Hall of Shame – Aviation in Michigan
What is the Hall of Shame?
The Hall of Shame is a place where those that have any power to help are exposed for unethical, abhorrent or just plain creepy behavior. Transgressions are often concealed from the public eye as those that have power abuse their position, often by preying upon the most vulnerable members of society.
In sacrificing publicly stated principles, such individuals and organizations controlled by their members have betrayed those who entrusted them with power, responsibility and control. Their detestable behavior epitomizes the corruption and injustice that society actively fights.
The aim of the Hall of Shame is to expose & place pressure on these people to change their behavior to be in line with community expectations of someone in a position of power. The Hall’s aim is to use shame, the personal feeling of internal revulsion and self-condemnation that is the direct consequence of rejection by one’s community. Shame comes from deep inside oneself; it is the result of a breach of one’s personal ethics. Shame is one of the most powerful emotions. It is the consequence of one violating social or cultural values through either thoughts or behavior.
Shame differs from guilt, which is the regretful violation of one’s own internal values. Shame on the other hand, is not only intensely personal but also contains a public element. Shaming individuals and organizations publicly can help to ensure powerful members of society are accountable for their actions.
The Hall of Shame highlights shameful behavior of those people who are or could be influential in society, policy makers, those who enforce policies and those most affected by policies. The ultimate purpose of the Hall of Shame is to promote public pressure on such people so that they amend their behavior, and deter others.
If it takes a “Hall of Shame” to raise issues within local communities & society in general of the shameful acts perpetrated by those in a position to bring about changes, then so be it!
In other words, if the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” feels free & easy to openly bring Negative Aviation Impacts into others homes, neighborhoods & schools taking advantage of & preying on vulnerable populations including babies, pregnant women, schoolchildren and elderly then it’s easy to be equally free to expose with publicly available information.
Hall of Shame Award Naming Convention
It was a relatively easy choice to select a name for the Hall of Shame Community Award given to the Best Community Pariah, Bullies, Loser(s) and Malcontent(s). It did not take long, after some relatively easy thought, conversation and brainstorming within a community repulsed by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and their Special Interest and industry Lobbyist Cronies for the last 50 years. The name for the coveted Hall of Shame award was selected & ratified wholeheartedly:
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) “ShitHeel Award”
The term “shitheel” used in John Steinbeck’s “Grapes of Wrath” described a person who had excrement on the backs of their shoes or feet from squatting down on the side of the road to poop, but are totally unaware, oblivious actually, they have excrement on their shoes or feet. However, everyone else around IS aware and are totally disgusted by their clueless “don’t give a damn about anyone else” toxic nature.
Steinbeck plainly stated his purpose in writing his novel Grapes of Wrath: “I want to put a tag of shame on the greedy bastards who are responsible for this [the Depression and the plight of the worker].” Power leads to selfish discontent, the few people despite having the greatest potential to help, are the most ungrateful, miserly and sadly just don’t care about anyone but themselves.
- The Grapes of Wrath (html) | Summary, Assessment, & Facts | Britannica. The Grapes of Wrath was the top-selling novel of 1939, and it won a Pulitzer Prize in 1940, the year of John Ford’s acclaimed film adaptation of the book. The Grapes of Wrath also did much to earn the author the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962.
- The Grapes of Wrath Chapter 15 Summary & Analysis (html) | LitCharts.
- Ten Things You Might Not Know about The Grapes of Wrath (html) 12-08-2020 | National Endowment for the Arts.
- The 100 best novels: No 65 – The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (1939) (html) 12-15-2014 | John Steinbeck | The Guardian.
- The Grapes of Wrath (html) 04-07-2014 | National Geographic Society.
- ‘Grapes Of Wrath’ And The Politics of Book Burning (html) 09-30-2008 : NPR.
- John Steinbeck – Facts | Nobel Prize.
- Google Search “shitheel“
- Bing Search “shitheel“
- The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck (Viking) (html) 1940 – The Pulitzer Prizes.
- John Steinbeck wins a Pulitzer for “The Grapes of Wrath” (html) may 6, 1940 – HISTORY.
- John Steinbeck (html) – Wikipedia.
Capturing the Spirit of the MDOT “ShitHeel Award”
The MDOT “ShitHeel Award” is derived from long History of Darwin Awards Great Performers & Contributors.
- Darwin Awards: Evolution In Action.
- The Darwin Awards ( @AwardsDarwin_ ) / Twitter.
- Darwin Awards – Wikipedia.
- 2022 Candidate: Tesla Drives Into $3.5M Jet While Using Summon Feature (html) 04-22-2022 | daily dot. Tesla Model Y & Cirrus Vision SF50 Jet Owner crashes Tesla Model Y into $3.5m Cirrus Vision SF50. Vision Jet (html) | The Next Evolution. VisionAir (html) – Cirrus Aircraft.
- 2021 Darwin Award: Pretty Fly for a Dead Guy (html).
- 2019 Darwin Award: Pilot Patrick’s In-Flight Fuel Shower (html).
- 2005 Darwin Award: Superman Stupor-man (html).
- Adventures of Cap’n Aux The Darwin Awards—Aviation Style! (html) — Adventures of Cap’n Aux.
- Golden Raspberry Awards – Wikipedia. Seems many industries have the same idea rewarding dubious behavior.
- 12 Bad Habits Airline Pilots Have (But Hide from The Public) (html) 04-14-2022 | The Travel. See #11 “Spending The Flight Taking Photos for Instagram”. A quick search on Instagram will reveal the incredible photos some pilots have managed to capture mid-air. Some risky pilots have even stuck their torsos out of the window in order to capture an epic selfie. WARNING: However, this isn’t exactly legal. The U.S., for instance, says that pilots must refrain from ‘all-non-essential activities’ during the flight.
Most recently, quite a boneheaded display of irresponsible Aviation stupidity, luckily everyone is alright, no one was needlessly injured on the ground. If these clowns want to kill themselves fine, but to risk harming or killing others is unquestionably socially & morally just wrong.
- FAA revokes certificates for pilots involved in failed Red Bull plane swap (html) 05-12-2022 – ABC News. The FAA described their behavior as “careless or reckless so as to endanger the life or property of another” and proposed a $4,932 fine for “abandoning his pilot’s seat and operating an aircraft in a reckless manner.” Both pilots must surrender their pilot certificates “immediately,” the FAA said as both cannot fly legally or apply for or be issued new airman certificates for one year.
- FAA suspends licenses of two pilots involved in failed Red Bull stunt (html) 05-12-2022 | NBC News. The pilots acted in a “careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another” during the failed mid-air swap April 24, over Arizona, the FAA said.
- FAA Investigating Failed Plane Swap (html) 04-25-2022 – Avweb. And historically some of this might resonate with people that know of the Darwin Awards and similarity to them:
- ‘Plane swap’ stunt unsuccessful in Arizona as aircraft loses control (html) 04-24-2022 | USA Today. One Cessna 182 aircraft used in the stunt crashed after it spun out of control.
MDOT “ShitHeel” Scientific Taxonomy, Classification & Breakdown of MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Community Pariah AKA MDOT Sponsored Flying Rodeo Clowns
Invertebrates are species of animals that neither possess nor develop a vertebral column, derived from the notochord. This is a grouping including all animals apart from the chordate subphylum Vertebrata.
The Invertebrates constitute an artificial division of the animal kingdom, comprising about 95 percent of animal species and about 30 different phyla. Invertebrates are especially important as agricultural pests, parasites, or agents for the transmission of parasitic infections to humans and other vertebrates.
Invertebrates are generally soft-bodied animals that lack a rigid internal skeleton for the attachment of muscles but often possess a hard outer skeleton. As in most mollusks, crustaceans, insects, and small dangerous outdated aircraft AKA Flying Junk Piles (FJPs), the hard outer shell (airframe) provides a limited form of body protection, e.g. especially when impacting terrain. The Phylum (some argue sub-phylum) MDOT is considered an “invasive Species” across the entire State of Michigan. BTW: many expert SMEs consider helicopter – rotorcraft “ShitHeels” as equivalent or same species, but is an ongoing research topic in academic circles.
Specifically we’re talking about Phylum: MDOT, Class: ShitHeel. In addition to MDOT “ShitHeels”, other invasive species in Michigan (html) include zebra mussels, quagga mussels, sea lamprey, round goby, Eurasian ruffe, spiny waterflea and fish hook waterflea. Of these invaders, MDOT “ShitHeels” ties first place with zebra mussels and best illustrates the multiple impacts of a single invasive species on ecosystems across an entire State. SEE: Michigan Invasive Species (html).
Other familiar examples of invertebrates include arthropods, mollusks, annelids, echinoderms, cnidarians, and of course now the lesser known but rapidly proliferating MDOT. The more specific species example from the Phylum MDOT is the typical common name MDOT “ShitHeel” whose scientific name is “Faeces Calcaneus” etymologically derived as follows:
- Faeces comes from the Latin word, faceces, which means sediment, dregs, bottom of the barrel, etc. Faeces began to directly refer to human excrement in the seventeenth century. Faeces refers to any animal’s solid waste, excreted from the bowels, through the anus. In North America, the spelling is feces and the adjective is spelled fecal. However, experts chose to use the spelling “faeces” as it relates to and perfectly suits the elite privileged entitled MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Community Pariah as a group, and just looks fancier, is more exotic & therefore more socially acceptable for the wealthy Flying Junk Pile (FJP) owners.
- Calcaneus (from the Latin calcaneum, meaning heel or heel bone) is a bone of the tarsus of the foot which constitutes the heel.
- It is well-known and common knowledge factoid that Faeces Calcaneus is NOT physiologically capable of caring about vulnerable populations or telling the truth even when confronted by hard facts, knowledge & expertise regarding 2014 BLL data from over 1,000,000 million Michigan Children. Instead, the species performs extreme “hand waving” spewing gibberish & “hot air” including flatus or intestinal gas (many contend contains TEL + EDB + PFAS!), that nobody seems to understand about “TEL No Threat”. Sad but true, even experts from “Guinness World Records” in addition to “Ripley’s Believe it or Not” have observed this strange bizarre behavior in the wild that other warm blooded mammals cannot learn or even imitate let alone get away with entirely “Scot Free”! No wonder Ripley’s and Guinness SMEs are monitoring the invasive MDOT Phylum situation closely as they are setting new records & accomplishing new heights of unbelievable ignorance & stupidity almost daily and are “completely out of control” with no end in sight!
Stay tuned for more developing info on this critical invasive species in the State of Michigan as MDOT acts and wants others to believe this is an “endangered species” while citizens, residents and taxpayers know the species is just invasive with zero other positive community outcomes & impacts.
MDOT Related Species: MDOT Green Bottle Fly. Community Outsider Itinerant Operations & Negative Aviation Impacts Destroying & Trashing Canton, Plymouth & Plymouth Township, Surrounding Neighborhoods, Homes & Schools! MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Covered with MDOT Green Bottle Flies!
We’re talking about Phylum: Arthropoda, Class: Insecta shown on the “Classification of Invertebrates” above. Common house flies including the common green bottle flies are attracted to decaying organic filth such as feces and rotting meat. Makes one wonder if green bottle flies are harmful? While unsightly and a nuisance, the green bottle fly is also a serious potential threat to human health since these pests transmit diseases like dysentery and salmonellosis through food contamination. Symptoms can range from mild cramps to severe diarrhea, vomiting, headache, weakness and fever.
Unfortunately, some flies, e.g. especially MDOT Green Bottle flies, work together, that is they have a symbiotic relationship with other closely related species e.g. MDOT ShitHeels to distribute & transmit one of the most destructive toxins known to mankind, Tetraethyl Lead (TEL), which they freely & openly distribute to anyone whether recipients asked for it or not. The MDOT Shitheels and MDOT Green Bottle Flies are just exercising their ‘right’ to burn “100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel” after all, right?
Remember the 80/20 rule (Pareto Principle Wikipedia)? Easily well over 80% of the Negative Aviation Impacts are provided courtesy of residents of other communities, e.g. from Community Outsiders from neighborhoods that are NOT bordering MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” airstrip AKA Plymouth Canton Mettetal 1d2 airport. This was true in 1991 as discussed on the home page, and true to this day. As outlined on the home page: It is still the same sad day “when any airport lobbying effort (community outsiders) which includes people from as far away as ‘INSERT NAME’ can influence & override local decisions & disregard the Health, Safety & Welfare of local residents”.
Community Outsider Itinerant Operations are like a “swarm of green bottle flies on poop” (BTW: warning don’t click link if you’re eating) (html) stomping their little feet and gyrating their Flying Junk Pile (FJP) propellors buzzing about THEIR rights to contaminate others’ neighborhoods, homes and schools & poison other vulnerable populations in their desired strictly ‘confrontational’ manner. After all Community Outsider Itinerant Operations have a right to champion Negative Aviation Impacts anywhere, anytime, for any reason, by their choice.
It really doesn’t matter what you call Community Outsiders. Interloper, refugee, straggler, aliens, strangers, squatters, weeds, intruders, etc. They are strictly external and more commonly known as Community Outsider Itinerant Operations, professional NIMBYs (Not in My Backyard) that continue to wreak havoc & menace local communities as they have for the last 50 years. It is also important to remember:
- Nothing to do with Aviation, Aerospace or Defense Industries or really flying anywhere, mainly obnoxious sport recreational hobbyists and State of Michigan registered “Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Clubs” AKA Flying Clubs, Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists that show up looking for ‘confrontation’ over imagined artificial Social Entertainment Venue ‘rights’ to poisoning everyone & everything around them with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) all paid for by Taxpayers!
- Have no vested interest in the local community, neighborhoods, schools or protecting vulnerable populations.
- Primary concern is about their convenience, saving their time & their money or exercising personal ‘choice’ like selecting a ‘golf course’ and nothing more.
- Have ready access to multiple aviation facilities that are far more appropriate.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Definition of Itinerant Operations AKA MDOT Green Bottle Flies Community Outsiders
FAA defines “Itinerant Operation” as takeoff or landing operations of airplanes going from one airport to another airport that involves a trip of at least 20 miles. Local operations are excluded.
It’s interesting to note however, several key related alternative and more appropriate airports are under twenty miles away, there is no lack of choice. Some are just minutes away from 1d2 including:
- 8.3m/7.3nm from 1d2 to Willow Run Airport (html). FAA, GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware, YIP-MDOT.
- 13.7m/11.9nm from 1d2 to New Hudson – Oakland/Southwest Airport (html). FAA, GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware, Y47-MDOT.
- 17.1m/14.9nm from 1d2 to Ann Arbor Municipal Airport (html). FAA, GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware, ARB-MDOT.
- 19.6m/17.0nm from 1d2 to Oakland/Troy Airport (html). FAA, GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware, VLL-MDOT.
Several alternative and more appropriate airports are just barely over 20 miles away:
- 22m/19.1nm from 1d2 to Oakland County International Airport (html). FAA, GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware, PTK-MDOT.
- 22.5m/19.5nm from 1d2 to Brighton Airport (html). FAA, GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware, 45G-MDOT.
- 23m/19.9nm from 1d2 to Grosse Ile Municipal Airport (html). FAA, GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware, ONZ-MDOT.
- 23.2m/20.2nm from 1d2 to Coleman A Young Municipal Airport (html). FAA, GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware, DET-MDOT.
That’s a total of 8 “more appropriate airports within minutes, and there are many others that are not listed here. The MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” needlessly duplicates many other Michigan Aviation facilities, is completely superfluous and totally UNEEDED for any rhyme or reason whatsoever!
Remember: these activities have nothing to do with jobs, taxes, revenue, critical infrastructure, national security, the future of anything in Michigan or have any socially redeeming meaning or value to more than handful of full-fledged members of the Flying Junk Pile (FJP) Owners and Operators Patrol (FJPOOP). Remember we’re talking about a Hobby, Sport, Recreational Social Entertainment Venue for storing personal flying junkpiles & wealthy collectors’ items and antique curiosities for State of Michigan registered “Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club” (flying clubs), and wealthy Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists, period.
The First Annual Hall of Shame 2024 “MDOT ShitHeel” Awards Goes to: Surprise Four Way Tie Between Civil Air Patrol (CAP) GLR183 Wing, the MDOT Clown Patrol themselves, Canton-Plymouth Mettetal MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Based Dawn Patrol flying club and Ford Eagles flying club
In the spirit of the Darwin Awards focusing on “Excellence” in “astoundingly” [stupid judgment] in this case horrible Negative Aviation Impacts & treatment of a host community.
Here are the five-way tie Award Winners for the first 2022 “ShitHeel Award” for Outstanding Negative Aviation Impact Contributions to a Community, vulnerable populations or a United States of America State:
- Civil Air Patrol (CAP) GLR183 – AKA Civil Air Pariah for relentlessly wasting taxpayer money & habitually applying their idiot wizardry against surrounding communities. LIVONIA THUNDERBOLT (AKA ThunderDolt) COMPOSITE SQUADRON Home (html) | LIVONIA THUNDERBOLT COMPOSITE SQUADRON | Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters.
- The State of Michigan’s own MDOT Clown Patrol – singlehandedly ignored Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) studies originated in 2014 resulting in millions of Michigan Children quietly, knowingly & needlessly continuing Aviation Lead exposure for no discernable reason at all!
- Dawn Patrol Flying Club – one of surrounding Communities enduring habitual repeat favorites for outstanding contributions & performance(s).
- Ford Eagles [Flying Club] – second of surrounding Communities enduring habitual repeat favorites for outstanding contributions & performance(s).
There’s even a “Special Award” trophy for Outstanding MDOT 1d2 Helicopter / Rotarcraft ShitHeel!
And a special Helicopter / Rotarcraft tribute from adoring fans!
So, why are there Hall of Shame Awards at all? Simple, to recognize the most consistent selfish, obnoxious, persistent community pariah.
Mega-bucks certainly appear to breed mega-insecurity: A lesson from the MDOT VIP area of first-world problems – the more they spend, the more cheated they feel, the more recognition they want, and the more hostility animosity & revenge the MDOT Clown Patrol wants to inflict to protect & defend their turf. And Michigan taxpayers keep needlessly footing the bill for everything, from infrastructure to administration, regulation, etc. for absolutely zero ROI. Needless to say, MDOT excels at incinerating taxpayer money for MDOT benefit.
What Are the Extremely Loud Aircraft Noises Over My Home, Schools and Neighborhoods?
Most people are curious, startled, scared, protective and even defensive any time you here loud or out of place noises in your neighborhood, especially when it’s directly over your head. Here are some tools that help figure who, what and possibly why the Negative Aviation Impacts including noise are occurring. Here is perfect example, even though there are certainly “Bad People” or “Aviation Liabilities”, please remember in many cases there are the “Good People” (“Aerial Assets”), but NOT always.
“Good People” or “Aerial Assets” Over Your Home, Schools and Neighborhoods
Here a few examples of “Good People” or “Aerial Assets” Over Your Home, Schools and Neighborhoods:
- 10 military aircraft to land on U.P. highway this month (html) 06-02-2022 – mlive.com. Ten military airplanes will land on an Upper Peninsula highway later this month to practice operating in austere environments, the Michigan National Guard announced. It is an annual multinational, large scale military training event that tests the rapid insertion of an Air Expeditionary Wing into a bare-base environment.
- Military aircraft to land on U.P. highway (html) 05-31-2022 – mlive.com. The exercise, believed to be the first time modern military aircraft have landed on a U.S. civilian roadway, was part of the annual Northern Strike war-readiness training exercise hosted by the Michigan National Guard.
- Michigan National Guard (home).
- Join the Michigan Air National Guard Team Now!
- Join the Air National Guard.
- Join the Army National Guard.
- Michigan Department of Military and Veteran Affairs (DMVA) (pdf), Strategic Plan, 10 March 2021. Air National Guard (ANG), Army National Guard (html), Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA), Michigan Veterans Homes (MVH).
- Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (html) | Facebook.
- VA Detroit Health Care (html) | Veterans Affairs (VA).
- Canton VA clinic to honor Army general Oliver Dillard Sr. (html) 06-03-2022 | Hometown Life. New Wayne County VA clinic to honor decorated Army general and longtime Canton resident.
- Canton Michigan VA clinic opens to offer close-to-home visits to local vets (html) 05-11-2022 | Hometown Life. About 12,000 military veterans can save some gas money by visiting a new $9 million community-based outpatient clinic in Canton Township for a more personal, close-to-home experience.
- New VA Canton Michigan Community Based Outpatient Clinic Opens To Local Veterans (html) 05-04-2022 | VA Ann Arbor Health Care (VAAAHS) | Veterans Affairs gov. The newly constructed facility will serve nearly 12,000 Veterans across southeast Michigan and is easily accessible from I-275.
- Governor Whitmer Signs Bipartisan Bills Helping Veterans and their Families Continue their Careers in Michigan, Accelerating Michigan’s Economic Recovery (html) 06-09-2021 | gov.
- Michigan Veteran Homes to Hire 150 to Staff New Home in Chesterfield Township (html) 04-30-2021 | gov.
Here a few more examples of “Good People” or “Aerial Assets” Over Your Home, Schools and Neighborhoods:
- Nighttime Ohio fighter jet training scares some Michigan residents (html) 04-13-2022 – mlive.com. While most commenters were excited to hear the jet, others pointed out that given the ongoing war in Ukraine, the unexpected sounds frightened them. Veterans with PTSD and elderly residents were also spooked by the unexpected noise. The training continues throughout the week. Certainly, nobody wants to live with that continual noise!
- Ohio National Guard nighttime exercises over southern Wayne County startle residents (html) 04-13-2022 | Fox 2 Detroit. Ohio Air National Guard nighttime training exercises this week startled some southern Wayne County residents who weren’t ready for the loud noises that come with passing fighter jets.
- 180th Fighter Wing (html) – Home | Facebook.
- 180th Fighter Wing (@180thFW) / Twitter.
- 180th Fighter Wing > Air National Guard > Airforce.mil.
- 180th Fighter Wing (html) | Ohio National Guard.
Public Domain Information & Tools to Identify “Bad People” or “Aviation Liabilities” Over Your Home, Schools and Neighborhoods
As mentioned not all are “Good People” or “Aerial Assets”, some are truly “Bad People” or “Aviation Liabilities” Over Your Home, Schools and Neighborhoods. So how can I identify them?
- Live Flight Tracker (html) – FlightAware. For any airport.
- AirNav RadarBox (html) – Live Flight Tracker and Airport Status.
With these two publicly available services anyone can identify & track just about anything. As previously mentioned sometimes they are actually “Aerial Assets”, AKA the “Good People” such as Michigan State Police (N827ST), Sheriff Departments (N631SD, N911NQ) or Military related as mentioned above, and might appear but not always, on public domain trackers based on the specific nature of the mission. Here are a few more “Aerial Assets”, AKA the “Good People”:
- Michigan State Police (MSP). Find Your Career with the Michigan State Police (MSP) (html).
- Aviation Unit (html) | Michigan State Police (MSP).
- Michigan State Police (@MichStatePolice) / Twitter.
- Sgt. Matt Rogers, Michigan State Police (MSP), receives Helicopter Association International (HAI) Salute to Excellence Law Enforcement Award (html) 01-13-2022 – Vertical Mag.
- Videos show Michigan State Police helicopter assist Detroit police with arrests (html) 01-15-2022 | Click On Detroit.
- Petition · End the MSP Helicopter patrols over Grand Rapids Michigan (html) · Change.org. Not everyone feels the same or is equally happy about Helicopters over their neighborhoods.
- Michigan State Police (MSP) Helicopters – State of Michigan | Helis.com.
Also, it is possible to “block” tracking specific aircraft for a various number of reasons. ”Blocked” means the aircraft owner(s) have specifically requested the publicly available commercial services NOT to provide their unique identification signature for some reason, e.g. due to origination, destination, passengers, cargo, etc. Most of the time this isn’t a good idea, else how can anyone identify aircraft to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other authorities for further investigation? Here are a few examples of “Blocked” aircraft on FlightAware: N556UH-FA, N76DC-FA, and N431SL-FA.
How Can One track “Blocked” Aircraft and “Bad People” Trying to Evade Detection or Hide for Unknown Reasons?
As previously mentioned, one can identify & track just about anything, and what about the truly “Bad People”, the true “Aviation Liabilities” flying over your home, schools and neighborhoods with bad intent, malice, including harassment or intimidation. Here is another public tool for tracking, again just about anything can be tracked but with some very serious exceptions:
- ADS-B Exchange. World’s largest source of unfiltered flight data.
It’s even possible to track Elon Musk’s (@elonmusk) Gulfstream 650ER. N628TS ADS-B. See Elon Musk’s Jet (@ElonJet) / Twitter. Why this teen tracks flights of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, billionaires (html) 02-02-2022 | CNBC. Here are a few more interesting examples: Some aircraft registrations are just 2-SEXY – Corporate Jet Investor (html) 07-18-2017 | Corporate Jet Investor. Elon Musk offers $50k to teen to remove flight tracker bot (html) 01-26-2022 – Protocol. FAA Accidentally Disclosed New Flight Data on Epstein’s Private Jets (html) 11-29-2021 | Business Insider. The new FAA records include hundreds of previously unknown flights made by Epstein’s jets.
Local MI79 Exec Airport (MI79) – FlightAware will never or very rarely show any arrivals or departures because Helicopter flights that are “Blocked” are not publicly logged, you can however “pay” to access the data if you want. However, the “Blocked” aircraft can easily and freely be tracked on ADS-B Exchange: N556UH-ADS-BE, N76DC-ADS-BE, N431SL-ADS-BE if the ADS-B transponder is operating as required by law and the aircraft is flying.
Here a few brief examples of tracking “blocked aircraft”: Ford Motor Company must have some really deep business pain & deep pockets for private chartered Helicopter flights to Flat Rock Michigan Assembly Plant (N431SL image-1) and Avon Lake Ohio Assembly Plant (N556UH image-1) or just taking a spin around Canton / Plymouth area to “kick up the dust” (N76DC image-1 image-2):
- 2022 Ford Mustang Mach-E orders closed: Automaker preps for 2023 model (html) 04-19-2022 | Detroit Free Press. In February, a lack of semiconductors led to production shutdown. Now no more 2022 Mach-E models (html) will be available for order. If you wanted to order a 2022 Ford Mustang Mach-E online in the US, you’re now out of luck (html) 04-18-2022 | electrek.
- Ford’s first quarter sales fall 17% as automaker battles chip shortage (html) 04-04-2022 | CNBC.
- Ford pausing production at Flat Rock Assembly next week (html) 03-31-2022 | WXYZ Detroit.
- Ford Global Semiconductor Update (html) 03-18-2021 | Ford Media Center.
- Ohio Assembly Plant Avon Lake, Ohio (html) (FordAuthority) (Wikipedia)
- Flat Rock Assembly Plant Flat Rock, Michigan (html) (FordAuthority) (Wikipedia)
Low flying helicopters are NOT just a problem in the United States, other countries such as Canada object to low flying helicopters as well: U.S. helicopters hovering over Windsor neighbourhoods ‘not violating any Canadian laws’ (html) 09-27-2021 | Windsor Star. City council will appeal to the city’s two MPs to help address resident complaints about low-flying U.S. sightseeing helicopters hovering over Windsor neighbourhoods. The control tower at Windsor Airport previously sent a request to the tour operators asking them to fly at higher altitudes and to stop hovering over Windsor neighbourhoods, the report says. The city has made a similar request. “However, it does not appear that the practice has changed since this request was made,” the report says. “This issue falls under federal jurisdiction and leaves the municipality with no viable options.”
Additionally, Federal, State and Local government aircraft performing sensitive operations are now permitted to fly with their installed automatic dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) position reporting electronics turned off.
Another exception is that Civil Air Patrol (CAP) individual N-Numbers are blocked which doesn’t make much difference if you’re tracking take-off departures and arrival landings from a specific origination or destination code along with an ICAO hex address. There may be other exceptions as well? BTW: the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) AKA Community Air Pariah AKA Swivel Chair Patrol AKA Civil Air Pariah get their own dedicated page on this site.
NOTE: hopefully the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) FSDO is reading this as it appears there is a serious increase in MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” incidents where individuals are turning off or tampering or operating with malfunctioning, broken or misconfigured ADS-B transponders apparently making it possible to evade detection and reporting! More details below.
What is Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)?
Ok, so what exactly is ADS-B? The Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is the most common method for aircraft to report their state information like identity, position, and speed. Like other Mode S communications, ADS-B makes use of the 1090-megahertz transponder to transmit data. The protocol for ADS-B is open, and low-cost receivers can easily be used to intercept its signals.
Briefly, ICAO identifiers are 24-bit unique numbers assigned to an ADS-B “transponder” in an aircraft and are commonly specified in hexadecimal (base 16) notation. Hexadecimal numbers uses 4-bits per number (0-F), thus 4 bits x 6 places = 24 bits for a total of 0 – 16,777,216 unique decimal or 0 – FFFFFF hex numbers, capitalization does not matter as there are no other valid combinations.
ADS-B transponder addresses are similar in nature to a computer Media Access Control (MAC) address for a Network Interface Card (NIC). MAC address is sometimes referred to as a networking hardware address, the burned-in address (BIA), or the physical address. Here’s an example of a MAC address for an typical Ethernet NIC: 00:0a:95:9d:68:16, six sets of 2 hexadecimal digits. There are many more computers than aircraft so MAC addresses are mapped to 128-bit Internet Protocol Version 6 IPv6 addresses, basically:
- IPv6 uses 128-bit (2128) addresses, allowing 3.4 x 1038 unique IP addresses. This is equal to 340 trillion-trillion-trillion IP addresses.
- IPv6 is written in hexadecimal notation, separated into 8 groups of 16 bits by the colons, thus 8 x 16 = 128 bits in total.
- An IPv6 address representation looks like this: 2001:db8:1234::f350:2256:f3dd/64
- The surface area of the earth is about 5.1 x 1014 square meters. That means there are about 6.67 x 1023 IPv6 addresses for every square meter of the entire Earth’s surface!
It’s not hard to imagine very soon, just as Internet Protocol Version 4 IPv4 which could reference only 32-bit (4,294,967,296) entities was moved to IPv6 128-bit addresses, the ICAO 24-bit addresses (16,777,216) will need to move to a larger address space as more Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), e.g. drones, satellites and other air & space systems are added to the growing global population of addressable & identifiable entities.
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) References and Further Reading.
Overview of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out (pdf) 2021 | ICAO.
ADS-B Introduction (pdf) 2012. Surveillance Basics. Greg Dunstone, Surveillance Program Lead, Airservices Australia | ICAO.
The 1090 Megahertz Riddle (second edition). A Guide to Decoding Mode S and ADS-B Signals (html) (pdf). ADS-B Basics (html). Certainly the de facto Mode S & ADS-B handbook.
ADS-B Decoding Guide (pdf) Release 0.3, Junzi Sun, January 30, 2017. Another decent ADS-B guide.
- FAA Order JO 7110.65 (html) – Air Traffic Control. This order prescribes air traffic control procedures and phraseology for use by personnel providing air traffic control services. Controllers are required to be familiar with the provisions of this order that pertain to their operational responsibilities and to exercise their best judgment if they encounter situations not covered by it.
- Beacon/ADS-B Systems (html).
- FAA Home ▸ NextGen ▸ Equip ADS-B ▸ Research ▸ Airspace. You must be equipped with ADS-B Out to fly in most controlled airspace.
- FAA Home ▸ NextGen ▸ Equip ADS-B ▸ Privacy – ADS-B Privacy.
- FAA Home ▸ NextGen ▸ Equip ADS-B ▸ Installation.
Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS-B) – Wikipedia.
- eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 91 Subpart C — Equipment, Instrument, and Certificate Requirements (html).
- eCFR :: 14 CFR 91.215 — ATC transponder and altitude reporting equipment and use (html).
- eCFR :: 14 CFR 91.225 — Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out equipment and use (html).
- eCFR :: 14 CFR 91.227 — Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out equipment performance requirements (html).
ADS-B Exchange (@ADSBexchange) / Twitter.
USDOT Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Operations (pdf) Date: 12/30/19, AC No: 90-114B.
Key to ADS B Accuracy (html) January-February 2019 I Fly America.
Visit the FAA’s Equip ADS-B Installation site at http://go.usa.gov/x9m5e.
Private Flight Tracking (html) | How to Track Private Planes by Tail Number | AirCharter Advisors.
New Rule Allows Military Aircraft to Turn Off ADS-B Transmissions (html) 07-23-2019 – Rotor & Wing International. Federal, state and local government aircraft performing sensitive operations are now permitted to fly with their installed automatic dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) position reporting electronics turned off.
FAA regulations – Is it legal to fly without a transponder? (html) – Aviation Stack Exchange. Can I shut off the transponder and fly legally? No. You can’t turn ADS-B off and fly legally in Southeast Michigan.
What Are Revenge Fly-Bys?
NOTE: the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) at Willow Run (KYIP has been contacted regarding disingenuous low altitude “go-arounds” or “low approaches” or “low takeoffs” AKA revenge fly-by (low flying harassment) behavior at the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” described on this web site. Clarifications and updates will be provided as information is received from the FAA FSDO, thank you for your patience.
A low altitude “fly-by” is a typical tool & technique used to extract revenge, harass & intimidate communities below. The practice is “common knowledge” and is “well known” in Aerospace, Aviation & Defense circles and can take the form of false “go-arounds” on take-offs or “low approaches” on landing. Of course, when operating any aircraft exceptions occur based on weather and other contributing factors, but many low altitude “fly-by” problems are just excuses to justify poor choices, bad practices and effectively hostile and potentially illegal behavior.
This is especially true if these poor decisions are continually repeated over and over by habitual repeat offenders without any real PIC justification, e.g. weather, traffic in the pattern, etc. which is often the case at MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”. This twisted behavior seemingly endorsed by the MDOT Clown Patrol can also be seen across the United States with alarming frequency.
Safety Spotlight: Fly-bys (html) 02-21-2021- AOPA. Legally, keep in mind that the requirements of FAR 91.119 (minimum safe altitudes) are open for interpretation. The FAA has cited pilots for violating FAR 91.119 after intentional fly-bys, even within an airport environment. NOTE: In some cases, the FAA found explanations that they were just “go-arounds” or “low approaches” to be disingenuous. No surprise there, right?
Ann Arbor Michigan residents fed up with ‘deafening’ M-14 highway noise (html) 08-17-2022 (subscriber) – mlive.com. Cars and trucks travel along the M-14 highway next to Wines Elementary School. Compare this to Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) “Frat House” Airstrip.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is Powerless to Control Vengeful Harassment, Intimidation, “Public Nuisance” or “Disturbing the Peace” at MDOT Owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) “Frat House” Airstrip:
- N17177 – 1976 Cessna 177B, Dawn patrol Flying Club-LARA, 09-10-2022 video-1, #1 2022 ShitHeel Award Winner!
- N80522 – Livonia MI, 1976 Cessna 172M, 09-10-2022 image-1, habitual Community Pariah
- N5582H – Canton MI, 1967 Cessna 150G, SKY WINGS FLYING CLUB INC-LARA, 09-10-2022 video-1, image-1, ADS-B problems?
- N20873 – 1978 Piper PA-28-181, MANG Aero Club Inc.-LARA, 09-10-2022 video-1, image-1, No FlightAware entry, ADS-B problems? Just stopped in from YIP to harass surrounding neighborhoods, again, and again, and again, whenever the mood strikes.
- N120WE – 2002 Cessna 180T, video-1, image-1, image-2. Just stopped by for some quick disingenuous low flying harassment, then No Right Turn back to KARB, HARBOR AIR INC-LARA
- N5582H – 1967 Cessna 150G, image-1, usual repeated disingenuous low flying harassment from another habitual clown, SKY WINGS FLYING CLUB INC-LARA, yet another truly pathetic clown / community pariah.
- N757MK – 1974 Cessna 172M, video-1, more evening disingenuous low flying harassment, 101 FLIGHT LLC-LARA, just stopped in from KPTK, again, and again, and again . . .
- N3738L – Canton MI, 1965 Cessna 172G, 08-25-2022 video-1, image-1, image-2
- N6262W – Northville MI, 1964 Piper PA-28-140, 08-25-2022 video-1, image-1, image-2
- N67322– Canton MI, 1981 CESSNA 152, 08-20-2022 video-1, no matter where disingenuous low flying activity takes place it is a “public nuisance” and “disturbs the peace” for ALL surrounding neighborhoods!
- N1522V – Canton MI, 1976 Cessna 177B, Dawn Patrol Flying Club-LARA, 08-18-2022 video-1, image-1, image-2, image-3, habitual Award winner!
- N2020Z – Plymouth MI, 1963 Cessna 150C, 08-16-2022 video-1, image-1, image-2, seems to be getting angrier, dangerously more malevolent & vengeful with each “go round”!
- N6380J– Livonia MI, 1968 Piper PA-28-180, DEANGELO BOWDEN AVIATION LLC-LARA, 08-14-2022 video-1, yet another habitual vengeful clown, nobody has time to stand outside all day long capturing .mp4s, NOBDY does ANYTHING, authorities ignore and cannot control these clowns after years and years of complaints!
- N6668Q – 1983 Beech A36, yet another “Flying Junk Pile” (FJP), perfect for transient aviation ‘homeless’ people, foraging for sustenance image-1, don’t these people have somewhere they should be or someone that wonders where they are, or what they’re doing or even care? Truly pathetic, truly sad.
Here are a few more examples of what many would call disingenuous low altitude “go-arounds” or “low approaches” or “low takeoffs” AKA revenge fly-by (low flying harassment) behavior at the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”:
- SEE SECTION: Dawn Patrol Flying Club | N1522V | N17177 below.
- N1522V : video-1, image-1, image-2, image-3. More weekend Low Flying Harassment, Public Nuisance and Disturbing the Peace.
- N1522V : image-1, image-2, image-3. Another hour of Low Flying Harassment, Public Nuisance and Disturbing the Peace. One go-round with ADB-S on, then it appears to have failed and was broken for the rest of almost a full hour from 11:23am to 12:15pm! FAA FSDO should work with this airplane to see if it’s working as required by law?
- N1522V : video-1, image-1, image-2, image-3, video-2, image-1.
- N17177: 06-05-2022 disingenuous low altitude “go-arounds” or “low approaches” or “low takeoffs” AKA revenge fly-by (low flying harassment), video-1, image-1, image-2, image-3. From 2:32pm thru 2:52pm. 2:37pm, 2:46pm, 2:58pm, 3:02pm (touch-n-go as noted in FA image!), 3:17pm, 3:28pm, 3:37pm, 3:49pm.
- N17177 : From May 24, 2022 Saturday 11:44pm thru Sunday May 29, 2022 12:33am low flying harassment in the shape of heart (image-1, image-2), how cute, how absolutely juvenile. No wonder the surrounding communities are fed up with these hostile clowns and buffoons after decades of early morning and late night harassment.
- SEE SECTION Solo Aviation, Inc. | N94891 | Ann Arbor Municipal Airport (ARB) below.
- SEE SECTION Ford Eagles | N9846G | N733AY below.
- N733AY : Low flying revenge harassment Fly-By video-1, image. NOTE to FAA: No ADS-B, malfunctioning or misconfigured. No FlightAware 1d2 Entry, No ADS-BExchange visibility. A full hour of Community Pariah low flying revenge harassment Fly-Bys starting at 7:55pm, 8:08pm, 8:17pm, 8:30pm, 8:37pm, 8:45pm, ending around 8:54pm, with ZERO ADS-B or FlightAware traceability!
