, and Construction Services with offices located at: 38777 Six Mile Rd. Suite 202, Livonia, MI 48152, +1-734-953-2571.

The C&S Companies recently handled the Detroit Metro Runway 4L-22R Rehabilitation. C&S also handles many Environmental projects that help transform blighted properties into integral, vibrant parts of a community, catalyzing revitalization of entire neighborhoods. With specialization in brownfield planning and development, helping individuals, municipalities, and corporations tackle even the most vexing brownfield and contaminant issues. The C&S team’s brownfield expertise includes:

  • Area-wide and site-specific brownfield planning
  • Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessments
  • Site and remedial investigation
  • Remedial evaluations and cost estimating
  • Remediation oversight
  • Public outreach

C&S has conducted a number of successful brownfield projects, ranging from small gas stations to large abandoned industrial sites. Their team of engineers, geologists, biologists, and planners have significant technical expertise that allows them to understand the issues inherent in brownfield redevelopment projects and give insight into the regulatory and administrative framework of the various state and federal brownfields programs. They also provide site layout, planning, and conceptual future development for brownfield redevelopment projects. The C&S Companies avidly support Sustainability (pdf), and are members of The American Council of Engineers, New York Section (ACEC NY).

Governor Whitmer will be attending the 2018 Michigan Infrastructure Conference (MIC)(details), jointly hosted by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) [Wikipedia] of Michigan (ACEC MI) and the Michigan (ASCE MI) Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) [Wikipedia].

Executive Overview of Key Supporting Materials

There are #6 key takeaways regarding Lead Poisoning of the Canton Plymouth Community and PCCS Schools in this Executive Summary below. See Lead Poisoning page for more detailed supporting information.

# – 1 – PEW– The Health Impact Project, a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts, produced a set of recommendations entitled 10 Policies to Prevent and Respond to Childhood Lead Exposure: An assessment of the risks communities face and key federal, state, and local solutions, August 30, 2017. The 144 page (pdf) report goes on to say that by “Eliminating lead from airplane fuel would protect more than 226,000 children born in 2018 who live near airports, generate $262 million in future benefits, and remove roughly 450 tons of lead from the environment every year.”

The report also goes on to say: “In 2012, the FAA estimated that phasing out leaded fuel would take 11 years. According to a recent federal task force report, the FAA is working to identify unleaded alternative fuels for most piston engine aircraft by 2018 [FAA delayed until mid-2020 described below], and under section 231 of the Clean Air Act, the EPA is evaluating whether lead emissions from aviation fuel “cause or contribute to air pollution that may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare.” Based on the results of its investigation, the EPA could help to expedite the elimination of lead in aviation fuel by using its authority under the act to issue an “endangerment finding,” indicating that leaded aircraft fuel emissions are polluting and harmful to public health. Such a ruling would trigger the FAA to issue standards.

However, given the extremely protracted timelines for ANY federal action, the report suggests that states should take steps to address the problem directly, by, for example, requiring all general aviation airports to provide unleaded gas or establishing fees or taxes on airports serving piston engine aircraft to support the cleanup of the soil in parks, near homes, schools, and child care facilities.” The https://close1d2.org/lead-poisoning team suggests a far more expedient solution which is to promptly close an unneeded, unwanted, non-commercially viable State owned hobby/sport/recreational airstrip located in densely populated neighborhoods very close to many schools thereby eliminating the continuous stream of lead poisoning immediately and completely, saving money for the taxpayer at the same time.

# – 2 – Myths & Realities of Leaded Aviation Fuel, prepared by Center for Environmental Health for Friends of the Earth, funding provided by The New York Community Trust, reinforces the relationship between children’s blood lead levels and the proximity of their schools and homes to airports such as 1d2 that exclusively use 100LL leaded aviation fuel (Avgas) for all of the piston engine aircraft and helicopters based there. Lead is highly toxic and causes a variety of adverse health effects; at low exposure levels, it can cause learning disabilities, lower IQ levels, increased blood pressure and nerve damage; at high levels of exposure, it can lead to brain damage and death. Lead puts children at especially high risk because they absorb larger amounts and are more sensitive to lead-induced toxicity. Lead exposure presents a particular danger to the development of children’s nervous systems.

Additionally, many national and international groups, including the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), International Network for Epidemiology (IJPC-SE), plus many others, join the Call for Action for Global Control of Lead Exposure to Eliminate Lead Poisoning (html) (pdf) (Epidemiology).

# – 3 – Lancet Medical Journal – While many might view the Flint Water Crisis as a tragic but isolated incident, a recent study in the medical journal The Lancet, Low-level lead exposure and mortality in US adults (pdf) March 12, 2018, found that exposure to low levels of lead contributes to as many as 412,000 premature deaths of residents across the United States each year.

This figure is approximately 10 times higher than what previous studies suggested, and places premature death from lead exposure almost on a par with deaths caused by smoking, which takes 483,000 American lives each year. Heart disease and Cancer are the leading cause of deaths in Michigan. Around the world everyone is realizing Lead is even deadlier than we feared as the full extent of its toxic effects are revealed. However, people must realize that Fixing America’s costly lead problem could yield billions more in benefits.

Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel (Avgas) with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) is the unrecognized “Secondhand Smoke” of this decade (html) (html), and ten times worse!

Over 400,000 U.S. deaths per year caused by lead exposure. Past exposure to lead may be to blame for over 400,000 deaths in the United States every year, according to a new study published in The Lancet Public Health.

Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke (html) | American Lung Association. Secondhand smoke is a serious health hazard causing more than 41,000 deaths per year. It can cause or make worse a wide range of damaging health effects in children and adults, including lung cancer, respiratory infections and asthma (html) (html).

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), notes children are most susceptible to the harms of lead exposure; their developing bodies absorb the toxic chemical in higher amounts and their brains and nervous systems are more sensitive to lead. Lead exposure in children may cause developmental, behavioral, and learning problems, as well as anemia, hearing problems, and irreversible damage to almost all parts of their growing bodies.

The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. It is one of the world’s oldest and also one of the best known general medical journals. In the 2014 Journal Citation ReportsThe Lancet was ranked second among general medical journals, (with an impact factor of 45), after The New England Journal of Medicine (impact factor of 56).

# – 4 – The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Health hazard evaluation report #20042888  Exposures to LEAD and other metals at an aircraft repair and flight school facility (pdf) found that:

  • Tetraethyl Lead [toxnet manual search]  dust was found on toys and a baby walker in the work area.
  • Lead was detected in blood samples collected from all facility personnel. The hangar area had the highest surface concentrations of lead; lead was also found on the steering wheel of an employee’s car.
  • Employees should use disposable shoe covers and on-site laundering for work clothes to reduce the potential for take-home lead contamination. Investigators also advised that children not be allowed in work areas. Employees were encouraged to wash their hands thoroughly before eating and drinking, before and after putting on gloves, and before leaving the facility.
  • Do not eat or drink in the hangar area.
  • In homes with a family member exposed to lead, care must be taken to prevent “take home” of lead, that is, lead carried into the home on clothing, skin, hair, and in vehicles. Lead-contaminated surface dust represents a potential source of lead exposure, particularly for young children.
  • NOTE: keep in mind the CDC has since eliminated the term “blood lead level of concern” used in this report and declared there is NO safe level of lead in children’s blood.

A related May 2003 (!) Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University [wikipedia] thesis Controlling Lead Exposure During the Process of Cleaning Aviation Spark Plugs (html) (pdf) explores controlling the lead bromide particulate matter after it is removed from the spark plug electrode. Various control methods and/or procedural changes are discussed that may be employed to control the spread of lead bromide dust throughout the shop environment and the prevention of employee exposure to lead.

# – 5 –  OSHA Safety Data Sheets (SDS) & American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Specs show LEADED 100LL aviation fuel (Avgas) is NOT like automobile gas at all, it’s Tetraethyl Lead [toxnet manual search] mixed with many other toxic chemicals!

100LL leaded aviation fuel, or avgas, is also known as 100 octane aviation fuel, is a petroleum based fuel designed for reciprocating aircraft and helicopter engines. 100LL leaded aviation fuel (Avgas) adheres to ASTM Specification D 910, and contains 2.12 grams of Tetraethyl Lead [toxnet manual search] per gallon. Again, 100LL leaded aviation fuel (Avgas) contains many toxic chemical additives and is NOT like automobile gasoline at all. It’s a synthetic blend of chemicals, including xylenetoluenebenzene, & tetraethyl lead. The toxicity hazards of these additive chemicals are well documented.

# – 6 – FAA and EPA Delay Process of Identifying and Mandating Unleaded Fuel Alternative for Piston Engine Aircraft & Helicopters, June 21, 2018.

An update on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) website indicates that the 2018 date for identifying an unleaded fuel alternative for piston engine aircraft has now been delayed. Per the FAA, “Based on current projected activities and timelines, the testing completion date for the PAFI program will be mid-2020.” See Aviation Gasoline: Unleaded Avgas Progress Update for details regarding toxic tetraethyl lead used in 100LL aviation fuel (Avgas).

NOTE: FAA delays were originally: announced June 4, 2018 – push December 2018 to December 2019, now announced September 7, 2018 – push December 2019 to mid-2020!

Additionally, Regulations for Lead Emissions from Aircraft from the EPA based on  Endangerment Findings on Lead Emissions from Aircraft fuel has been postponed by the current administration in Washington.

The EPA originally scheduled to issue a proposed finding on the question of endangerment in 2017. This proposed finding would then undergo public notice and comment. After evaluating comments on the proposal, the EPA had plans to issue a final determination in 2018. It remains uncertain as to if and when this action will be pursued.

The use of unleaded aviation fuel cannot be mandated until an endangerment finding by the EPA is issued. NOTE:  this means that for the foreseeable future, certainly years, the Plymouth-Canton Mettetal 1d2 airstrip, aircraft, and helicopters have free reign to continue subjecting vulnerable populations to the toxic effects of lead pollution from 100LL aviation fuel. (Avgas)

See Lead Poisoning page for more detailed supporting information.
See UPDATE: May 2019 – PCCS Schools Still Being Covered with 1d2 Lead Dust for additional supporting information.

