Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Aircraft Lead
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The https://close1d2.org Team submitted attempted (without any sign of success) to provide Congressional input by submitting a Statement for the Record, House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Subcommittee on Environment, Hearing on: “Toxic Air: How Leaded Aviation Fuel Is Poisoning America’s Children”, Submitted by: Matthew A. Grisius, a Concerned Father, Grandfather and Angry Taxpayer – (https://close1d2.org) 08-28-2022 #4 FINAL (pdf).
The https://close1d2.org Team Provided Input to the National Academies of Science (NAS) Project: Lead Emissions from Piston-Powered General Aviation Aircraft TRB-CAAS-18-03 (html) September 14, 2020 v5.1 (pdf).