- N9846G : video-1, image-1, video-2, image-1, image-2.
- N9846G : 1971 Cessna 172L, image-1.
- SEE SECTION Michigan Flyers – University of Michigan Flyers Incorporated | N203GT | N222UM | N230TX | N53703 | Ann Arbor Municipal Airport (ARB) below
- SEE SECTION University of Detroit Flying Club | N110PF | Willow Run Airport (KYIP) below
- SEE SECTION Dearborn Flying Club | N5329R below
- N26936 : video-1, image-1, image-2. First few very low-flying go-rounds N26396 did not appear on FlightAware or ADS-B Exchange. ADS-B malfunctioning, misconfigured, broken or turned off, something was wrong. Finally appeared, Shorter & shorter go-rounds, more desperate, more angry hostile, lower and lower. After tenth or eleventh go-round N26936 disappeared until the next ‘mission’. Nothing, no history on Flight Aware, ADS-B malfunctioning, misconfigured, broken or turned off, no history, untraceable, unreportable low flying harassment.
- N20873 : video-1, image-1, image-2, image-3. SEE SECTION MANG Aero Flying Club | N20873 below. NOTE: the video is almost completely dark, but the noise certainly conveys what surrounding communities endure. N20873 flew from Put-in-Bay Airport (3W2) Ohio to Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) at 9:47pm to “disturb the peace” and practice habitual “public nuisance” maneuver ‘missions’. Then flew 1d2 home to Willow Run (KYIP). Pathetic performance from fine upstanding community pariah.
- N3579Q : video-1 (1d2)
- N99MQ : video-1, video-2 (1d2 Heavy Twin Engine landing)
- N201WG : video-1, image-1, image-2 (VLL-1d2-VLL misconfigured, broken or malfunctioning ADS-B)
- N3885T : video-1, N3885T LLC-LARA (Howell, Michigan OZW Right Turn NOT allowed, or is it?)
- Miscellaneous MDOT Enabled & Protected disingenuous low altitude “go-arounds” or “low approaches” or “low takeoffs” AKA revenge fly-by (low flying harassment)
- N556UH, video-1, image-1, image-2. It’s surrealistic, right here in Canton Township Michigan, houses vibrating & shaking (helicopter rotorcraft pilots know exactly how to maximize the effect) similar to the classic helicopter scene out of the Vietnam Era movie: APOCALYPSE NOW (video) – Ride of the Valkyries (1979) Francis Ford Coppola – YouTube.
- N6668Q – 1983 Beech A36, image-1
- N739BV – 1978 Cessna 172N, image-1
NOTE: Important to remember: helicopters are useful but dangerous tools and must be handled with care at all times:
- 6 dead after Vietnam-era helicopter crashes in West Virginia (html) 06-23-2022 | NBC News. The Bell UH-1D helicopter involved in the incident was a Vietnam-era aircraft being used for tourism purposes very similar to the Vietnam-era Yankee Air Museum (home) UH-1H at Willow Run (YIP). A disaster just waiting to happen.
- N98F Fatal (html) 22 Jun 22/ Destroyed – AIN Notices Report.
- NTSB Newsroom on Twitter: “NTSB is sending a team of 5 investigators and a family assistance specialist to the site of today’s crash of a Bell UH-1B in Logan, West Virginia.” (html) 22 Jun 22/ Twitter.
- Six die in vintage helicopter crash in West Virginia (html) 06-23-2022 | West Virginia | The Guardian. Accident involving Bell UH-1B ‘Huey’ used in Hollywood films took place at show where guests without pilot licenses could fly aircraft.
- 6 Dead After Vietnam-Era Helicopter Crashes in West Virginia Mountains (html) 06-23-2022 | com
eCFR :: 14 CFR 91.119 — Minimum safe altitudes: General (html).
faa regulations – Would the flyby in this video be illegal under 91.119(a)? (html) 12-31-2015 – Aviation Stack Exchange. Yes, of course most people would think so!
Low Flying Aircraft (html) 04-21-2021 – Legal & Medical Services (PPS) | AOPA
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Guide to Low Flying Aircraft (pdf). How to gather information and report Low Flying Aircraft to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
NOTE: See PAGE Civil Air Patrol (CAP) AKA Swivel Chair Patrol AKA Civil Air Pariah for examples of their expert pin point aviation execution of low flying harassment & intimidation.
Useful Public Information Links to Help Ferret Out MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Negative Aviation Impact Community Pariah & Creeps
Aviation Community Pariah & Aviation Creeps love anonymity. NOTE: as everyone knows there are some reasonable decent people involved, but a few, actually many “bad” apples spoil the barrel for everyone (Merriam-Webster) (html), here are some links that help identify the Creeps & Community Pariah AKA the “Bad Apples” or “Aviation Liabilities” that think they’re “Aviation Assets”:
- 1D2 | CANTON-PLYMOUTH-METTETAL AIRPORT | FAA, GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware, ADS-BE-1d2
- MI79 | EXEC FAA GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware, ADS-BE-MI79, google-maps-MI79
- KYIP | WILLOW RUN AIRPORT | FAA , GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware, ADS-BE-KYIP
- Y47 | OAKLAND SOUTHWEST AIRPORT | FAA, GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware, ADS-BE-Y47
- 45G | BRIGHTON AIRPORT | FAA, GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware, ADS-BE-45G
FAA Aircraft N-Number Inquiry – home. When the registered owner is shown as a corporation or LLC, first check to see if it is a registered Michigan Entity:
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Corporations Online Filing System (html) – Search for a Business entity or Individual Name. For examples: see “Dawn Patrol Flying Club” or “Ford Eagles Flying Club” below.
If corporation or LLC is not found in Michigan there are other resources to help locate entities such as: OpenCorporates :: The Open Database of The Corporate World. Find business Entities and Individuals obscuring their identity across the United States.
Another useful resource:
- FAA Registered Aircraft, Dealers and Manufacturers in the US (html) | City-Data.com.
Live Flight Tracker (html) – FlightAware. For any airport.
Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport (1D2) – FlightAware.
All Photos (html) – FlightAware.
AirNav RadarBox (html) – Live Flight Tracker and Airport Status.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Public Information re Airports-Flying in Michigan:
- U.S. Civil Airmen Statistics (html) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The U.S. Civil Airmen Statistics is an annual study published to meet the demands of FAA, other government agencies, and industry. It contains detailed airmen statistics not published in other FAA reports.
- FAA Registry – Airmen – Airmen Inquiry – Name Search (html) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
- Airport Data and Information Portal (html) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Export All Public Information re Airports-Flying in Michigan.
- FAA Home▸ Licenses & Certificates ▸ Airmen Certification.
- FAA Home▸ Licenses & Certificates ▸ Airport Certification.
- FAA Home▸ Licenses & Certificates ▸ Aircraft Certification ▸ Aircraft Registration. Aircraft Registration – Releasable Aircraft Database Download (html).
- FAA Home▸ Air Traffic ▸ Technology ▸ Equip ADS-B. Find out if your equipment is working properly.
- U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aircraft Inquiry (html). Official Aircraft N-Number Lookup.
Dawn Patrol Flying Club | N1522V | N17177 – MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club Community Pariah Publicly Available Information
Dawn Patrol Flying Club
22255 Waterland Drive
Northville, MI 48167
Phone: tel:313-354-2284
Email: jafpilot@mi.rr.com
Email: contact@dawnpatrolflyingclub.com
Dawn Patrol Flying Club Other Information
- Dawn Patrol Flying Club – Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Identification Number: 800832709 Old ID Number: 743411.
- Dawn Patrol Flying Club (html) :: Michigan (US)|Open Corporates.
- Dawn Patrol Flying Club at 1D2 – AOPA Airports.
- Dawn Patrol Flying Club – AOPA (html): your freedom to fly | Facebook.
- Dawn Patrol Flying Club (home) – aircraft (html) (contact).
- N17177 Dawn Patrol Flying Club Cessna 177B Cardinal II Photo by Steve Homewood | ID 273914 | net.
- N1522V (1974 CESSNA 172M owned by DAWN PATROL FLYING CLUB INC) Aircraft Registration – FlightAware.
- N17177 (1976 CESSNA 177B owned by DAWN PATROL FLYING CLUB) Aircraft Registration – FlightAware.
- FAA Aircraft Inquiry N1522V. (image).
- FAA Aircraft Inquiry N17177. (image) (image).
Dawn Patrol Flying Club (html) Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA)
Resident Agent Name: Joe Fortman
Street Address: 22255 WATERLAND DR
City: NORTHVILLE State: MI Zip Code: 48167
Title | Name | Address |
President | Rick Karaschin | 46200 Bemis Rd. Belleville, MI 48111 USA |
Treasurer | Joe Fortman | 22255 Waterland Drive Northville, MI 48167 USA |
Secretary | Joe Davis | 22085 Cherrywood Road Woodhaven, MI 48183 USA |
Director | Rick Karaschin | 46200 Bemis Rd. Belleville, MI 48111 USA |
Director | Joe Davis | 22085 Cherrywood Road Woodhaven, MI 48183 USA |
Director | Joe Fortman | 22255 Waterland Drive Northville, MI 48167 USA |
Ford Eagles | N9846G | N733AY – MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club Community Pariah Publicly Available Information
Ford Eagles Flying Club
3051 Rolston Drive
Plymouth, MI 48170
Phone: tel:734-223-2675
Email: dbuck19208@aol.com
Ford Eagles [Flying Club] Other Information:
- Ford Eagles – Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Identification Number: 800854975 Old ID Number: 764093.
- Ford Eagles :: Michigan (US)|Open Corporates (html).
- Ford Eagles Flying Club at 1D2 – AOPA Airports.
- Ford Eagle Flying Club (home) – Plymouth MI.
- Ford Eagles Flying Club Membership For Sale Really CHEAP (html) – aviation – by owner – airplane…
- N733AY (1976 CESSNA 172N owned by FORD EAGLES INC) Aircraft Registration – FlightAware.
- N9846G (1971 CESSNA 172L owned by FORD EAGLES INC) Aircraft Registration – FlightAware.
- FAA Aircraft Inquiry N9846G, (html), (image)
- FAA Aircraft Inquiry N733AY, (html), (image)
Ford Eagles (html) Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA)
Resident Agent Name: DAVID W BUCK
Street Address: 13051 ROLSTON DR
City: PLYMOUTH State: MI Zip Code: 48170-5206
Title | Name | Address |
President | Marc Stobbe | 9323 Westbury Plymouth, MI 48170 USA |
Treasurer | David Buck | 13051 Rolston Dr Plymouth, MI 48170 USA |
Secretary | David Peters | 39777 London Ct Northville, MI 48167 USA |
Director | Bill Cowdin | 34508 Ramble Hills Dr Farmington Hills, MI 48331 USA |
Director | Kyle Buckle | 42010 Baintree Circle Northville, MI 48168 USA |
Director | Sam Mehsen | 48084 Gladstone Rd Canton, MI 48188 USA |
Ford Eagles | N9846G | N733AY – Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists Appointed & Approved MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Airstrip Administrators by Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
Here is current Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) guidance for Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airstrip CURRENT (pdf) (NOTE: second page “Recommended Noise Abatement Procedures” have been removed, here is ORIGINAL (pdf).
NOTE: Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) removed all “Recommended Noise Abatement Procedures” in a sneaky vengeful nasty Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) way only MDOT can do.
Also NOTE common matching names found on the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulation (LARA) for registered entity “Ford Eagles LARA“:
Hey wait a minute! NOTE: the President and Treasurer of the Ford Eagles [Flying Club], a registered “Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club” are appointed and approved by MDOT as Administrators of the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip! Something just doesn’t seem right. Who is paying for the phones, hours worked, insurance, D/N seem to be any clear separation of duties for a property owned and operated by the State of Michigan. It’s NOT just the appearance of impropriety, but actual impropriety, conflict of interest, favoritism, special dispensation, preferential treatment, cronyism, etc. These clown don’t care about and have not protected the community ever!
Current (latest) document version shows:
Marc Stobbe
Dave Buck – tel:734-233-2675
PH: tel:734-459-0012
tel:248-981-8127 (manager cell)
NOTE: ORIGINAL “Noise Abatement” guidance (page 2) that has been in place for decades has been removed! How convenient for the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”, “open season” to do whatever they please, whenever they please.
Original document version shows:
Marc Stobbe
Dave Buck – tel:734-233-2675
Louis Lambert
Brian Anthony
William Brown – tel:248-379-4935
PH: tel:734-459-0012
tel:248-981-8127 (manager cell)
Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists are In Charge & Making Critical Decisions on Behalf of the State of Michigan Increasing State of Michigan Liability Risks
Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists are In Charge & Making Critical Decisions on Behalf of the State of Michigan Increasing State of Michigan Liability Risks with Unknown Consequences. It’s quite well known, Landlords never evict or even discipline themselves. Michigan Courts had to intervene with other “Frat House” operations for the same reasons:
When the ‘regular’ MDOT appointed ‘grounds keeper’ leaves the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” around ~1:30pm when he’s even there, decision making shifts to the back-up or Assistant Manger(s) to ‘make the tough calls’ leaving the State of Michigan open to all kinds of unknown, unidentified, unnecessary legal risks. These collective clowns have been running ‘rough shod’ over surrounding communities for almost 50 years!
- Everyone knows that you can’t have “Frat House” members also be “Frat House” Managers or Assistant Managers, it just doesn’t work and defies logic!
- Judge issues injunction, forbids EMU frat from throwing parties (html) 02-23-2022 | Detroit Free press.
- Washtenaw County prosecutor, Ypsilanti sue EMU fraternity over ‘tsunami of sexual assaults’ (html) 01-06-2022 – mlive.com
- Fraternity cites ‘kangaroo court’ worry in break with Eastern Michigan (html) 10-12-2021 | Detroit Free Press.
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is the negation of the principles and commitments that protect us all, it is everyone’s business and in their own best interest to expose & stop MDOT immediately for future generations.
MANG Aero Flying Club Inc. | N20873 – Willow Run Airport (KYIP) Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club Community Pariah Publicly Available Information
MANG Aero Flying Club, Inc.
Hangar, F St, Belleville, MI 48111
Phone: tel:248-437-5883
President: Cal Locklin tel:734-740-0215
Vice President: Leo Petretta tel:734-981-7239
Email: info@mangaero.org
Other MANG Aero Flying Club, Inc. Information
- MANG AERO CLUB, INC. – Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Identification Number: 800855205 Old ID Number: 759172.
- MANG AERO CLUB, INC. :: Michigan (US) :: OpenCorporates
- MANG Aero Club, Inc. | Facebook.
- N20873 (1978 PIPER PA-28-181 owned by MANG AERO CLUB) Aircraft Registration – FlightAware.
- N43755 (1977 PIPER PA-28-181 owned by MANG AERO CLUB INC) Aircraft Registration – FlightAware.
- N54115 (1981 CESSNA 172P owned by MANG AERO CLUB INC) Aircraft Registration – FlightAware.
- MANG Aero Club, Inc. = Non-profit community pariah, clowns & amateurs with highest expenses.
- MANG Aero Club, Inc. at KYIP – AOPA Airports
- MANG Aero Flying Club (home). A Michigan based flying club at Willow Run Airport (KYIP). (aircraft) (membership) (calendar) (non-family-fun-1) (non-family-fun-2) (non-family-fun-3) (non-familiy-fun-4) (non-family-fun-5).
- FAA Aircraft Inquiry N20873, (image-1) (image-2).
- FAA Aircraft Inquiry N43755, (image-1) (image-2).
- FAA Aircraft Inquiry N54115, (image-1) (image-2).
MANG AERO CLUB, INC. (html) Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA).
Resident Agent Name: MATTHEW KLADDER
Street Address: 43456 CHERRYWOOD LN
City: CANTON State: MI Zip Code: 48188
Title | Name | Address |
President | Cal Locklin | 6204 Five Mile Rd Northville, MI 48168 USA |
Treasurer | Matthew Kladder | 43456 Cherrywood Ln Canton, MI 48188 USA |
Secretary | Desiree Dearmond | 3402 Maidstone Trenton, MI 48483 USA |
Director | Leo Petretta | 1575 Hereford Ct Canton, Mi 48187 Usa |
Director | David Schrader | 910 Freemont Livonia, Mi 48150 Usa |
Director | Dale Thorsby | 17711 Brentwood Dr Riverview, MI 48192 USA |
Solo Aviation Inc. | N94891 | FBO, Flight School, Maintenance at Ann Arbor Airport, Michigan | Ann Arbor Municipal Airport (ARB) Pleasure, Recreational, Social Club or Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Community Pariah Publicly Available Information
Solo Aviation Inc. FBO, Flight School, Maintenance at Ann Arbor Airport, Michigan.
Solo Aviation Inc.
801 Airport Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: tel:734.994.6651
Contact and Location
For After-Hours Fueling, Call: tel:734-994-6651
Solo Aviation Inc. Other Information
- Solo Aviation, Inc. (html) – Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)
- N94891 – Missed Approach LLC (html). Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).
- Flight, location & Instrument ground school (html), image-1, image-2, image-3.
- N94891 (1983 CESSNA 152 owned by MISSED APPROACH LLC) Aircraft Registration – FlightAware. image-1, image-2.
- FAA Aircraft Inquiry N94891.
- SOLO AVIATION INC – 14 Photos – Flight Instruction – 801 Airport Dr, Ann Arbor, MI – Phone Number – Yelp. Yelp Reviews. Yelp connects people with great local businesses. Not all of them are great, some are really ‘stinkers’ for sure.
- The worst Academy ever. You will engage in fraud. You can take the private pilot license in 40 hours. But they give you it after the 60 hours. The instructors are always trying to take money from you in any way. By telling you “i think you are not ready” to pay more money. So if you want to save your money. Do not go there.
- Charged me for instructor’s time after having wasted 1.5hr of my time because plane not ready to rent. The plane didn’t have the proper paperwork. Plane had a lot of squawks like a broken/intermittent transponder [reported back 2014!] . . .
- N94891
- Solo Aviation, Inc. FBO Info & Fuel Prices at Ann Arbor Muni (KARB) – FlightAware.
- Solo Aviation – Home | Facebook.
- Solo Aviation, Inc | LinkedIn.
Solo Aviation Inc. Locations
- Primary – Ann Arbor Municipal Airport (KARB) / (ARB)
- 801 Airport Dr
- Ann Arbor, MI 48108, US
- Get directions
- Ann Arbor Municipal Airport (ARB)
- Ann Arbor Municipal Airport Advisory Committee (AAC)
- Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Airstrip
- 8550 N Lilley Rd
- Canton, MI 48187, US
- Get directions
- Jackson County Airport (JXN)
- Jackson Community College (JCCMI).
- 3610 Wildwood Ave
- Jackson, MI 49202, US
- Get directions
- Airport | Jackson County, MI.
- Juan Zapata, Airport Manager and good person!
- Email Juan Zapata
- Phone: tel:517-788-4225
- Airport Board | Jackson County, MI
- Airport Advisory Council | Jackson County, MI
The University of Detroit Flying Club Inc. | N110PF | Willow Run Airport (KYIP) Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club Community Pariah Publicly Available Information
33615 Wood Street
Bird Cage Hangars
Livonia, MI 48154-2760
Phone: tel:734-261-6498
Email: michael.robins@sbcglobal.net
- The UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT FLYING CLUB INC. – Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Identification Number: 800824054 Old ID Number: 746168
- THE UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT FLYING CLUB INC. (html) :: Michigan (US) :: OpenCorporates.
- U of D Flying Club at KYIP – AOPA Airports.
- University of Detroit Mercy Home Page | University of DetrDONE oit Mercy. It appears the two entities are no longer related but the pariah flying club still brandishes the University’s good name for some unknown reason. See history here: Come fly the friendly skies of the University of Detroit Flying Club! (html) | Office of Digital Education (IDS) / University of Detroit Mercy CETL. Surprising this is allowed for legal reasons alone?