It’s interesting to note, that there does not seem to be ANY objective taxpayer voice at 1d2 Canton Plymouth Mettetal at all, everyone is a third party contractor, friends or family of a third party contractor or MDOT employee, and/or a member of one or more Special Interest or Industry Lobbyist groups that do not seem to prioritize the Health, Safety, and Welfare of the schools and community at all, go figure.

Protect the PCCS Schools & Canton Plymouth Community from Lead Poisoning

The State of Michigan has a responsibility to the taxpayers to shut down 1d2 to Protect the Health, Safety, & Welfare of the community, densely populated neighborhoods, and schools from lead poisoning, especially the schools that are close and have many students, including Hulsing Elementary, Plymouth Christian Academy, East Middle School, Smith Elementary, and Plymouth Canton Educational Park (PCEP) described below.

  • Hulsing Elementary School 8055 Fleet St., Canton, MI  48187 (Directly across the street, ~200 meters, ~270 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!)
  • Plymouth Christian Academy, 43065 Joy Rd, Canton, MI 48187 (Directly across the street, ~190 meters,  ~248 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!)
  • East Middle School 1042 South Mill St., Plymouth, MI  48170 (Just down the street, ~950 meters, ~1230 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!). Google satellite shows East Middle School [Facebook] with over 75 – 100 PCCS school busses parked next to playground area, which is only 450m from Fairground Park [Facebook], and 850m from Kellogg Park Music in the Park [Arts] [City] [Concerts] [DDA] [Facebook], Downtown Plymouth [Facebook] [Twitter] [PureMI], and other Plymouth Michigan Parks & Events [Events] [Parks] [PureMI] [Weddings].
  • Smith Elementary School 1298 McKinley St., Plymouth, MI  48170 (Just down the street, ~1500m, ~2040 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!)
  • Plymouth Canton Educational Park (PCEP), and the three High schools located there which is just down the street, ~2300m, ~3100 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning.
Hulsing Elementary School – 8055 Fleet St., Canton, MI  48187 Directly across the street, ~200 meters, ~270 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning

Hulsing Elementary School Google Maps (street|satellite) views show the hobby, sport, recreational Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip in the lower right and also shows Plymouth Christian Academy, East Middle Schools, Smith Elementary, and PCEP, all in very close proximity, obviously these schools are too dangerously close to toxic lead poisoning from 1d2 Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip.

Didn’t the State of Michigan Learn Anything from Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle?

According to the EPA Lapses at all levels of government made the Flint Lead Poisoning crisis worse. The EPA needed to act more quickly. Even though the medical, scientific, and technological problems of lead poisoning are clear, government, at all levels, are still slow, don’t act at all, and get caught in the ‘analysis-paralysis’ of ‘whom is responsible’ loop hoping the problem will go away. Recognizing Lead Poisoning for what it is, constitutes a failure at all levels of government, including Local, County, and State showing severe management gaps and weaknesses. Canton Plymouth Mettetal 2018 1d2 Lead Poisoning appears to be just like the Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle all over again.

After the Flint Lead Poisoning debacle the EPA must strengthen lead poisoning oversight.“EPA needs to learn from Flint and this report,” said Mona Hanna-Attisha, the Flint pediatrician whose research in late 2015 first documented dangerously high lead levels in children’s blood. “All of the EPA lead standards are grossly inadequate and need to be updated to respect the science of ‘no safe level’ of lead exposure. Only then will we as a nation be able to fully protect the potential of our children from this preventable neurotoxin.”

Mona Hanna-Attisha (Hurley) (MSU) (MSU) (html) (html) (html) (html), who is director of pediatric residency at Hurley Children’s Hospital, is leading a group of experts including pediatricians, epidemiologists, developmental specialists, toxicologists, educators, geographers and county and state health officials. She went further to state “We cannot sit back and wait 20 years to see the consequences of lead poisoning in our schools and in our criminal justice system.”

Virginia Tech engineering professor Marc Edwards, a national authority whose Lead tests exposed the extent of Flint’s lead poisoning, told The Washington Post (2016, 2018): “People have realized they’ve been lied to, and EPA knew about this, and the state knew about this. What you really have as it spun out of control is a total loss of trust in government, which failed [residents] miserably. They don’t believe a word that anyone tells them.” Wow, this is starting to sound really familiar . . .

Marc Edwards surely knows and understands the importance of truth-seeking for scientists and engineers first hand. Professor Marc Edwards has received the Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award, and been honored as Virginia Tech’s University Distinguished Professor, additionally the EPA has provided a $1.9 million grant to  research lead poisoning where residents are struggling to get help from their governments.

