Continued ‘Touch-n-Go’s’, Ignoring State Mandated NAP, etc. . . .

After the 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal staff leaves at 4pm, pilots still take advantage of the ‘Unattended Airport’ status and do whatever they want. Touch-n-Go ops, ignoring the State mandated Noise Abatement Procedure, following their own made up ‘pattern’ when they think nobody is watching! The airstrip is supposed to be attended from 0700 (7am) to 1600 (4pm). Most of the time you cannot tell if there is any staff to be found on the property, unless they’re hiding working on their own airplanes and getting paid by MDOT to do it.

The FAA, State of Michigan, MDOT, and surrounding communities cannot control this out of control airport. The voters have better  things to do than ‘police’ this airport, Governor Snyder close 1d2 down!

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