- University of Detroit Flying Club N110PF ???? Cessna 177B: video-1, image-1, image-2, image-3, image-4 NOTE: this Flight Aware (FA) image shows repeated touch-and-go (Wikipedia) landings that are explicitly prohibited at MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”.
- FAA Aircraft Inquiry N110PF. Another useless, decrepit Flying Junk Pile (FJP) video-1, image-1, video-2, image-1, image-2.
- Balloonist dies in plane crash (html) 02-01-1911 reprint 03-11-2020 – The County Press. Colleagues elected him president of the Detroit Flying Club. At 500 feet in the air, Kreider’s plane crashed into Bruce’s monoplane just under the nose. The ships locked, fell together a short distance and separated. Kreider’s plane went into a spinning nosedive and crashed into the ground, killing him instantly. Sadly all the three other plane passengers died shortly afterward.
THE UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT FLYING CLUB INC. (html) Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA).
Resident Agent Name: CHEDRIN CHAMBERS
Street Address: 13555 MEMORIAL ST.
City: DETROIT State: MI Zip Code: 48227
Title | Name | Address |
President | Mario Accardo | 43983 Dartmouth St. Canton, MI 48188 USA |
Treasurer | Chedrin Chambers | 13555 Memorial St. Detroit, MI 48227 USA |
Secretary | Michael L Robins | 33615 Wood St. Livonia, MI 48154 USA |
Director | Michael L Robins | 33615 Wood St. Livonia, MI 48154 USA |
Director | Chedrin Chambers | 13555 Memorial St. Detroit, MI 48227 USA |
Director | Mario Accardo | 43983 Dartmouth St. Canton, MI 48188 USA |
Dearborn Flying Club| N5329R – MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club Community Pariah Publicly Available Information
- Dearborn Flying Club – Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Identification Number: 800864853 Old ID Number: 780411
- Dearborn Flying Club (html) :: Michigan (US) :: OpenCorporates.
- Dearborn Flying Club at 1D2 – AOPA Airports
Dearborn Flying Club
281 Sherrie Lane
Northville, MI 48167
Email: Vice President: Stephen Fuerst sfuerst@sbcglobal.net, tel:517-545-8229
- Dearborn Flying Club FAA Aircraft Inquiry N5329R 1965 Cessna 172F.
Dearborn Flying Club – Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs (LARA).
Resident Agent Name: JOANNE L EGAN
Street Address: 29 ROSLYN ROAD
City: GROSSE POINTE SHORES State: MI Zip Code: 48236
Title | Name | Address |
President | Nancy Sharma | 13922 Leeton Circle Chantilly, VA 20151 USA |
Treasurer | Joanne Egan | 29 Roslyn Road Grosse Pointe Shores, MI 48236 USA |
Secretary | Joanne Egan | 29 Roslyn Road Grosse Pointe Shores, MI 48236 USA |
Director | Joanne Egan | 29 Roslyn Road Grosse Pointe Shores, MI 48236 USA |
Director | Alan Egan | 29 Roslyn Road Grosse Pointe Shores, MI 48236 USA |
Director | Nancy Sharma | 13922 Leeton Circle Chantilly, VA 20151 USA |
Michigan Flyers – University of Michigan Flyers Incorporated | N203GT | N222UM | N230TX | N53703| Ann Arbor Municipal Airport (ARB) – Michigan Registered Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club Community Pariah Publicly Available Information
[INSERT IMAGE ShitHeel Trophy]
The University of Michigan Flyers Incorporated
Ann Arbor Municipal Airport (ARB)
1075 Airport Dr STE 230
Ann Arbor, MI 48108 USA
Phone: tel:734-994-6208
Website: www.michiganflyers.org
Email: information@michiganflyers.org
The Michigan Flyers – University of Michigan Flyers Incorporated Other Publicly Available Information:
- Michigan Flyers – Learn to fly with us.
- Michigan Flyers on Instagram • Photos and Videos.
- Michigan Flyers (@michiganflyers) • Instagram photos and videos.
- Michigan Flyers at KARB – AOPA Airports.
- MICHIGAN FLYERS – 15 Photos – Flight Instruction – 1075 Airport Dr, Ann Arbor, MI – Phone Number – Yelp.
- Michigan Flyers | LinkedIn.
- University of Michigan’s Flying Club, Willow Run Airport, May 1948 | Ann Arbor District Library (AADL).
- Subjects Ann Arbor Aero Service, Willow Run Airport, Flying Club, Aviation, Airports, Airplanes, Old News, Ann Arbor News, 801 Kirk Profit Dr Ypsilanti, Willow Run (Mich.)
- Michigan Flyers UMFlyers.org. Located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The University of Michigan Flyers, Inc. is a flying club located at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport (ARB) in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Membership is open to the general public.
- Michigan Flyers – Home | Facebook.
- University of Michigan Flyers – Ann Arbor – LocalWiki.
- History Lessons: U-M Flies High (html) – Alumni Association of the University of Michigan.
- Reddit| Anyone part of the “Michigan Flyers” out of Ann Arbor? (html) : flying. If you need an instructor, even just for your checkout, avoid K.R. like the plague. Horrible instructor, horrible experience, and she tried to rip me off. Wow I actually had an unfriendly experience with K.R and I thought it wasn’t her and that it was that I wasn’t good enough to fly so I quit!
- THE FIRST FIFTY YEARS. (A Fragmentary, Anecdotal History) (pdf) 2017. Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering. The University of Michigan (UMich). Compiled by Robert P. Weeks, Professor of English, College of Engineering | The History of University of Michigan 1817 – 2017 (home).
- The University of Michigan Flyers taking off the past 100 years (html) 10-30-2011 | The Michigan Daily.
Resident Agent Name: ANDY FOWLER
Street Address: 1075 AIRPORT DRIVE STE 230
City: Ann Arbor State: MI Zip Code: 48108
EIN 38-2055116
ID Number: 800834568
Old ID Number: 755168
Title | Name | Address |
President | Andy Fowler | 1075 Airport Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108 USA |
Treasurer | Jacob Smith | 1075 Airport Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108 USA |
Secretary | Chris Ballard | 1075 Airport Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108 USA |
Director | Bruce Williams | 1075 Airport Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108 USA |
Director | Emma Kerber | 1075 Airport Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108 USA |
Director | James Power | 1075 Airport Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108 USA |
Director | Ryan Beatty | 1075 Airport Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108 USA |
The Michigan Flyers – University of Michigan Flyers Incorporated Publicly Available Information N230TX: Fatal Accident
- 7 months after plane crash, missing U-M doctoral student declared dead (html) 10-05-2017 | Detroit Free Press.
- U-M student who vanished during flight still missing (html) 09-18-2017 | Detroit Free Press.
- Mystery surrounds U-M student’s final flight (html) 04-10-2017 | Lansing State Journal.
- Mystery surrounds U-M student’s final flight (html) 04-09-2017 | Detroit Free Press.
- Kathryn’s Report: Cessna 172P Skyhawk, N230TX: Fatal accident occurred March 18, 2017 (html) Updated 2018 | Kathyrn’s Report. Two Michigan mysteries have been solved, a mysterious plane crash in 2017, and the discovery of human remains found in Saginaw County more than a year later. On March 15, 2017, at an unknown time, a Cessna 172P airplane, N230TX, owned and operated by the University of Michigan Flyers Inc. was substantially damaged when it collided with wooded terrain [crashed] near Manitouwadge, Ontario, Canada. No pilot or occupant was found in the wreckage. The flight originated from the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport, near Ann Arbor, Michigan, about 1912 eastern daylight time and was destined for the Harbor Springs Airport, near Harbor Springs, Michigan.
- FAA Aircraft Inquiry N230TX. Deregistered / Cancelled / Not Assigned.
The Michigan Flyers – University of Michigan Flyers Incorporated Publicly Available Information N203GT Previous Crash – Impact Terrain
- FAA Aircraft Inquiry N203GT. University of Michigan Flyers ARB, 1979 Cessna 172N, image-1, image-2, image-3, image-4.
- Cessna 172N crash in Alabama (N203GT) 03-03-2008| PlaneCrashMap.com.
- AviationDB – Aviation Database – Aircraft N203GT (html).
Chamblee, Georgia, DeKalb-Peachtree Airport (PDK) | N203GT
Excellent example of Negative Aviation Impacts & Monitoring by a local municipality that take these issues very seriously!
- Chamblee, Georgia, DeKalb-Peachtree Airport (PDK)
- Excellent example of Negative Aviation Impacts & Monitoring: August Noise Report. Monthly Noise Report September 2018 (pdf). Prepared by Nate Schattner, Noise & Environmental Analyst. DeKalb-Peachtree Airport (PDK) is located in a highly noise-sensitive area as it is surrounded by residential communities. Aircraft noise is noise pollution generated by an aircraft, and may occur during all phases of flight. For instance, while aircraft are on the ground, taxiing, operating auxiliary power units (APUs), and conducting run-ups may contribute noise pollution to the surrounding areas. While aircraft are in the air, noise pollution can occur underneath and to the sides of departure and arrival paths. N203GT is a sign of a habitual community pariah (Amateur Hobbyist Sport Recreational Clowns) wherever the aircraft flies or is located.
- PDK Airport – Home. Located in the city of Chamblee, just northeast of Atlanta. It is also known commonly as Peachtree–DeKalb Airport, or simply PDK. Address: 2000 Airport Rd, Atlanta, GA 30341. Phone: tel:770-936-5440.
- Welcome | DeKalb County GA Airport (PDK). Plane Noise. Residents living near the DeKalb-Peachtree Airport can now submit noise complaints to airport staff via a mobile app. PlaneNoise allows users to submit noise complaints via a new and easy to understand web form, a mobile app, as well as a hotline. Instructions on how to use both the web form and the mobile app can be found on our Noise Program Page. Please note that you will still be able to send complaints to pdknoise@dekalbcountyga.gov for the time being, however we encourage all users to begin using the PlaneNoise platform. Please contact Environmental and Noise Analyst, Korey Barnes for any questions kbarnes@dekalbcountyga.gov or tel:770-936-5420.
- AirNav: KPDK – Dekalb-Peachtree Airport.
- DeKalb–Peachtree Airport – Wikipedia.
The Michigan Flyers – University of Michigan Flyers Incorporated Publicly Available Information N222UM Previous Serious Injury Accident
- N222UM 1977 Cessna 152: video-1, image-1, image-2, image-3
- N222UM | Cessna 152 | University Of Michigan Flyers | Adam of A2 | JetPhotos.
- N222UM | Cessna 152 | University Of Michigan Flyers | Andrew Thompson | JetPhotos.
- N222UM image.
- FAA Aircraft Inquiry N222UM.
- N222UM — $101 / hour — Michigan Flyers.
- Cessna 152 crash in Michigan (N222UM) 05-25-2011| PlaneCrashMap.com. The airplane was registered to and operated by University of Michigan Flyers Inc. Flight instructor exited the airplane with a student pilot at the controls. The flight instructor was struck by the propeller and sustained serious injuries. The headset cord was caught by the moving propeller, turning her into the propeller. The airplane was registered to and operated by University of Michigan Flyers Inc.
- Cessna Pilot Safety and Warning Supplement, Potential Hazards, Propellers, states: Pilots can be most effective in ensuring that his or her passengers arrive and depart the vicinity of the airplane safely by stopping the engine(s) completely at the time of loading and unloading, or by providing a definite means of keeping them clear of the propeller if it is left in motion.
- Aviation Accident Summary CEN11LA368.
The Michigan Flyers – University of Michigan Flyers Incorporated Publicly Available Information N53703: Michigan Registered Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club Community Pariah
FAA Aircraft Inquiry N53703: 1981 Cessna 172P, image-1. Thanks for another morning wake up call, right on schedule, truly some creepy people! Can’t believe the University of Michigan (UMich) allows the University’s good name to be besmirched in this way. Most likely President Mary Sue Coleman, President Emerita of the University of Michigan and President Emerita of the Association of American Universities (AAU), which represents the country’s leading research universities is NOT aware of these flying rodeo clowns hiding behind the University of Michigan’s good graces, but who knows, stranger things have happened? Current leadership / President of the Association of American Universities (AAU) is Barbara R. Snyder.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Problems: Registration Fraud, Noise, and Broken, Malfunctioning & Tampering or Turing Off ADS-B Transponders
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aircraft Registration Fraud Problems
Aviation: FAA Needs to Better Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Fraud and Abuse Risks in Aircraft Registration (html) 2020 | U.S. GAO. Highlights Page (pdf) (1 page), Full Report (pdf) (92 pages), Accessible (pdf) (98 pages).
Watchdog: FAA Registry Open to Fraud, Abuse (html) 03-25-2020 | Business Aviation News: Aviation International News. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) relies on self-certification of registrants, and a GAO review found that under the process, the agency [FAA] typically does NOT verify applicant identity, ownership, and address information.
Many Michigan registered aircraft use phony addresses, expired corporate or LLC names and addresses or convoluted inaccurate contact information to evade detection and reporting. The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) does ZERO enforcement of just about anything visible to the naked eye that anyone can tell of, except “Pancake Breakfasts”, parties and Fly-ins of all sorts, and of course 4-star Executive “Business” Meetings on Mackinac Island at which they excel.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Noise Problems
GAO-21-103933, Aircraft Noise: FAA Could Improve Outreach through Enhanced Noise Metrics, Communication, and Support to Communities (pdf) September 2021.
Aircraft Noise: FAA Could Improve Outreach Through Enhanced Noise Metrics, Communication, and Support to Communities (html) 09-28-2021 GAO-21-103933 | U.S. GAO. Highlights Page (pdf) (1 page), Full Report (pdf) (68 pages), Accessible (pdf) (73 pages).
Aircraft Noise: FAA Could Improve Outreach Through Enhanced Noise Metrics, Communication, and Support to Communities GAO-22-105844 (html) 09-28-2021 | Transportation Research Board (TRB) Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) Database TRID, and OECD Joint Transport Research Centre’s International Transport (html) Research Documentation (ITRD) Database.| National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (html).
Aircraft Noise: FAA Should Improve Efforts to Address Community Concerns UPDATE (html) (pdf) 03-17-2022. NOTE: Continued attention is needed to ensure concerns are fully addressed by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). | Transportation Research Board (TRB) Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) Database TRID, and OECD Joint Transport Research Centre’s International Transport (html) Research Documentation (ITRD) Database.| National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (html).
Under Scrutiny: The New GAO Recommendations for FAA Aircraft Registration (pdf). The Air & Space Lawyer (html), Volume 33, Number 2, 2020. © 2020 by the American Bar Association (ABA).
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) (pdf) Fiscal Year 2021.
Federal Airport Noise Regulations and Programs (pdf) R46920 September 27, 2021 | Congressional Research Service https://crsreports.congress.gov.
- FAA Home▸ Airports ▸ Environmental Programs ▸ Airport Noise
- FAA Home▸ Airports ▸ Environmental Programs ▸ Airport Noise ▸Part 161 – Notice and Approval of Airport Noise and Access Restrictions. This is ‘ancient’ but still relevant in the overall scheme of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) NOISE abatement.
Summary of the Noise Control Act (html) 42 U.S.C. §4901 et seq. (1972) | US EPA. While primary responsibility for control of noise rests with State and Local governments, Federal action is essential to deal with major noise sources in commerce, control of which require national uniformity of treatment. EPA is directed by Congress to coordinate the programs of all Federal agencies relating to noise research and noise control.
eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 91 — General Operating and Flight Rules (html).
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Broken, Malfunctioning Tampering with or Turning Off ADS-B Transponder Problems
NOTE: the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) at Willow Run (KYIP has been contacted regarding the ADS-B transponder problems described at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 on this web site. Clarifications and updates will be provided as information is received from the FAA FSDO, thank you for your patience.
ADS-B: Broken, Malfunctioning, Misconfigured, Tampering, Purposely Interfering or Turning Off ADS-B is Illegal, right? It is per the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Hopefully the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) FSDO is aware of these problems in Southeast Michigan?
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Cannot Control Broken, Malfunctioning Tampering with or Turning Off ADS-B Transponder Problems” in SE Michigan.
Daily log shows at least half a dozen aircraft with NO ADS-B every single day! FAA cannot or won’t enforce anything illegal at all!
- N157RP – Livonia MI, 2006 E-AB, STILLE WAETERS LLC-LARA, 09-10-2022 image-1, No ADS-B, No Callsign, No FlightAware Entry, Broken ADS-B?
- N8233C – Grand Rapids MI, 1975 Piper P28A, AIRQUEST AVIATION, INC.-LARA, pathetic MDOT Bottle Fly from GRR, 09-10-2022 image-1, No ADS-B, No Right Turn, no real pattern here, always a “free for all” clown fest!
- N260Y – Northville MI, 2013 TITAN T-51 E-AB, image-1 08-21-2022
- N957HY – Milford MI, 2009 VANS RV-9A, 08-18-2022 image-1, Broken or Malfunctioning ADS-B on a “Weekly Basis” Attending Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Local Meeting, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is Literally Helpless and Cannot Do ANYTHING Despite Complaints and Continued Almost Daily Incidents.
The Broken, Malfunctioning Tampering with or Turning Off ADS-B Transponder incidents never seem to stop and go one continually:
N17177 – visual ID aircraft perform several low altitude “go rounds” (image-1) (image-2) and yet N17177 did NOT appear on either ADS-B Exchange or FlightAware. FlightAware states “first seen near Detroit”. FA does not log flight arrival / departure from 1d2. ADS-B: Broken, Malfunctioning, Misconfigured?
N1522V – visual ID aircraft perform several low altitude “go rounds” (image-1) (image-2) (image-3) and yet N1522V does NOT appear on either ADS-B Exchange or Flight Aware. FlightAware states “first seen near Detroit”. FlightAware does not log flight arrival / departure from 1d2. ADS-B: Broken, Malfunctioning, Misconfigured?
N1522V / N17177 & N9846G are habitual performers of disingenuous low altitude “go rounds” or “low approaches” or “low take-offs”. Same with the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) AKA Swivel Chair Patrol AKA Civil Air Pariah, but CAP has their own dedicated page as there is lot to say about those creeps!
Lately, it appears that several aircraft are experiencing broken, malfunctioning or misconfigured ADS-B hardware too (1d2-no callsign), (ARB-no callsign) (YIP-no-callsign) including aircraft from ARB, YIP and elsewhere are having transponder problems when using MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” as well:
- Standard Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 “Frat House” – No Callsign, broken, misconfigured, or tampered, or turned-off (image). This is “Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)”, just turn off ADS-B as of May 2022 at 1d2 to avoid detection & reporting to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) who is helpless to control these Clowns.
- N20873 (YIP) (MANG Aero Flying Club) 04-17-2022. ADS-B: Broken, Malfunctioning, Misconfigured?
- N2893L (1d2) 03-05-2022, 03-20-2022, 04-02-2022, 04-10-2022, 04-17-2022. ADS-B: Broken, Malfunctioning, Misconfigured?
- N99RL (ARB) 02-23-2022, 02-24-2022, 03-09-2022, 03-29-2022. ADS-B: Broken, Malfunctioning, Misconfigured?
- N110PF (YIP) (The University of Detroit Flying Club Inc.) 04-10-2022. ADS-B: Broken, Malfunctioning, Misconfigured?
There was a “Special Interest” & “Industry Lobbyist” Event on Saturday April 23, 2022 from 7:30am to 11:30pm where additional aircraft also seem to be experiencing broken, malfunctioning or misconfigured ADS-B hardware too:
- N201WG video-1 image-1 image-2 (VLL) 04-23-2022. Doesn’t show on FlightAware as departure or arrival at 1d2 or VLL. Misconfigured, broken or malfunctioning ADS-B?
- N237DJ (image-1). Doesn’t show as arrival or departure at 1d2, MI79, YIP or anywhere else either. ADS-B: Broken, Malfunctioning, Misconfigured? Again 05-05-2022 6:43pm, keeps happening over and over!