Sadly, new accounting figures from July 2018 show the State of Michigan has spent nearly $25 million on attorneys handling cases involving the Flint lead crisis. Some of this money could have been better spent to protect  the Health, Safety, and Welfare of babies, young children, students, families, nursing & pregnant mothers, retired & elderly at the many local assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities from Lead Poisoning by aircraft & helicopters using 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip.

Official EPA Reports Regarding Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle

The official EPA reports are available here:

  • EPA OIG finds management weaknesses delayed response to Flint water crisis (pdf).  Recommends strengthening Safe Drinking Water Act oversight, revising Lead and Copper rule, July 19, 2018.
  • Report: Management Weaknesses Delayed Response to Flint Water Crisis (html) | EPA’s Office of Inspector General | US EPA
  • Management Weaknesses Delayed Response to Flint Water Crisis, Report at a Glance (pdf) (1 pg, 50 K)
  • Management Weaknesses Delayed Response to Flint Water Crisis, Report at a Glance, Full Report (pdf) (74 pp, 1 MB)

Environmental Health Perspectives A Decade Old

Environmental Health Perspectives (ISSN 1552-9924 and ISSN-L 0091-6765) is a monthly open access journal published with support from the National Institute of Environmental Health SciencesNational Institutes of HealthU.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

As previously mentioned, Lead Poisoning from leaded 100LL aviation fuel (Avgas) is common knowledge and is well known in the aviation industry for over a decade! Here are two from many examples worth noting, one from 2011 and another 2008, a full decade ago!

-1- Research | Environmental Health Perspectives | Vol. 119, No. 10, A Geospatial Analysis of the Effects of Aviation Gasoline on Childhood Blood Lead Levels (pdf), First Published:13 July 2011, that notes:

  • Blood lead screening data were available for 125,197 children in the study counties, including 13,478 children living within 2,000 m of an airport.
  • The analysis indicates that living within 1,000 m of an airport where leaded aviation fuel 100LL (Avgas) is used has a significant effect on blood lead levels in children.
  • The results further suggest that the impacts of avgas are highest among those children living closest to the airport.
  • NOTE: keep in mind the CDC has since eliminated the term “blood lead level of concern” used in this report and declared there is NO safe level of lead in children’s blood, as would be found within 2,000 m of an airport like Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip.

-2- Review | Environmental Health Perspectives | Vol. 116, No. 10, Lead Exposures in U.S. Children, 2008: Implications for Prevention (pdf), First Published:19 May 2008, that notes:

  • Not all sources of lead are listed in the U.S. EPA TRI. Some sources of lead poisoning such as Propeller aircraft using aviation gasoline (avgas) are [conveniently] exempt from reporting, fell below reporting quantities, or choose not to report; nonetheless, they can contaminate surrounding communities. For example, at one airport where many airplanes used avgas, average and maximum air lead levels were 0.030 and 0.302 μg/m3, respectively, versus background levels of 0.007 and 0.018 μg/m3 (Environment Canada 2000). Another study showed that even at an airport with few planes using avgas, air lead levels were higher downwind than upwind (Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 2002).
  • Lead binds tightly to soils, and eight decades of leaded gasoline combustion and past industrial emissions have left a legacy entrained in soil.
  • NOTE: keep in mind the CDC has since eliminated the term “blood lead level of concern” used in this report and declared there is NO safe level of lead in children’s blood.

Current Updates On Childhood Lead Poisoning

The Effect of Leaded Aviation Gasonline [sp] on Blood Lead in Children (html) (pdf) by Associate Professor Shawn P. McElmurry (html), Wayne State University (WSU), Detroit, Michigan et al. First published in August 2014 right in the middle of the Flint Lead Poisoning crisis / debacle as it was unfolding. It certainly makes anyone wonder WHAT did then Governor Snyder, and now MDOT and MDHHS know and WHEN did they know it. Many in the community believe that this looks like part of the same or perhaps yet another attempted Lead Poisoning related coverup. As they say, when something walks like a duck, quacks like duck, and looks like a duck, it probably IS a duck. It is so surprising that highly respected Michigan based research results and reporting using official BLL data from over 1 million Michigan children (!) supplied by the State of Michigan would go unnoticed by so many for so long. Unfortunately, only the Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (MIAG) or maybe the Michigan Auditor General Doug Ringler (MAG) have the power and access required to really uncover the truth! This is way beyond our pay grade!

An updated version was published in the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (home): Vol 4, No 2, April 11, 2017 (html) (https://doi.org/10.1086/691686).

To address an EPA request for more evidence, the authors constructed a novel dataset that links time and spatially referenced Blood Lead Level (BLL) data from 1,043,391 children to hundreds of nearby airports in Michigan, as well as a subset of airports with detailed data on the volume of piston-engine aircraft traffic. The Michigan Department of Community Health, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Project [State of Michigan]  provided the blood Tetraethyl Lead data used in this study, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholars  Program (home) provided financial support. Additional Michigan Lead Poisoning Prevention resources [WayneCounty] [WayneCounty] [Oakland County] [Washtenaw County] [Detroit] [Detroit] [Detroit] [Ingham County].

