
Learn How to report a 1d2 complaint or emergency relating to safety, health, HAZMAT, suspicious behavior, crash/accident/incident, noise, etc., and who to report the complaint to. The first step in mobilizing the community is to identify any available existing resources!

  • State of Michigan
    • There is no number, email, or contact info
  • MDOT
    • There is no number, email, or contact info
    • unofficial email on a domain that is NOT owned by the State of Michigan and may not be monitored or logged anywhere.
    • Try one of these numbers that do NOT seem to be official State of Michigan numbers: 734-459-0012, 248-981-8127, 248-379-4935, 734-233-2675. Keep track of who you talk with, date and time, and the purpose of call.
  • Canton Township
    • There is no “official” number, email, or contact info. Until there is an “official” Canton Township channel send complaints/problems/issues to Canton Township Supervisor  Pat Williams and John Anthony, Canton Trustee/Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport Committee liaison.

Official FAA Noise Complaints

Who to Contact if You’re Impacted by Aircraft Noise
This site contains a complete description of what is required, and how to get information or file a complaint.