- No callsign (image-1). Misconfigured, broken or malfunctioning ADS-B?
It’s very odd, there does NOT seem to be issues with MOST other aircraft in the Southeast Michigan area, including ARB, YIP Y47, PTK, etc.
Lately it seems to be Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) at MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”: Aircraft with No ADS-B, malfunctioning or misconfigured (includes itinerant Special Interest & industry Lobbyist pals & cronies). It appears that many of these aircraft need to work with the local FAA FSDO to calibrate, test and ensure proper working configurations and hardware working as required by law:
- 06-08-2022 5:30pm image Helicopter YIP to 1d2. Helicopters with NO ADS-B is a common occurrence.
- 06-05-2022 9-30am N957HY, image.
- 06-04-2022 5:37pm image.
- 06-04-2022 image – No Callsign 11:25am 1d2 to OZW Livingston County Spencer J. Hardy Airport (html) | Livingston County
- 06-04-2022 11:23am to 12:15pm N1522V : image-1, image-2. One go-round with ADB-S on, then it appears to have failed and was broken for the rest of almost a full hour from 11:23am to 12:15pm!
- 06-02-2022 6:39pm N957HY image (positive visual confirmation)
- 06-02-2022 5:36pm Civil Air Patrol (CAP) (positive visual confirmation)
- 05-30-2022 N17177, N6273U, N9448C
- 05-29-2022 N340C, N957CS, N67322, N17177
- 05-28-2022 N733AY, N17177
- 05-24-2022 N603SA, N26396, N957HY, N78DC, N9846G, N2020Z
- 05-23-2022 N17177, N58SE
- 05-22-2022 N3251F, N957CS, N5768V
- 05-19-2022 N957HY, N74510, N94891
Nobody ever does anything about the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” at the Local, County, State or Federal level, it’s a real joke!
Maybe, just maybe all these aircraft and their operators have some sort of “special dispensation” or “clearance” for “Search & Rescue” or “Stealth Mode” or “Military Ops” or other “Sensitive Operations” permissions from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or maybe this is part of growing National trend towards some truly typical nasty vindictive vengeful and potentially illegal activity exemplified by MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” and other protected “Special Interest” + “Industry Lobbyist” members! NOTE: any “low altitude” operations are potentially deadly as most accidents & fatalities occur during the take-off and landing approach phases, obviously no time to be playing silly immature games. Hopefully the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) FSDO is aware and can TRY to control these clowns wherever they may be, sure doesn’t seem like it.
SEE: Approach and Landing Accidents (ALA) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety.
“Disturbing the Peace” and “Public, Private or Nuisance Per Se” Are Prohibited in Michigan Right?
Disturbing the peace, also referred to as breach of the peace, is when a person disturbs peace and tranquility in a public space. Every state has a different law defining what constitutes disturbing the peace and the penalties the offender will face. First check out what the terms mean separately and specifically in Michigan.
What is “Disturbing the Peace” in Michigan?
Just exactly what is “Disturbing the Peace” in Michigan?
The crime of disturbing the peace is a “catch-all” statute in most jurisdictions, including Michigan, that prohibits any disorder in a public space through a person’s actions. The idea is to punish loud and noisy conduct that is not specifically proscribed in another criminal statute.
Disturbing the peace is a criminal offense that covers a range of disruptive conduct. It can involve a person engaging in some sort of disorderly conduct in public such as causing excessive noise, disrupting funeral services, fighting, being drunk in public, or threatening to fight in public. Disturbing the peace basically happens when the person’s conduct, whether physical or verbal, interferes with the public’s right to peace.
Playing music at excessively loud volumes either in the public or within a person’s home so as to disturb others could also constitutes disturbing the peace. This usually occurs when a person plays their stereo equipment at excessive volume in their home or automobile. In addition, playing loud music may be an offense if a city or county enforces a specific noise ordinance.
Most communities will not tolerate noise at all. Another example of behavior amounting to a disturbance of the peace in a public place includes making loud, excessive & unreasonable noises with powered vehicles including automobiles & motorcycles, etc.
- Dearborn police crack-down on loud cars after noise complaints (html) 04-05-2022 | Detroit Free Press. But as folks go back to the office, some find the sounds obnoxious — and annoying. Shahin said excessive noise, which is open to interpretation, is a Dearborn ordinance violation punishable by a fine, and his aim is to make neighborhoods more peaceful. Officers will be targeting noise, he said, in addition to traffic violations.
- Dearborn police cracking down on people cars making too much noise (html) 04-06-2022 | WXYZ Detroit. Police say the noise has been a major complaint. “If it’s generally causing a nuisance, if it’s waking people up, if it’s disturbing the peace of the neighborhood, that fits into our ordinance,” Cpl. Dan Bartok said.
- Dearborn police cracking down on loud exhausts, engine revving (html) 04-05-2022 | WXYZ Detroit. “These are a quality of life concerns, quality of life issues,” said Cpl. Dan Bartok of the Dearborn Police Department.
- Dearborn police cracking down on loud cars, excessive noise from mufflers (html) 04-06-2022 | FOX2 Detroit.
What is a “Public, Private or Nuisance Per Se” in Michigan?
Just exactly What is a “Public, Private or Nuisance Per Se” in Michigan?
Although nuisance laws vary, they all generally prohibit activity that unnecessarily damages or devalues the life or property of others. When property owners engage in or permit activities creating a nuisance on their property, they may be held liable for any resulting damages.
More specifically, when does a person’s (or entity’s) conduct become so inappropriate that it rises to the level necessary to be legally actionable as a nuisance under Michigan law? You may be surprised to learn that there’s more than one answer to that question. In fact, Michigan actually has three forms of nuisance, each with its own unique application and elements.
Michigan Private Nuisance = MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”
The first form is known by many names, including: private nuisance, common law nuisance, and just plain old nuisance in fact, to name a few. Regardless of what one calls it, this first type of nuisance receives the bulk of attention in most cases and is most common. At its heart, a private nuisance is an act that causes an unreasonable interference with another’s use and enjoyment of his or her property.
However, a “private nuisance” takes on a different character. The concept of a private nuisance evolved over time as a common law doctrine intended to resolve conflicts between neighboring land owners.
The law of “private nuisance” may be a useful common law tool to help ensure that your neighbor’s land use reasonably accommodates yours. In this context, a plausible claim for a private nuisance is established when one can plead and prove facts to show that:
- You have property rights in the land you are trying to protect,
- Your neighbor’s property use results in a significant harm to your property use,
- Your neighbor’s use or conduct is the legal cause of the harm you are suffering, and
- Your neighbor’s use is either (i) intentional and unreasonable, or (ii) unintentional and otherwise actionable under the rules governing liability for negligent, recklessness, or ultra-hazardous conduct.
This law of private nuisance is not limited to residential property use; it is equally applicable to commercial & industrial property as well.
Michigan Public Nuisance = MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”
The second type of nuisance claim in Michigan is most often referred to as public nuisance. Public nuisance is defined as an unreasonable interference with a common right enjoyed by the general public. The term “unreasonable interference” is the important phrase here and it has been discussed by a number of courts and ultimately held to include conduct that (1) significantly interferes with the public’s health, safety, peace, comfort, or convenience, (2) is prohibited by law, or (3) is known or should have been known by the actor to be of a continuing nature that produces a permanent or long-lasting, significant effect on those rights.
“Unreasonable interference” means that the conduct must be a significant interference with the public’s safety or health, and must adversely affect all or a considerable part of the community.
The property law concept of public nuisances has been around a very long time. These are property uses that threaten the public health, safety and welfare. Common examples involve polluting land or water, harboring dangerous animals, storing dangerous materials, among others. This type of land use threatens a general public interest and can be actionable by civil suits or even criminal prosecution.
Environmental groups have filed numerous suits asserting public nuisance claims against parties they alleged caused or contributed to environmental pollution. Noise pollution, excessive noise volumes, and strong noxious odors have as also been the subject of public nuisance claims.
The nuisance can be considered “public” because it “affects at the same time an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, although the extent of the annoyance or damage inflicted upon the individuals may be unequal.”
Michigan Nuisance Per Se = MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”
Finally, Michigan also has a specialized form of nuisance known as a nuisance per se. A nuisance per se is an act, occupation, or structure which is a nuisance at all times and under any circumstances, regardless of location or surroundings. On its face, this may sound like something that could envelope a great many things, but in reality, it has been almost exclusively applied (with a few exceptions) where some violation of a particular law is present. Perhaps the most common situation faced by Michigan Courts is where an act, occupation, or structure violates a local zoning ordinance. For example, the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” is zoned industrial and always has been and is considered by many to be a direct violation of local zoning ordinances ignored, overridden and swept under the rug by MDOT long ago.
An oft-quoted line from one Michigan Supreme Court opinion described nuisance as “the great grab bag, the dust bin, of the law” (pdf). But at a foundational level, nuisance is just a broad legal theory intended to do one thing; protect property rights against unreasonable interference.
- Judge orders owner to demolish Packard plant in Detroit (html) 04-07-2022 – mlive.com. A judge has ordered the demolition of the deteriorating Packard auto plant in Detroit, finding that it had become a public nuisance. The judge declared the site: “a public nuisance which interfere with common rights enjoyed by the general public by significantly threatening the public’s health, safety and welfare.”
- Arbor Hills Landfill Public Nuisance
- Arbor Hills landfill, Michigan attorney general settle odor lawsuit (html) 03-11-2022 | Hometown Life. The settlement will cost Green For Life (GFL) an estimated $2.3 million in fines and costs of community-enhancing projects. Although it agreed to the settlement, Arbor Hills did not admit to wrongdoing, statements in the settlement confirm. “AHL denies all allegations in the Complaint and specifically denies that its operations create a public nuisance or unreasonably interfered with the public’s right to use property,” the settlement reads.
- Salem Township Arbor Hills Landfill Information (html) | Northville Township, MI.
- The Conservancy Initiative (html). P.O. Box 722, Northville, Michigan. The “Public Nuisance” fight is far over, see “Help Prevent the Landfill from Expanding” (html).
- Stop Arbor Hills (html) – Posts | Facebook.
- EGLE – Michigan Department of Environment, Great lakes and Energy – Arbor Hills Landfill Information (html).
- The State of Michigan and The City of Ypsilanti Brought Suit Against a Fraternity, Alleging It To Be a Public Nuisance (html) – Fraternal Law.
- Wayne County ordinance makes street racing a public nuisance (html) 11-21-2020 | Click On Detroit. Police can now impound vehicles used in street racing.
- Wayne County ordinance makes street racing a public nuisance (html) 11-21-2020 | AP News. Wayne County Declares Street Racing A Public Nuisance (html) | Wayne County
- 3M, Wolverine Unable to Shake Michigan PFAS Nuisance Allegations (html) 06-08-2021 | Bloomberg Law.
- lawsuit v. 3M, Wolverine re PFAS pollution proceeds (html) 06-09-2021 | Reuters. Claims of public and private nuisance survive motion to dismiss. Personal injury negligence claim trimmed under Michigan law.
- Four-part series regarding “forever chemicals” — per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) | Energy & Environment (html) | The Hill.
Summary – MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” = “Disturbing the Peace” and “Public, Private & Nuisance Per Se”
The State of Michigan and everyone in it appears to be helpless and can do NOTHING to protect citizens as the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” exploits the fact that loud aircraft appear to be allowed and protected no matter how much they “Disturb the Peace” and present a “Public, Private or Nuisance Per Se”. There is NO protection from the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Clown Patrol or anywhere else in Michigan for that matter. In other words:
- MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” = “Disturbing the Peace”
- MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” = “Private Nuisance”
- MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” = “Public Nuisance”
- MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” = “Nuisance Per Se”
and nobody can do anything about it!
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is the negation of the principles and commitments that protect us all, it is everyone’s business and in their own best interest to expose & stop MDOT immediately for future generations.
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is ONLY & ALL About “Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club” Activities PERIOD!
MDOT only seems concerned with promoting and advertising Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist events including fly-in Boondoggles, Picnics & Pancake Breakfast Carnivals with expanded parking, free aircraft & helicopter rides or sponsoring or assisting “Community Outreach” for Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists including Commercial & Business entities that utilize the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” for personal or financial gain all at taxpayer’s Financial, Health, Safety and Welfare expense.
NOTE: Absolutely NOBODY in the surrounding communities have ever requested any MDOT “Community Outreach” except the MDOT Clown Patrol and 1d2 “Frat House” members and their families themselves. MDOT repeats this gibberish on a regular basis with the singular focus seems apparently to “coddle” Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists including “Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club” activities utilizing Personal Hobby Sport, Recreational, Social Entertainment Venue un-sustainable non-ecofriendly Flying Junk Piles (FJPs) that have absolutely nothing to do with:
- Real transportation needs, real taxes, real education, real jobs or the real workforce of the future
- Creators, makers, innovators and inventors of the future
- Technology, Circular Manufacturing & Sustainability, Mobility Services or any known non-trivial Value Network(s) of Tomorrow of any kind
MDOT is all about Convenience, Saving Commercial Business Time & Money, and Saving Personal Time & Money for Special Interests, Industry Lobbyists and Cronies, period.
It should be abundantly clear nobody needs or requires any of the Outdated Irrelevant Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Clown Patrol Dolts, Buffoons & Award Winning ShitHeels plus their Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Clowns & Extremists for the future of Aviation & Aerospace. SEE PAGE: Michigan Future Workforce.
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is the negation of the principles and commitments that protect us all, it is everyone’s business and in their own best interest to expose & stop MDOT immediately for future generations.
It’s way past time for the State of Michigan to “Fix the damn MDOT!”
Reddit Flying (r/flying) Community – What Are the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) Including Pilots, Students, Instructors and Aviation Professionals REALLY Saying About MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip?
Reddit is a network of communities where people can dive into their interests, hobbies and passions. Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. Whether you’re into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet’s cutest animals, there’s a community on Reddit for you. Reddit is a growing family of millions of diverse people sharing the things they care about most. Site statistics last updated January 2021 show that Reddit.com has:
- 50M+ Daily Active Uniques
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- Reddit (@Reddit) / Twitter.
- Reddit – Wikipedia.
- Reddit – Dive into anything.
- Homepage – Reddit.
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- Reddit, Inc. | LinkedIn.
- Reddit (@reddit) • Instagram photos and videos.
- Reddit – Home | Facebook. Reddit is a network of more than 100,000 communities where people can dive into anything through experiences built around their interests, hobbies and passions. Reddit users submit, vote and comment on content, stories and discussions about the topics they care about the most. From pets to parenting, there’s a community for everybody on Reddit.
- Reddit| flying – This community is for discussion among pilots, students, instructors and aviation professionals. 191k Members. Created Sep 3, 2008.
So, what Are Pilots, Students, Instructors and Aviation Professionals REALLY Saying About MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip?
Someone has it out for 1D2. Correction: Everyone Has It Out for 1d2 for the last 50 Years!
Here are a few summaries from a Reddit Post “Someone has it out for 1D2… (html) : flying”:
- What a piece of shit. What a complete shitbag. The site reads like a conspiracy theorists haven. What a coward.
- There’s already a non typical pattern (which is honestly a little sketchy) . . .
- NOTE: Although I agree with most of the comments on this thread, I also feel like inaction by GA in general hasn’t helped. 100LL is a health hazard. Most General Aviation companies seem happy to just leave things as they are, with the vague hope that the FAA will approve a suitable alternative soon. The vast majority of new certified single-engine piston aircraft still rely on 100LL; that seems like an industry with its head in the sand to me.
- NOTE: Likewise, very little seems to be being done to reduce aircraft noise. The design of modern aircraft should adapt to modern conditions – flying in or out of a lot of airports nowadays causes a fair bit of noise pollution for literally thousands of people. Is a modern C172 any quieter than a 1960s one? Why not?
- NOTE: A modern day 172 is a 1960’s 172 for the most part. Those airplanes are still flying, and the new ones haven’t changed that much. Fucking Bonanzas [twin engine] are actually loud though. Noise abatement procedures are a thing. And modern jets do take noise reduction into consideration.
- I haven’t done a noise comparison, but a 60s 172 is likely louder (or would be perceived that way) because of the extra two cylinders and corresponding higher pitch of the Continental O-300. A new C172 certainly isn’t quieter than any made after the switch to the O-320.
- Also the blog is the ramblings of an absolutely crazy person.
- Sounds like someone needs to be DDOS’s… [typical ignorant clownish buffoonish touch, encouraging felonious behavior, see refs below]
- I wish nothing but the very worst for this NIMBY piece of shit.
- etc.
The Negative Aviation Impacts seem CLEAR to surrounding densely populated neighborhoods with many nearby schools, especially to parents and pregnant women NOT just “absolutely crazy people shitbag conspiracy theorist coward NIMBY pieces of shit!” It’s pretty clear these hostile clowns cannot read or recognize medical, scientific, and technological facts or evidence and are stuck with “Flying Junk Piles” ready for disposal that may explain the anger / denial.
BTW: It’s clear these idiots don’t even know how to use the acronym NIMBY correctly. The local community are NOT the NIMBYs “Not In My Backyard” at all, the local community already has MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” buffoons IN our backyards and are sick & tired of 50 years of toxic MDOT Clown Patrol Special Interest and Industry Lobbyist toxic Negative Aviation Impacts! Truly a bunch of perpetual first-class crybaby ShitHeels, seems to run in families, now inherited by increasingly elite, entitled, petulant narcissist offspring. Truly pathetic. Don’t go away mad, but just go away like smoking & second-hand smoke!
Learning to fly at uncontrolled airport, short runway (SE Michigan). We can Do Whatever We Want Whenever We Want to Save Time & Money!
Here are a few summaries from another Reddit Post “Learning to fly at uncontrolled airport, short runway (SE Michigan) (html) : flying”:
Which airport should I learn out of? The closest to me is Mettetal (1D2), an uncontrolled airport with a 2300ft runway. It really only has Cessna 152s available, as far as I can tell. Being only 15 minutes away, it would be a convenient option.
The other options would be Ann Arbor (ARB) and Willow Run (YIP). These would be 15-20 minutes further away, with ATC and more CFIs to choose from.
Is there any downside to learning at an uncontrolled airport? I’m concerned it might make my ATC communication comfort level pretty low. What about with a short runway or being limited to only 152? Or should I just stick with the closest one, since that would maximize the odds I can get to the airport to practice and learn?
- NOTE: The really bad part of 1D2 is every weekend warrior on a nice Saturday is out, not listening, entering patterns however they like and cutting off other traffic. [truly Out of Control (OOC)]
- Learning at an uncontrolled field offers you a lot more patterns per hour and, ultimately, per dollar. Pattern count is what you care about at this stage in your path.
- You’ll actually save a little bit of money learning at an uncontrolled airport
- I learned at a very busy Class D in SoCal with a school that didn’t allow touch and goes. The amount of time and money that this can waste is really incredible. I would often taxi back and be number 4 or 5 in sequence. Excellent for the flight school’s Hobbs billing, terrible for the student. I still feel ripped off to this day.
- I’d build on your advice to say that you might experience a different kind of stress at a busy uncontrolled field. People cutting in the pattern, not on ctaf, using the wrong pattern, cutting over the field near pattern altitude, pissing matches on which direction the wind favors, loitering on the runway, trying to squeeze in a takeoff in front of you when you’re on very short final.
- But it’s night and day cost wise vs a busy controlled field. I remember once paying $400 for a couple of hours of cherokee dual time that netted two laps in the pattern at PNE.
- The advantages of a small airport is most of your Hobbs time will be in the air. You’ll taxi and sit very little compared to a larger airport. Some airports will take 3-5 tenths just to get to the active. Ultimately you should solo and get your PPL in much fewer hours, saving quite a bit of money.
- I can’t tell you how many hours were wasted holding short, waiting (often in line) for take-off clearance. Then, often, it was so busy we were denied closed pattern work.