The evidence shows that Piston Engine Aircraft (PEA) (including helicopter) traffic imposes a substantially higher burden on children within 2 km of an airport, as compared to children living beyond 2 km of an airport. More precisely, the likelihood of a child’s BLL exceeding 5 μg/dL for a standard deviation in PEA traffic is higher for children residing <2km relative to children residing >2km from an airport. Additionally, damages from [exposure to Tetraethyl Lead and other chemicals] were calculated to be at least $10 per gallon, which can be compared to a pump price [at the time] of about $6 per gallon. BTW: 2 kilometers is over 6500 feet, this amounts to a moderate walk for ~20 minutes in any direction. Additionally, NOTE: that the CDC now states that there is NO safe BLL for Tetraethyl Lead in children, period!

An article in Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Volume 18, Issue 3, September 2017, Pages 181-192, An Update on Childhood Lead Poisoning (pdf), found that:

  • Children’s exposure to sources of lead contamination, including leaded 100LL aviation fuel (avgas) continues to be an important public health concern.
  • Lead has no biological role in the body, and any detectable lead level is abnormal.
  • There is indisputable scientific evidence that blood lead levels (BLL) below 10 µg/dL are associated with adverse effects in infants and children.
  • Each lead-exposed child costs an estimated $5600 in medical and special educational services.
  • Lead exposure-related cognitive impairments cost an estimated $50.9 billion annually in lost US economic productivity.
  • Studies of children with higher BLLs have consistently demonstrated lower IQ scores, more language difficulties, learning disorders, attention problems, and behavioral issues.

The American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Environmental Health, July 2016, VOLUME 138 / ISSUE 1, article Prevention of Childhood Lead Toxicity [PubMed] (pdf) found that:

  • Primary prevention should be the focus of policy on childhood lead toxicity.
  • Low-level lead exposure, even at blood lead concentrations below 5 μg/dL (50 ppb), is a causal risk factor for diminished intellectual and academic abilities, higher rates of neurobehavioral disorders such as hyperactivity and attention deficits, and lower birth weight in children.
  • No effective treatments ameliorate the permanent developmental effects of lead toxicity.
  • Still, in some communities, such as those surrounding airports, airborne lead is an important source of lead exposure. Airborne lead is ingested primarily after it settles in house dust and soil where children play. Current sources of airborne lead include piston engine aircraft . . .
  • The contributions of airborne lead to children’s blood lead concentrations are proportionately greater at the lower levels of exposure than at higher levels.

The Journal of the American Medical Association, March 28, 2017, Vol 317, No. 12, Pages 1191-1286, article by Reuben A, Caspi A, Belsky DW, et al., Association of Childhood Blood Lead Levels With Cognitive Function and Socioeconomic Status at Age 38 Years and With IQ Change and Socioeconomic Mobility Between Childhood and Adulthood, (pdfJAMA. 2017;317(12): 1244–1251. (doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.1712) [PubMed][JAMA][NCBI] found that the devastating effects of childhood lead exposure could last a lifetime.

What makes this study stand out, however, is that children were found to experience long term harm after even modest levels of exposure. The conclusion was that childhood lead exposure was associated with lower cognitive function and socioeconomic status at age 38 years and with declines in IQ and downward social mobility. As the entire world seems to realize, the medical, scientific, and technological problems of lead poisoning are clear, childhood lead exposure, no matter how small, may certainly have long-term ramifications that are not obvious and observed immediately.

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) [LinkedIn][twitter][Wikipedia] is a peer-reviewed medical journal published 48 times a year by the American Medical Association (AMA) [twitter][Wikipedia]. It publishes original research, reviews, and editorials covering all aspects of the biomedical sciences.

Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning Cause & Effect

Even the most simplistic “Cause and Effect” relationship of Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning of vulnerable populations and its connection to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is often overlooked and sometimes it even appears to be ignored [purposely] by Local, County, and State officials. This is even in light of the massive volume of accumulated medical and scientific evidence.

For instance it should be noted how the Alarming Increase in Autistic Students Creates Challenges for School Districts as reported in [HomeTownLife]. Locally, this means the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools (PCCS) District faces a staggering 47% increase in the number of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) students enrolled in the PCCS School District since 2010

State Representative Matt Koleszar with Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha
State Representative Matt Koleszar with Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, whose research exposed the Flint Water Debacle

It seems that when you put Tetraethyl Lead on pregnant women, babies, and school children, or any vulnerable populations for that matter, this is what happens. What are these people thinking? Tetraethyl Lead doesn’t disappear or go away by itself, right “Captain Obvious”?

Dayna Polehanki, Matt Koleszar, Melissa Daub
Labor Day Parade with State Senator Dayna Polehanki, State Representative Matt Koleszar, Wayne County Commissioner Melissa Daub

See more references on page “1 million Michigan Child BLLs Show MDOT Lead Poisoning Coverup” for further evidence directly linking Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning.

When anyone sees the overwhelming mountain of medical and scientific evidence, it appears the only conclusion is that MDOT’s main purpose & sole mission is to promote & protect the MDOT Flying Club Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Clique and NOT Michigan’s vulnerable populations, go figure.