- At the small airport I was able to waste less time on the ground (read more hours in the air and less total time)
- I also prefer uncontrolled airports because I can just taxi to the runway and go.
- Learning at a small strip was an advantage, as any other airport felt huge.
- That said I now spend a bulk of my time flying into and out of uncontrolled airports because it is almost always WAY cheaper to fly into them vs. controlled airports.
- I should add a caveat: I hatereally busy uncontrolled airports – they still make me nervous.
- At a non-towered airport the pilots in the pattern control the flow cooperatively, and if you screw up the procedures there you can kill someone.
- This will save a LOT of money and time off your PPL. If you let your CFI give you ground school it will add up fast! Only after I got my Sport pilot rating did I find out that my local CC had a complete class , books and all for about $300.00 .
- The untowered airport is nice because you can get a lot of patterns done. On the private grass strip, I could get 10 landings done in an hour.
- The only drawback to the runway length is that it’s too short for a touch and go (or stop and go), so a lot of time is wasted on taxi back. I think 4000’ would be the sweet spot.
- . . . but the cost to get there is so excessive. Not just in idling while you wait for clearance and ground to process you, but in it taking so many more flights overall because the environment is overwhelming and because occasionally entire lessons just turn into complete wastes because ATC fucks you over.
- etc.
Obviously the important topics & priorities are only about saving personal time & money, period. Let’s not forget we’re talking about the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” which is for “Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Clubs” at a Personal Hobby Sport, Recreational, Social Entertainment Venue and certainly nothing more. The priorities of the MDOT 1d2 Frat House Village Idiots and Buffoons ARE abundantly clear, and it’s NOT protecting densely populated neighborhoods surrounding many schools, pregnant women, babies, school children or the elderly.
Flying SMEs (several sad pathetic hostile loser Clowns stuck with irrelevant “Flying Junk Piles” – (FJPs) Suggest Using Felonious Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Against Negative Aviation Impact Facts to Protect Vulnerable Populations!
Typical truly ignorant pathetic narcissist clown behavior. So, what exactly are Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks anyway?
- What is a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack? (html) | Cloudflare. A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic.
- Denial-of-service attack (html) – Wikipedia.
NOTE: DDoS attacks are illegal. According to the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, an unauthorized DDoS attack can lead to up to 10 years in prison and a $500,000 fine. Conspiring to do so can lead to 5 years and $250,000.
Cybercrime: An Overview of the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Statute and Related Federal Criminal Laws (html) – EveryCRSReport.com. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), 18 U.S.C. 1030, outlaws conduct that victimizes computer systems. It is a cyber security law. It protects federal computers, bank computers, and computers connected to the Internet. It shields them from trespassing, threats, damage, espionage, and from being corruptly used as instruments of fraud.
Cybercrime: An Overview of the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Statute and Related Federal Criminal Laws (97-1025) (html) (pdf) | Congressional Research Service (CRS).
18 U.S.C. 1030 – Fraud and related activity in connection with computers – Content Details – USCODE-2010-title18-partI-chap47-sec1030 (html) | Govinfo.gov.
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (html) – Wikipedia.
H.R.4718 – 99th Congress (1985-1986): Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (html) | Congress.gov | Library of Congress (LoC).
Prosecuting Computer Crimes (pdf) | U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ).
Cybercrime: A Sketch of 18 U.S.C. 1030 and Related Federal Criminal Laws (pdf) | Congressional Research Service (CRS).
[USC02] 18 USC 1030: Fraud and related activity in connection with computers (html) | UU.S. House of Representatives (html) Office of the Law Revision Counsel United States Code. Text contains those laws in effect on April 30, 2022.
More pathetic ‘wisdom’ from the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Clown Patrol.
Aviation SMEs Seem to Agree Heavy Twin Engine Aircraft Should have NEVER been Allowed at MDOT 1d2 “Frat House”
Do a Google Search (html), scroll down, on the “right hand side” select “View all Google reviews”. BTW: Microsoft Bing Search (html) does not have “reviews” but is included here for completeness. SEE: Google Review: “The runway’s a bit short for anything bigger than a single-engine . . .”
See Someone has it out for 1D2… : flying (html) in the Reddit Flying Community of SMEs including 193k pilots, students, instructors and aviation professionals that notes that “Fucking Bonanzas are actually loud though”, and really do drown out an outdoor conversation! BTW: try to ignore the standard hostile violent comments and recommendations for committing DDoS related felonies as standard behavior from many of the clowns and wannabe’s. They seem to be angry they’re stuck with “Flying Junk Piles” FJPs made entirely of decades old outdated irrelevant “dead end” toxic technologies.
MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” Technical Consultants for Hollywood Movie Paramount JackAss Forever
Jackass Forever – Watch Movie on Paramount Plus (html). Older and grayer but not the wiser, Johnny Knoxville and the gang are back for another outrageous round of stunts and bad ideas. With new friends and loads of celebrity guest stars, the crew take pranks to ridiculous lengths where absolutely no one is safe and all senses are frayed. From exploding port-a-potties to hockey pucks to the nuts and performing magic for an unamused bull, Jackass Forever is a hilarious roller coaster ride like you’ve never experienced before.
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Clown Patrol was technical consultant for the “Aerial Asset” pictured and the complex flying maneuvers. It’s important to note that no animals were harmed by MDOT in the making of this movie, as for harming any other people including vulnerable populations, well, there is “No Threat” we’re told by MDOT.
Above the Law, Really?
Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 clowns really believe they are “above the law” and can do whatever they want whenever they want and continue to give the surrounding communities the big middle finger!
The State of Michigan (SoM), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and of course the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) does not seem to care or can’t control anything at this airstrip. What a complete waste of taxpayer dollars. There is zero sense of urgency, Michigan residents deserve better!
FAA Registry – Aircraft – N-Number Inquiry (html).
Some people don’t know what ‘flybys’ are, and some don’t believe that clowns at Unattended Airstrips like Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 use this childish practice.
Blatant Conflict of Interest: Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist MDOT Assistant Airport Managers
Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist and Flying Club members are MDOT Appointed or Approved Assistant Airport Managers that are all too familiar with frequent harassment & intimidation.
- Everyone knows that you can’t have “Frat House” members also be “Frat House” Managers or Assistant Managers, it just doesn’t work and defies logic. These MDOT appointed pariah are local communities’ worst nightmare for the last 30 years: the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” “Kangaroo Court”. There is ZERO history of any complaints about MDOT stored or recorded anywhere, no accountability, no traceability, no responsibility period.
- Alcohol, parties banned at EMU fraternity for 10 years (html) 04-07-2022 | WXYZ Detroit. Parties are banned at Delta Tau Delta at Eastern Michigan University for the next 10 years. Thursday, the fraternity reached a settlement with the Washtenaw County’s Prosecutor’s Office and the city of Ypsilanti. According to the order, alcohol isn’t allowed at any of their properties and gatherings are limited to five guests.
- Judge issues injunction, forbids EMU frat from throwing parties (html) 02-23-2022 | Detroit Free press.
- Washtenaw County prosecutor, Ypsilanti sue EMU fraternity over ‘tsunami of sexual assaults’ (html) 01-06-2022 – mlive.com
- Fraternity cites ‘kangaroo court’ worry in break with Eastern Michigan (html) 10-12-2021 | Detroit Free Press.
However, there is no such protection or relief from the Elite Privileged Entitled Hostile Threatening Volatile Flying Evil Clowns, Weekend Warriors & Extremists including MDOT & their Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist cronies, family & friends at MDOT Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Hobby, Sport, Recreational, Social Entertainment Venue airstrip.
Continuing Revenge Flybys at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airport
Breaking News Flash – Canton Township, Michigan August 2020: Courageous, Dedicated & Skilled Michigan aviators but really wannabes quell senior citizen revolt by severely startling wheelchair bound elderly 80 & 90 year old’s recovering at local retirement and rehabilitation homes, along with local neighborhood pregnant moms, families with school children, pushing strollers, walking their dogs with bizarre repeated aerial displays going round in little circles (html) all day long. Everyone is trembling, with laughter that is, after all this is quite an unseen before spectacle of macho air power & superiority! This strange toxic behavior is so predictable, laughable, basically a pathetic plea for attention, from somebody, anybody.
Surrounding communities are wondering how this weird malignant behavior is going to change community Health, Safety and Welfare concerns going forward. Is this really how Pure Michigan is going to attract necessary talent for Michigan to ever recover allowing Community Pariah & Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel based flying Rodeo Clowns free reign at MDOT owned & operated uncontrolled airstrips such as 1d2 and beyond?
Once informed with the true medical, scientific, and technological facts & information regarding Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel are exposed, NOBODY, including those in any technical community, such as librarians, teachers, engineers, geologists, biologists, police, firefighters, doctors, nurses, technicians, software developers, students, professors, and scientists, want to invest, live, raise a family, work, play, or shop anywhere near out of control MDOT and their Cronies uncontrolled systemic lead & chemical contamination and poisoning scattered across the entire State of Michigan.
Michigan pilot gives a literal ‘F U’ to governor Gretchen Whitmer over coronavirus lockdown
Flight path literally curses Michigan governor over coronavirus lockdown, May 1, 2020 (html) | New York Post. This frustrated Michigan pilot gives a literal flying you-know-what about his States governor. “I don’t need the government to wipe my tushie every two minutes.” This appears to be typical behavior for many clowns, including MDOT, in Michigan: “Let me know what the problems are going to be and let me know what the ramifications are; I’m responsible for myself.” Of course these clowns want everyone else to pay for Hobby, Sport, Recreational non-sense.
Pilot spells out ‘FU’ to Governor Gretchen Whitmer over skies of Michigan, 2 May 2020 (html) | Daily Mail Online. An angry Michigan pilot has taken to the skies over Michigan to chart a flight path spelling out ‘FU’ – a crude message he says is directed at Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Many Michiganders are sure his family must be so proud of the contribution to further Michigan aviation.
MDOT Third Party Contractor Clown Slash Groundskeeper Doin’ What He Does Best at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip
First thing, get the State owned $35k lawnmower stuck in the mud. Second thing, burn out the State owned lawnmower engine. Third thing, get the State owned $200k CAT Front End Loader (FEL) to pull the State owned $35k lawnmower out of the mud. Fourth thing, illegally operate the State owned $200k CAT FEL with out proper Michigan LARA Heavy Equipment Operator certification & permits and then illegally operate the State owned CAT FEL on Public Roads during rush hour traffic! You can’t even make this stuff up! Michigan citizens are sick, tired & completely fed up with paying for this pure stupidity, ignorance and complete waste of Michigan taxpayer money. Time to thank MDOT yet again for more of their continuing never ending Clown saga at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airport.
Michigan Aviation Fuel Registrants, Suppliers, Exporters & Companies that Profit from Storing, Using, Sale either Retail or Wholesale Selling, Importing & Exporting of Leaded Aviation Fuel Containing Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB)
Brief discussion of Michigan Aviation Fuel Registrants, Suppliers, Exporters & Companies that Profit from Storing, Using, Sale either Retail or Wholesale Selling, Importing & Exporting of Leaded Aviation 100LL containing Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB)
- State of Michigan (SoM) – Michigan Aviation Fuel (html) (pdf) (local copy pdf).
- Aviation Fuel Registrants. These companies are registered as Aviation Fuel Registrants with the State of Michigan, and may purchase aviation fuel for re-sale. Sales of aviation fuel to these companies must include the aviation fuel tax of 3 cents per gallon and any collection allowance/credit that are applicable to the sale of the this fuel.
- Aviation Fuel Suppliers. These companies are licensed as Suppliers with the State of Michigan. Their licenses may not include the ability to collect tax on ALL fuel types.
- Aviation Fuel Exporters. These companies are licensed as Exporters with the State of Michigan.
- Michigan Taxes – Contact Collections (html) | Michigan Department of Treasury (html). Motor Fuel Taxes 1-517-636-4600.
- 2019 Aviation Fuel Informational Report – Sales and Use Tax (pdf). Beginning April 1, 2016 and each calendar quarter thereafter, each taxpayer making retail sales of aviation fuel, and each person storing, using, or consuming aviation fuel for which use tax is due, shall file this informational report. “Aviation fuel” means any gasoline, distillate, benzine, naphtha, benzol, or other volatile and inflammable liquid produced, compounded, and used for propelling aircraft. This report is due on a quarterly schedule. Due date is the last day of the month following the end of the quarter. This informational report does not constitute a tax return – do not include any remittance of tax with this report. A taxpayer (person) required to file this informational report that fails or refuses to file the report within the time and in the manner specified is liable for a penalty of $10 per day for each day for each separate failure or refusal up to, but not exceeding, a maximum penalty of $500 for each separate violation.
100LL (html) – Aviation Fuel Prices. 100LL.com is a pilot’s information service with a continuously updated nationwide airport directory with aviation fuel prices including 100 Low Lead and Jet-A, hotels, ground transportation, airport services and more. Many use 100LL.com on the ground during flight planning, or in their aircraft when deciding where to land or when changing your flying plans.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) – Aviation Fuel Tax Action Plans and Status – Airports, March 20, 2019 (html).
Michigan Legislature – Section 207.1094 Aviation fuel (html).
Michigan, Connecticut Governors Recognize Value of Aviation, September 12, 2012 (html) | NBAA– National Business Aviation Association. Michigan is home to 235 public-use airports, 70 licensed flight schools, 225 licensed aircraft dealers, 6,800 registered aircraft and 16,000 licensed pilots. Michigan ranks ninth among all 50 U.S. states in the number of airports per land area, with one public-use airport for every 249 square miles. Only 19 of those airports are classified by the FAA as eligible to receive any scheduled airline service.
State of Michigan (SoM) MDOT AERO – Licensing & Registration, August 6, 2020 (html) Each of Michigan’s 234 public-use airports and heliports are inspected annually. There are currently 66 flight schools, 144 aircraft dealers (pdf), and approximately 6,500 aircraft registered in the state. The total numbers are steadily decreasing and propped up by misleading MDOT stats & data since 2012 and even prior.
Aviation fuels subject to 6% sales and use tax. Aviation fuels also subject to the environmental protection regulatory fee: $0.00875/gal.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Fact Sheet – Leaded Aviation Fuel and the Environment, November 20, 2019 (html).
Myths & Realities of Leaded Aviation Fuel (pdf) (City of Santa Monica, California html html html pdf).
Clearing the Air: The Myth and Reality of Aviation and Climate Change (pdf).
CAN-Europe (html) – Climate Action Network Europe.
T&E (html) – European Federation for Transport and Environment.
Ann Arbor (html) Municipal Airport (ARB) (KARB) (Google map)
801 Airport Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Washtenaw County (html)
AVFuel Corporation (html) – Global Supplier of Aviation Fuel (1ooLL) and Services (Google map)
47 West Ellsworth
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
How Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Aviation Works in Michigan
Michigan Congressional Delegation Lawmakers, want Delta’s request to stop Michigan flights grounded (html) | Detroit News – Airline argues that the few who are flying can drive to airports less than 75 miles away: Flint passengers can drive to Detroit, and those from Lansing and Kalamazoo can drive to Grand Rapids.
Congressional Research Service (html) – R44176 – Essential Air Service (EAS), Updated December 19, 2018 (pdf). The 70-Mile Rule and Measures to Shrink the Program. Over the years, Congress has sought to limit the scope of the EAS program, mostly by eliminating subsidy support for communities within a reasonable driving distance of a major hub airport and by imposing a cap on the per-passenger subsidy. Although numerous communities have been removed from the program, these efforts have generally failed to contain overall spending on EAS.
The Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2000 prohibited DOT from subsidizing carriers that provide EAS service to communities in the 48 states plus Puerto Rico that are located fewer than 70 highway miles from the nearest large or medium hub airport.
These measures are meant to protect Air Carriers AND taxpayers. Taxpayers ultimately get stuck footing the bill at the Local, State, and Federal level by design.
BTW: This would eliminate large amounts of Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) taxpayer waste for phony, misleading and fraudulent justification & support for airports & airstrips on life support that are absolutely NO LONGER required, and really never have been! Michigan taxpayers have been duped long enough.
The Wealthy at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 should have been using Willow Run (YIP) which is only seven miles away. MDOT has been duplicating facilities at 1d2 for over 25 years wasting taxpayer money at a staggering rate hidden from public view which will add to the largest total waste of taxpayer money in the History of Michigan!
Just remind yourself how messed things are and do a search using either major search engine: “mdot lead poisoning” (html) – Google Search or “mdot lead poisoning” (html) – Bing. The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) *IS* synonymous with “Lead Poisoning” period!
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Aviation is Broken!
Plane crashes in Northern Michigan after ‘distracted’ pilot forgets landing gear, July 12, 2020 (html) – mlive.com.
Geese cited as possible cause of 2018 helicopter crash in Orchard Lake, July 18, 2020 (html) | Detroit News. The pilot told officials he recalled “quickly moving” the helicopter back to the right to avoid the birds, and that it was the last action he could remember. Police and fire officials found the helicopter on its side near the 5000 block of Pontiac Trail. Crews put out a small fire and pushed over the helicopter so they could remove the pilot, who was conscious.
Houston area pilot warned not to fly plane before fatal Detroit crash, Aug. 1, 2020 (html) | Detroit News. A Texas pilot was warned three times not to fly his airplane before it crashed in a Detroit neighborhood in 2018, killing him and his wife and severely injuring his son. The factual report by the National Transportation Safety Board also says the pilot reported running out of fuel while struggling to get his landing gear down as the single-engine Cessna P210N approached Coleman A. Young Municipal Airport on June 24. “The pilot told the mechanic that he had just purchased the airplane and that he could not afford to overhaul the engine,” the report states. “The mechanic then placed a red ‘Do Not Fly’ placard on the pilot-side yoke.” According to the report, a couple of weeks later, Boaz came back with another oil filter for the mechanic to inspect and told him he had “looked up on the internet” how to remove metal from an engine by flushing it with diesel fuel.” While there was no metal in the filter, “the mechanic again told the pilot that he should not fly the airplane until the engine had been overhauled.”
Yet another case of Maintenance, Airworthiness and Certification by internet consensus, happens all the time, especially by clowns at unsupervised uncontrolled airstrips like Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2.
NTSB: Michigan Plane over weight limit, attempted multiple takeoffs before crash, June 20, 2020 (html) | Detroit News.
Democrats in Congress want to know why drones were surveilling protesters in Detroit, other cities, June 19, 2020 (html) | News Hits Metro Times.
Whistleblower raises concerns over unsafe landing practices at Detroit Metro Airport (DTW), August 06, 2020 (html) | WXYZ Detroit. An air traffic controller at Detroit Metro Airport is blowing the whistle on what he calls a dangerous system used during landings at the airport. Where the heck is the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) or the Michigan Aeronautical Commission (MAC) when you need them, probably already partying at Mackinac Island, Traverse City or Harbor Springs!
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) employee who stabbed man disciplined three times for misbehavior, August 16, 2020 (html) | Detroit News. A state employee who allegedly stabbed a man last month over a dispute regarding masks was disciplined three times in two years by the Michigan Department of Transportation, according to personnel filings released to The Detroit News through a public records request. A 12-year MDOT employee of the State of Michigan was reprimanded, ordered to do training and suspended in three separate incidents between 2017 and 2018, according to state personnel records. A 77-year-old Lansing man was “an innocent bystander” that MDOT employee attacked after he was asked by a Quality Dairy staff member to wear a mask. The 77-year-old Lansing man died August 8, 2020.
Other Aviation Debacles, Surprise Some Are in Michigan . . .
Authorities seek pilot who flew under Mackinac Bridge in June, August 19, 2020 (html) | Detroit News. This was extremely reckless behavior on the part of the pilot, and it imperiled the safety of everyone on the bridge that day!
Plane flies under Mackinac Bridge, MSP wants to find pilot, August 19, 2020 (html) | Detroit Free Press.
Pilot flew airplane under Mackinac Bridge packed with hundreds of cars, Coast Guard says, August 19, 2020 (html) – mlive.com
NORAD fighter jets intercept small plane near Trump’s Bedminster country club, August 15, 2020 (html) – ABC News. The single-engine plane was not responding to communication. Jets from the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, had to be scrambled to intercept a small plane near the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, on Saturday afternoon.
Pilot was told not to fly plane in fatal 2018 Detroit crash, investigation reveals, 08-02-2020 (html) | Click on Detroit. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) ruled the defining event of the crash was fuel exhaustion (html).
Recent US plane crashes (html). The following are the most recent fatal or significant airliner events that either occurred in US territory, involved a US carrier, or involved any air carrier flying to or from the US. In each numbered event, the airliner had the capacity to carry 10 or more passengers, and at least one airline passenger was killed.
MDOT says new signs are being made following typos (html) 04-18-2022 | wzzm13.com. COOPERSVILLE, Mich. — Here in good ol’ “Grand Radips,” we are very serious about our roads — the potholes, the orange barrels, and even the signs we adorn them with. So, really, it’s no surprise that people very quickly noticed some typos on multiple new road signs in Coopersville over the weekend. “We all make mistakes. Somebody made a mistake [spelling “Grand Rapids”] and it didn’t get caught until it was on a post,” an MDOT representative dressed as a Clown close to matter said.
Ann Arbor officials view the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) as obstacle to safer streets (html) 01-12-2022 – mlive.com.
- MDOT, contractor sued for negligence tied to crash on I-75 that killed 2 (html) 12-21-2021 – The Oakland Press.
- MDOT fails to evaluate road warranty program since 2011, audit finds (html) 03-24-2021 | Detroit News.
- After 18 years, MDOT ‘still learning’ troubled oversight program (html) 04-20-2015 | Lansing State Journal.
- Transportation: Road Construction Warranties (pdf) 2001.
- OMG! MDOT incompetence & ignorance has been going on unchecked for literally decades!
Another Mysterious, Sad & Tragic Michigan Experimental Amateur Built (E-AB) AKA Home Built Aircraft Fatal Crash
Zeeland airplane crash leads to mystery surrounding pilot’s death (html) 07-03-2022 | Detroit News. Local and federal medical officials came to conflicting conclusions on what caused the death of a west Michigan pilot whose plane crashed near Ottawa Executive Airport in 2020. The pilot, 61, and his wife, 59, died on Sept. 19, 2020, as the Van’s RV-9 kit [E-AB AKA Home built] aircraft he was piloting crashed in a Zeeland Township field shortly after takeoff. But did the pilot die from injuries sustained in the accident or did a coronary artery disease event cause an incapacitation and crash? NTSB said was his first night flight in the aircraft. He also had not had a night landing in about five years, the report said.
Ottawa County Michigan and U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) medical officials, Defense Health Agency (DHA), disagree according to a National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) report on the probable cause that was dated June 21.
The NTSB found the probable cause of the crash was pilot failure to maintain airspeed, which resulted in too little airflow over the wings to keep the plane aloft, known as an aerodynamic stall. Additionally pilot lack of experience flying at night probably was a contributing factor. Additionally, a systems failure involving the amateur (avionics) repair provides a reasonable alternate explanation for the pilot’s attempted return.
An examiner with the U.S. Armed Forces Medical Examiner System (AFMES) also came to the conclusion that [sadly] “the pilot’s cause of death was multiple injuries due to an aircraft mishap and that his manner of death was accident” after reviewing the autopsy report for the NTSB.
- FAA Inquiry N94KJ.
- Kathryn’s Report: Van’s RV-9A, N94KJ: Fatal accident occurred September 19, 2020 at Ottawa Executive Airport (Z98), Zeeland, Ottawa County, Michigan.
- Loss of control Accident Van’s RV-9A N94KJ, 19 Sep 2020 | Aviation Safety.net.
- Aviation Accident Summary CEN20LA399.
- Experimental Category (html) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
- The Safety of Experimental Amateur-Built Aircraft (html) (pdf) | Safety Research Reports (html) | National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). Experimental amateur-built (E-AB) aircraft represent nearly 10 percent of the U.S. general aviation fleet, but these aircraft accounted for approximately 15 percent of the total-and 21 percent of the fatal-U.S. general aviation (GA) accidents.
Mysterious, Sad & Tragic Whitehall Michigan Fatal Aircraft Crash into 180 Foot Water Tower
NTSB issues final report on Whitehall Michigan water tower crash (html) 03-12-2022 | Detroit News. The NTSB could not determine why the pilot of a plane that crashed into a Whitehall water tower in 2019 was flying below minimum safe altitudes. Witnesses said the plane made no apparent attempt to veer away from the white 180-foot structure. The NTSB report dated March 4 could not determine “the reasons that the pilot operated the airplane over a congested area at a low altitude and failed to avoid the water tower could not be determined based on the available evidence for this investigation.”
The pilot had taken an antidepressant and an antihistamine that can cause drowsiness in his system at the time of the crash, according to toxicology reports. The FAA had no record that the pilot renewed his medical certificate since his last exam more than 20 years earlier, according to the NTSB factual report issued Feb. 16. Pilots over 40 are required to renew a third class medical every 24 months. The FAA also requires pilots using antidepressants to have a special issuance medical certificate. The pilot died when his Cessna 150 single-engine plane hit the tower very close to the school district’s athletic fields.
- Pilot dies after plane crashes into water tower (html) 09-19-2019 – mlive.com.
- Kathryn’s Report: Controlled Flight Into Object [AKA Crash]: Cessna 150M, N9492U; fatal accident occurred September 09, 2019 in Whitehall, Muskegon County, Michigan (html).
- Accident Cessna 150M N9492U, 09 Sep 2019 (html) | Aviation Safety Network (ASN).
- FAA REGISTRY N-Number Inquiry N9492U – 1976 Cessna 150M (CANCELLED/NOT ASSIGNED).
- NTSB CEN19LA308 (pdf).
- Pilot dead after Whitehall water tower crash ID’d (html) (1:41m)- YouTube.
- Deadly Whitehall water tower plane crash news conference (html) (5:55m) – YouTube.
How Old is TOO Old to Pilot a Helicopter? What’s Wrong with This Picture? Another Sad & Tragic Fatal Helicopter Crash That Seem to be Happening ALL the Time with Increasing Frequency!
How old is too old to pilot a helicopter? Another fatal helicopter crash puts spotlight on age (html) 07-03-2022 – Healthy Duck. When it comes to flying helicopters, how many years are considered “well beyond” the age a pilot should think about letting someone else do the flying, a former managing director of the National Transportation Safety Board. Many questioned whether a pilot this old should have even been in the cockpit when he crashed a Eurocopter EC130.
Helicopters Are Way More Complex Than Planes Especially Primitive Ancient Flying Junk Piles (FJPs)
Many private pilots believe they should keep their licenses until they fail a medical check, but others question the stringency of those exams. It certainly does not see to protect occupants or anyone on the ground or in densely populated neighborhoods or anyone attending nearby schools.
Fatal EC130B4 Water Impact in the Tennessee River after “Entry to VRS” Vortex Ring State (VRS) Say NTSB (html) 07-02-2022 – Aerossurance. August 2020 a privatelyowned Airbus – EC130B4 – N55GJ impacted the Tennessee River near Knoxville, Tennessee. One passenger, 84 year old local business man, Cofounder of Clayton Homes dies in Tennessee River helicopter crash, was fatally injured although the other three occupants escaped uninjured.
- Kathryn’s Report: Eurocopter EC 130B4, N55GJ: Fatal accident occurred August 03, 2020 in Knoxville, Tennessee (html).
- Ownership and Operating Costs (html) | AIRBUS/EUROCOPTER EC 130 B4. Depending on numerous factors, the average price for a pre-owned AIRBUS/EUROCOPTER EC 130 B4 is $1,475,000.00.
- Accident Eurocopter EC 130B4 N55GJ (html) 03 Aug 2020 | Aviation Safety Network (ASN).
- NTSB finds Pilot was at fault in fatal Tennessee River helicopter crash (html) 06-29-2022 | Yahoo. Most reasonable would support a retest for driving and certainly pilot certificate every couple years beginning at 65. Driving & Flying are a privilege, not a right.
How old is too old to pilot a helicopter? Pilot’s fatal crash puts spotlight on age (html) 07-03-2022 – The CTP Times. The pilots statement also revealed his brother took over the controls for about 20 minutes during the flight but was not in control in the moments leading up to the crash. While the brother had a pilot’s license, he was not certified to fly helicopters. Several very negative comments included:
- A rich guy with an expensive toy that was beyond his skill level. Too bad about the helicopter.
- At 86 years of age, he should not have been in the pilot’s seat! Dexterity and reflexes are affected by age. Leave the flying to the ones who are capable.
- Seems like there are constant crashes in fixed wing aircraft all over the USA with few survivors. I wonder whether this may be lack of continued practice, panic or poor maintenance? I suspect that most (?) of the time the pilot just goes flying occasionally, is rusty in emergency procedures, gets into dangerous situation and may panic or makes a wrong choice and crashes.
- 86 year old’s shouldn’t be flying or driving!
- My father, a former senior jumbo jet captain, always said that a helicopter is just a flying accident waiting to happen.
- There is a reason why the airlines have a mandatory retirement age of 65 for pilots. Yes I know pilots need to renew their medical certificate at least every couple years, but we all know that [FAA] exam is a joke. I am 53 and I gave up my license many years ago. It was hard to do but I KNEW it was the right and SAFE thing to do.
- He was 86 and flying a copter that he couldn’t handle? What could possibly go wrong,… did.
Another Sad & Tragic Fatal Aircraft Crash Originating from Oakland County Michigan Southwest Airport (Y47) New Hudson Michigan, Oakland County Michigan, Lyon Township Michigan
3 dead after small plane crashes into Oakland County Home, sheriff says (html) 01-02-2021 – mlive.com. Three people have died after a small plane crashed into a New Hudson house, setting the structure on fire, police said. The plane crashed sometime before 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 2 (html) in a neighborhood just west of Pontiac Trail and Grand River Avenue, in the Orchards of Lyon subdivision. The house is on Dakota Drive. Initially, the house was reported to be fully engulfed in flames.
- Accident Piper PA-24-250 Comanche N8347P (html), 02 Jan 2021 | Aviation Safety Network (ASN). The pilot and two passengers were fatally injured [killed].
- Kathryn’s Report: Piper PA-24-250 Comanche, N8347P (html): Fatal accident occurred January 02, 2021 in New Hudson, Oakland County, Michigan.
- N8347P Flight Tracking and History 02-Jan-2021 (KCNI-Y47) (html) – FlightAware.
- FAA REGISTRY N-Number Inquiry N8374P – 1964 PIPER PA-24-250.
- South Lyon Michigan (html) – New Hudson (html) Pure Michigan – New Hudson / Lyon Township (html) | Oakland County Michigan (Y47) Comanche crash (html) | Pilots of America.
- Y47) | Oakland/Southwest Airport.
- Pure Michigan – Home | Facebook
- Pure Michigan (@PureMichigan) / Twitter
- Pure Michigan (html) – YouTube
- Pure Michigan (@puremichigan) • Instagram photos and videos
- Pure Michigan Talent Connect (html) – Pure Michigan Talent Connect – Home.
- State says ‘Pure Michigan’ campaign brings more than $1 billion into Michigan. Skeptics say prove it. (html) 10-16-2017 | Bridge Michigan.
- Pure Michigan (puremichigan) – Profile | Pinterest.
- Pure Michigan Business Connect (html) | Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)
Miscellaneous Fatal Crashes at Oakland County International Airport (PTK) in Waterford Michigan and Elsewhere in Michigan
- Four killed in small plane crash at Oakland County International Airport (html) – YouTube.
- Oakland crash pilot inadequately trained, NTSB says (html) 12-26-2015 | Detroit News.
- Oakland County International Airport (PTK) | Oakland County International Airport.
- Google Search – videos of Doorbell Plane Crashes (html).
Man in Jet-Fueled Semi-Truck Dies While Racing Fighter Jets During Field of Flight Air Show & Balloon Festival in Battle Creek, Michigan
Man in jet-fueled semi-truck dies while racing fighter jets during Michigan air show. Video footage shows the truck racing two planes down the tarmac at the Battle Creek Executive Airport before it exploded into flames (html) | USA Today.
Michigan air show death: Blown tire caused jet truck crash, father says (html) 07-06-2022| Fox News. Incident happened at Battle Creek Field of Flight Air Show and Balloon Festival in Michigan. The truck burst into flames after a blown tire ruptured the fuel tank.
- Field of Flight in Battle Creek, MI – Air Show & Balloon Festival.
- Battle Creek Executive Airport at Kellogg Field (KBLT). 15551 South Airport Road, Battle Creek, MI 49015.
- AirNav: KBTL – Battle Creek Executive Airport at Kellogg Field.
- PFAS Sites and Areas of Interest – Battle Creek Executive Airport (KBLT) (Battle Creek, Calhoun County Michigan).
United States President Hustled to Secure Location After Cessna 172 Enters Restricted Airspace Near Home as Two F15 Military Jets & MH-65 Helicopter Intercept
- Biden hustled to secure location after aircraft enters airspace near beach house (html) 06-04-2022 | Fox News.
- Bidens evacuated from Delaware residence after plane flies into restricted airspace (html) 06-04-2022 – POLITICO.
- Biden, first lady moved briefly from Delaware beach house after small plane entered restricted airspace (html) 06-04-2022 | NBC News.
- Biden evacuated after plane entered airspace near beach home (html) 06-04-2022 | CNBC.
- Bidens briefly moved to secure location after plane entered restricted airspace near beach house (html) 06-04-2022 – CBS News.
A small private single-engine Cessna 172 aircraft entered restricted air space with no flight plan and WITHOUT communicating with air traffic control, according to North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).
The Cessna was “intercepted” by two F-15 fighter jets and an MH-65 helicopter off the Cape May coastline, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said. Hundreds of onlookers gathered around the now temporarily Secure & Fortified Fire Station where US President & Family was evacuated to about five blocks from nearby home because Secret Service stopped all pedestrians and traffic.
“The aircraft was immediately escorted out of the restricted airspace. Preliminary investigation reveals the pilot was NOT on the proper radio channel, was NOT following the NOTAMS (Notice to Airmen) that had been filed and was NOT following published flight guidance,” the Secret Service said.
Federal regulations require pilots to check for flight restrictions along their route before taking off and in this incident included a 10-mile radius no-fly zone contained with a 30-mile restricted zone, duh?
Another waste of time not to mention a massive waste of taxpayer money caused by yet another Bone Head Clown with a Flying Junk Pile (FJP)!
‘Intoxicated’ Student Pilot runs out of fuel, Lands on Freeway, Charges: “DWI, C and I involving a crash, felony possession of a controlled substance, felony unlawful possession of a firearm, possession of less than 10 grams of marijuana, and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia”
- ‘Intoxicated’ pilot lands on highway after plane runs out of fuel (html) 07-16-2022 | The Independent. Pilot faces six charges after landing on interstate outside Kansas City. According to highway patrol records, the pilot faces six possible charges, including “DWI, C and I involving a crash, felony possession of a controlled substance, felony unlawful possession of a firearm, possession of less than 10 grams of marijuana, and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia”.
- Student pilot who ran out of gas and landed plane on Missouri highway is accused of DWI (html) 07-16-2022 | NBC News. The pilot, who was hospitalized with minor injuries after the aircraft hit a guardrail, was also alleged to have marijuana and a gun.
- Pilot who landed small plane on highway arrested under suspicion of intoxication (html) 07-15-2022 – ABC News. The plane temporarily blocked traffic on I-70 in Missouri.
- Pilot Arrested After Landing Plane on Interstate in Missouri (html) 07-15-2022 | US News.
- US Police arrest drunk pilot for landing plane on highway (html) 07-15-2022 – YouTube. Video from plane of drunken bonehead clown in a Flying Junk Pile (FJP).
Another massive waste of taxpayer time & money!
Michigan Ray Community Airport (57D) Frequent Sad Tragic Crashes. And What About the 100LL leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning? No mention of that Anywhere!
Incident 1985 Beechcraft A36 Bonanza N60ED (html), 24 Jul 2022 | Aviation Safety Network (ASN).
FAA REGISTRY N-Number Inquiry N60ED 1985 Beech A36.
Beechcraft A36 Flies into Trees in Michigan (html) 07-25-2022 – YouTube. A Beechcraft A36 (N60ED) Failed after take-off from Ray Community Airport (57D) in Ray, Michigan on July 24, 2022 with 3 on board and a dog. NOTE comments: Too many GA accidents. Since NTSB rarely travels to these accidents anymore, the insurance companies will need to step in since they pay for the hull / medical costs. Folks in the aviation community have been crashing aircrafts one after another here lately. A lot of airplane to handle for the average private pilot.
Macomb County Sheriff Twitter (html) 07-24-2022 Plane crash in Ray Twp. [Ray Community Airport (57D)] Plane attempted take off and crashed from approx 75’ off ground. 3 persons on board with severe injuries and burns. All taken to hospital.
Two in Macomb Co. [Ray Community Airport (57D)] plane crash released from hospital, third in stable condition (html) 07-25-2022 | Detroit News. According to a preliminary investigation, the fixed-wing, single-engine Beech A36 airplane took off from the airport’s runway when the pilot reported losing power to his engine after lifting the landing gear. The aircraft was about 100 feet in the air when the pilot tried a controlled crash into an area just off the runway.
Missing dog found after Ray Township [Ray Community Airport (57D)] plane crash at airport (html) 07-25-2022 | Detroit Free Press. All three passengers were hospitalized for broken bones and burns. The pilot stated the plane lost power after take-off.
Three injured in plane crash at Macomb County airport (html) 07-24-2022 | Detroit News. The plane crashed at Macomb County’s Ray Community Airport (57D). The three people on board were burned and hospitalized. The plane crashed as it was trying to take off at about 75 feet in air.
Police: 3 severely injured after small plane crash in Macomb County [Ray Community Airport (57D)] (html) 07-24-2022 | Click On Detroit. Footage from Sky 4 shows the wreckage burned to a crisp, including the plane’s Fuselage. The plane didn’t even make it all the way into sky, falling from about 75 feet into a fiery impact.
3 seriously injured in plane crash in Ray Township [Ray Community Airport (57D)], MCSO (Macomb County Sheriff’s Office) say (html) 07-24-2022 | WXYZ Detroit. The three people onboard sustained severe injuries and burns. All have been taken to the hospital.
Other Michigan Ray Community Airport (57D) Frequent Crashes
- Piper PA-28 crash in Michigan (N5584U) (html) 05-27-2017 | PlaneCrashMap.com.
- Kathryn’s Report: Flight Design CTLS, N920SS: Accident occurred June 29, 2021 at Ray Community Airport (57D), Macomb County, Michigan (html).
- Kathryn’s Report: Thurston TA16 Trojan, N36YR: Accident occurred June 02, 2022 near Ray Community Airport (57D), Macomb County, Michigan (html).
- Kathryn’s Report: Search results for Ray Community Airport, MI (57D) (html).
N3659Y – Shelby Township Michigan Crash July 15, 2022
The Ray Community Airport (57D) crash follows another small plane crash on July 15 in west Michigan, which killed the pilot and another man. The single-engine plane crashed about 6 p.m. in Oceana County’s Shelby Township, killing pilot Raymond Gundy, 56, of Muskegon County, and his passenger, Troy Caris, 48, of Holton, Michigan State Police said.
Kathryn’s Report: Cessna 210C Centurion, N3659Y: Fatal accident occurred July 15, 2022 near Oceana County Airport (C04) Shelby, Michigan (html).