Why Isn’t the State of Michigan Stopping the Lead Poisoning of PCCS Schools & Canton Plymouth Community from a Completely Unneeded State Owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip?

Wow MDOT non-sense has been going on almost 3 Years, since demanding our State of Michigan Elected Officials and  Departments (#1 April 2017 & #2 September 2017 , #3 January 2019 to Governor Whitmer, #4 April 2019, more emails to be published soon) protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of babies, young children, students, families, nursing & pregnant mothers, retired & elderly at the many local assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities from Lead Poisoning by aircraft & helicopters using 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip.

Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip is still “Open for Business As Usual” for over two years. When is the State of Michigan going to take action to protect our vulnerable populations from MDOT Lead Poisoning?

There is NO end in sight and NO protection of the Health, Safety, and Welfare of PCCS Schools, Canton, Plymouth, and surrounding neighborhoods, and the community at large, including babies, young children, students, families, nursing & pregnant mothers, retired & elderly at the many local assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities!

See  UPDATE: May 2019 – PCCS Schools Still Being Covered with 1d2 Lead Dust for details

NOTE: Million $ Personal Helicopters, Staudacher S600F Professional Stunt Planes, Cirrus SR-22s starting at $539,000+, owners with multiple airplanes, it’s all about money and Special Interests & Industry Lobbyist influence enabled by MDOT – The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) at a State of Michigan (SoM) owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip located in densely populated Canton & Plymouth neighborhoods & PCCS Schools at the expense of the Health, Safety, and Welfare (MDHSS) of the most vulnerable populations subjected to a continuous stream of Lead Poisoning. MDOT– the Michigan Department of Transportation, a State of Michigan Department that prioritizes their Hobby, Sport, Recreational activities while ignoring Community Health, Safety, and Welfare is not only unethical and shameful, it’s just plain disgusting, Michigan deserves better!

The unethical, greedy, self-centered, MDOT, Special Interest, and Industry Lobbyist actions are unfair to FAA budgets and cheat the other 25,000 airports all across the country that have legitimate budget requests and really require positive funding & support in their respective communities. Additionally, MDOT, Special Interests, Industry Lobbyists, and individual aircraft owners and pilots at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 have betrayed the public trust, and have damaged the reputation and integrity of the Aviation, Aerospace, & Defense community at large with past & continued hostile, immature, selfish behaviors with total disregard of schools, neighborhoods, & community. A very sad waste of taxpayer hard earned dollars!

MDOT officials should be held accountable for the obvious, well known, common knowledge of foreseeable lead poisoning personal injury, property damage, and cleanup costs just as a Federal Judge reinstates previous Michigan Governor Rick Snyder as defendant as new evidence was presented that show many believe ‘He covered it up‘ as the Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle lawsuit proceeds. This new move now puts his personal wealth at risk.

It does not matter where the toxic lead comes from, Ann Arbor Public Schools are monitoring high lead levels in an effort to protect students, the Ann Arbor School System realizes that lead is toxic even at low levels of 5 parts per billion, why isn’t PCCS Schools and Plymouth & Canton monitoring for toxic lead to protect our students too regardless of where the lead originates? Ann Arbor school officials have immediately laid out a response plan for lead in schools.

Shortly after announcing the initial plan the Ann Arbor School System is quickly and wisely increasing the response to any child lead exposure levels. Most recently, the city of Ann Arbor has agreed to release information under Michigan’s FOIA law about past and present lead component locations that may require additional replacements due to potential lead contamination concerns. Ann Arbor is trying to stay ahead of the curve re water testing and filtering.

The demands for Community Protection under law are reasonable, & simple really:

  • Taxpayers demand protection of our schools & community from lead poisoning
  • Non-flying Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to pay for several dozen well to do pilots to use Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip as excess capacity exists more appropriately elsewhere all while taxpayers are forced to pay for Roads with a 20 year millage increase! This is after Canton Township siphoned $10 million from the township’s general fund — money that could have been better spent — to complement cash-strapped Wayne County, which has jurisdiction over township roads, but lacks the money to fix the problem. Michigan DOT spends $154 per capita vs Pennsylvania spend of $530 per capita which costs Michigan residents $865 vs $377 per capita nationally!

Take Action to Protect PCCS Schools & Canton Plymouth Community from Lead Poisoning from State Owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational 1d2 Canton Plymouth Mettetal Airstrip

The only way to protect the community from lead poisoning from 100LL leaded aviation fuel (Avgas) is to demand the shutdown of:

State of Michigan Owned
Hobby, Sport, Recreational only
Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip
CANTON, MI 48187

Heliport and all Helicopter  using 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas)!

The community must make as many calls, send as many emails as you can, to as many recipients on the Contacts page as possible to demand closure of the State of Michigan Owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip only then will our Elected Officials and State of Michigan departments react!

While financial considerations are secondary to protecting Health, Safety, & Welfare of vulnerable populations, there is a also mandatory requirement to reorganize MDOT to remove the stranglehold of the MDOT bureaucracy on infrastructure essential to the Future of Michigan and place control back in the hands of Taxpayers and their elected officials!

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOTBureaucracy, as with all public servants, must abide by the highest standards of the State of Michigan (SoM) set forth by Governor Whitmer [PressRelease] [html] [pdf] [Ethics] and be held accountable for knowingly remaining silent (acquiesce) while contributing to the sum of Community Health, Safety, & Welfare negligence & malpractice, financial waste, misuse of taxpayer funds and the consequences of public funding abuse (html)!

See Lead Poisoning page for more detailed supporting information.
See UPDATE: April May – PCCS Schools Still Being Covered with 1d2 Lead Dust for additional supporting information.

Lead Poisoning of Canton Plymouth Community Continues Unabated!

It’s time to take back our community! All across the country people are realizing that old airstrips like 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal that start out in a rural area and are now embedded in densely populated neighborhoods are a thing of the past. The eventual closure of 1d2 is just a matter of time based on many factors affecting the community.

1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal is a serious community health concern as a major source of  highly toxic lead pollution, is unsafe and very dangerous, a hostile, unfriendly environment to anyone outside of the 1d2 clique, was never required or needed, is still not and never has been economically viable, is a huge tax burden, and is a real, concrete  deterrent to education, business, and technology progress & development locally.

1d2 is a complete duplication of three very close, much better equipped, and more appropriate airport/runway facilities. 1d2 is a complete frivolous waste of taxpayers hard earned time and money! 1d2 has been a focal point of continual dissension since the ’70s. Now is the time to take action and #DT1D2A “Drain the 1d2 Airstrip” and as a community come to our senses and finally close 1D2 once and for all!

1d2 is strictly a personal hobby, recreational, sport venue airstrip, there are no other jobs other than third party management company jobs minimally cleaning the 1d2 facilities, lawn cutting, and snow plowing. There is no economically viable business that is dependent on this location. 1d2 has no local relevance, has no regional relevance, and has never been considered critical infrastructure to anyone except MDOT employees.

1d2 is a 25 year old State of Michigan owned dilapidated, worn out, failed experiment on “taxpayer life support” and taxpayers are sick and tired of paying for the convenience of several dozen hangar renters, and a couple minor business concerns headquartered in other communities taking advantage of taxpayers via State and Federal handouts. There is NO tangible or demonstrable reason to the majority (99.97%) of the taxpayers in local communities, surrounding counties, or of the entire State of Michigan, that they can see to pay for 1d2 to be there at all!

There are 22 airports within 50 miles of 1d2 that receive 51.4% of the total MDOT/FAA NPIAS 2017-2021 budget for the entire State of Michigan. This amounts to $365,600,480.00 out of $714,881,838.00. With rapidly decreasing personal pilot/aircraft numbers and shrinking demographics, the surrounding 22 airports can easily absorb any and all activities from 1d2.

Not surprisingly, 1D2 is operated by a third party management company that does NOT appear to be beholden, accountable, or controllable by the State of Michigan, MDOT, or the FAA.

But, firstly, the major challenge is to help the most vulnerable and defenseless, our children. We need to protect & defend them from the devastating effects and impact from continuous toxic lead poisoning right here in our own backyard at 1d2. This is described in detail in the section on lead poisoning via piston engine aircraft using 100LL leaded aviation fuel (Avgas) at 1d2. BTW this includes piston engine helicopters, which are without question some of the largest toxic lead emitters based on their highly inefficient operation and huge fuel consumption.

Secondly, the additional major goals of this web site to close 1d2 are to:

  • Share – knowledge, information, and skills regarding contacts, laws, regulations, processes, procedures, gleaned from the collective experience of everyone of our volunteers, stakeholders, and the community so everyone can be accurately informed, completely up to date, and learn how, where, and who to report 1d2 complaints and problems to. Lets all get on the same page!
  • Unite – all stakeholders, including families, neighborhood homeowner associations (HOAs), schools, the ACLU of Michigan, universities, colleges, churches, hospitals, government agencies,  businesses, and all interested parties that want to save the larger community from continued 1d2 lead poisoning  and prolonged damage.
  •  Protect & Defend – our children, families, and the community, whether it’s Canton, Plymouth, or the whole tri-county area, including Westland, Northville, Novi, Livonia, and surrounding areasWe are all ONE community in unity against 1d2 lead poisoning!
  • Gather –  all feedback and pay it forward. Especially from people that have complained repeatedly over the years and have not heard or seen any consistent visible or tangible results or that have been subjected to 1d2 arrogance, hostility, harassment, or discrimination, whether in person, in the skies above our homes, or online. 1d2 complaints have been completely ignored, discarded, never recorded anywhere, and reported to no one so no historical records exist. Everyone we talk to feels  that there is a lot of relevant feedback just waiting out there.  Up to now nobody could find a suitable responsible party, or more accurately anywhere to report complaints to. Please help or contribute anyway that you can as this effort requires as much  community feedback and participation as possible to finish the job at hand!
  • Promote – a healthier, safer, community and properly utilize the full 63 acres of property at 1d2  for the mutual benefit of everyone not just commercial and special interests and a privileged few. Let’s use everyone’s time and efforts to convert the 1d2 nightmare into something useful for all to generate high tech jobs, tax revenues, and a new vibrant community “green space” together as a community family and team.
  • Donate – please volunteer any time and/or donate resources via Paypal to support a joint community effort to close 1d2 that will make a real impact for our children. While the costs are low, there are still costs nonetheless. All donations over and beyond the actual costs plus a small operating reserve will be provided to Canton Township to support student scholarships, provide assistance for battered and abused women via National Domestic Violence HOTLINE, help service members via the USO, or help fund the Yankee Air Museum (Yes! we are proud as some of our fathers helped build Willow Run!) as the Township Supervisor sees fit. Thank you so much to everyone for the generous donations that have helped thus far, it is greatly appreciated!