Sad Tragic End N497CA Co-Pilot Fell, Jumped or Something Nefarious? OMG, Result Fatal “Human Body Impact to Ground” AKA Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) “Death”
Expert casts doubt on story of North Carolina pilot ‘jumping’ out of plane: ‘accident or nefarious?’ (html) 08-03-2022 | Fox News. Charles Hew Brooks jumped out of a plane to his death, according to his co-pilot. A pilot and lawyer is casting doubt on a recent report that a North Carolina pilot jumped out of his damaged plane, leaving his co-pilot to conduct an emergency landing and argues that the more likely scenario is that Crooks suffered an accident while preparing for an emergency landing–or something “nefarious” happened.
911 Call Raises Questions About Co-Pilot Who Exited Plane Mid-Flight (html) 08-03-2022 | People. “We have a pilot that was inbound to the field. His co-pilot jumped out of the aircraft. He made impact to the ground and here are the coordinates,” the FAA controller says to the 911 operator in the clip, according to the outlet.
Air traffic controllers say co-pilot ‘jumped’ from plane: 911 call (html) 08-03-2022 | NBC News. He did not have a parachute when he exited the twin-engine CASA CN-212 Aviocar, sparking questions about whether he had fallen or jumped.
N497CA – FAA REGISTRY N-Number Inquiry Results.
ASN Aircraft accident CASA C-212 Aviocar 200 N497CA (html) Raleigh/Durham Airport, NC (RDU) Aviation Safety Network (ASN). As N497CA was flying over the Fuquay-Varina neighborhood at 4000 feet at 14:31, the co-pilot jumped of or fell from the aircraft, causing fatal injuries.
Kathryn’s Report: CASA C-212-200 Aviocar, N497CA (html): Fatal accident occurred July 29, 2022 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport (KRDU), Morrisville, Wake County, North Carolina. The body of a 27-year-old man has been recovered in Wake County, North Carolina. This individual matches the description of someone who appears to either have fallen or jumped from a CASA C-212-200 Aviocar aircraft before it made an emergency landing at Raleigh-Durham International Airport.
Man Falls From Cargo Plane After Botched Landing Near Fort Bragg In Bizarre Incident (html) 07-29-2022 | The Drive. Local media reports say that one of the crewmen, who was not wearing a parachute, was at least initially believed to have exited the aircraft as the plane flew over a body of water near the West Lake Middle School in nearby Apex, North Carolina. Darshan Patel, Operations Manager for Wake County’s Emergency Management division, said at a press conference this evening that a resident in the area had flagged down authorities who were taking part in the search efforts to let them know they had heard something fall in their backyard. Sadly, the body was subsequently located and recovered, marking a tragic end to this bizarre incident.
Yet Another Senseless Skydiving Accident for a 21 Year Old with a Bright Future
21-year-old Canadian TikTok influencer falls to death while skydiving (html) 09-04-2022 | NBC News. 21-year-old Canadian TikTok influencer falls to death while skydiving. Tanya Pardazi, a philosophy student at the University of Toronto (UoT) who ran a TikTok account with more than 100,000 followers, died Aug. 27.
Canadian TikTok influencer dies in skydiving accident (html) 09-03-2022 | Fox News. Tanya Pardazi, a philosophy student at the University of Toronto, died after she opened her parachute too late during her skydiving jump. She “released a quickly rotating main parachute at a low altitude without the time/altitude required for the reserve parachute to inflate.” After the accident, Pardazi was transported to a local hospital, where she was pronounced dead.
TikTok Influencer, 21, Falls to Her Death in Skydiving Accident (html) 09-02-2022 | People.com. Social Media Influencer and Miss Canada Semi-Finalist Dies After Accident During First Solo Skydive. Tanya Pardazi, 21, fell to her death during her first solo skydive in Toronto Canada, her friends calling her “the bravest girl”.
Stores and Homes Evacuated After Man ‘Steals Plane and Circles City Threatening to Attack Via Crashing
Pilot in Tupelo, Mississippi, lands after threats, governor says (html) 09-03-2022 | USA Today. Man stole plane, threatened to crash into Mississippi Walmart before safely landing, governor says. Michael Canders, director of the Aviation Center (AVN) at Farmingdale State College (FSC), State University of New York (SUNY), called the incident “a wake-up call” for General Aviation (GA) airports and their staff.
Incident Beechcraft C90A King Air N342ER, 03 Sep 2022 (html) | Aviation Safety Network (ASN).
Pilot of Stolen King Air in Tupelo, Mississippi, Threatens Walmart (html) 09-03-2022 – FLYING Magazine. The man took the twin turboprop from Mississippi’s Tupelo Regional Airport (KTUP) with the intention to crash it into a local store.
AirNav: KTUP – Tupelo Regional Airport.
Kathryn’s Report: Beechcraft C90A King Air, N342ER: Incident occurred September 03, 2022 at Tupelo Regional Airport (KTUP), Tupelo, Lee County, Mississippi (html) 09-03-2022 | Kathryns Report.
Tupelo Regional Airport (KTUP | The main transportation hub for Northeast Mississippi.
Crash threat over Mississippi skies ends with pilot’s arrest (html) 09-03-2022 | AP News.
Pilot lands stolen plane after threat to dive bomb Walmart (html) 09-03-2022 | New York Post.
N342ER – 1987 Beech C90A | FAA REGISTRY N-Number Inquiry Results. Unhinged Pilot: King Air plane latest: Tupelo Mississippi stores and homes evacuated after man ‘steals plane and circles city threatening to crash’ (html) 09-04-2022 | The Sun.
Yet Another Flying Junk Pile (FJP) Crash Takes 10 More Lives including pregnant woman and child in a 1967 DEHAVILLAND DHC-3 Float-Plane, AKA FJP on Pontoons
ASN Aircraft accident de Havilland Canada DHC-3T Turbine Otter N725TH Mutiny Bay, WA (html) | Aviation Safety Network (ASN).
Megan Hilty’s Sister, Niece and Brother-in-Law Presumed Dead in Plane Crash (html) 09-06-2022 | People.com. Megan Hilty’s Pregnant Sister Presumed Dead Alongside Husband and Daughter in Washington Plane Crash. The Smash star’s sister Lauren Hilty, along with Lauren’s husband Ross Mickel and daughter Remy, was on a float plane that crashed in Puget Sound on Sunday. Though they have recovered only one body, and the remaining nine people on board are still missing but presumed dead.
10 Victims of Seaplane Crash in Waters Near Seattle Identified (html) 09-06-2022 | People.com. Civil Rights Activist Among 10 Victims Aboard Seaplane That Crashed in Waters Near Seattle: ‘Devastated’. Nine remain missing, with search efforts suspended, after the recovery Sunday of a deceased female from the water in Mutiny Bay off Whidbey Island
10 dead in Puget Sound floatplane crash (html) 09-06-2022 | PBS NewsHour. The Northwest Seaplanes flight was on its way from Friday Harbor, a popular tourist destination in the San Juan Islands, to a Seattle suburb when it went down without sending out a distress call. The cause of the crash is unknown, authorities said. The coast Guard has suspended the search for survivors. READ MORE: Alaska floatplanes collided at 3,300 feet before crashing (html) 05-15-2019.
1 dead, 9 missing after floatplane crashes in Puget Sound (html) 09-04-2022 | AP News. One person was killed and nine people remained missing, including a child, after a floatplane crashed Sunday afternoon in Puget Sound in Washington state, the U.S. Coast Guard said. Four Coast Guard vessels, a rescue helicopter and an aircraft were involved in the extensive search, along with nearby rescue and law enforcement agencies.
In 2019, a midair crash in Alaska between two sightseeing planes killed six people. The Ketchikan-based floatplanes were carrying passengers from the same cruise ship, the Royal Princess, and were returning from tours of Misty Fjords National Monument. CORRECTION: Coast Guard responds to crashed plane in Mutiny Bay, WA (html) 09-04-2022 | US Coast Guard (USCG).
Pilots Suspended After Airbus A320 Cockpit Fistfight
2 Air France pilots suspended after fighting in cockpit (html) 08-29-2022 | USA Today. Fisticuffs in the cockpit, leaving a leaky engine running while cruising over Africa. It focused on a fuel leak on an Air France flight to Paris, when pilots rerouted the plane but didn’t cut power to the engine or land as soon as possible, as leak procedure requires. Pilot and co-pilot had a dispute shortly after takeoff, and grabbed each other by their collars after one apparently hit the other.
Two Air France pilots suspended after fight in cockpit prompts cabin crew to intervene (html) 08-29-2022 | Air France/KLM | The Guardian. Scrap comes to light after French air watchdog cites fuel-leak incidents in saying some of airline’s pilots not properly following safety protocols. Similar cases between 2017 and 2022 where some pilots were acting based on their own analysis of the situation instead of safety protocols. The Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses (BEA), the official French organization responsible for technical investigations of civil aviation accidents and incidents, recommendations which include allowing pilots to study their flights afterward and making training manuals stricter about sticking to procedure.
Two Air France pilots suspended after cockpit fistfight (html) 08-28-2022 – BBC News. Two Air-France pilots have been suspended after a physical altercation in the cockpit, reports say. The captain and first officer exchanged blows as they flew an Airbus A320 from Geneva to Paris in June. Members of the cabin crew intervened after hearing the noise. One crew member stayed in the cockpit until the flight landed safely. The incident comes after a report published by France’s air investigation body on Tuesday said that the airline had a culture which lacked rigor when it came to safety procedures.
2022 – 1 – Yet Another Helicopter Crash in a Residential Neighborhood!
Cal Fire helicopter crashes in Banning residential neighborhood; three people injured (html) 09-10-2022 – CBS Los Angeles. Three people suffered moderate injuries Saturday after a Cal Fire helicopter crashed into a residential area in Banning, Cal Fire Riverside County Fire Department confirmed to CBSLA. Luckily NO houses were struck by the helicopter, CBSLA has learned. The pilot and two Cal Fire firefighters were inside the 1980 Bell 206 helicopter when it crashed. Fortunately, all three suffered moderate injuries and were alert when first responders arrived. The crash was certainly a shocking sight to see for residents who live near the Banning Airport. Cal Fire said that the crash was caused by a malfunction. It’s unclear what kind of malfunction that was. “It started like spinning then it started falling down and then it just fell down and pieces went everywhere.” Three Injured After Helicopter Assigned to Fairview Fire Crashes (html) 09-10-2022 – NBC Los Angeles.
Kathryn’s Report: 1980 Bell 206L-1 LongRanger II, N242BH: Accident occurred September 10, 2022 near Banning Municipal Airport (KBNG), Riverside County, California (html).https://registry.faa.gov/N242BH
References & Further reading.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Public Information re Airports-Flying in Michigan
All information, anywhere on this site, is PUBLICLY available information available to anyone!
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Public Information re Airports-Flying in Michigan:
- U.S. Civil Airmen Statistics (html) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The U.S. Civil Airmen Statistics is an annual study published to meet the demands of FAA, other government agencies, and industry. It contains detailed airmen statistics not published in other FAA reports.
- FAA Registry – Airmen – Airmen Inquiry – Name Search (html) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
- Airport Data and Information Portal (html) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Export All Public Information re Airports-Flying in Michigan.
- FAA Home ▸ Licenses & Certificates ▸ Airmen Certification.
- FAA Home ▸ Licenses & Certificates ▸ Airport Certification.
- FAA Home ▸ Licenses & Certificates ▸ Aircraft Certification ▸ Aircraft Registration. Aircraft Registration – Releasable Aircraft Database Download (html).
- FAA Home ▸ Air Traffic ▸ Technology ▸ Equip ADS-B. Find out if your equipment is working properly.
- U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aircraft Inquiry (html). Official Aircraft N-Number Lookup.
General Reference & Further Reading
Accident and Incident Preliminary Reports (html) – AIN Summary Page | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aviation Safety Information Analysis And Sharing (ASIAS) System. NOTE: Check for daily incidents and accidents.
Lessons Learned (html) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Lessons Learned from Civil Aviation Accidents.
North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).
North American Aerospace Defense Command (html) – North American Aerospace Defense Command conducts exercise Falcon Virgo | Facebook| By North American Aerospace Defense Command. US Coast Guard MH-65D helicopter.
Total number of licensed drivers in the U.S. – by state (html) | Statista.
Licenses & Certificates (html) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
U.S. Civil Airmen Statistics (html) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Private Jets to Airliners: The Use of Private Aircraft in Narco-Trafficking (html) 02-14-2022| AML Rightsource.
Aircraft Noise Complaint (html) | Livonia, MI.
Airport Noise/Master Plan (html) | City of Dearborn Michigan (html).
Noise (html) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Noise Complaints & Inquiries (html) | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
The Conflicting Interests of Airport Owner and Nearby Property Owner (pdf) | Duke Law Scholarship Repository (html).
GUSTAFSON v. CITY OF LAKE ANGELUS Michigan (html) | FindLaw. NOTE: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) acknowledged that land use matters within the Federal Aviation framework are intrinsically local.
Taking county to court over aircraft noise (html) 08-09-2016 | News | Almanac Online. Small claims court finds county responsible for airport noise.
Civil Aircraft as Weapons of Large-Scale Destruction: Countermeasures, Article 3BIS of the Chicago Convention, and the Newly Adopted German “Luftsicherheitsgesetz” (pdf) 2005 | Michigan Journal of International Law (html).
Using the Air Force against Civil Aircraft: From Air Terrorism to Self-Defense (pdf) 2012 | Air University (AU) | United States Air Force (USAF).
Homeland Security: Protecting Airliners from Terrorist Missiles (html) (pdf) RL31741, February 12, 2003 – February 16, 2006. – EveryCRSReport.com.
The right of the overflown state to divert or intercept civil aircraft under a bomb threat: an analysis with regard to Ryanair flight 4978 (html) (pdf) | Journal of Transportation Security volume 14, pages291–306 (2021) | SpringerLink.
Past Attacks, Future Risks: Where Are We 20-years After 9/11? (html) (pdf) | Scholar Commons (html) University of Southern Florida (USF).
Taking to the Skies (html) 12-10-2021 > JAG Reporter | Judge Advocate General (JAG) School for the Office of the Judge Advocate General | United States Air Force (USAF).
Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS): A Terrorist Threat to Civilian Aviation? (pdf) Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC). Research for a More Peaceful World.
Acquisition and Use of MANPADS Against Commercial Aviation: Risks, Proliferation, Mitigation, and Cost of an Attack (pdf) 2019 | RAND Corporation. AD1090527 (pdf) | Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC). Preserving Knowledge. Connecting People. Inspiring Innovation.
HEAR HER Campaign (html) | CDC. Learn the urgent maternal warning signs. You could help save her life.
Black Maternal Health Week (html) | Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals (html).
Working Together to Reduce Black Maternal Mortality (html) 04-06-2022 | Health Equity Features | CDC.
Merck for Mothers (html). Merck for Mothers is Merck’s global initiative to help create a world where no woman has to die while giving life.
Merck for Mothers: Helping end maternal mortality (html) 09-08-2021 – Merck.com.
Michigan Youth Challenge Academy | Michigan.gov. Dream. Believe. Achieve. The Michigan Youth Challenge Academy educates, trains, and mentors at-risk youth in a quasi-military environment at no cost to participants, giving young people the skills to become productive and responsible citizens. Applying the military model to alternative education, the Academy promotes competency development through academic opportunities, life skills, and vocational preparation.
Visual Flight Rule (VFR) Navigation Charts
The Difference Between VFR vs IFR (html) – Thrust Flight. VFR stands for Visual Flight Rules, and IFR stands for Instrument Flight Rules. VFR and IFR are the two different sets of rules for piloting an aircraft. Pilots use these terms in all sorts of ways, from the type of airplane they’re operating to the weather at the airport.
VFR Navigation Charts. Sectional Aeronautical Charts. Sectional Charts are designed for visual navigation of slow to medium speed aircraft. The topographic information consists of contour lines, shaded relief, drainage patterns, and an extensive selection of visual checkpoints and landmarks used for flight under VFR. Cultural features include cities and towns, roads, railroads, and other distinct landmarks.
VFR Aeronautical Chart Symbols (pdf) | Texas Interagency Coordination Center (TICC) | | Texas A&M Forest Service | Texas A&M University. Excellent VFR Chart Users guide. General Information. Symbols shown are for World Aeronautical Charts (WAC), Sectional aeronautical charts and Terminal Area Charts (TAC). When a symbol is different on any VFR chart series, it will be annotated thus: WAC or Not shown on WAC.
VFR charts display aeronautical information with sufficient topographic detail to facilitate air navigation through the use of a unique color scheme, layer tinting, and shaded relief.
- FAA Home▸ Air Traffic ▸ Air Traffic Plans and Publications.
- Aeronautical Information Manual (html) (pdf) – AIM | FAA.
- Types of Charts Available (html).
- FAA Home▸ Air Traffic ▸ Flight Information ▸ Aeronautical Information Services ▸ Digital Products ▸ VFR Charts – VFR Raster Charts. NOTE: See Detroit.
- FAA Home▸ Air Traffic ▸ Flight Information ▸ Aeronautical Information Services ▸ Catalog of Products ▸ VFR Charts ▸ Helicopter – Helicopter Route Charts.
- Aeronautical Information Manual (html) (pdf) – AIM | FAA.
SkyVector: Flight Planning / Aeronautical Charts.
Aviation Charts on Google Maps (html) | iFlightPlanner. NOTE: includes nice weather overlay.
VFRMAP (html) – Digital Aeronautical Charts.
NAV CANADA Visual Flight Rules (VFR) Publications.
Visual Flight Rules (VFR) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety.
Visual flight rules (html) – Wikipedia.
Basic Concepts of Geolocation
Basic Concepts on Geolocation (pdf).
INSPIRE: The entry point to Europe’s Big Geospatial Data Infrastructure (pdf)
AC 61-98D – Currency Requirements and Guidance for the Flight Review and Instrument Proficiency Check – Document Information
Every 24 calendar months (2 years) a pilot must pass a flight review to retain the privileges of his or her certificate. According to AC 61-98D, “The flight review is not a test or check ride, but an instructional service designed to assess a pilot’s knowledge and skills.” A flight review consists of at least one hour of ground instruction and one hour of flight instruction. Most people should plan to schedule at least three hours to include time for paperwork and briefings. Although it is impossible to “fail” a flight review, pilots will occasionally require additional training.
This advisory circular (AC) provides information for certificated pilots and flight instructors to use in complying with the flight review required by Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61, § 61.56 and the recent flight experience requirements of § 61.57.
- AC 61-98D – Currency Requirements and Guidance for the Flight Review and Instrument Proficiency Check – Document Information
- AC 61-98D Editorial Update (PDF, 451 KB)
- AC 61-98D (PDF, 451 KB)
- eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 61 — Certification: Pilots, Flight Instructors, and Ground Instructors.
- eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 61 — Certification: Pilots, Flight Instructors, and Ground Instructors.
- FAA Regulations | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
- Pilot Schools (14 CFR Part 141)
- eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 91 — General Operating and Flight Rules
Veteran’s Facilities & Resources: Related Links
United States – Federal – Veteran Resources
- US Department of Veteran Affairs
- VA » Veterans Benefits Administration » Regional Benefit Offices » Detroit Regional Benefit Office
- VA » Veterans Benefits Administration » Regional Benefit Offices » Detroit Regional Benefit Office » Other VA Facilities
- VA » Veterans Benefits Administration
- VA » Health Care » Vet Center Program
- VA » Health Care » PTSD: National Center for PTSD
- Apply for VA Health Care
- My Health e Vet
- Women Veterans Health Care
- eBenefits
- Veterans Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 Press 1
- Today’s Caregiver
- VA Caregiver Support
State of Michigan – Veteran Resources
- Michigan Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
- VA >> Health Care >> Public Health >> Military Exposures
Service Organizations – Veteran Resources
Service Offices in Michigan – Veteran Resources
- Michigan Veteran Affairs Agency
- American Legion
- The Military Order of the Purple Heart
- Vietnam Veterans of America
- Disabled American Veterans
- Paralyzed Veterans of America