References and Further reading.

Keywords and Important Local Features

keywords and local features impacted by lead poisoning and safety issues at “1d2”: the recognized “airport code” for 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal airport in Canton Township, Michigan, and Plymouth, Michigan is “1d2” and will used throughout the web site for brevity. PCCS is abbreviation for Plymouth Canton Community Schools. June 18, 2017, annual father’s day pancake breakfast fly-in at 1d2 canton-plymouth mettetal airport, regarding lead poisoning, lead exposure, Tonquish Creek, flying Lessons, Mettetal Airport History, Mettetal Airport Open House, Willow Creek, Shuart Drain, Sheldon Road Wetlands, Huron-Clinton Metroparks, Lower River Rouge Recreational Trail, Morton Taylor Mountain Bike Trail, Lower River Rouge Trailhead, Environmental Toxicity, environmental disaster, Canton Township, Michigan Trail System Overview, airport near canton mi, flying club, airwave, aero, landing at canton-plymouth mettetal (1d2), aviation, 8550 North Lilley Road, Canton Michigan, 48187, Airport & FBO info, parking info, drone no-fly zone, aircraft charter, photos, weather, MDOT, Michigan Department of Transportation, helicopter charter. 26th Annual Canton Township Michigan Liberty Fest at Heritage Park, Thursday June 15 thru Saturday June 17, 2017, behind the Canton Administration Building and the Canton Public Library, just west of Canton Center Road between Cherry Hill and Summit Parkway, 46000 Summit Parkway Canton, MI 48188. Wetlands environmental impact, Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast at Mettetal Airport in Canton, Plymouth – Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport fun place to fly, Mettetal airport flying lessons, flight school, flight instruction, Plymouth Canton Mettetal airport. University of Michigan Mcity, American Center for Mobility at Willow Run, focus on autonomous vehicle technology and other high technology companies. Plymouth Michigan art in the park, Old Village Restaurant Crawl, a Taste of Plymouth, Friday Night Music in the Park, historic Plymouth’s main street, Kellogg Park, Kellogg Fountain, city of Plymouth Michigan 150th birthday, 150th anniversary, Plymouth Community Band, Plymouth Downtown Development Authority, Plymouth Historical Museum, Plymouth-based Michigan Philharmonic orchestra, Kiwanis Club, the Plymouth Historical Museum, the Penn Theatre, Penn Theater, Plymouth Recreation & Arts Complex, the Plymouth DDA, the city of Plymouth Michigan, the Plymouth Community Chamber of Commerce, the Plymouth District Library and the Old Village Association,  http://www.plymouthmich.org or http://www.downtownplymouth.org, Mayflower condominium, historic Plymouth, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha. Plymouth 150th Anniversary Celebration with a Fourth of July parade and an ice cream social, annual ice festival, Daisy Air Rifle factory. Michigan’s second largest art fair, Canton “grub crawl”. Plymouth Old Village Restaurant Crawl, Annual Plymouth Fall Festival, Mettetal Airport picnic. The Starkweather Lofts, situated between the city’s historic Old Village area and Hines Park. Plymouth International Ice Sculpture Festival.  Plymouth Ice Festival – Plymouth Rocks! – Plymouth Michigan – Presented by the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce – Great things to do in Plymouth Michigan – http://www.plymouthmich.org/Plymouth-Ice-Festival_ET908S34.html. An experimental “flying car” aircraft crashed on Friday during a test run at Willow Run (YIP) Airport, injuring the male pilot and prompting an FAA investigation Friday December 16, 2018. The Experimental Amateur Built (E-AB) N112SD flying car was built at Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airport, the FAA is investigating further. The experimental flying car unexpectedly goes airborne, and crashes at Willow Run. Somehow, the plane took flight and then crashed. The owner/pilot was the only person on the aircraft. He was taken to the University of Michigan Hospital by paramedics. City of Plymouth Wins 4-Star Rating for Economic Development. Shopping Near Me | You’ll Find it on Ford Rd in Canton MI https://www.shopcanton.org/, Concours d’Elegance 2019 coming to Plymouth Township, Michigan.